World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

One Big Massive Lore Dump! Part 3

Just want to write a reminder that all these posts of this nature will be out of date compared to what's happening in the main storyline. maybe one day I will write an up to date Glossary. I also don't want you hating on my grammar or spelling on lore dumps, I never cared for that while I was writing, only wanting to put thought to paper when I was making it. with that in mind, please enjoy the lore dump.


Vampire: vampires are a semi immortal race. Unlike what most would think they are only weakened during the day but they are still very powerful just not 100% they do not need to drink blood but can substitute it for food, they also drink blood inorder to gain benefits from the one they are drinking from. They also have an ability to make blood thralls or bloodbound through the giving of their blood. Blood thralls being somewhat undead in nature in that usually they give their blood to a corpse to make it rise from the grave to do their bidding or willining change their blood to make someone their slave. Bloodbound is when they give someone one their blood but in a more intimate manner in that the bloodbound binds the willing person to the vampire in exchange for increased lifespan, beauty and power. Being bloodbound makes it so that like a blood thrall you can't betray your master but you get to keep your mind. Being bloodbound is a huge honor that vampires reserve for their most trustworthy servants though some will just wily nily give it out based on their preference. They are only so many bloodbound and blood thralls a vampire can make and it is based on their power, rank and skill. Vampires are masters of blood, arcane, shadow, and necromantic magic. They are also very good at enchanting and alchemy. They have a few weaknesses to light and holy magic. They can live forever unless killed. They are a proud race. They can hibernate for long periods of time. They can see in the dark. And have special vampire powers. Vampires have large mana pools and they have a natural affinity for magic that makes them great sorcerers. Due to the fact that they can live for so long they can increase their mana pool almost infinitely making it so that the older the vampire you face the more dangerous they are. Also the higher the rank of the vampire the less weak they are to sunlight and spells that do light and holy damage. Their evolution ranks follow as this, lesser vampire, vampire, greater vampire, high vampire, ancient vampire, elder vampire, ancestor, progenitor , true ancestor, and first one. The court ranks of vampires also add to their power like the evo ranks do. They are beautiful or handsome creatures with an almost unnatural grace to their movements. They have a high regen rate. They do not have a single blemish on their flawless skin. They have canine/eye teeth that are slightly more prominent than the average person. They keep their youth, they stop aging after a certain point. Most take vampires to be some form of undead, they are in a way, but they are warm to the touch, and have a very slow heartbeat than normal, they can give birth as well but it is very hard for them. They can stay very still almost like a corpse, this is because vampires have much more control of their bodies and minds than most people do. It is more accurate to say that vampires are half-alive than undead. Not only that but over the many generations, vampires have interbreed with those considered the living race and so vampires are far different than those who were the first vampires of their kind. Their appearance is statuesque, beautiful or handsome. With unnatural grace and movement.

High-Ghoul: high-ghouls are what comes after a greater ghoul when they evolve, they are considered an intelligent undead that lives on the long side with and are usually employed by vampires in the vampire lands. They are quick and strong and are just as intelligent as the average human. Like vampires they are semi immortal in that they can live for a long time as long as they are not killed. High ghouls like vampires don't always need to eat meat they can also eat vegetables and fruits, though it isn't very tasty to them, due to their evolved statues. Like vampires they can hibernate for long periods of time. They can see in the dark. They are more inclined to the martial pursuit as magic is a bit hard to come to them for some reason. The evo ranks of ghouls are as follows, lesser ghoul, ghoul, greater ghoul, and high ghoul. They are weak to holy magic. They have a high regen rate. They look like grey skinned or grey blue skinned humans without any bad features. They do not age.

Lich: liches are what you get when a spellcaster decides to try and go undead to avoid dying, it is usually done by necromancers. Like vampires they have a large mana pool and an increased affinity for magic giving them great potential for becoming sorcerers. Since they will not die unless killed they can increase their mana pool almost indefinitely. They like the vampires are masters of the undead and can raise many and control many. Despite the bad reputation that liches have, the vast majority are scholars and researchers who just didn't wish to die until they have discovered all that they can about magic and then some. The evo ranks of lich’s go as this, lesser lich, lich, greater lich, high lich, and one more that hasn't been discovered yet. They too have court ranks that give them power like the vampires. Vampires usually employ them to help bolster their undead armies and take them on as advisers to help run their territories. They are valued for their knowledge. They do not age. They can recover from damage such as broken bones if enough mana is given to them. Their soul is trapped inside their own body, inside their ribcage, but should their corpse be destroyed, as long as no damage was done to the soul, they can find a new corpse to possess, or become a ghost if they chose. If they possess a lesser zombie or other type of undead, they will lose some of their original power but can evolve through their known bodies evo line.

Dhampire: usually the offspring of a vampire and a non vampire spouse. Dhampirs have all the benefits of vampires without any of the drawbacks, just a little less on benefits. But they do also get all the evo ranks and court ranks as well as the buffs that come with it and whatever they gained from their other bloodline as well. There are cases where a vampire will have a harem of other races to produce dhampires in the hopes of gaining warriors or otherwise that are immune to light and holy magic, acting as bodyguards for their parents. Dhampires, like vampires, stop aging at a certain point and are semi immortal but only up to a point as they can actually die of old age. They can live up towards 500-700 years unless they do something to increase their evo rank or court rank. But it usually is a non issue since if they meet the required rank in evo such as high vampire they do not need to worry about dying old anymore and they usually meet that requirement because they just live that much longer than the average person. Because of this many dhampires try to beeline for the evo rank of high vampire. Dhampire also look more alive than their vampire counterparts but only by a little. They still retain the almost unnatural grace and movement of the vampire,Their appearance is statuesque along with the beauty or handsomeness of vampires as well. They keep their youth, they stop aging after a certain point. Some dhampires are heirs to their clan or house, and therefore there are a few dhampires in high vampire society, vampires also do not deem dhampires in their ranks as a bad thing, only a few do who do not like the thought of half bloods not knowing their place. That admittedly there are many who look down on half-bloods.

Human: one of the most numerous races in the world that take many different appearances and can mate with many different races. Due to their adaptability they can survive anywhere given enough time and even their descendants can change to better fit with their surroundings. They are the most confusing of races as they will be open and willing to change and adapt to the societal environment they introduce themselves to and on the other they will put to the sword those with a slight difference in opinion then themselves. They are a proud, arrogant, and humble race that embodies the ideals of jack of all, master of none. Thought that might not be as true as other races wish it to be. Their drive to improve their standing in life is their greatest motivator. Their evo ranks are, human, high human, ascendant human, celestial human and divine human. The average human lives for 80 years or so but high humans live for 120-200 years. They are on average 5-5.10 tall, though some can be taller or shorter, their appearance differs from person to person and from nation to nation, region to region.

Half-breeds half-bloods: the half breed are a generalization of all those who are of mixed race, half elves, dhampires, half orcs and more are examples of half breeds. Most half-breeds are those who are of mixed race with a human and another race but that doesn't mean that they can't be produced between other races. Half-breeds usually have the best of both worlds when it comes to their races, they usually gain the race of their parents, just of a lower evo rank, and almost none of the weakness, especially if the strengths of the parents cancel out the weakness of the other race. Half Breeds are more common than most would think, many are beast-kin. Example, half elf would have the race of lesser human and lesser elf, and they would have to work to raise their evo ranks. Half Breeds have the lifespan of the agragret of whatever race their parents are, after that they can add their lifespan by the evo ranks average. Example would be if a halbreed were able to be a high human and high elf their combined lifespan would be 1020-1400 years. Half-breeds are fairly common, considering the gender ratio between male and female.

Elf: the elves are a beautiful long lived race with natural magical talent and a lifespan of 400-600 years on average for a common elf and 1000-1200 for a high elf. The evo ranks of an elf is an elf, high elf, celestial elf, divine elf. They also have a branching evo line of elf, lesser fae, fae. They are proud of their culture and heritage. They are great artisans and scholars who thirst for magical knowledge. They care for the environment and wish to live alongside it the best they can as they respect the world around them. They are prone to arrogance. They once ruled over most of the entire region one time. They are great enemies of the vampires who they had a great war with a long time ago. They are known for their mysterious ways. They have many fae allies who they live in harmony with. They have a hard time repopulating, but since they can live for a long time they dont feel like they need to worry about it much. They are the same height as humans, they are considered beautiful by humans. They have low light vision and quick reflexes and dexterous hands. Their affinity for nature and magic make it so that they have an easier time using magic for the use of growing and controlling the nature around them, they also seem to have an ability to detect life around them.

Half-Elf: the children between another race and an elf. They are usually between elves and other fae but the second type of half elf is between an elf and a human. They are usually welcomed in the Alria Federation, because they share both elf and fae blood but that doesn't mean they are treated the same way. Half elves have their own troubles and privileges that come with a longer life and mixed parenthood. They mostly live in arboria.

Gnomes: gnomes are very curious individuals shorter than halflings, they are very good with their hands and prefer to craft then to adventure. They are used for getting into those hard to reach places and to craft very intricate and complex craftsmanship that is used by many all over the world. They are only 2.5-3.2 feet tall and look like even shorter halflings, they are very rare to come by since they usually keep to themselves and prefer not to go out of their little communities making finding them difficult unless already knowing where they are or are led there. They live for a long time, and should they need to, they can mate with other races that are larger than themselves without problems to produce offspring.

Dwarf: Dwarves are a short stocky race that live in and on mountains, usually because that's where the ore is. They are naturals when it comes to stone working and blacksmithing, which they are known for but they are also well known for their alcohol and tools that they make. They live a bit of a cliche but there is more to them than just that, for example not all dwarves wear beards, that is a social thing they prefer not to get into explaining. Due to their durability their beards are fire proof and protect them from the fires of the forge. Women of course can't grow beards. They are an honorable people where your word means a lot more than in most places. They live for about 120- 150 years on average. Their evo ranks are dwarves, high dwarves. Then they have a split evo rank where they either can go, ancient dwarf, or forge dwarf. They don't yet know the other ranks above that or if there are other evo’s possible for dwarves ethier. Dwarves are around 4.2-5 feet tall. They have low light vision and dark vision. They have good hearing and balance and have dexterous hands. They are stronger than they look, being able to carry and lift things that most humans with greater height would find difficult trying to pick up.

Halfling/Florons/Grassfolk: Halflings are an all female race that requires other males from other races to reproduce as they will always give birth to a female. Due to their smaller size they are a bit more durable and have evolved to accademate those of bigger size than themselves. They look like small children but with more womanly figures to themselves and can pretend to be kids making them almost perfect spies, though some cant do to their breast size or figure. They have integrated themselves into society in a way that makes them almost indispensable. They are the maids and the cleaners and the sowers. They are very good rogues and tailors and very good with their hands in general. They are around 3.4-4 tall and live around the same as the average human. They have a unique adaptation where after enough about 2 or 3 generations they will take on the physical appearance of those they mate with the most. An example would be a halfling mating with elves for several generations will have a slightly longer lifespan and pointed ears, and those who mate with beast-kin and such may be born with cat ears, tail and claws with the ability to see in the dark. Or a dog or raccoon, essentially like a mini human with animal parts. Their evos ranks are also very unique in that halflings can evolve into dwarves or amazons, which is their prefered evovotion, or other types of small folk. They have strange only women centric evolutions. They keep their youthfulness until death. They stop aging after a certain point. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would come with the risk of being a lesser variant. They also have different names due to people calling them different things, after all halflings didn't always call themselves halflings, though the name stuck after a while.

Amazon: Amazons came over with the aasimar and angels far from the west. They are a race of all females who are very beautiful. They require males of other races to populate their kind as they will always produce a female. They are a strong warrior race that values martial power and the desire to grow stronger. They live for about 90-120 years while keeping their youthfulness up to 90 years. They have great beauty and are naturals at war. Their evo ranks are amazon, war maiden, valkyrie. Once a Valkyrie they have retractable wings made of light that they can use to fly with. They are a very honorable race who provide their services for goods and seed from males. When they find a male they deem worthy they will take him as a husband and bring him back home to impregnate her and her extended family. If the male beats her, she will be the wife of the male and serve him faithfully. They can also serve a male faithfully if they deem him worthy. They have an affinity for becoming paladins of gods, which is one of the requirements of evo rank evolving. They have communaul use males for their society where the village will try to acquire a male for use of the females who can not get one for themselves to help keep the population up. They do not look down on males or other races, they try their best to fit into other societies for the sake of pop growth while trying to keep as much of their culture. They stop aging after a certain point. They have an agreement with the aasimar and angels of the angel’s conclaves to protect them in exchange for a few visits from their males every few times a year. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would come with the risk of being a lesser variant.

Goblin: are an all-female race, like amazons. Due to their smaller size they are a bit more durable and have evolved to accademate those of bigger size than themselves. When a female goblin reproduces with a male of another specious the child will always be born as a female goblin. The goblins are very pretty and look similar to halflings but with a healthy looking green color with pointed ears, they are dexterous and smart. They are about 3.2-3.10 tall. They live for about 20-40 years. In many places the goblins are used as a form of slaves in the vampire lands and the demon lands since they reproduce easily and are more willing to listen and obey. Goblins have many varied evolutions. It goes from goblin, greater goblin, high goblin, after that no one knows, but it is the most common for wild goblin evolution. The other evolution is goblin, hob-goblin, oger, oni, kishin. Another evolution line is hob-goblin, amazon, war maiden, Valkyrie, when goblins go through this evolution their skin can change with each evolution but with a unique but still pretty appearance. Then hob-goblin, half-lord, lord, hig lord. There are supposedly more evolutions but no one knows. Hob-goblins are more mature looking versions of goblins, where goblins would kinda look like kids, hob-goblins would look like teenagers at around 4.2-5 tall, hobs can live for 60 years or so. Goblins and hobs keep their youth until death. They don't age after a certain point. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would come with the risk of being a lesser variant. Also they can evolve into orcs. Both civilized goblins and feral goblins have a high reproductive rate. Goblins can choose between live birth and egg birth. Live birth will produce superior goblins, that take about 3 months to gelstat and 6 months to mature. Egg birth take 2-3 days to lay a egg, about a month to a month and a half for the egg to hatch, and 3-4 months to mature. Eggs can be made to not hatch for years if made to do so, they will come out then mature, but their minds will still need to develop about 3-4 months. Those that come from eggs are considered lesser goblins.

Mer-Folk: Beautiful people with light blue skin or normal human skin and smooth fish scales that randomly cover parts of their body, a little elvinish in appearance, but without the arrogance, They have blue, black, blond or green hair and can hold their breath underwater for several hours before coming up for air. They can handle deep pressure and go deep quickly without fear of the oxygen exploding in their lungs. Their breathing is more like being able to hold their breath for long hours, up to 8 to 12 before coming up for air then going right back underwater, their skin also allows for breathing. Their skin is smooth to the touch. They are naturals at water magic. They have the same lifespan of a human. They are nice people who love the sea, they adapt easily to new environments so long as it's close to the water. They are a bit insuler and they feel a little left behind at the rate of technology progressing. Merfolk can live for 80-100 years. Mer-folk can evolve into Siren(female only), and Atlantean. Sirens are like Mer-folk in appearance but far more beautiful and with far more magical power over water, their voices are very charming and they live far longer than mer-folk. Mer-folk supposedly can adapt and gain new evolutions, so no one knows where their evo’s can go.

Atlantean: atlanteans look more like humans with pointy ears and fish scales covering some parts of their body just like mer-folk. The difference is that they live longer up to 120-250 years and that they can live longer in the water before needing air, up to 22 hours. They have more magical power and greater water affinity. They keep their hair color. They can evolve into high atlanteans. They are a bit arrogant. Some keep their skin color.

Kobold: Kobolds are a catch all for all beasts that evolve into a form that is bipedal with opposable thumbs and a slight increase of intelligence. They keep their lifespan usually but it can increase as they evolve. They can evolve from wolves, cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits, lizards, and more. As they evolve they look more and more humanoid and intelligent, to the point they can form tribes and culture. Kobolds evolve when a particular beast with high magical concentration and intelligence has a desire for more intelligence. Kobolds then can gather others of their species and try to teach them things that will help others of their species evolve into kobolds. There is not much known about how a beast evolves into kobolds but tamers have the ability to selectively choose such an evolution for their tamed beasts if they meet the requirements. As they evolve they live longer but also reproduce slower and less. The evo ranks of kobolds are lesser kobold, kobold, greater kobold and high kobold, after that they can evolve into a were-?,beast-kin, beast man. A greater kobold is more upright and intelligent and looks more humanoid. High kobold has the intelligence of the average person and looks most like a humanoid but furry. Kobolds also grow until they meet a certain average of humanoid height. Were-?, are essential were wolves or were-foxes and so on. Beast kin are like humans but with animal features. Beast man or essentially the next stage of high kobold where they keep their furry features, but such a choice is rare since most go for beast kin. They have a hard time learning magic. Some tamers and owners of pets would sometimes try their hand at turning their animals into a kobold to have a better helper or fighter at use for them. Almost any animal can become a kobold. Animals such as rabbits and squirrels will be pretty short, similar to halflings, bears and such will be far larger than a human.

Beast-Kin: beast kin are almost in all societies that are open to other races and are the most accepted of the beasts. They are just as intelligent as others but with extra animal features, but some actually like those animal features on a humanoid body so there are some advocates for them and some who worry they are not far from being wild beasts that can attack them. Each beask-kin, depending on the animal, they have special abilities that come with what animal they are. They live as long as an average person. They are average at magic some thought can have talent for it. They have evolutions to numerous to talk about since each are based on what kind of animal they are, some examples are wolf/dog beast kin evolves into lycan and fox beast kin evolve into kitsune, even those can have more evolutions. They are also the ones most likely able to learn and use magic.

Beast-Man: they are an evolved form of high kobold and they are just as intelligent as the average person. They are completely furry and are most animal looking but bipedal with opposable thumbs. They lack magic but make up for it with lots of strength and speed and special animal trait abilities. They tend to be a bit taller than the average person. They are ferocious fighters.

Imp: an all female race of demon-kin, that are a lot like halflings in both height, lifespan, and the fact they keep their youth, stop aging after a certain point. The only real difference is that they have a more varied appearance. Some with horns and tail, some with red skin or winges. Yellow, black or red eyes. Red or black or blonde or white hair. They also require males of other species to reproduce. Due to the many similarities they are considered offshoots or cousins of the halflings. They have their own unique evolution, some that make them into the mainstream demons, others like the fury after several evolutions. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would come with the risk of being a lesser variant.

Demon-kin: demon-kin are sometimes associated with evil, but that couldn't be farther from the truth, they are different just like any other race but with a slightly bad reputation for their tendency to view raw power as the highest form of authority over anything else, as well as their affinity for dark magic and their tendency to go a little extreme. They appear in many different forms and in many different sub species that are all demons despite the varied differences between them. The most infamous is the succubus and the even rarer, incubus. They come in a variety of colors, human color, red, dark blue, with the same variety in hair and eye color, mixed with horns, tails, and very rarely, wings. They live for about 80-100 years. Their evolution is lesser demon, demon, greater demon, high demon, archdemon, and more, subspecies of demons have evo their own evo ranks alongside their demon rank, such as a succubus being a lesser succubi, succubi, greater succubi, high succubi, lilim, lilith. They are many different types of demons, some are demonic monsters separate from demonkind, but many people lump them in together anyway, giving them a bad rep. Succubus only produce one male incubi for every 100 succubi, they stop aging after a certain point.

Orc: they are a greenskined race similar to goblins, and some have likened them to green amazons, though their colors can vary from green to dark green, gray, blue gray, dark blue gray and other similar colors with green, gold, or red eyes. They are an all female race, with slightly larger canines thought not too large to look ugly, eyes that let them see in low light, with somewhat pointed ears that allow them to hear from very far. They have black and sometimes white or red hair and are far stronger and faster than they appear. They look like well trained and muscle toned women. They are not the smartest but they aint dum ethier. They were the equivalent of amazons before amazons came over from the west. They are a tribal people that centers around community and shamanism. They are a warrior race that values a good fight. They evolve from orc into high orc, there is supposedly an evolution higher than that but no one knows. They stop aging after a certain point. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would be a lesser variant. They are a more savage race that generally do not get along well with others, though few have made the effort to join civilized society, since it has gotten harder for them to live as the many nations around have started expanding and there is less untamed or wild lands around.

Aasimar: aasimars are not solely from the angel conclaves they were around before they came, and were largely just considered people with unique divine or celestial bloodline and were associated with Troa. but angels came with a number of them so some have taken to associating them both with troa and angels. Aasimar live for about 120-150 years. They have a strong affinity for light and holy magic. They stop aging after a certain point, they are graceful and beautiful but despite the fact that they are associated with holy things they are not always good. Aasimar evolve into celestial then divine, or they evolve into angel and the evolutions associated with it. Their appearance is whatever race they came from but better looking, they can even be monsters or beasts which is why you hear of celestial beasts and such. The celestials are the same, but better than Aasimar.

Angel: angels are beautiful people with long lived lives with wings on their backs that they can use to fly with, as long as they have some help with wind magic. Some angels have unique wing styles and some can retract them at will, some are made of feathers and some are made of light. They live for about 150-200 years. They are a very peaceful race that values community and diplomacy over fighting or wealth. They have great skills in wind, light, healing, and holy magic. They stop aging after a certain age. Their evolution is lesser angel or Aasimar to angel, high angel, archangel, and seraphim. Each new rank above angel gives an extra set of wings for a total of 3 sets, 6 wings once reaching seraphim and only two sets of 4 when reaching archangel. Each evo rank of angel also has their own ranks that must be raised for a total of 9 ranks.

Godling: the rarest of the rare, they are a race of that like Aasimer, have some divine or celestial blood that is taken to the next level. They can come from any race, some are born a godling and some are so venerated by the people around them that it forms a small religion. This concentration of faith can turn a person into an Aasimar or a godling, sometimes an Aasimar can also gain the godling bloodline. But it is not always the case that just because someone is worshipped that they are made into a godling, the requirements are completely unknown, considering that even objects can become divine in nature with enough prayer and faith. It is also theorized that once someone reaches the divine rank of their race they gain the godling bloodline that allows them to be a godling, some believe its a mixture of both having the bloodline for it, being worshiped, what kind of faith is gathered, and how powerful you are, but no one is sure. Godlings can live for 300-500 on average, but this can increase by the amount of faith they gather and if they can evolve into the next rank. The evo ranks of godlings are, godling, demigod, lesser god, god, greater god, high god, god king, god emperor, creator, absolute one. They stop aging after a certain point. Despite being a godling this does not mean they are good or evil, even a godling whose aspect is that of death can be holy, only that its holy could instead heal the undead instead of hurt them. They are more divine in nature and therefore it does not always mean that they share the same moral framework of the society at large, or to put it in a better way they dont have to conform to what mortals deem divine or holy. Being divine or holy for a god, is just being.

Half-Giant: half-giant live far to the north of the dragon's maw, and live in the cold mountains, though not all of it is called. They are the descendants of actual giants that live in the north. Half giants are about 8-12 tall and live around the lifespan of an average human. Their own evo rank only allows them to become a full giant, something that's not really an option considering that while not all giants are bad, they are very dangerous and need a lot of food and space. They can be either very peaceful or very warlike, sometimes depending on where they live and who they interact with. There are cases where they live in harmony with the other races around them and sometimes they can even be considered a part of the human community that lives there.

Dragon: they are a very rare but very powerful being that is hardly ever seen but when one does the viewer is filled with both wonder, awe, and horror at what the sighting of such a beast means. Despite the fact that many people think they are a type of monster, they are in fact very intelligent, and while they do not have any large settlements they do have small clanes, a language and culture. They normally try to avoid settlements of other races, knowing what a riled up community might do to the “scary” dragon. Most dragons live in peaceful coexistence with nature and strive to keep the balance of both nature and science since they are ardent scholars and will try to hoard knowledge like they like to hoard treasure, thought for dragons they don't really need or care for an abundance of gold and such, but have found it come in useful when trying to interact with other races, offering their gold in exchange for goods, services, or knowledge. They can live for 1000-1800 or longer depending on the dragon and its rank. They can reach 20-40 tall. They lay a clutch of eggs once a century, they don't always have to allow for the eggs to hatch, so some parents will hoard eggs for hundreds or even thousands of years before the egg finally hatches on its own or a dragon finally gives it the nudge necessary for it to hatch. One of the reasons an egg would hatch on its own is because it may have sensed the lack of dragons in a given area. Dragons could sometimes hoard hundreds of eggs as the eggs would be all brought together in a dragons clan for safe protection. They can transform into a humanoid form once they reach maturity, allowing them to communicate with others, some even able to hide all of their draconic appearance. They have huge mana pools compared to other races and a ridiculous amount of magical affinity so they, when learned, can cast a lot of magic and higher tier spells compared to others. They can sometimes band together with other dragon clanes should the need arise that they feel threatened enough from an outside source.

Dragon-kin: dragon-kin are the children of a union between a dragon and one other race. They can sometimes have horns, wings, eyes, scales, claws or tail, similar to that of a dragon. They are far stronger than the average person with a higher mana pool. They tend to be either proud or a little shy when it comes to their appearance. Some are able to hide most of their draconic appearance through the same transformation that dragons go through to take a humanoid form. They can fly if they have wings for a short distance, they can not transform into a dragon. Communities of dragon-kin would live in or around the home of the dragons themselves, helpling out where they can and guarding the place as needed. So while a clan of dragons could have up to 12-50 dragons, they can have hundreds of dragon-kin. Dragon kin can live for 300-500 years, sometimes longer. The evo ranks of dragon kin are a mystery, though it is not impossible for a dragon kin to also have the dragon race, being both a dragon-kin and a dragon, meaning they can indeed turn into a dragon or at least get the benefits of a dragon despite staying in a humanoid form. Just because you have a dragon as a race doesn't mean that you can turn into a dragon. They stop aging after a certain point.

High-Harpy: harpies are mostly considered monsters, similar to kobolds. but like kobolds they can come from any of the bird species that then can evolve from. The ranks of evolution of a harpy is a bird species, lesser harpy, harpy, greater harpy, high harpy. Once a female bird of great enough intelligence, gains the requirements to evolve into a lesser harpy, the transformation will change them into a larger version of the bird but with more dexterous claws and some hooks on the wings to help them grab onto things and a more human like face, at this point they can still breed with other birds. Once they become a harpy they have a human face on an even larger sized body, their cloaca separates and becomes a vagina and anus, at this point any male, human, monster, or beast will do so long as they can lay a clutch of eggs. Then there's the greater harpy, which is more well known, they become intelligent enough to feel a little disgusted by the idiocy of their lesser kin and will strive to couple with more intelligent beings in hopes of producing more intelligent offspring, they have a beautiful woman's head on a larger and more womanly body with breasts, the little claws on their wings separate and become more dexterous and allows them to work with tools, their wings go on to their backs and are able to fold, to make it easier to move around. Finally a high harpy is like a woman, with normal human skin, they have wings on their back they can use to fly and normal arms and hands, they have normal feet but the toes end in claws sometimes, which does not stop them from trying to wear shoes though. They are also considered lesser bird-kin. There is a variant of harpy that is a bat that lives in the vampire lands and are used by the many vampires that live there. They stop aging after a certain point. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would come with the risk of being a lesser variant. High harpies also get the lesser bird kin modifier.

Bird-kin: they are, in a way, similar to harpies, and some have evolved from harpies. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they are all from harpies, they instead can like dragonkin, have an ancestor or parent that was a powerful enough bird that can transform into a humanoid and mate with a humanoid race to create a bird kin. They are also birds that have gained enough power and intelligence to transform into a humanoid form. They came in great numbers with the angels and amazons but they are not related to each other. Bird kin and angels are separate species. They come in many different shapes and forms and unique abilities. There evo ranks are lesser bird kin, bird kin, greater bird kin, high bird kin, and one more. They live for about the average lifespan of a human. They can fly with a mix of natural wind affinity magic and their wings.

Fae: a catch all for things that have to do with nature and are a part of nature in certain ways. They include fairies, dryads, naids, nymphs, nature spirits, wisps and more. They are a part of and sometimes a representation of nature. They can live alone, in tribes, or join communities of other nations. They can live and be anywhere. They are more magic than anything. They have powerful nature magic. Their evo ranks are too numerous to count. No one knows how long fae live for. They are mostly female and therefore they need males to increase their number but they can also just be randomly born in places with strong nature magic. Dryads are special beings that rule over large swaths of forest and they are the leaders of most forests. They cannot go to far from their forest without dying, though half dryads can. They are a female only race but rarely a half dryad is born. Half dryads are also female only but they can leave the forest without fear of death and they have some of the powers of a dryad with the potential to grow in more power. Fairies are a rare mix of both fae and spirit, like the spirit elementals, fairies are an all female race but are somehow able to reproduce with males of another species. Fairies have fae ranks, fairy ranks, and even spirit ranks,though they have to choose whether they want to go down the fae or spirit ranks. if they decide to go down that route. Fae and spirits are very similar to one another but there are some key differences.

Sylvan: a race of all females that are born from trees. They are a mix of both plant and person, and while their body is mostly flesh there are many plant-like aspects of the body, such as with flowers growing in the hair. They come in many different varieties, they are born from very large trees, from giant fruits. They can mate with humans and use some of the gathered life force from mating to impart to the tree, they can also produce a seed that they can plant to grow into a tree or make become a part of an already existing tree for the sake of reproduction. They are very beautiful and they can live for as long as their parent tree does, but after a few hundred years, they can slowly move farther and farther from their parent tree and not need to fear death should their parent tree die. Young syvan can also take part of a tree with them so that they can leave their parent tree without complication, or they can mate with a male and create a special seed in their womb that allows them to move away from their parent tree. Without these three options those who leave their parent tree without taking the proper precautions, will slowly wilt and die, or become a tree, or slowly go insane as the connection between them and their tree slowly weakens. When a sylvan is in the area of influence of their parent tree they can have a sort of connection with all those who are also connected with the tree like a form of telepathy. Dryads thought can act as a nexus for sylvans allowing them to be around dryads without their tree without problems. Dryads are revered by sylvans and they will d;o what they can for them, they are considered the leaders of sylvans.

Insect-kin: they are like kobolds and harpies but they are very rare to come by. They like most races are female only. They come in only 4 known types so far, butterfly, moth, bee, ant. They look like normal human/elf bipedal people, with human skin and normal human/elf face, but with insect features, such as wings, and antennae. The bee’s called thrai and the ant’s called foria live in large colonies. They have drones about the same size of a halfling, their workers a head taller, their soldiers about the same size of a normal person, they have instead of a queen producing all the children they have brood mothers that are slightly larger than the average person and they can produce children at a faster pace, but all positions of ant and bee can produce offspring. The queens rule over the colony. They are as intelligent as a normal person. Should no males be around they can asexualy produce a single heir once in their lifetime but it would come with the risk of being a lesser variant. They stop aging after a certain point. Driders and such do not count as insect-kin but monsters. Queens can evo rank into high queens, hive queens and swarm queens. High queen being a queen that rules over other queens. Queens will produce other queens or high rank ants/bees. They live for the same life span of a human.

Construct: they can be anything, golems, homunculi, and others. They are all things that are made, even the homunculi who are more born then made are considered constructs since they are not technically born a natural way. most do not need to eat or breath, the only thing they really need is a supply of energy. They can be as intelligent as a normal person or completely unintelligent. They are bound to serve the master that created them but there are cases that constructs are able to gain freedom but may be too unintelligent to do anything with it. They are used for war, work, and many other things. Their lifespan is indefinite in some cases.

Monster-kin: monster kin is a catch all for things that are sometimes considered monsters or have relations to monsters but are not. Kobolds and goblins and harpies are an example of these. Monster kin are also monsters that are intelligent and are more willing to talk then to kill, in other words, monster kin is a fluid term for monsters that do not act like monsters. But sometimes not all people can tell who is a monster kin and who is not, which leads to some accidents and of course death of innocent monster kin.

Lizard-Kin: they can also come from kobolds and are essentially the same thing as birds kin. They live for the same life span of a human. They are human in appearance but with scales and other lizard like features.

Lizardman: they like the beast man but lizards and scally. They are very tribalistic and territory. They live in a very hierarchical society. They don't like or trust strangers, but some do trade with them.

Demihuman: a catch all for most creatures that share human appearance but with extra features. Beast kin, bird kin, and lizard kin are examples of this. This is a demeaning word used by some human supremacists for all those who are not human, this includes elves and dwarves, as if to say they are lesser than humans though over time it usually just meant that races that are not yet kin are just not at the level of full kin hood sometimes shorting it to demi kin.

Elemental/Spirit: an elemental or spirit is a pseudo physical being that is usually summoned by summoner's but can sometimes be found in the wild, they are a representation of aspects of nature much like the fae are. The most basic of elemental is the single mana core type of a certain element such as fire or water before they evolve. Wisps are the lowest and the most basic of spirits, sometimes elemental spirits are called elemental wisps and they have a mana core surrounded by a wispy fog like substance. Undine, efreet and others are considered elemental spirits.

Kin/folk: a catch all for those who are kin such as lizard kin, cat kin, dog kin, and much more are made by such groups as a word of solidarity amongst their kind.

Other: this could be anything from strange beings from other dimensions or people or races that are intelligent that are from very far off places.





Monster: monsters are the mutation of a creature that would normally not fit in any other category or is in a sense an unnatural species, that includes but are not limited to slimes, undead, beasts, and ferals versions of certain species such as monsterkin and finally as a catch all for all things that do not yet fit or cant fit in any normal category. This also includes unique variant types of monsters such as runner type zombies and brute type zombies.

Slimes: slimes are sometimes the consequence of too much magic in an environment not meeting a suitable outsource. That is to say that heavy mana in an environment can cause mutations in both flora and animals that can change them into beasts or other things but in the case of slimes they are mana cores that that act like a form of cell, they are not intelligent at all and operate as a single cell would, no one is quite sure how a mana core becomes a slime. Some say they are failed elementals or spirits, what is sure is that they are ravenous and they can evolve into almost anything and are the reasons why many unusual but still dangerous monsters can come about in the world since slimes can also evolve into other types of monsters.

Beast: beasts are what happens when an average animal is mutated by mana and turned into a form of monster or a magical animal of some form. They can be anything from birds to mammals and everything in between. Fish and insects are considered more monsters than beasts. An example would be wolves that have strong wind affinity and therefore can use some minor wind magic to make themselves faster or hide their scent from prey, rarer and more evolved breeds can fire their magic as weapons. Essentially they are animals with supernatural abilities or body parts that hold supernatural abilities that are more an extension of their body than actual magic, though some more intelligent beasts can learn magic.

Undead: undead is the catchall for all things that are not alive but not quite dead ethier, vampires are unique in that they are a bit in between and dhampires are even more so. Undead do not need to breathe, and most do not need to eat, they are usually weak to holy magic from gods that detest the undead. Many lesser undead are unintelligent and will attack anything that is not one of their kind, they have a bit of a hate for living things but do not go out of their way to attack them. Smarter undead can live in communities but due to the fact that they are undead they are not welcome in the wider living society. Ghosts, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, and many others are considered undead, the creation of undead and their use is generally frowned on but it is not just the vampire lands that use them, the study of necromancy is not uncommon in some prestigious schools. Some undead are raised when the dead are not properly buried and their negative energy they produce raises them and others like them, after all the soul is the base of mana and therefore the soul can raise its dead body thought usually without any prior memory of their past life, vampires view the use of souls to raise the dead as dark necromancy and instead just use spiritual energy to make a pseudo soul to raise undead sometimes in place of or in tandem with a mana core. Undead can go into long periods of hibernation before waking again.

Skeleton: one of the types of undead that are the main staple of the vampire lands, they are slightly more intelligent than zombies and can wield weapons because of that, though they are generally weaker. The evo ranks are lesser skeleton, skeleton, greater skeleton, and more such as dread skeletons, ancient skeletons and other divergent evos such as liches. Necromancers raise them through using their mana to act as tendons for their body and giving the skeleton a core of intelligence somewhere in the body, normally in the head or chest, should the necromancer stop using his mana they will revert to their still form unless they have a mana core or are in a place with a lot of mana in the environment orwhise the mages magic will be tied up maintaining the skeleton. They can also evolve into lesser zombies. They can evolve into a variant of their species such as a dread or ancient skeletons, skeleton soldiers, skeleton knights, mages, archers, and many more.

Zombie: they are more durable and stronger then skeletons but not as dexterous and intelligent as them, they are also slower. They are usually recently raised undead, they are dangerous because if killed by a zombie there is a chance that the one killed will be raised as one. There is no fear of being turned if bitten, it is only superstition. Their evo ranks are lesser zombie, zombie, greater zombie, high zombie. They can also evolve into lesser ghoul. The lesser zombies look like pale drunk rotten versions with yellow eyes of whatever they were in life, but such creatures like greater zombies have not rotten parts on them and have gained some feelings of pain and pleasure again, they are faster and some can use weapons. They can evolve into different variant types of their species such as runners and brutes being an example. high zombies can almost be mistaken for paled yellow eyed humans with unnatural strength and durability, they also have normal intelligence.

Ghoul: they are far more intelligent than zombies and they are more alive in a sense that they have more working nerves allowing them to feel pain and pleasure to a certain degree, the pain is lessened but the pleasure on those who are greater or high is better allowing the more evolved ghouls gain more joy in their undeath then their lesser brethren. They are mostly used by vampires as second class citizens. They look like pale bluish people or sometimes just pale people with red or yellow eyes and black or white hair. Their evo ranks are lesser ghoul, ghoul, greater ghoul, and high ghoul. Like any other undead they can go into hibernation for long periods of time. Due to their ability to feel a little more they can sometimes be a little hedonistic, their role as second class citizens are usually to be employed directly by vampires as servants or soldiers.

Goblin(Feral): feral goblins are those who live outside the wider society, normally considered monsters of a sort they are hunted down due to their tendency to attack small villages or travelers for loot and males. Tamers would sometimes go looking for feral goblins to tame them and bring them under their control. When goblins wish to increase their number but do not have males of other races to increase their number then they will risk the chance of doing it with wild animals they capture to increase their numbers. As time goes on they become more numerous and more dangerous the more there are, slowly forming larger and larger communities and growing more bolder in their attacks. Wild Goblins- are slightly shorter than civilized goblins and greener, they are unkempt and tend to be what most people associate with goblin kind. They are clever but dumb and they tend to use swarm tactics in order for them to win. Blue Goblins- are even slightly shorter than wild goblins and usually live in small tribes near rivers and coasts, they tend to be able to hold their breath and have greater intellect than their wild cousins, they also have a better nack for magic and are generally more peaceful and willing to trade than to fight. Red Goblins- are slightly bigger than the average goblin, they tend to be more military oriented. They have a strict hierarchy and are stronger than the average goblin. They also tend to smith more and use tactics more as well.

Kobold(Feral): they are monsters that form from animals that have evolved to have thumbs and have grown more intelligent and have formed small societies that can pose a threat to nearby villages and travelers. When a kobold is around they will try to control other animals of their kind and try to teach them, doing their best to increase the animals intelligence and ability to use tools to unlock the evolution path to become a kobold themselves, thereby increasing their numbers not just through copulation but through turning others of their kind into more of themselves. Kobolds can be found almost anywhere. Problems arise when sometimes pets and livestock become kobolds unwantentedly though it is very rare since farmers would do their best to prevent meeting the requirements for that evolution and instead would try to make them evolve in other ways to prevent that evolution line. The most rare and most problematic feral kobold in most cases is the rabbit and the rat/mouse kobold lines due to their reproductive rate and a rats ability to make homes in many nooks and crannies of cities and towns.

Kobold((Feral)Rabbit): one of the most numerous types of kobolds that adventures fight or tame as they are very overly productive when it comes to increasing their numbers. They can be a great deal of trouble to farmers everywhere and many times small kingdoms have paid any who are willing to cull their numbers, as well as their increase in numbers when uncontrolled can form hords of rabbit kobolds that leaves nothing in their wake. They generally enjoy open plains. Despite the fact that kobolds will lose their reproductive ability as they evolve, such as a wolf kobold will instead producing a litter of 6 maybe for 4 and less and less until 1 or 2 as it evolves, rabbit kobolds still have an overly high reproductive rate even when lessend.

Crawler: Crawlers are a type of 4 legged 4 armed insect centaur like monster that have a kill on sight law on them that makes it so that once there is any sight or even the thought that a crawler colony might be around is to be dealt with immediately or to inform those who could as soon as possible. Their appearance is unique and varied but they all share common traits of black hard shells with 2 to 6 red eyes. They can either crawl on both arms or legs or upright with their arms out carrying things. They have many forms such as drones, which are the smallest and the dumbest but the most numerous. That are bigger than drones and use what the drones gather and turn it into building material or other things and use them. Packer is a large flat drone that is far bigger than other of its kinds with many more legs that carries stuff for the colony in bulk. Soldiers which are larger than workers and are bred for fighting and use primitive weapons such as spears and such. Guardians that are bigger than soldiers and protect the queen. Breeders that help the queen by either taking care of the many eggs that the queen produces or producing some of the eggs themselves to help increase their number more so. Generals that lead large numbers of crawlers. And the queen herself that leads all of the crawler colony. They are very dangerous and very territorial. A single drone is the size of a very large dog and a soldier is as large as a person. They will kill anything that intrudes on their perceived territory. There have been no known events where anyone was able to properly communicate with crawlers, tamers are not allowed to even attempt to tame crawlers.

Salmagrade: a horrific fusion of jellyfish, salamander and tardigrade. The creature has 6 legs and the overall body structure of a salamander with scales, but its body is covered in a fin membrane of slime. It has two eyes normally for a salamander but it also has to antenna with eyes at the end to give it more visibility. It has dozens of tentacles coming out of its back that it uses to shock and to grab. These creatures have a kill on sight order on them no matter what nation it is since they are too dangerous to let live. They are born very weak so much so that when they are born a strong breeze could kill them, and that is to be taken literally. But they have an ability of extreme adaptation. When a salmagrade for example is hurt by a fireball from a mage and by some miracle it survives it will run and hide to recover from its wounds, when it does it will have increased resistance to fire, if this repeats itself enough times it will not only slowly gain complete immunity to fire but will slowly be able to cast fire itself and heal itself in fire. If then someone tries water, the same thing happens and if it survives it will have gained resistance to it and may one day also be both immune to fire but to water as well. When they are born they must be on constant movement to flee from situations that are too hot and then cold even if that means they walk from the sun into the shad and then back again until they have enough resistance. They are also having to be careful what they eat because they can die from eating too much or not enough or die by eating something they can not digest yet or accidentally eating something mildly poniouse until they gain immunity, especially considering they may need to eat more to recover from injuries. But like all things, given enough time they will be able to eat anything which can leave entire countrysides in total devastation, they can even eat rock and dirt and things not considered to be able to be eaten should they gain the ability to do so, their lifespan is undetermined and they, given enough time can even gain intelligence from repeatedly running away from things and slowly learning what is dangerous and what is not. If not killed soon enough in a few decades they can be strong enough to assault villages, a few centuries they can rival dragons and assault large towns, should they have enough time and experienced enough things to gain resistance to they can slowly become invulnerable to anything. It also has the nasty habit when they are hurt and when they recover they tend to recover faster and faster, in other words their regeneration increases the more they adapt to getting hurt and their body becomes more and more resistance to being cut, or pierced making it a monster that even when it is still a baby usually only high end adventures are allowed to hunt them since the danger of a young adventurer fighting it and letting it escape could potentially let a salmagrade gain resistance and learn more about dealing with those who hunt it better. When spotted people are to tell the nearest authorities immediately. Salmagrade’s can become smart enough that they can even communicate with other people, they are extremely nihilistic and cowardly but are also oddly very proud and are not afraid to fight to the death if needed since their entire life revolves around risk they are very good at determining what they can do and what they cant.

Charm Wing(Beast): charm wings are a dangerous type of bird that are highly prized for their feathers that are like spun gold and silver with rainbow like coloration that is memorizing to see, they also have a beautiful call that lures beast and people to it. They are sadistic and vain creatures that charm weak monsters or people, leading them on a chase that ends with their victims death in a horrific manor, or into a waiting predator who will rip said monster or person to bits. They also have another name, blood wing, for they will bathe in the blood of their prey and victims, their wings absorbing the blood to make them more beautiful and therefore more powerful charm magic on their wings. Powerful charm wings can hold sway over a small group of monsters to do their bidding or to act as emergency food for the charm wing.

Wolf(Beast): wolves are an example. They can evolve from an animal into a beast or kobold. A beast is like an animal but with special properties such a breathing fire or using wind. Wind wolves are wolves that use wind magic to make themselves faster. Shadow wolves are wolves that are also pretty quick but use the shadows to hide and make sneak attacks on unsuspecting prey, shadow wolves are also a type of magic that shadow casters use. A shadow caster using magic to create shadow wolves from their magic to do their bidding. Shadow wolves(beast) and shadow wolves derived from the magic of a shadow caster should not be confused for one another, they are completely different but they also can not be depending on the circumstance. There are fire wolves that their fur is always on fire and there are water wolves that can breath for long periods of time underwater and have resistance to fire. There are spike wolves, iron wolves, ice wolves and many more. In order to be considered a beast it does not usually mean that a beast has to have a particular affinity for magic but it does have to be stronger than the average and, usually, a special ability.

Deep-Folk: they are the inverse of the merfolk, dangerous and monsters they look like merfolk but of different color and more monstrous, though some can be unexpectedly very beautiful, but those are dangerous since it's all to lure potential victims away and sometimes to kidnap mates. They serve evil creatures of the deep called the deep-ones that are very closely tied to the horrors. Because of that many races do not like them. They live in the oceans where the water is deep and light is hard to reach, they wish to conquer all in their wake and view the merfolk as an obstacle in their way of their goal. They live in a very strict hierarchical society where your place is decided at birth either by intelligence you show, beauty, or mutation, they believe is a sign of the deep-ones favor. Some have shapeshifting abilities that allow them to blend in with other races either to flee their own kindred or to spy for them. They are all connected to the deep-ones through dreams though some can resist.

Deep-Ones: deep-ones are closely tied to the horror, though many do not know it, they play an important role in the times of horror. They guide the deep ones and try to sow discord and chaos in the above world.

Large: some creatures such as wolves can evolve into a large version of themselves. Large bears, large insects, and so on and so forth, large creatures are more dangerous than their smaller counterparts for obvious reasons.

Dire: dire such as dire wolves and dire bears. Even larger than large wolves and large bears, dire wolves can be ridden into battle, many creatures the size of dire can be ridden.

Giant: giants are the same as above, giant wolf, giant bear, giant insects, which are very dangerous but those only means comparative to the animal they are based off, so a giant bear would be larger than a giant wolf and a giant wolf would be larger than a giant insect and so on. But giants are also what are called a group of people that usually can reach the heights of 12-30 feet or so, and there are even greater versions of that such as fire giants or earth giants and such that are very dangerous and hold to their own societies. There are even larger versions of giants called colossus that can tower over 60 or even 90 feet and finally the dreaded titans that can tower over 180 or even 240 feet, they are very rare and usually hibernate. But they are dangerous even if they do not mean to be and they can take on many different forms since titans and Colossus are different from giants and such.

Drow: drow are a very unique type of elf that lives in subterranean cities deep underground in large caverns. Unlike what most people think, they are not at all very evil, nor pray to evil beings, they are similar to the elves up top, just that they live underground. They have lived underground for a long time, but their communities are very small. No one knows why the drow’s ancestors went to live underground so long ago. The drow have very strange customs, and their society is mostly matriarchal.

Troll: they usually live underground away from the light since it weakens them considerably, their skin is as tough as stone but smooth to the touch. They have horns on their head and their skin is a grayish color. They have low light and dark vision to move in the dark easier. They are very territorial, and sometimes miners will accidentally dig into a home of trolls and get attacked. They look mostly humanoid, but tougher and larger and stronger. Sometimes employed by vampires.

Gargoyle: they are very similar to the trolls, but they have wings and live in large cavers like trolls but also outside during the night. During the day they are weak to sunlight so they turn their already very hard skin into stone and rest during the day but they can fly during the daytime, but are weaker for it. They look mostly humanoid. They are sometimes employed by vampires.

Horror/aberration: there is no real good name to call them, they are what they are and they are dangerous and horrific to look at. Creatures with too many limbs or eyes with unsettling abilities that make a normal person freeze up in fear. They appear out of nowhere driving people mad with fear that they love to feed off of it. Their shapes are all unique and horrid that can give a person nightmares for decades to come and when they die they leave nothing behind to show as proof of their existence other than the extra essence gained from their death. They only appear during times of horror which can come and go within moments arriving and leaving sometimes without anyone being the wiser. They can only exist during the times of horror but for most people even that is too much. They will leave a trail of blood and death wherever they go, and worse transform the bodies of their victims into more of their kind that must be killed since they will not be gone with the end of the time of horror, leaving behind a grotesque corpse that may have once been a beloved family member or friend that rises to attack others. The time of horror is usually done by a break into our reality which the aberrations come into our world from.

Jagar: these are a form of aberration that came from the corpses of their victims. Jagars look like pale corpses with yellow irises and not hair, they look male but have no sexual genitalia. A jagar reproduces by killing a victim, the corpse of which over the course of a few days will have 1-3 jagars burst out of the corps, leaving a very mummified looking corpse. The corpse then will rise after the jagars have left and will be commanded by a stronger jagar to be used however they wish. The young jagars are small like babies, but they can already move about, they look for prey smaller than them to eat. Jagars do not produce excrement when they feed, instead they can break down almost anything they eat, they have no hole in which to excrement from. The more a jagar feeds the bigger and stronger they become, and worse they can also become more intelligent. Jagars can slowly form large hordes if not stopped. A jagar can reach as large as 7 feet anything after that height is just a variant. There are many variants of a jagar that can range from spitting, to ones with claws, and other strange aspects. Worse are those that produce brood mothers in which many of their kind can be born from feeding just one broodmother. Only humanoid corpses can be raised, no others. Brood mothers lead their kind until a bigger and stronger one of their kind is born or works itself up. There are very few female jagars, maybe 1-1000, females have the ability to mate with kidnaped males, and each have the ability to become brood mothers, and then jagar queens. The females are more intelligent than the ungendered ones of their kind. Once a colony of jagars is formed and led by a brood mother, even more variants and different forms of jagars can be born. Some looking even more horrific, larger than 8 feet, and some can climb sheer cliffs, and others are walking bombs. They all have a kill on sight by all kingdoms.

Zilizard: think a t-rex but smaller and with a head and body structure of a frilled lizard. It has three eyes on its head, one on each side and one in the middle, it can shoot a beam of energy out of its middle eye. It also has three eyes on its frills that are one each side of its head, and it can move its frills forward and back, meaning that it is very hard to get in its blind spot. It only has enough energy to fire a beam from its eyes two or three times a day, and it's not very powerful, but it can temporarily stun a person if taken head on. Its eyes let it see both in low light vision and heat, with great accuracy, it can see very far, though it is not very intelligent.

Gem bunny:(name pending) (think the giza bunny from final fantasy, it's just so cute) a very cute bunny beloved by most people for its adorable appearance and its beautiful fur.

Skinwalker: one of the horrid creations that man has ever made. They are illegal in all nations including the vampire and demon lands. They are made when ten or more corpses or people who are near death or something similar like a coma and are essentially fused together in a horrific ritual making them one. They use the different body types to allow them to change their appearance such as if one of their bodies had green eyes and red hair and another blue and blackk hair the skinwalker can change their appearance to be with green eyes and black hair or blue eyes and red hair. Skinwalkers are hard to control and slowly devolve into insanity and split personality disorder as their body slowly breaks apart, the more they change the faster their body breaks. The longest living skinwalker ever recorded lasted 13 years before its body couldn't move anymore. They are faster and more agile and stronger than they appear, on top of that they can take terrifying forms to allow them to climb sheer cliffs or even glide for short distances. Skinwalkers are used as spies and sometimes as assassins for covert ops by the more nefarious underworld, they are uncaring if innocent people may get caught up and a skinwalker killing spree if and when they finally snap. There are some, skinwalkers are loyal to their creators, as much as they hate their creator, though some split personalities can love them as well.

Darkstalker: dark stalkers are what happens when an area of negative energy or areas of high density magic fuses with dark or shadow magic, giving birth to a malicious entity called a dark stalker. A dark stalker is a type of shad but far deadlier and more nefarious. They are a being of pure shadow or dark magic that comprise their form. When born they are last and curious and seek out things that interest them. Normally this means people. When a dark stalker finds a person they find interesting, things tend to go downhill from them on out for that person. The dark stalker will slowly watch over the person for days, weeks, and months for letting its presence known usually terrifying the person in question. Dark stalkers take great joy in slowly driving their victim insane, as they begin to question what's real and what isn't, their victims tend to feel like something is always watching them and the dark stalkers will sometimes obliged by showing shadows of itself, when the victim points at the darkstalker, the second anyone else turns to look it will disappear, making people question the person's sanity. From time to time the dark stalker will do jump scares to terrify their victim, then disappearing without a trace. They feed of the fear and disappear of their victim, making them stronger, should they grow strong enough they can start to physically start to move objects around, at first just switching things around and making the vitem question where they put their things, then putting knives in their hands when they sleep so when they wake up their victim will wonder why it put a knife up to its throat when they wake up in the morning. If enough time passes by a dark stalker can become stronger enough to physically harm their victim. Once their prey expires they will move onto another, mostly someone the previous victim card about, or was the victims greatest ditracter in not believing the victim, or just someone the dark stalker finds interesting. Not all dark stalkers are evil, in fact some are actually very friendly and can have pacts formed with them, they can be very caring for the person they are stalking, though that is a bit or a rarity. Not everyone knows what a dark stalker is, which makes dealing or seeing the signs of one rather difficult.

Critters: critters are one of the most annoying and weakest of monsters, thought most experienced adventures will avoid them like the plague. Critters are small humanoid grotesque creatures that are shorter than halflings that come in ugly colors. They try to come in packs of 100 and only 100, though that is somewhat difficult for them to do, but they refuse to have more than 100 for some reason. Critters are considered one of the most unluckiest creatures on the surface of the planet. When they walk they can literally trip and break their necks, sometimes when they breath they may inhale something that chokes them to death. If they find a person their group will try to attack him or her, and will most likely die trying. As they will trip over each other accidently killing each other in friendly fire. The person will not even have to move from their spot as it is more likely the group of critters in question will end up killing themselves trying to kill the person in almost a humorous way if it wasn't so sad. Unfortunately while critters are one of the most unlucky things in the world there is a chance that when they trip and fall the knife they are carrying will fly and strike the person in the eye in such a way that it will kill him. And that's what's scary about critters, they will sometimes in a crazy series of events will either kill themselves or the person in a rube goldberg kind of way. And that's why experienced adventures will stay away from them as much as they can, because no matter how likely it is that they will end up killing themselves to the last, there will always be that one in a hundred chance that they will actually kill you. No one knows how they reproduce or where they even come from. When a critter evolves they evolve into a luck stealer, they grow horns and a tail and grow even taller than their brethren, slightly taller than a hafling and they take on more womanly traits. Luck stealers become the de facto leader of their group and refuse to have more than 20 critters around them at any given time, again for reasons unknown. When a luck stealer leads its group the chances that something will go wrong for whoever they are attacking goes up and the chance that something goes wrong for them goes down, though not by much. They also tend to be tricksters and enjoy setting things up for the downfall of others, though it rarely panes out it sometimes works. Critters under luckstealer tend to live longer than without one. Finally when a luckstealer evolves they become a fatestealer, they lose their tail and horns, become even more womanly and grow taller, and grow long hair, they become somewhat blind as well. A fate stealker prefers to only have up to six luckstealers around to serve them and no more than six. A fate stealer will look for other fate stealers until they form a group of three, after that they will conspire to set in motion events that will see the most joy for them even if that means doing a lot of damage to the surrounding pops. They can scry and do some minor magics but they are still very dangerous because they can set up events that can destroy entire villages in a series of events that no one will predict, though it may take some time to pull off. Finally though it is even rarer, if shown enough kindness, or maybe it was just its deposition, a critter will evolve into a luckgiver, a it essentially the same form of a luckstealer but more womanly and prettier. Then a luckgiver will evolve into a fate weaver growing beautifully, losing their horns and tail, growing hair but their eyes can see things from far away and they can scry things from faraway, they tend to put a blind fold over their eyes.

Floaters: they are strange floating electrical tendrils with a core that float around absorbing ambient mana. They are not aggressive and will only attack if provoked, though if you get too close there's a chance that you may get shock.

Gargans: rough grey skinned and six legged beasts of burden that are fairly large enough to carry about 6-8 people on its back sometimes more depending on the size. They are low to the ground and are sometimes used in war to carry catapults and other war machines. They are mostly used by merchants who wish to travel far distances and in sometimes dangerous terrain since a gargans thick hide protects it and its size will scare most predators. They are surprisingly docile and are herbivores, they tend to eat a lot though, which makes merchants who rid them make sure that a gargan gets its greens along the way in order to save costs. They have spike-like ridges round the sides of its back that people use to fixture a platform on its back to build things on, some even build small houses on a gargans back. Some are 12 feet long.

Six Winged jeweled buttermoth: a medium sized insect with a body of a moth and wings of a butterfly that are wrought in gold and precious gems in bright colors in beautiful designs. To say to see one is to have good luck, to own one is to bring greater luck, to befriend one and your life is blessed. These bugs are very friendly and have a good head for those who are kind and who are not. They are considered very cute.

Lubara: they are massive thick skinned four legged creatures with long necks and a shell on their backs. They are massive with long legs that reach 20 feet alone, they are friendly and herbivores. About 50 or more people can fit on their backs. They can not be used in war as they do not have a temperament for it. They are very rare. It's even rarer to own one.

True Demons: these creatures are intelligent as they are cruel. They are what people think of when people think of demons. They are cruel and seek out to produce mayhem and destruction wherever they can. They are to be killed on sight since they can not be easily reasoned with.

True Angels: they are what people think of when they think of angels. They are beautiful creatures that strive to do acts of good and banish evil. They are very orderly and strict, but this can be a detriment as well as they can kill those who do not conform or kill those who even do a little evil or the lesser of two evils.

Corrupted: beings that have been corrupted by outside forces beyond or reality. They are to be killed on sight.

Zappers: creatures similar to bee’s they are electric and use that electricity to zip about and even discharge some inorder to attack predators. Their honey is considered very delicious and valuable. They are blue and black with lighting image winge patterns.

Blighted: creatures that have come from other realms or have come in contact with other realms and have changed for the worse. They slowly do damage over time to the world and must be destroyed. One should always be careful when dealing with a blighted, as they are like a sickness unto themselves. If one is not careful, they can die from them without fighting them.

Rock snake: a snake literally made of rocks. Like a bunch of medium sized pebbles connected by a thine magical thread with an eari snake like head. It has very poisonous fangs. It for some reason attacks organics near its territory, despite not eating organic materials except on rare occasions. It seems to consists of feeding off of mana and minerals.

Shinefur: strange new breed of creature that fur glows with little bulbs at he end the more it drains electric or mana from wires. A very small a cute creature with large eyes and a fluffy tail.






Environment: environments in the world of alterra are unique to say the least, sometimes they change not from region to region but from kingdom to kingdom this is because just like faith, the perception of people can alter what is fact and what is fiction. Since many people believe that the vampire lands are a dark and cloudy place, the vampire lands are dark and cloudy. Then the amar kingdom, despite being so far north, only its most northward coastal city, sometimes gets snow, during the winter, sometimes it gets snow during the summer too, though. The northern kingdoms are almost constantly under snowfall, and yet people can grow crops normally as if there was no problem. This is because most scholars believe that the environment that is changed by people's perception is magical in a way and therefore does not have the same effect that actual weather does, meaning, just because the vampire lands are constantly very cloudy or that the northern kingdoms have long periods of snow whether that be in winter or summer, the snow that is produced does not act like actual snow and therefore does not harm the plants on the ground, like cloudy days don't actually prevent the farms in the vampire lands from getting sun they need but helps those who do not like the sun walk almost freely out in the open, like the snow in the north actually helps the plants grow, otherwise most plants would not make it in such cold environments, since the snow in a way is magical and therefore contains magical energy which can nourish plants and animals.


Plants: plants in the world are somewhat similar to plants one would find anywhere on earth, but somewhat more alien in appearance and different effects. In the world mana and ki as well as other forms of energy, affect the plants in ways that are sometimes very unpredictable with a wide area of effects. Some Plants require the use of mana or ki in order to grow, while others can produce it, letting it out into the wider world where other plants and animals can make use of it. Such plants are rare. Whether an area has mana based plants or ki based plants, can vary from region to region or even from forest to forest, sometimes depending on what is the most used type of energy. There are even some plants that are infused with holy and divine energy making them something powerful indeed, as well as other elements such as fire and water, creating very unique plants with very unique properties.

Joyberries: joy berries, in large quantities are very addictive, for their sweet taste and the fact that they give a great sense of euphoria for those who ingest it. They are similar to blueberries and are sometimes confused for them by those who do not know better, but joy berries are somewhat rounder and even smaller in size with a brighter blue. Joy berries despite being somewhat additive in small quantities can be used in normally very foul or bitter tasting medicines and potions to help make taking them much easier for those involved. But they are to be kept away from children and only those who have a license for medicine making such as apothecaries, are allowed to hold on to them in any large quantity.

Aloevera: a very common herb used by alchemists and apothecaries in the creation of healing medicines and potions for consumption. They are somewhat common, but rare enough to make paying for people to look for them in large quantities worth it. There has been some success in farming them, by putting them in a greenhouse.

Lantern Tree: they are magical trees used by the elves that grow strange glowing fruits that can be ground up to make useful glowing objects, such as glowing torches that don't use fire. They got the name of lantern tree because of the way the tree looks when the fruits are hanging down, like a glowing lantern hanging from a tree.

Chimeflowers: these flowers are somewhat rare but can usually be found in fields and valleys where the wind blows regularly. They are flowers where a bell like pattern runs the length of the stem, and when the wind blows, the plant makes a tickling bell like sound that sounds like a wind chime but quieter. Therefore it was called the chimeflower.

Glow Petals: flowers that have glowing petals that gently are carried off into the night on gentle breezes. It is a sight to see, and many come from far away to see the glowing flowers at night. The petals can be ground up to make a form of glowing powder that can be useful for mages and alchemists.

Ironwood: a rare tree that has wood as hard as iron, supposedly. Hard to find but when found they are usually found with others of their kind but not in great numbers. It takes a long time for them to grow and they need a lot of nutrients and sometimes some magical help for them to grow. The wood is very valuable in both ships and airships since it is very durable while at the same time being lightweight.

Nightshade: a very poisonous plant that in large quantities can kill a person and is usually used by those who wish to use poisonous plants to kill. But apacatheries and alchemists use them for medicines as a numbing agent when used right. So not only assassins and such seek them out but also doctors for their use.

Deathbane: a very rare plant that creates a unique poison that is poisonous to the undead. Such plants are very rare considering the oddity of a plant that actually harms the undead, because of this plant is highly sought after. It is known as the only plant that can harm the undead. It has dark purple petals with two black dots on each petal, they grow on corpses.

Weeping red: another type of flower that grows on corpses, it is a red plant that when in bloom seems to weep blood. It's very dangerous and can attract other undead to it. But it can be very valuable to the right buyer.

Greedflower: this plant is made of gold and precious gems. The stem is made of gold, the flower petals are made of gold and silver with the outline of the petals also being of silver and there are gems such as sapphires, rubies, and diamonds, that are studded throughout the petals of the flower. Those who find the flower can easily become rich as its beauty and worth are greatly sought after. It is a flower so rare that only a few kings and queens and the absurdly wealthy can claim to have one. Oddly enough, no one searching for it has ever found it, only the poorest of people have found a greedflower. It is said that a greed flower looks like any other flower but when a person of pure heart and intention cares for the flower, and feeds it a very mineral rich diet, the flower will grow and bloom into a greedflower, supposedly in representation of the heart of the person who raised it. To those who raise the flower, it means much more than simple wealth to them, and if not freely sold or given, the greed flower will wilt. The flower is also sometimes called the heart flower or the love flower, since it needs a lot of love and pure intentions to raise it. It is said the first greed flower was made when a husband lost his dearly beloved wife and took his wife's favorite flower and raised it in her place. The flower doesn't always have a gold stem, sometimes it's made of crystals instead. It varies from person to person who raises it. The reason it's called a greedflower is because despite the intentions of the owner, others will try to steal or take or coerce the flower away from the owner.

Ero Grass: A heavily regulated and sometimes outright illegal herb that has unique effects on the male physiology. The plant is used to make males able to perform, even if they do not wish to, and makes it so that they can keep on going for a while. In very small and controlled quantities and diluted, it can help males perform at the cost of some of their vitality. If taken raw the erection can last hours, and most of the males blood can flow into the crotch risking the life of the male. Worse, the plant makes it so that it will drain the males vitality in order to produce sperm in quick succession, which could leave the male as a dried out husk. Because of that its very dangerous and illegal in most places.

Lunar Tears: a rare glowing plant that grows under the light of the moon, it is considered very beautiful.

Alivendisora: it goes by many names, the life giving tree, the world tree, the birth tree. It is highly revered by the elves that live in the alria federation and is not that far from its capital. The tree is dense in mana and many magical plants and animals call it home.

Sylphe weed: a plant that grows on floating islands or high up on mountains where it's very windy. It's very rare on the ground but somewhat common high up. It's used to augment potions for holding one’s breath for long periods of time, or to make one lighter than usual, or to make other things that have to do with the air.

Ember vine: a plant that grows near volcanoes or hot places. It's a vine that is slightly on fire and will grow on other plants or trees to slowly cook them in order to get nutrients. People use them as fire starters, first by chopping them up and turning them into powder they are put into a fire pit and any spark is enough to light it up. Also used in potions for fire resistance and other things.

Fire oak: a tree with a black trunk and reddish leaves that has wood that is known to burn for hours.

Lumary tree: a tree commonly found in the vampire lands. Its trunk is dark and has bluish lines that produce a glow when dark. Its leaves also glow and can continue to do so a few hours after it has been plucked.

Ash tree: a tree that is easily turned into ash. Its ash can be used to add nutrients to soil. It can also be used for magical rituals and the such for its semi-magical properties.

Luxterna: fungus that glows in the dark.

Bloodthorne: a very dangerous fungus that is very large and can reach sizes of a human person. It is a very blood red with thorns. It produces red clould like spores around it that infect all those that come within a certain area of the bloodthorn. The infected become something like zombies, trying to spread the bloodthorn and infect others. After the infected near death, they gather near the fungus to die to provide nourishment to it. Bloodthorn can also easly mutated itself and those it infects to be more dangerous.

Esophungus: a mushroom that has a very enticing smell. But if you eat it you will suffocate and the fungus will eat you from the inside out. It literally gets stuck in your throat no matter what.





Minerals: minerals are somewhat similar to plants in that they can be infused by mana and ki to take on different properties, sometimes depending what is injected into them a mineral or plant can take a completely different form and property. Some minerals conduct different types of energy better than others, and some do not depending on the purpose of the mineral. Some minerals have very unique properties that allow it to float or to even combust without shattering, expelling energy without damage to itself. Some minerals are infused with different elements that give them unique properties. Please note that when i mean mana i also mean ki and sometimes other types of energies.

Copper: copper is a common item used both for tools and magical objects. Copper can conduct mana similar to electricity. This is the reason why copper is a useful tool in making magical items for use by those who do not have a lot of money to buy something of a higher magical conductivity. Also useful in magical rituals. Can hold some magical power.

Iron: iron does not have very high magical conductivity, when trying to make an enchantment on an iron tool, magical circuits are sometimes necessary for the enchantment to take place. This does not mean that one can not put an enchantment on iron tools, only that one needs either greater skill, power, or a work around in magical circuits using other metals or specialized mana infused conduits made by alchemists. Steel is something even harder to infuse with enchantments, but again is not impossible. Iron in fact, can be used to make anti magical enchantments to counter magical attacks or effects, with the exception of steel. Most make magical tools out of iron anyway, since it makes the magical object more durable and less expensive than silver or gold or other high mana conductors.

Silver: silver is a good conductor of mana, but also of holy or divine energy, which it is often used for. It also has the ability to harm those with unholy like elements to them. It is better in conducting mana than copper is. Due to its rarity and the ability to naturally harm those of undead or dark variety, it is very useful, but not very useful as a weapon to constantly use since silver does not make a good long lasting weapon. Very useful for more high powered magical rituals and such. Some unholy people can create magical rituals to turn silver into black silver where it conducts unholy magic more readily. Very useful in holding magical and divine power.

Gold: gold is even higher than silver in conducting mana. Also used in magical rituals, and can be used for holy and divine energy easily. While it does not have a natural ability to harm things such as the undead or other creatures for that matter, it is still very highly prized for what it can do. Very useful in holding magical power and divine energy.

Platinum: it's similar to gold in its conductivity to mana but one can make more durable weapons out of it, it's even rarer than gold is and sometimes considered white gold by some. It is also similar in its use for conducting holy or divine energy, like gold. Cannot hold a great amount of magical or divine power.

Mithril: it's even harder than platinum, with even greater conductivity, like gold and copper it can conduct electricity, but unlike gold or silver it cannot conduct holy or divine energy. It's even rarer and even more durable than platinum, great masterful weapons and tools are made out of mithril. It's lighter as well. It can accept divine or holy energy with the right mana circuits. Mitheral can hold and retain magical power far better than gold, silver or copper.

Oricalcum: rarer than mithril, more durable, conducts mana and divine energy very well. Is sometimes used as a core for large and mana intensive objects. It can hold a very large amount of mana and even produce its own. Very much sought after.

Adamantium: the pinnacle of very rare and hard to find metals that whole nations will pay a fortune for. Adamantium is considered the metal of the gods, more durable than oricalcum, more powerful, can conduct both mana and divine energy the best out of any other metal, highly sought after by actual gods and godlings, used in a variety of tools, weapons and items to make god tier goods.

Mana crystal: a type of mineral that is mined out of the earth and can also be found in some monsters and beasts, they can also appear in humans and elves and others, depending on whether they practice one mana cultivation technique over another. Mana crystals are the energy source of the modern world. They can be recharged like a battery, and some can slowly regain some of their lost mana over time, making them a very useful catalyst for items that need to last very long or be reusable over and over again. Mana crystals are also very useful for use in potions and rituals. They are rare enough that no common man can get their hands on easily, but common enough that they can be used on a daily basis by a wide variety of people who are willing to pay. There has even been some research on how to reproduce mana crystals to get an endless supply. With modern mining practices and other ways, mana crystals are slowly becoming more common.

Gems: gems are generally things like diamonds and sapphires and the like. But those things are also something that can contain mana and other energy types like a battery, and some gems such as sapphires can help amplify water or healing magics. Making gems not only an aesthetically pleasing thing to look at but also useful in magical rituals and items. Not all gems are created equal. Quartz for example is a very common tool in magical items for its very common nature and the fact that it can use different element types equally and mana the same, even store mana very decently, but it's not as good as mana crystals.

driftstone(name pending): this is the stuff that most floating islands are made of, they are large stone objects that lift the surrounding rock around them and drift away on the winds, sometimes known as gravistones, since some believe they affect gravity in some way and are also used in trolleys and the such to lift large amounts of goods with the weight breaking the lift that's carrying them. They lift things up when mana is running through them but when there is no mana they can drop like a rock.

Flamestone: an example of an elemental stone. When this stone is given mana, it will burst into flames for a period of time. When mana is continually giving to it, it will continue to be on fire. Some people use it to warm their homes, others use it for use in the forge, making the stone produce crazy amounts of heat for forging. The stone does not break or shatter when it produces fire but it can if enough trauma is taken to it.

Star metal: metal that has fallen from the sky in a comet. The metal in them is strange and alien, but is useful in magical rituals and weapons.

Lighting Crystals: when lighting strikes a mineral patch there is a chance where the properties of the lighting gets imbued within and form crystals that carry the lighting attribute that contain lighting and can even shock people if they get too close. Very useful for the early electronics of this world and used in alchemy.





Gods: they are like everyday people who were lucky enough to gain a bit of divine spark and make something of it. Each god has an aspect or domain as it is sometimes called. These aspects are something they can control with ease and bless their followers with as well. A god with a fire domain can bestow the ability to use fire to their followers, same with those with water and earth. As a godling rises through the ranks to become a god, they gain abilities and power, their lifespan increases and the blessing they can give out also increases. When a godling reaches demigodhood they can create a demiplane, a special plane of existence where they can keep track of all their followers and even set up conditions for their blessing and spell to activate by prayer of their followers. In their demiplane they can control everything and some can even create life and items out of pure divine energy. If a god or goddess wishes, they can infuse a part of their being into the land around them, essentially making the land an extension of themselves. Think something like a dungeon core novel setting. This is called a land domain, a domain ruled over by a god where they are at their strongest and they can interfere more easily and control many of the things that happen inside of the domain. This is how some spirits create dungeons or spirit domains, where a core of a spirit resides at the center of a forest or cave and controls almost everything in it. Some holy beasts can do this too. Not all gods must be the one and only for a domain, some gods can share land domains and their aspect domains together, some gods are just redundant in their domains, that can mean they either do the same thing as another god or a different take or variation of that aspect domain. So there can be two gods who control fire or even more and there's no problem with that because that is probably what the Gods wanted as a domain when they reached godhood. Or perhaps one a god of fire as in the actual fire, and the other is a fire of passion or heat, there can be many different takes on it depending on the god in question. As a god grows in power, more domains can be used by the god and his followers. It is said the more domains a god has the more power that god has. They also reach a point that they can start to lose their godhood if they start to lose followers, if they need godhood to keep living, they could die, if not they can become mortal again, but region their godhood if worshipers start praying to them again. They can allow others to enter their demiplane if they wish. A god doesn't always need to provide an after life, that's a bit of an iffy thing to promise, as it's not impossible to take a soul of a follower if that follower wishes for it, said god will have to take care of that soul and provide any promise laid out before hand, this can benefit greatly both the god and the follower, as the god gets a constant source of faith energy and the follower can continue to live on or be change into something greater than before in service to their god. Each god can create a number of different types of aeons, they are a construct of one godly power that priests and the such can summon, or they can be sent out by the god to do work for them while they stay in the demiplane. They can take on the shape of anything a god desires, whether that is a person, plant or animal, and depending on how powerful it is depends on how much was put into it. A god's demiplane can grow the more divine energy is put into it, a small world can take shape, separate from the world of their birth where they can do anything. They can also alter time to make it so that it is either faster or slower than the outside world, some gods make it so that if they wish it, they can essentially fast forward the time of the outside world by changing the flow of time in their own world, at least by their perspective. As a god gains faith energy, they can condense that energy and turn it into divine energy. Divine energy is on par with essence, it can do practically everything and is highly sought after, but divine energy takes a lot of faith energy, to the point it can take years for some minor gods to make any divine energy in any suitable quantity. If a god is not careful, the perspective of one's followers can twist them into becoming something else if they have died but a portion of their spirit lived on and was changed based on the beliefs of the followers when they reamerge. Gods can die, but if there's enough divine energy and followers, they can come back, thought sometimes means starting over from the beginning again. They can change their appearance a little as they wish to better conform to their peoples perspective of them. Gods passively gain the faith energy of all those who deem themselves a part or follow the beliefs of that gods religion. So a common follower of a god may not have to constantly pray in order for that god to get something out of it as long as that follower believes that he is a follower of that god unless he does something completely contradictory to that god's will, such as following a god of fire but praising and only using water and showing disdain for fire or just going against whatever that god stands for. Remember belief is just as important as faith is sometimes. Gods can also get energy when followers do something that aligns with that god or does something in the name of that god. This is both a boon and a curse for gods, as a follower can have a misconception of that god and do things that go against that god in that god's name. When a devout follower of a god dies, there is a chance that that god will extend a hand to allow that person into a special demiplane to serve that god for the rest of its immortal life.

God thought: a god thought is an idea of a god that gains enough belief and therefore faith energy to slowly gain sentience and become a pseudo godling, but trapped in its own demiplane, linked usually to a certain place or object, requiring great effort to get out without the help of others. At first they do nothing, but slowly instinct takes over, and they crave the faith energy that they have to live off of to survive. This is how some places also form gods without anyone there to worship, or how some items gain the holy attribute without a priest to bless it. someone believed that a particular sword or item was holy, and enough people also believed it to be holy, and over time, as the years go by, the item slowly became holy. This is also how some god thoughts form. Someone believed in, say, lady luck, and that spread to others who, while not taking it seriously, can not help but feel like they were blessed when they won a good bet, or they curse lady luck, when they lose a bet. While they may not really believe lady luck, the energy of even acknowledging such a being, multiplied by thousands or tens of thousands over centuries, slowly formed a god thought that slowly became, lady luck. At first they are a god thought, then they are a god gestalt, then they are a lesser god, and from there they go the same evo line of a godling, but with better control over their divinity and more power, but with more restrictions as well. After awhile, when they accrue enough power, they can create an avatar of themselves to descend into the physical world. This avatar can either be used to further promote their faith, or do tasks that people believe that they should do, or be used on the whim of the god to have fun or do other things. Some of those who are ancestor worship can become god thoughts, while they are not the original person, most of the time they are a representation of that person as the followers believe them to be. So a great hero of the past can be a god thought that slowly becomes an actual god. It is very rare, but an actual living person, can combine with a god thought and become an actual god. Normally, the more domains a god has the more powerful, but that is not always the case, such as with lady luck and death who specialize in their own domains to the point that is far greater than most other gods can attain, it is either one has more domains, or one is especially good with the domains they have and work to perfect them.

Creators: they are the gods that are so high up most don't know anything about them. They are the gods that supposedly created everything, including the world people live on today. There is even some speculation that this isn't the only world they created and that there are many different types of worlds out there. Some believe they are part of an experiment, others believe they are on a trial to prove themselves. Whatever the case might be the creators are gods that clearly set one goal. To break out of their world and ascend. To this they create aberrations, horrors, and more to wreak havoc on the people of their world. Though some speculate that those aberration and horrors are not just done by the creators alone, but are forced into our world through the system in small increments from somewhere else. Because of the harsh conditions the creators made in the world, most are indifferent to them, true they may have made the world and supposedly them as well and made it so that they can gain power, but they made it harsh for those who live in the world as well, sometimes people think unduly so.

here is the truth. Imagine your universe, the one that contains earth. Now imagine all the other universes out there, the ones on top and below, the ones side to side, left, right, forward and backward, in all directions, imagine it like a bubble surrounded by other bubbles. Now imagine there are other universes superimposed on ours, parallel universes, imagine our universe in a circle on a page surrounded by other circles and our reality is a page in a book, and there are other pages both below and on top. Now imagine there is an edge to our pages. The creators create universes that grow in between the edge of our reality and the natural born universes of our reality. The universe that the creators create acts like a buffer between them and the edge. The things beyond the edge are dangerous and monstrous, they are what some call the eldritch, or aberrations or other words. What matters is that the creators create buffers between the natural born universe and the things that want to devour it. These universes they create have a system in place to both protect the inhabitants of the world and prepare them to protect their universe on their own. To that end they create barriers on the worlds of their choosing, which acts as both protection and a challenge for those inside the barrier to break out. The barrier will also draw in things from the outer edges of reality to challenge those who inhabit the world, small at first but overtime those things can also gain power outside the system that the creators put in place, as they are not apart of the system, thought the system tries to put some order on them for the benefit of the inhabitants of the world. There are giant towers that create the barriers that protect the world, these places are usually surrounded by aberrations and worse for reasons unknown. Once the barriers are destroyed the inhabitants can finally travel outside of their world into other worlds only to find that there is another barrier on the solar system. This one is weaker than the one that protected their world and a large enough force can break themselves out. Once a civilization breaks the barrier on their world they invite all those that come from the outer edges to come on down on the solar system they reside in, all of these things that are filtered by the larger barrier on the solar system preventing even larger things from getting through can come in. If a civilization proves themselves and conquers their solar system and gains proper space travel and weaponry, (where talking magical sci fi here now) they can traverse the other solar systems, should there by not life, then there is no barrier on that solar system, if there is, then they have an option to break it, after that they have the option to break the barrier on whatever planet that has life there. But this is frowned upon and most just break the barrier on the solar system to make traveling easier and get resources. Once a civilization breaks their own world barrier and their solar barrier is already destroyed they can be helped by those of the galactic community. Once a solar barrier, or star barrier, is destroyed even larger and greater threats can come and wreak havoc on that solar system, some the size of small moons, and that doesn't even mention what horrors await if they break the barrier on their galaxy itself. The creators created these universes to take care of whatever comes from the outer edges of their reality. But sometimes it is also an experiment to see what is the most effective. The creators want warriors, protectors to help them fight against the things from the outer edges of reality.

Ancestor Worship: no one knows where the spirits of the dead go after death, some speculate that death isn't the end but reincarnation, or going to your perfect after life, or even another world or plane, and sometimes people think its just a black void where you go to sleep forever until something happens. People know that a strong spirit can stay behind in this world if they wish to as a ghost or spectator of sorts. But the reason for ancestor worship isn't because people actually believe that they can talk to their dead relative, though in some cases that's actually the case, but to honor those who have come and gone before them. Remember the things that they fought for, they lived for, and so much more. To channel whatever is left of their spirit essence into yourself and take up their mantle. That's what ancestor worship means to a lot of people. In some cases, a small part of a person's spirit can reside on, in something like a lucky pendant or in dreams, or even like a guardian spirit for a beloved family member.

Spirit Worship: spirits are what are called the things you know are there but can't normally see, these sometimes include fae, and elementals that govern certain aspects of nature. Everyone knows that there are spirits that whimsically move about doing whatever it is they do and that they sometimes help plants grow or purify water as they wish. Some spirits take a liking to a person and give them good luck or stick around to protect them for a while. Spirits are also what shamans call and give offering to in exchange for healings or magical spells to use. Spirits are made of pure spiritual energy, thought for the fae and the elementals, it could be a bit different, as a spirit of earth can control the earth or some aspects but also be a type of elemental and have a physical rocky body. The same for all the other elementals, in fact there is a hierarchy of elementals that range from the least powerful to the strongest, that reside on their own demiplane of existence, connected to the outerworld, where both spirits and elementals reside, and sometimes the fae as well. People can create contracts with the spirits, offering them something in exchange for becoming a familiar and giving the person some power over whatever element that spirit presides over. One should always respect the spirits, since even the smaller and weaker ones can become quite the nuisance if one is not careful, and they can even have friends as well.

The current gods

Baloes:(order,control,ambition, power, nobility) the god baloes is based off of the first emperor of the baloes empire. The emperor died before he could ascend into godhood, but the constant worship of him despite that has let some of his leftover spirit ascend, and the peoples prayers and perspective of him filled in the rest. He cannot leave his demiplane though because of this. Baloes is a power hungry individual, twisted by those who claim to be his priests. No one knows where baloes begins and ends when it comes to the empire, he is supposedly everywhere, or that is what the priests claim at least. At this point Baloes is just a being of power and ambition, used by those with the right know-how to further their own goals, or others for the right price.

Istra:(moon,stars,night,prophecy, hope) a very beloved goddess of the nation of istra, who once every few years comes out to talk to her priestess in great fanfare. While no one can truly know the future, she is able to predict it to a good degree. She helped many people over the times when the alria federation was collapsing and the war with the demons were starting up, she helped them settle on the island of istra, where a mighty nation was formed. She was able to call on the aid of Aris, and in exchange for her help, helped the merfolk and bound their two people together. Istra helps Aris and Aris helps Istra. She can also, though not very accurately, predict when a time of horror will happen. More of a feeling than anything. She has become a somewhat adoptive mother of the moon elves, which has led to some changes in her appearance such as pointed ears.

Aris:(sea,water,community,song, music) Aris is the goddess of the merfolk, or at least of the merfolk that live in the halfmoon sea. She is a very kind and caring goddess who wishes for the beast for her people. When the goddess istra came to her for help, aris agreed in exchange for istra’s help in return. Aris believed there was no future for her people if they stayed in the waters forever, something istra agreed with, so they worked together to make sure that their peoples prosperity will continue on for a long time to come. There is a hidden reason as well, in exchange for help, istra will help by providing predictions on what to do, to defend against the deep folk and their evil ways.

Salvor:(luck,trade,travels,honesty,fairness) salvor is the brother to thram, not only biologically, but divinely speaking as well. Salvor was always one for wanderlust and traveling, and as he traveled he traded what he needed with those he met along the way. A very jovial and kind person, he was fair and honest with those he traded with. While it's true he is a god of trade, it is more of a means to an end for him, as traveling is more important to him than trading is, though that doesn't really stop people from praying to him for good fortune when traveling. He also seems to be pretty lucky.

Silva:(nature,harmony,life,plant,magic) the goddess of the elves, thought not of all of them. She mostly looks after the elves in what's left of the alria federation and ignores those who have left. These include the moon elves, dark elves, and snow/ice elves. She is a bit jealous in keeping the elves that she has to herself and has not allowed any other godling to try and usurp her without first swearing loyalty to her. Despite that she truly cares for those under her protection, and wishes for the harmony of the forest and nation she watches over to continue forever. She is not very happy with the way technology seems to be progressing as she sees it as a threat to the natural ways of doing things. She is very old, older than most of the current gods today. As she should be considering that when the alria federation came about, the other religions and faiths were smothered overtime, slowly killing them or putting them into hibernation. Leaving room for new godlings to become gods and take their place.

Tellia:(blood,contracts,darkness,oathkeeping, justice) she was once just a common vampiress, with a bit of divine blood in her, but due to the fact that her life was a bit of a hell as many greedy vampires wished to use her since a vampire godling was so rare. She has lost her family and her friends, and all those she thought she could trust, where just using her for their own selfish ends. One day she went mad and awakened some of her divine powers, became a goddess of vengeance and anger. As the years went by as she cut a bloody swath of death against all she felt had betrayed her she finally relented when coming upon a small orphan child, seeing some of herself in the child, the loneliness, the feeling of abandonment, and more. She took the orphan girl as her daughter and raised her as her own. Since then she has recovered a little, no more a goddess of vengeance but now of the justice that she feels all people have the right to have for wrongs done to them. To that end she became a goddess of contracts and oaths so that when someone uses her name or power and they try to break their promise, she will know and give proper justice to the offending party. The contract domain is also for her own sake as she still finds it hard to trust people, so by creating a binding contract, she at least knows that the chance of it is lesser. The child becomes a high priestess of tellias religion. Tellia dotes on her constantly, much to the daughter's annoyance, though sometimes it makes her happy.

kimara:(monsters, evolution, half breeds, family, love) kimara always felt like she was a bit of a monster. She had many different bloodlines that came about all at once, leaving her far different from all those she knew. She was ridiculed and ignored, many didn't want anything to do with her, people have heard of half breeds before, but kimara was so many at once. And many thought it was her parents fault for having ancestors for breeding with the wrong race. Despair was something that was always by kimaras side, she in fact found more friendship amongst those deemed monsters than those that raised her. It came as a surprise to her that, later, when she also gained a godling bloodline. Over the course of decades, she worked hard to help those who were ridiculed for loving what was deemed the wrong race, and became something like a patron for those sky crossed lovers who loved each other despite what their parents might think. After a while she started working more in the open, and has received some of the acceptance that eluded her when she was young.

Telem:(sleep, dreams, imagination, kindness, healing) telem was just a boy, a boy that for some reason had a very hard time staying awake. Sometimes he would be walking normally only to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. This was a very great problem both for him and his parents. But overtime, Telem found that he could astral project as he slept, not only that but that he had more control over his dreams than what he heard others talk about. One night his little sister was afraid of going to sleep because of a constant nightmare she was having and asked to sleep with him. He agreed, thinking to just humor his little sister but then found out later that night that he was sharing the dream with his little sister. He was confronted with a monster that thanks to having experimented in his dreams before was able to defeat. Later when his sister woke up, she claimed to have a wonderful dream that the monster that was plaguing her was destroyed, and since then she hadn't had that dream since. After that telem slowly awakened to his power of a godling and slowly helped others out with their nightmares and their lack of sleep. This slowly acquired the following, and now telem is a god of sleep and dreams that is known throughout the world. Even starting a business of inns to help others sleep, making him a very successful and much beloved god.

Thram:(banks, economic knowledge, money, fairness, family) the brother of salvor, he is a bit more serious about business and trade and earning money. They were once sons of a small time merchant that traveled around a lot. Over time their father died and they were left alone, fending for themselves. Being the older of the two they used what they learned to start their own merchantry and slowly accrued much wealth. But the younger of the two wanted more to travel than to stay in one place and look at books all day, and so left leaving thram to run a start up bank alone. While it's been a long time since they last saw each other, they still both hold each other dearly in each other's hearts. It was only later when it was found out of their divine origin when their mother, Lady luck herself, showed up in a vision together, that their father didn't just follow the belief of lady luck but fell in love with her avatar. He and her avatar had two sons, but the avatar couldn't stay in the physical world for long and had to leave. It turns out while thram didn't have the domain of luck like his brother and mother, he still had some when conducting business which helped him start up. He was later told that they had a younger sister by another man, and that they should look for her and take care of her.

seraph:( healing, protection, loyalty, light, purity) the sister to stella, seraph a stella were both orphans when their home was attacked and burned to the ground, losing their parents and forcing them to move from place to place, looking for a place to call their own. As they traveled and grew, seraph was adamant about not letting such atrocities happen to others and somewhat dragged her sister stella with her to fight against bandits and such. Overtime they were known for the whitish clothing they would wear and the fact they would save villages all over without asking anything in return. As war broke out and people were getting hurt, they risked their lives to protect the villagers and civilians that were caught up in it, saving many. Slowly people came to believe them to be heroes and then divinely touched, after that they became godlings. After the war, stella and seraph moved on, seraph to use her new found power and start a school of healing, and stella to travel and train herself to be a better warrior.

stella:( war, battle, honor, light, resolve) while initially against risking their lives for strangers, stella wouldn't risk losing her sister. So she became a warrior to protect her. stella was the protector of seraph and seraph protected stella in turn, they worked together, with stella being the warrior and stella being the mage of their two group party. She gained the resolve to continue on the fight like her sister had and they protect each other for a long time. When they felt they had enough, parted ways to improve and better the world their own way. seraph starting a school, and stella training, and training others to better protect themselves and others. She was so highly praised as an honorable warrior that even the amazons started to pray to her. (what most people do not realize was the shock of losing everyone so dear to her including her sister, was so great, she developed a split personality, her original name is gone, and know she is two people seraph and stella, unbeknownst to them both, they can combine to be a greater deity than they were before. No one knows how a split personality actually becomes two people. Including themselves. Thought it is theorized that their original name is seraph and stella was the dead sister, at the time a god though combined with the girl and split them in two.

darum: (battle, blood, bravery, fire, war) Darum was nothing but a bandit at first, the kind of villain in any two bit scene. But he wasn't all bad, no in fact he just had a very high battle lust, in other words he was a battle junkie, someone who needed to fight in order to feel alive, whether that was joining a bandit group to pick fights with knights and other warriors, or becoming a mercenary and fighting bandits. He fought monsters, beasts, demons, and even a few undead, but there was nothing to truly slate his battle lust for long. Whenever there was a war, he would join the weaker side, as a challenge to himself, while he didn't always win, the stories of this madman slowly made its way around and those who heard of him and fought alongside him felt that they were in the presence of a war god, with the savagery and lack of care for his own wounds. Darum, unknowingly, became a godling.

lutia: (honor, battle, tradition, community, family) lutia is the goddess of the amazons. She is a mix of ancestor worship and a god thought. She is the goddess of honor, battle, tradition, community, and family. Her task is to guide the amazons into prosperity and perpetuity. She is considered the mother of amazons, and is said that the first amazon was born from her womb. Back then she was called a different name and the amazon was not who they were before. But now the amazons are who they are because of her, or that is at least what they believe. But oddly enough they are not like other religions where they have great temples and constantly pray to her, instead she is sometimes taking quite literally in her role of motherhood to them, and prayers come more in the form of asking for advice, like one would do to their own mother than actual worship. What few priestesses there are have their own traditions and ways of praying to her.

tam: (fertility, farming, earth, endurance, vitality, resolve,kindness) tam is a very odd god, he was just a farmer, admittedly a very handsome farmer, but still a farmer. Who wanted nothing more than to see the fruits of his labors with his own two hands, start a family, and maybe see the travel to nearby villages for a bit and return back to attend to his farm. Tam was an awakened who had some very painful memories from his past life, and because of that wished for nothing more than to be a happy farmer, living in peace. Then, a god thought came to him, and seeing in him great potential in becoming a god of farming, decided to become a part of tam. And so tam became a god. At first tam wasn't too happy about this, but slowly he grew used to it and even thankful for it as he continued on with his life.

vela: (fertility, marriage, healing, plants, medicine) vela was the childhood sweetheart of tam, they grew up together, they somewhat shared the same hobbies, except vela more enjoyed making medicines and such. When Tam became a godling, she was a little unsure how to proceed, but the two were able to work it out, and they soon got married. Due to the association of being with tam, a god, and the binding ritual between her and tam, vela became somewhat of a minor godling herself. They share a demiplane together and live happily.

delia: (love, cooking, beauty, fire, happiness) delia is tams second wife, she was also a childhood friend of both tam and vela. She was the lover of both tame and vela and was very involved with the two, they were close enough that tam and vela decided to take her into the family, much to the joy of everyone involved. She was also the only one who could cook out of the three of them, so it was a nice bonus. She is a very beautiful person, but an orphan that was raised with vela, and had some problems growing up, as jealousy of others made life hard for her, but tam and vela extended a hand to her and helped her cope with the bullying and become her friends, something she is very grateful for.

sela: (light, sun, wisdom, governance, benevolence) when the queen heard of tam, she decided to marry off one of her daughters to him, hoping to bring divine blood into the royal one, and bringing tam’s blessings to her land. Sela was sent to do just that, at first tam refused her many times, not wanting to marry a complete stranger or be tied to the royal family and used by the kingdom. It took many years and the lowering of the defense of both sela and tam to see the good in each other, as sela was also against marrying a complete stranger, but soon they were able to look past that. With some help from delia and vela, they were able to convince tam to take her as his third wife. Something the both of them haven't regretted since. The kingdom’s agriculture went through a great shift that helped improve farming and how much produce was made.

felia: (childbirth, motherhood, water, fertility, family) she was originally just to help with the kids that tam and his wives were expecting, as a godling he could choose if he wanted kids or not through will alone, but having someone trained to help with the birthing process and help raise any expectant kids that might come through their life. At first it was just felia’s duty to help raise the kids while the other four did their godly duties as they have to do, but slowly it became something more. Tam was greatly impressed with her as she helped around the house and how she helped with the kids, that he decided to bless her in a way that halted her aging so that she could serve the family for longer. Over the years, the wives decided to just make her another wife as well, as they stopped leaving the demiplane for a long time now and felia was like family at this point. For tam and felia, it was a bit awkward but slowly they agreed and got married. Felia takes care of the many kids that tame and his wives produce, when the kids are old enough they are sent out of the demiplane and into the wider world.

Lyra: (art, imagination, music, writing, love) Lyra was just a girl that loved to create art, she was so good at painting and drawing that her works of art were highly praised throughout the region. She gathered a following of fans, and used the money she earned to create a school of arts for those who could not easily afford the time off from work or the money to create art of their own. She was very much beloved by the people around her, so she was slowly found by a god thought and became the goddess of the arts.

Demoira:(lust,sex,desire,lovers,beauty) a god thought who’s domains are lust, sex and desire, as well as lovers and beauty. It is clear as day why such a goddess was formed. Despite the domains and the reason of her birth, demoira isn't the type of women to just lay with any man, in fact she chooses an avatar form that while still beautiful, isn't a head turner. She instead makes it so that others are more willing to give into their passions and throw caution to the wind. Rarely will she herself take a lover. Demoira is for all kinds of sex and lust, so long as its not anything like rape, which she is strongly against. s&m only if both parties agree. She enjoyes bringing sex to all corners of everday life, outdoor, exhibition, casual, vanilla, and more. Creating an environment where such acts to be commonplace and can happen at a moments notice no matter where, which is her own personal perversion. Despite that she is also very caring and wishes for not just lust but love as well in sex as well, as she wishes for consent in said acts of sex. She also helps run the lovers guild.

Lady luck/fortuna:(luck,fortune,chance,love,fate) fortuna was a god thought before she became a proper goddess. When she was born she went about to casinos and gambiling halls to enjoy and gather the trickle of energy from the many patrons that were there. Whenever a person particularly believed a little more strongly in lady luck, she would nudge chance in hopes of gaining the energy from said person when they won. After a while she was able to gather enough energy to form an avatar and through gambling was able to accrue enough money to start her own casinos, and then followers. But she didn't just use her ability to nudge chance for money, she began to experiment with other things such as love, to see if she can increase the chances that two people can fall in love. It would never occur to her that she would accidentally use that power on herself and fall in love with a minor merchant and bear two sons. She was very happy, and would have never considered this to be possible for her, sadly as a mortal, the merchant died. But at least she still has two sons, one that comes by to visit regularly. After a long time, she decided to move on and wished for a daughter, so she changed her form and nudged her chance to find someone who could give her the daughter she wishes for. She found him and the two had a daughter. The second man wasn't someone she was generally interested in like she was with the first man though, and when the deed was done and she was pregnant she left. It wasn't that the man was bad, so she made sure that he had good luck for a long time as thanks.

Death:(death,dark,soul,entropy,time,space) a god thought. Is it no wonder that death is a god, not just any god but a high god, he/she can take on many forms, and many avatars to do his deeds. Not evil, but not good either. Death’s goal is to make sure that people do not cheat death so easily. He/she doesnt stop the person from trying to extend their life, but if it's at the cost of souls or otherwise, he will intervene. She makes sure that the spirit of whoever passes on, passes on safely, no one knows where he takes them. Death is sometimes a skeletal figure with a large cowled hood, sometimes she is a beautiful maiden that stays beside a lonely person's bedside until they die. Whatever the case, death is not something one should trifle with easily. Death, in a funny way, has lived for a long time, and is by far the oldest god in the world.

The Goddess:(life, water,creation,light,space,time) the goddess, a portion of one of the creator gods that formed the world, left behind to watch over it and guide it as necessary. Her and her sister worked together to create life as it is today. They are the reason as to why the world has a strange gender ratio, as they prefer the female form over the male one. They are even older than the planet and the death that was formed on the planet, and despite only being a fraction of their true selves, they are still at godking live gods making them the most powerful gods out there.

The Gia:(earth,fire,wind,creation,space,time) the Gia carved the mountains, forged the cauldrons that held the oceans, and created the gales and torrents. She was pivotal to the formation of the world while her sister was in charge of the creation of life. Like her sister she helped make it so that the gender ratio favored the female form over the male one, as since they are the ones who made the world, why not? When they are not working they like to dance as a pass time.

Other: there are many more gods out there, and those who are in far off regions, they will be talked about at a later date.

priests/priestess: these are people, who for one reason or another, have decided to devote themselves to their patron god. In exchange for faith energy or doing things that align with their patron god in their name, the god gains power from the follower, the god in turn, gives blessings or spells for that priest to use. Using some of the faith energy used when that person prayed to them. Even someone who can not use magic can use faith based spells should they ardently believe in their god. Gods can accrue massive amounts of faith energy from their many followers, and they can choose, if they wish, to spend it all on one priest of theirs, giving great power to that person. The hierarchy of priests goes like this. Follower, neophyte, cleric, priest, high priest, arch priest, saint. There can also be other forms of hierarchy such as holy warrior, holy knight, and paladin. Even others such as valkyries and templar.





Guilds: an association or group of people working together for a common goal, but in this world it can also mean a business, and can be mistaken for a company sometimes. Guilds come in many shapes and sizes, they are an important part of everyday life, though some have taken to creating companies to try and rival such things, guilds are so far the most prominent and most trustworthy institution as of yet. Not all guilds are the same, and there are many of the same type of guild. For example there can be two hunters guild, one in each nation that have little to no relation to one another. Same with the merchants guild, there can be for example, a guild called the black cats merchant guild that specialize in something or another and another one called the white dog merchants guild that also specialize in something, and sometimes they compete and possibly also use the adventurers guild for help. Some places don't even have guilds. Some guilds also have a point system, and example is the adventures guild. When a adventurer does a task on the task board, they not only get rewards from the client but also get points from the guild. The points are used to rank up or can be exchanged for goods and services. By locking ranking up behind points, they hope to force low level adventurers to work on the tasks in front of them. Not to mention you can lose points by taking the exam to level up and failing it. Also unless agreed upon otherwise, points are split between all party members equally. This system is put into place to keep adventurers in check, while providing incentives to them. Not to mention it helps keep control of the adventurers a lots easier. It also helps the adventurers guild get rid of tasks easer, because if there is a task no one wants to do, they can increase the points gained from it to incentives peoples into doing it. Not to mention it also is cheaper to the guild to give out points then money, so its also money saving for them, since points are mostly hundred to one when talking about currency.

Adventurers Guild: originally made by a mad awakened who wished to create an adventurer's guild for some unknown reason. The guild crashed and burned and was forced to declare bankruptcy due to that person's incompetence and lack of understanding on how guilds work. It was later bought up by multiple guilds who took an interest in the man's ideas and created a new adventurer's guild that would do a little bit of everything and act like an extension of the other guilds. So the adventurers guild will take on some hunters guild work or explorers guild work, through the adventurers guild those adventures also have access to the merchants guild to sell things to. This guild does a little bit of everything, but they do not do the specialized version of what others guilds are made for. Anyone with money can post a job at the adventurer guild for almost about anything. Some say that the adventurers guild is more for the scouting of good talent for the other guilds and a dumping ground for unwanted orders from the other guilds.

Explorers Guild: the explorers guild, isn't just for people who wish to travel, instead they are people who take their jobs seriously and try to uncover unexplored areas of the world and most importantly, they work to make maps that they in turn sell. The explorers guild is very well known for their explorers and cartographers and their geologists. If you wish to know where all the monsters, or herbs, or minerals are in a given area, the explorers guild is where you want to go. Sometimes a place is a little too dangerous or they need help, so they go to the adventurers guild to post a notice of their needs, and that's how the adventurers guild gets some of its income. Sometimes an explorers guild office also gives out tours if they are nearby special landmarks and such.

Hunters Guild: the hunters guild specialize in hunting rare or hard to kill beasts and such. Sometimes an animal or beast has to be killed in such a way that it doesn't harm its pelt or other product of that creature, and sometimes they have to capture that animal or beast alive for who knows what reason. Whenever they have an order to just hunt a bunch of one animal without any conditions, they will also post it to the adventurers guild for them to take some of the extra burden off their shoulders.

Gatherers Guild: a surprisingly large guild whose job is to acquire herbs,minerals, plants, and other things used in the production of goods that are not easily found or under the direct control of a company or nation. Their specialists are made to get the most rare types of herbs, etc, and so on, because some things need a specialized way of doing things in order to get the thing you want. When they have too many orders asking for herbs in bulk and such and it's not too difficult, they will send it to the adventurers guild.

Merchants Guild: the merchants guild are the ones that essentially buy and sell the goods that are posted by the adventurers guild and the other guilds, they are a collection of merchants with a like minded goal of earning money, but not only that, but to train potential merchants to become workers in other companies or those affiliated with the merchant guild directly for a cut of the merchants income. Those who work for a merchants guild can have many doors open for them, and access to information and goods not normally found anywhere else. They also run their own small businesses.

Slayers Guild: slayers are a very specialized group of people who are more mercenaries than monster hunters with the exception that they only hunt monsters and the undead as well as other creatures that are not very common but need to be dealt with. Like the other guilds should they have too much work they will offload some of it to the adventurers guild. But when people really need help with a monster problem they go to the slayers guild for the top tier experts in their field.

Mercenaries Guild: a group of people selling their swords to the highest bidder, they are hired to exterminate bandite groups, protect merchants and other people when traveling from place to place and to be bodyguards for whoever highers them, so long as the money keeps flowing. When necessary they will get some adventures to do jobs for them or to pad out their quota of people needed for a traveling job protecting people moving from place to place, but with a qualified mercenary to lead the group.

Mages Guild: the mages guild is a guild that not only looks for those with potential to train but are like the mercenaries guild, they sell the services of a mage to others in exchange for training and resources for the mage, such as books on magic and other things. Once trained a mage is essentially free to do what they want, so long as they pay back what the guild did to properly train the mage, with some interest of course. While not a proper school of magic like other places, there would be many out there who would have or could have the potential to be a mage but couldn't due to a lack of financial wealth or standing in society, so in a way they are very much needed for those of lower status if they wish to become a mage. Sometimes if a mage shows promise, they will sponsor them to a school on magic.

Alchemist Guild: they are the ones who are known for the potions and the many other weird things that they make. Alchemist are the ones who don't just make medicines but also try to transmute things but they have learned that it's not about changing one thing into another, but more that they can deconstruct something and reform it into something else, which makes them highly valuable for their work. They are considered the scientists or at least the chemists of this world, as they have a real lust for knowledge. They have some association with the mages guild. Alchemists are sometimes considered apothecarists but with added magic. They also usually help create the materials for most of modern day magic machines such as airships.

Enchanters Guild: their work is in adding special properties to items for extra benefits. They are not just echanters but also runic mages, otherwise they would not be able to do some of the enchantments that they are able to do. Some enchanters are also priests that confer holy enchantments to their products that are highly sought after. Which is sometimes not so different from regular ones but runs on faith energy, and depending on which god, it could have added effects to the item in question. They are heavily associated with the mages guild since they essentially get most of the mages they use from there.

Artificers Guild: they are the magical engineers of the world. They are a mix of both alchemist, enchanter, runic mages and many other professions. They are tasked with the construction of great works such as making airships and other highly magical machines. They are a very valuable source for any nation or company that wishes to create magical machines or otherwise. But it usually takes years of training to be an artificer which is why they are so highly sought after.

Herbalist/apothecaries Guild: they are in a bit of a competition with the alchemists guild over the selling of potions and medicines, despite having many similarities when it comes down to the use of herbs for said medicines and potions. Unlike the alchemists, their products are not as potent but they are also not as expensive. Sometimes those wishing to become an alchemist will start by practicing herbalism first. They also put posts for herbs on both the gatherers guild and the adventurers guild. They also have some greenhouses to grow their own herbs for their own use, though they are also known to sell some for profit, so they are a good source of common herbs.

Transport/Courier Guild: the name should make it obvious what they are and what they do. They are heavily associated with the merchants guild but they don't just work for them. They are needed everywhere that people need to move goods to. Some take risks traversing difficult terrain and monster infested lands in order to deliver an order, sometimes it's just mail. When you want something moved, or mail delivered you go to a transport/courier guild.

Tamers Guild: they are the ones that work hard to tame wild animals and beasts.their job is very difficult and dangerous but also very rewarding should it work out. They are where you want to go if you want to buy a dire wolf to ride or even a wyvern. If you have the money and time to try and tame a rare magical beast, then the tamers guild is where you want to go. They also sell rare magical animals and beasts to be bonded with or binded with to become familiers for mages, or sometimes even pets.

Scholars Guild: they are a group that take those with potential and raise them to be accountants, librarians, scholars or other things that nobles and such would feel they need for. They are similar with the mages guild in that they will take a small cut of the earnings of whoever they take in if the person in question cant pay it for themselves. They train hard and then they work for an employer for a long time before they retire.

Lovers Guild: it goes by many names but it essentially boils down to a brothel, most of which are managed in some way by demoira. Despite clearly being a brothel of sorts it actually has an important role in the society at large. Due to the gender gap where there are more women than men, the lovers guild provides a place for women to get pregnant with no strings attached, should they wish it. It is also a place where people can go to look for suitable suitors or even wives or husbands, a place for those looking for romance the lovers guild will help hook people up. Men who have good genes can get jobs there providing single women with children and get paid for it with no strings attached.

Fighters Guild: similar to the mages guild, they take on people with potential to train to become warriors, those people in turn become highly valued guards, mercenaries, and adventurers, giving a portion of their income back to the guild. It is also a learning place for those who are willing to train there.

Blacksmiths Guild: a group of blacksmiths, usually found in larger cities. As the times modernize, blacksmiths have had their livelihoods come under attack. But lately adventures want personal blacksmiths to help with their equipment, so there is a bit of back and forth between being still needed and having their old jobs taken away. The guild also does its best to keep blacksmithing relevant.

Crafter Guild: they just make stuff.

Other Guilds: there are many other guilds, such as, miners guild, blacksmiths guild, servants guild, slavers guild(which are frowned upon but as long as they obey the laws they are allowed to continue with strict supervision.), cooks guild, flyers guild ( which could mean a guild that ethier uses flying mounts or airships to move from place to place transporting things sometimes.), and many other guilds that is too much to get into at the moment.




The System

System: the system goes by many names, most do not know it by the system. The system put in place by the creators is unique. It allows those who are weak to become strong. The system is a series of rituals that people use to become stronger. The creators created a system of rituals that when activated will increase the power of an individual if they meet the requirements for it. They also created what is known as the soul realm in which people can look into the representation of their own soul to help them improve themselves. It is different from person to person but it is based off of the person's own psyche and experiences, meaning it can change as one grows older or experiences new things. For example an elf when diving into their soul realm might find a large tree, the trunk is the body of the elf, its branches are the branching skills and abilities of the elf, and the leaves are the skills associated with that branch of skills, imagine a branch for sword fighting and a leaf being a particular skill in sword fighting such as a cut or a slash or other techniques and that branch of sword fighting could also further branch out to two handed sword fighting and so on. There are others whose soul realm consists of statues where the more defined the statue the better the skill is. There are those with castles or even video game interfaces or more bizarre forms. But they all start and end within the soul realm of a person who if they have enough power or essence they can increase the size of the soul realm and do whatever they wish in it, somewhat like a demiplane, but for the personal use of the person in question. A person can train their skills and the effects of their training can be seen in their soul realm by seeing larger or more leaves or more definition on a particular statue, depending on the person. Each person has a different ability when it comes to their soul realm, for example someone with a tree can create fruits of whatever knowledge or skill they have, bring it out and let someone eat it, that person will then gain that skill or knowledge at the cost of losing some of that knowledge from the giver. Or the person with the statues can if they are desperate, summon one from within their soul realm to battle for them with all the skills that they have accumulated, essentially with if they where a master swordsman there would be two of them, one the statue the other person who summoned the statue. There is a cost however, the person who created the fruit of knowledge will lose a portion of whatever knowledge the fruit represented and will be forced to train in that skill or spend a large amount of power or essence to regain it, something that can take years to do. Someone who might have statues, if they summon it and it gets damaged during the time of its summons, they can slowly lose their skills of whatever that statue represented as well as the portion cost of summoning it in the first place. Essence is also important to the soul realm as it can increase it without working for it for too long.

Soul Realm

Soul Realm: the soul realm is a place where all those who are looking to get strong go to. It requires either a strong meditation, or ritual to access, and when accessing it one can be very vulnerable. Depending on the size of a soul realm it can help determine the power of a person. The larger the soul realm the more power can be stored, though this is not always the case. When in the soul realm, they can see the things that their psyche represents, it could be a tree, statues, a castle or even a game system. It all depends on the person. This was better explained in the system. But I just want to make clear that the system and the soul realm are two different things. Even without the system, people will have the soul realm as that's what's natural for people in this universe to have. The system helps, but that's all, sorry for the confusion if any. While using essence is the best way to grow the soul realm, it is also possible to use mana and ki to do so as well but at greater cost.

The Ranks, Evo, Court, social

Ranks: the ranks are not just a social construct but also something that is part of the system, thought in a way that conforms with the people's perspective. Such as the rank of duke or baron can be called something else entirely in another nation or even other region. So even the meaning of ranks and its power can change from person to person, nation to nation and region to region. There are many different types of ranks, ranks based on power and ranks based on quality of items. But for now there are three important ranks to be aware of, and that evolutionary rank, court rank, and social rank. There are more ranks such as tiers that represent someone's position and power, both can be a little contradictory but it's important to keep them in mind.

Evolution: this, in a way, is the most important of the ranks. This shows what type evolved race one is. The first race is always known as the first tier of a rank, such as a regular human being a tier one but a high human being a tier two. But of course you would not compare a tier one human with a tier one goblin, it is just to rank where they are on the evolutionary line. Some races only have a few tiers, and when maxed that is it. Through a ritual by the system, should a person meet the requirements they can through a somewhat difficult process become a higher tier than they were before. Sometimes it can take months or years to become a higher tier. For example a goblin who has reached tier two and become a hobgoblin will essently grow into being a hobgoblin over the course of a few months to a year. When a person evolves into a higher rank they have an increase in both power and lifespan. Their body is just better than what it was before. Sometimes they can have new abilities or powers as they evolve into a more improved form of their selves. It doesn't always require a ritual as if one meets the requirements than they can slowly change into that higher tier should they wish to. But by doing a specific ritual for a person it could just be the nudge they need to push them over the edge into the next tier or get them one step closer to it. Each ritual can be different from person to person, depending on their needs and what nation or family they are from. Things like having a lesser human or lesser elf when one is a half elf is called half tiers where that person does not gain the full benefit of being a full member of either species but only half until they fix the issue. The higher one goes up the tiers the more difficult it is to progress through them.

Court: it is not always called court nor does it have to be a court rank, sometimes it depends on the place, region or nation. Sometimes a person can receive something similar to a court rank when they claim unclaimed territory and set themselves up to be the ruler, and that's the crux of the matter. There is a difference in power between a night and a baron, but there's also a difference of power between a knight and a landed knight. The difference is the land and who you rule over. Those who control land are connected to it, they can, somewhat, sense what is going on in their land but in a fog of war kind of way. They can take some power from the land that strengthens them as long as they are on it, even if they leave they still can take a portion of that power with them, though lesser. They can also use the connection with the land to slowly increase their own individual power should they wish to. But despite having a connection with the land there are limits, like stated before anything that is not completely under their control they can not see or sense. It is similar to rts games but with far more restrictions. They also have to be paying attention, which most do not bother trying to do even if they have a small piece of land, and it only works when they are on the land anyway. Despite the drawbacks they can create vassals and those vassals can in turn by their eyes and help expand their vision on their territory. They can also make plans for the development of their land and those connected through the vassal system can sense what you want them to do and they will strive to do it such as asking for a census or a building to be built in a particular place and way, through the connection with the land the vassals under their direct control will sense these orders and can try to do them if it's their job. This connection with the land and vassals changes from person to person depending on their soul realm, and can take on weird properties or abilities. As one rises through the ranks more land is given to them and there are more people, plants and animals to passively collect energy from. They also get a small tith from those they have under them, as one gets special abilities or such from the connection they have through the land. Some wish for more control on the land and therefore they create city cores, giant mana crystals to help them tap into the power of their land and better control what happens in it. Sometimes known as land cores. Knights and courtiers are tier one, barons are considered tier two, counts are tier 3 and dukes are 4, archdukes 5, and lords tier 6, kings and queens tier 7 and emperors and empress tier 8. There are also ranks for nobles such as lower noble, noble, high noble, royalty. Each increase of those ranks also increases the power of the person in question, which is why some of the noble blood lords over those who are peasants like their shit don't stink. Even if the boost one gets from increasing noble rank is small compared to evo ranks, it's still better than being a peasant. And even though a god is probably their equivalent of a king or queen tier meaning a courts tiers are not much compared to the tiers of the gods. Though people can also gain titles that can be comparable with high nobility such as heros. And yes titles can also give power. So being a lord of a mountain, even if that's not officially given by someone of a higher power, the perspective of people can help that person who called themselves the lord of the mountain or is called that by other people, a noble rank with the benefits that come with it. People can also just sense when what rank a person is unless they try to hide it. That is just how the system works. This rank is also known as the land ranks, since it seems to depend on how much land or people you rule matters more. The effects of court rankings can differ from place to place or even species, in some cases the gains are greater, in others it lesser. Through their land they can automatically set the taxes and the laws and when the time comes to collect the taxes it can sometimes be automatic if they properly set it up to do so and they can set it so that judges are more aware of the crimes or the breaking of the laws if set up to do so, but doing so can take a huge amount of energy and time and sometimes in really just not worth it. This is where bureaucrats and advisers and vassals come in and help the noble control his or her land.

Social: social ranks do not increase one's power, instead they determine how much freedom, privileges, and benefits you might receive. For example a slave has less freedom than a serf but a serf has less freedom than a peasant, and a peasant less than a citizen, despite both technically being citizens of whatever nation they are a part of. The social ranks are slave/thralls, serfs, peasants, civilians, freemen, nobles, and royalty. Yes a noble can both have the social rank of the nobility and the court rank of noble, but there are nobles without land and therefore there are nobles who are only noble on paper. There are other ranks sucks as merchants and how they have different privileges and restrictions, but it's too complicated to get into and since it doesn't do much with the system it's not always important.

Tiers/power/Other Evolutions: there are many tiers, mages are tiered, soldiers are triered, and ones overall power is tiered. Mages tiers work like this, mage apprentice, mage, high mage, archmage, mage lord, magic king, and so on. For military its militia, soldier, vetren soldier, elite soldier, commando, there are even sub tiers or branching paths such as dark mage or imperial soldier, depending on action or affliction or which way a person is trained. There are many mages who decided to focus on fire or water and become fire mages or water mages and spelize in those two elements, even those have their own lets say, evolutionary class/profession line that when a person becomes a mage or a high mage they get a small boost in power. A person can have multiple lines of evolution thanks to the system, a mage can be both a water mage and a fire mage and have a high mage profession as well, think of it as a video game and these are classes, you can have multiple classes at the same time, the only thing that's stopping you from doing all of them is the amount of time and resources you decide to put into them. As one gets many professions, classes, and even evolves, it becomes a little too difficult to determine how strong or weak someone truly is. Because of this people decided to try and rate a person's overall power level and depending on how high or low it is there would be some tiers to it as well. They do this by using magical devices to determine how much magic, ki, psi, power and your skills and overall strengths and attributes of a person's body and they determine how much a person's overall power is. For example, the average person is considered to have a power range of 50 if they are a child and 100-150 if they are an adult, this is tier one power level, those who break the 200 power rangers become tier two. Then at 300 is tier 3. Than 400 is tier 4. Than 600 tier 5. Than 800 tier 6. than 1000 tier 7. 1300 is tier 8. 1600 is tier 9. 2000 is tier 10. Supposedly there are higher tiers than that when determining power level, but for now this is it. Items also have tiers that help determine the quality of a tool from 1-10 one being the lowest. Skills are also something that is tiered, from 1-10, beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced, expert, master, grandmaster, legendary, divine, and one more above that, that hasn't been determined. So, to cap, class/professions have tiers that when one meets the requirements for they gain a small boost of power from ascending to that higher level, social ranks do not give power only determine your place in whatever nation you are in, you can have many branching classes and professions. Items have tiers, skills have tiers that when you raise them give a small boost in the use of that skill. And there are power levels that mean absolutely nothing since it's just a social construct to determine one's overall power level and therefore is not aided in the system, or at least not yet, as the system can change slightly to incorporate whatever it wishes. And finally, the power range tiers are just an example, i am not sure yet that they are going to be canon but there will be some way to determine one's overall power level, also it's obvious that there are probably many people who have power tiers well over 10 and that there could be many of them. Each tier has 10 levels. These might be changed at a later date. To make it 100, also it goes that when you master a beginner and push beyond it you unlock novice level 1.


Awakening: an awakening is something that happens to a person when they essentially awaken to a new aspect or side of themselves. Some of these awakenings can be done artificially by doing special rituals, some are born awakened, and some are minding their own business when all of a sudden their body or mind changes forever. There are many different types of awakening. These types are blood, race, mind, soul, body, and power. First is blood, when one awakens their blood they gain a boost to whatever hidden potential they might have in their bloodline, sometimes this means that they unlock a new race as well as maybe someone in their past was not the same race as them, such as a human finding out he had an elf ancenter many generations ago and therefore can use some elf magic or even become a half-elf himself should he awaken correctly, blood awakening can also help boost progress to ones next evolutionary line. Blood and race are very similar to the point that sometimes they are considered the same thing. Race is all about unlocking a new race within a person's blood line or even trying to add another person's race to themselves, something that is both very dangerous and frowned upon. Race awakening can give many benefits of whatever race a person wishes to turn into with sometimes no drawback at all. Mind is when someone can gain a form of psi abilities, it is one of the rarest of all kinds of awakenings. It is the ability to better control one's mind and gain some psionic power from it without all the hassle of practicing or training for years to unlock, and sometimes some people just can't gain the ability anyway. Mind awakening though is also one of the most dangerous as it can drive a person insane, and sometimes one does not gain a psi ability but just a boost into intelligence. Soul is even more dangerous than mind awakenings. A soul awakening can increase one's overall power immensely and give the person in question amazing powers and unlock all of their abilities, as if they went through all the other awakening at the same time. But soul awakening is also the most dangerous to do and can cause mutations or worse. One of the problems or benefits depending on how someone views it, is the ability to remember past lives, or even lives from other worlds. These lives can either be subsumed into the person whose going through the awakening, which is the best option, or shared, like a split personality, or worse the new life can take over the mind and body. Even if the best outcome comes about, it can still leave a person with a broken psyche. Body awakening is similar to blood and race sometimes but instead body awakening unlocks the hidden potential of one's body and pushes it further, sometimes this is done when someone is in extreme stress or life threatening danger, giving a boost to strength, speed and control over one's body, even permanently. Some people have a hard time grasping the use of mana or ki, this is where power awakening comes in. This is usually done by ritual but sometimes it can happen naturally as well, some can even be born to it. Power awakening, awakens a person to a special type of energy such as mana or ki in which they can in turn use, that is essentially it , but while the excerpt is small it still is a very important awakening to many people since it could mean the difference in becoming a great mage or warrior and moving up in the world.


Essence: essence is a strange energy substance that doesn't really seem to have a place in the world. Can can slowly be cultivated, or gained overtime just by living. A small amount of essence can also be gained when one kills another living being or is around a being that recently died. This essence acts like the experience points in games but not exactly. While a cultivator of mana or ki will take time to go through the ranks. Those with essence can spend the essence they have gathered to see an increase of their ranks almost immediately. The issue is it's not a great increase and one gains a very small amount of it anyway. So at most it provides a well welcomed small boost of power. But that's not all essence can also be used to improve skills or even attributes of the body. It can be used in place of rituals when awakening for powers. Essence is different from person to person depending on their soul realm. As a persons soul realm can affect what essence does or how it is used from person to person. One can gain a large amount of essence from killing aberrations and things that are from the outer edges, making some think that it is a creation of the creators or that they created the system for this otherwise one would not get anything from killing aberrations since they leave nothing behind when they die, or perhaps the aberrations are made of the essence itself, which is why they provide so much of it when they die.





Aura: Aura is the natural energy force that most people can utilize after much training, unlike those who use magic or ki, the use of Aura is far more universal. Aura is a mix of both the soul and one's life force and willpower, that is projected outward from the body and envolopes it. With much training, one can utilize their Aura to aid them. Each person has a unique Aura color that rarely if ever changes, and sometimes is an indication of the type of person you are. This does not mean that if you have one particular type of aura you must be the stereotype of its color, only that it is a reflection of one's personality in some way or form. There are a few that can have multiple types of auras. The base auras are blue, green/yellow, and red/orange, the advanced auras are white and black, and the divine aura is gold. One can have a dark blue indicating someone with blue and black aura or whitish red indicating white and red aura, this can be further added on with the gold aura if someone can reach a state of near divinity. Having dark blue doesn't always mean that you have black aura and blue aura but could mean that you have the potential for both. One's Aura is constantly on, but one can at will amplify it to the point that it can show itself on a person, but doing so can be draining. Rarely does one’s Aura change, but if someone were to go berserk then there is a possibility that if he was blue it would turn into a bluish red. Each aura comes with certain powers and abilities. Auras can be trained to be able to cut things or hardened enough to block sword strikes, they can also be shot out like a projectile. Aura users can also have a mix of all auras, in other words someone can have both the white and the black auras at the same time. The maximum amount of auras that people can have is five, that people know of, green and yellow count as two auras. One of the best ways of using aura is to create killing aura or killing intent that is used to scare weaker willed people or creatures. The way one trains their aura is through meditation to notice their own arua and through acts of willpower to control their aura, such as pushing oneself through sheer willpower or rejecting one's desires for a time. As a person trains their aura their aura goes through an evolution, making the aura more powerful and unlocking more unique effects of said aura. These aura evolutions are tiered, from one to ten, one being the lowest. The use of aura can help one resist against the elements such as cold and heat. With proper knowledge, a aura user can deepen their color, making it more powerful, this is by temporarily or permanently sacrificing another color of their aura to strengthen their primary color. Arua users can also do something called mixing, where they mix two colors together, they can even mix purple and blue or red and purple and the such.

Blue: those with the blue Aura are those who think more than act. Their Aura indicates ones who think more than act, it represents focus, spirit, mind and the senses. Those with the blue aura are more technical fighters, ones that rely on skill and not brute force to win their fights, mages and scholars are more the type to have this aura type. Blue is one of the weakest when it comes to increasing one's strength and defense but the greatest in speed in combat. a veteran blue aura user can sense enemies from a mile away, they can also increase their hearing and eyesight. The blue aura also allows them to increase their mental processing speed allowing them to see things almost in slow motion and come to conclusions far faster, essentially allowing them to think faster, blues can do mental math as quickly as their aura will allow. Blue also allows unparalleled control of one's body, meaning they dictact thier bodys movemnt however they please so long as it doesn't bend it the wrong way, turning an average swordsman into an expert one. Able to calculate all types of trajectories and movements of their opponents and calculate the highest chance for success, predicting their opponents moves far in advance. Those with blue aura also are harder to use mental tactics against, they will not be easily scared or tricked as they are always in control of their mental faculties.

Green/yellow: those with this Aura more go with the flow than try to rock the boat. They are more empathic, spiritual, cunning, kindness, and with fortitude than others. They are more mellow than others. This aura give a more medium boost to one's speed, defense and strength, with the yellow version being on the speeder one. Thos with this aura are the farmers, rogues, and druids. They are the ones that feel their way through life. Those with this aura are better at animal handling, quicker on thinking on their feet, and getting a sense of things. They can more easily tame animals than others, can get a better guess at what someone is trying to say if they speak a different language, better at getting people to like and trust them, and better at understanding plants. Those with green can use their aura to heal, those with yellow can us it to enhance others aura.

Red/orange: those with these arua are the ones that strive to set their own path, they think less than they act and can be very stubborn. Those with the red are more brute force fighters, they are the warriors and the berserkers. Those with red are more forceful, headstrong, stubborn, more easily angered, great fortitude and endurance, and instinct. The red aura gives them average speed, but the greatest in strength, and defense for one of the base aura’s. Those with the red are known to, if their aura pool allows, lift boulders, and cut people in half. Those with the red can strengthen their arua to the point that it can stop swords, and while fast they are not much faster than someone with the green/yellow or blue aura. They are more true to their emotions and tend to follow them. The orange one is the more defensive type of aura.

White: white is an advanced aura and therefore can be mixed with one of the base aura’s. White is very rare to appear naturally in people. Those with white are those who are naturally kind and caring and willing to protect others, their aura makes it easier for them to create and protect. They are more positive than negative. Like the greenish/yellow aura users, they can heal others through their aura more easily and with greater effect. They can also use their auras to create barriers to protect themselves and others and transfer their auras to others to replenish other aura users. They have the strongest defense out of the other auras both advanced and base. Those with white have a passive aura that makes people more calm and promotes healing.

Black: black is an advanced aura therefore can be mixed with one of the base aura’s black is very rare to appear naturally in people. Those with the black have strong willpower, ambition and are more in control and controlling than others and are more prone to negative emotions such as anger, despair and melancholy thought not by much, they are more easily obsessed with things, though it doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, they can be obsessed with fairness or justice just as with the desire for power. Their aura is the most destructive out of all others, both advanced and base. They can use their aura’s to take control of others and instill fear into others, they can add their black auras to things to make them more dangerous and durable, coloring them in black. They can steal the aura’s of others to replenish their own aura pool. They are the most misunderstood type of aura user.

Golden: ( not sure this will be the color of this aura yet )the golden aura is a sign of divinity in some shape or form. Those with the golden can have any type of personality as the golden aura is just a sign of divinity of a sorts. The golden aura is the greatest aura out of all the other auras and can be mixed with any other aura’s out there. The golden aura is special in that it can be whatever the user wills it to be so long as it meets the requirements of being an aura. The golden aura can be made into a physical weapon or armor at the cost of much of the user's aura pool. If someone also had the white or black aura they can make it so that that white or black aura is the default color of their divine aura, except probably a little more shiny a deeper.

Colorless: colourless is one of the weakest auras and sometimes the most common, sometimes mistaken for white. But they can do a little of all the other aura but the advanced and the divine one. Colorless auras can learn to use the other auras. Sometimes known as the color of assassins, as they are some of the few that train themselves to get rid of their color in exchange for this aura to be harder to detect when they use aura arts.

Mixed: those who have trained themselves or those who naturally have more than one aura due to some circumstances, have mixed aura’s. Those with mixed can gain the benefit of multiple auras and their abilities but not always at the same time. For Example if one wanted to take advantage of black and blue their aura can take either a darker shade of blue or have blue that emits darkish light. Imagine someone wreathed in black but with divine aura so golden particles are also emitted from the person's aura or just becomes a deeper shiner black of some sort. Or someone swathed in golden aura but emits black aura light from their person. Based on the persons choice.





Mana: mana, a special energy source that is the fuel and catalyst of many magical phenomena. It is the source of many a mages power and can be found naturally in nature, similarly to ki. Mana is also naturally produced by the body, should one have the proper affinity for it, such as being awakened to the power of mana.

Mana cultivation: mana cultivation is similar in thought to ki cultivation. The cultivation of mana is to increase one's own mana pool and affinity for mana to in turn increase one's overall power. There are many different ways to cultivate mana, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. It's not impossible to train in all different types of mana cultivation, but doing so can both take a lot of time and resources, and prevent a person from training in a different energy type. Such as a ki cultivation for the body can prevent one from practicing mana body cultivation since they can interfere with one and other. Practicing mana cultivation of whatever type can increase one's lifespan by a little. While people with the proper affinity can produce their own mana, they can speed up their cultivation by drawing in the ambient mana in their surroundings. Since using one's own mana pool solely, can leave a person depleted of their mana and in a dangerous situation and also not increase their cultivation by much. Though it is not impossible to use one's own mana to cultivate.

Mana body: this is mostly for mages who are more physical than mental. They intend to be the magic swordsmans and other more melle type magical fighters. They slowly accrue magical energy to their body and overtime their body goes through controlled changes, usually following a formula set by previous mana body cultivators. Mana body cultivators become stronger, faster, tougher, and can use mana to increase their overall body power. They have the drawback of not having as much magical power to use as other mages, as well as being unable to use to many long range magical attacks since most of their mana in contained in their body and it can become more difficult for them to extend outside their body unless they also train in mana core or other mana type cultivations.

Mana core: there are three types of mana core cultivation. One when a person cultivates it inside their body, and the other when they cultivate it inside their soul realm, thought some try and cultivate both. When someone cultivates a mana core inside their body they have a limited amount of room for the mana core to grow, and therefore they must refine it if they wish to increase their mana pool and affinity. It gives a small boost to the body and allows faster access to ones mana pool, as well as allow one to control the mana more directly giving easier control to the user. Those who wish to cultivate two cultivation types go for mana body and mana core, with the mana core in the body. While more time consuming, those who do have are more dangerous. Those who make room for their mana core in their soul realm, can increase their mana core almost indefinitely, with little need to refine, only doing so from time to time. This method allows for a very large amount of mana to be stored within the mage as opposed to doing it in the body. Mana cores also produce a larger amount of mana than other types of mana cultivation methods, allowing the mage to recover faster than other types of mages. Finally, there is the third type to produce a mana core outside the body. Those who do run the risk of losing it or having it break or stolen, but by doing so one can control the surrounding mana, within a certain range, like an extension of their own body. Making these types of mages very hard to deal with. Some can place this type of mana core in a certain area and slowly take control of the surrounding area, controlling the area as an extension of themselves, as well as the plants and animals that are subsumed into the area. There are some who try to cultivate all three types of mana cores, which is extremely difficult and somewhat dangerous as mana cores are connected to ones soul. Monsters and beasts that use mana naturally etheir go the mana body route or the mana core in body route. Mana cores are a useful item both for powering magical devices and for upgrading ones cultivation.

Familiar cultivation: there are a rare few who, while having mana affinity do not produce their own mana nor have a mana pool. These types are considered doomed to have the ability to sense mana but never use it. That was until someone discovered that they could use familiars in place of a mana pool. A familiar cultivator relies on their familiar or familiars, to increase their own power. They not only gain access to the mana pool of their familiar but also the affinities of their familiar as well. They can use more than one familiar to increase their mana pool from numerous sources and use the affinities of different types of familiars or they can focus on one familiar and increase its power and therefore their own. Having a familiar is a choice, but some mages believe it's a sign of being a true mage and therefore no matter what type of mana cultivation they are using they will form a contract for a familiar and just never bother to cultivate their familiar. Familiars can be cute or vicious, mammal or avain, some rare mages have even been able to contract a dragon, a great feat. this should not be confused with tamers, though very similar in the use of magic or ki, or other energy types to form a connection with their bonds. Familier contracts concern the soul, since that is the only way to consistently share mana between two individuals safely. Some people think that by having a familiar you become a more grounded person. There are people who treat their familiars badly and they are frowned upon, if it becomes to badly they can have their familiar taken away, the process to remove the familiar from the soul though is very painful for both involved so it's rarely done unless with very good cause.

Mana Space Cultivation: this can go by other names, some just call it the mana pool, for some reason thought it is very different from the actual mana pool. This cultivation art is unique to say the least. It doesn't increase one's bodily strengths, nor does it increase one's mana regeneration. This cultivation works like this. A mage in their soul realm, creates a tear or to more accurately say they create a small bubble of space, something like a storage space, connected to themselves and their soul realm. This bubble of black empty space starts out very small, like the tip of a needle, in an empty dimension that is as big as that tip of a needle. The circumference, the area, the size of that empty dimension is based on how much mana you put into the bubble directly. The bubble is still empty but, after it reaches a certain size, you can start to store mana into it. If you wish to increase the size of the bubble, then you increase the mana that the bubble is composed of by adding more mana to the bubble directly. By doing this you can slowly increase the size of your bubble to allow you to store more excess mana. For most it seems like a waste of mana, since a person will have to draw on their own natural mana regeneration but also whatever they can gain from outside sources. But this type of cultivation can allow an almost infinite amount of mana storage for those who are diligent in its cultivation, if anyone ever gets there. Some are lucky though, some have a natural affinity for this so when they make that prick into that empty dimension to make their bubble, they might find that that dimension is already able to be used for mana storage for them. This type of cultivation is for the rare types who have naturally large mana regeneration, or have a high level in their core cultivation to be able to waste excess mana on. Or for other reasons.

Different types of magic use: there are many different types of mages and how each mage uses magic can differ from mage to mage. Depending on their affinity, mana pool, and other factors can determine what type of mage a person can be or not. Just like what type of cultivation a person can have and the fact that a person can try to cultivate all the different types of mana cultivation, there are different ways of using mana to shape it and give it form to be used for whatever a mage wishes for. All of them can be learned, with the stipulation that it is time and resource intensive to do so. Even a scribe mage who has low mana pool and mana affinity can become a sorcerer given enough time.

Scribe mage: using runic and geometric magic. The scribe mage creates magical formulas that they store in a book for later use. They are the most common type of mage, as the use of storing magic spells for later use is, well, useful. It is a little expensive thought, not just any paper and ink can create a spell matrix that holds and retains the mana put in to it. Mana crystals are ground up and used in almost every step of the process of creating the paper and ink that will be used to create the spell. Afterword the mage will have to create the spell himself. Should he fail then the would have wasted valuable resources, should he succeed, then all that's left is to pour his mana into it and give the spell a trigger, such as a word or gesture or chant for him to use it. The mage and the spell must be magically connected before they can fire any spells, once the spell is used, the mage mearly has to put mana into it to use it again. Overtime a scribe mage will add to his magical book, creating not only a large selection of spells for him to use but also contain his notes and other things. A scribe mage is bonded to his book, and only by willingly relinquishing it can another person bond with it. These are for mages who lack a large mana pool or lack magical affinity for creating magic and therefore use these magical formula to use magic in their place. The higher the tier of spells they wish to use the more complicated the formula and more expensive it becomes, some mages embed mana stones that store mana in the books themselves to help replenish magical reserves for their spells.

Chant mage: chant mages use their voice to cast magic. Such as saying fireball, to cast a fireball. These are for mages with decent mana pools and magical affinity to only need a trigger like a chant to use their magic. There is a downside and that is the higher the tier of magic they wish to use the more time and mana its takes from them. Even chant mages try their hands at creating magic books for themselves to use, it's just more convenient. Another drawback of chant magic is that it tells the opponent the spell they are going to use before they use it. There are a few good things about chant magic, it's not as expensive as scribe magic or at study intensive. You can use it whenever you want, so long as you have the mana for it. Not only that but groups of mages, if properly linked, can chants spell together to cast very high tier spells or share the burden of some spells as well as super charge some spell to be more powerful. But the mages in question must be properly linked and chant the same words, word for word, at the same time and finish at the same time, which can take some practice. Chant mages don't have to actually say fireball, they can say whatever they want, even in a different language. Some chant mages make up words on the spot as they cast their spells as it's sometimes more to help focus the spell than anything else.

Sorcerer: this is what every mage wants to be. A sorcerer can without chants or magical formula cast spells at will with no drawback other than the toll it takes on their mana pool and concentration. Which if they are a sorcerer, they have plenty of, alongside a very high affinity for mana. Sorcerers are considered to be at the top of regular mages, and there are very few of them. Some take decades just to become a minor tier one sorcerer, while others are literally born with it like vampires and elves.

Warlock: they are similar to witches. They instead of using their own mana pool, either because it is too small or they have none at all, will instead in exchange for services bind themselves to another being or person of higher power then themselves in exchange for the use of spells or even mana to make the spells themselves. It works in that say a person contracts a higher being and in exchange for doing something they get a little mana to use has they see fit, the more they do the more they gain, warlocks will sometimes have to constantly have to do the bidding of their contractor in exchange for the power their master will give them, witches are the same way thought they do not always need to bind themselves to a person but they can also bind themselves to a place or thing or a spirit of sorts. They are sometimes considered a form of priest or cleric, since they get their ability to use magic sometimes in a similar way, ai priests and clerics that have no mana pool of their own must pray for spells for themselves to use or mana to use has they wish, the more they pray the more they gain. This has led to some bad blood between those with faith and warlocks and witches. As those with faith believe that they are not following a divine or holy being and are doing it only for power, also because some less scrupulous higher beings might ask for souls, or death and blood, or worse in exchange for power, either that or warlocks and witches form contracts with very powerful sorcerers or mages for their power. Making many deem them as nothing but dogs for the rich and powerful.

Runic/enchanter: rune mages and enchanters are sometimes considered the same thing. This is true in a sense as they both can enchant items, given the proper resources. But, both runic and enchanter mages think the other as lesser. Enchanters can enchant items to a higher degree than runic mages can due to their affinity for enchanting items, not only that they can enchant or, as its called, buff, their allies to be stronger or faster and a number of other things. Runic mages on the other hand cannot buff other people, instead they can write on the very air itself creating runic spells that in turn cast the spell they have written, such as if they wrote the rune for fire ball, they can then activate it and fire a fireball will be launched. Runic mages also have a higher understanding of runes and therefore usually have more knowledge of higher tier runes than enchanters do. Those looking to become artificers usually try to learn runic magic. Because of this in order to create truly high tier magical tools, it requires both a runic mage and an enchanter in order to make something great.

Alchemist/Artificer: they are somewhat considered mages, since they use both geometric and runic magic to use their alchemany with. They use them to deconstruct and reconstruct materials into different things and bring out the potential of items. Alchemists are very important in the creation of most of the based tools and goods and materials other mages use for their own spells and magics. Artificers are the magical engineers and mechanics of the magical world they also use rune and geometric magic but for more scientific use than just to cast a fireball. They are the ones you would want to go to, to get a far more complicated piece of magical machinery. Such as horseless carriages and airships, the latter being something they are highly sought out for.

Ritual magic: ritual magic usually uses a combination of chant, geometric, and runic magic inorder to cast high level spells that can not be done alone or need a large amount of preparation, mana or control in order to use. Summoning magic is in this category as well as other magics, such as necromancy. Ritual magic is even used for the creation of certain mana engines that are used in airships. Ritual magic is just a term for the many different types of magic that require a combination of all of the above, but over time it has become more streamlined due to scientific progress and has become simpler, there are even tools now that help with it.

Summoning magic: there are 6 different categories of summoning magic, they are, mana form, alchemic, spirit/contract, creation, summoning and other. Mana form should be a bit self explanatory it's when instead of summoning anything a mage uses his mana to create say a wolf, but out of mana, the wolf, depending on how much mana is put in to it and the focus of the mage, can take on different shapes and sizes as well as different shapes depending on how much mana is used. Mana forms are by far the weakest of the summoning type magics a mage can perform, but it is also the safest and least complicated of them all. Mana form creatures can not pass a mana barrier without help, considering they are both made of magic. When a mana form is destroyed it leaves nothing behind. Alchemic summoning is when a mage uses a combination of mana form summoning and the use of psychical materials in order to create more powerful creatures. Depending on how much is put into them they can cross mana barriers without problem, and can also take a few more hits than mana forms can. They are also a bit expensive to create, some alchemic forms can cost a small fortune to make. But that can also be contradictory as mages use alchemic summoning to create powerful creatures more cheaply as well, for example if a mage wishes to make a golem, they just get a bunch of dirt and rock and instead of forcing their mana to make up for the lack of material like a mana form they just use the dirt and rock to save themselves some mana, so it can go either way. Alchemic forms can also drop whatever was used to create them. spirit/contract is when one summonings a spirit or forms a contract with a living creature to form a pact between the mage and said creature or spirit, this type of contract making can be dangerous unless the spirit or creature is willing to form the contract already with the mage, otherwise it can end up with the mages death, but it's also one of the only ways to get a very powerful summon that can also grow with the mage. Summoning is similar to spirit/contract but it doesn't have to summon a spirit or creature as its also possible to summon dragons or other creatures, even people, this is even more dangerous, but depending on its use, it can be very helpful, but it's also very mana intensive. Creation summoning is the most expensive, most intensive, and sometimes the most dangerous of summonings. Creation summoning is a bit of a combination of both mana form and alchemic alongside a bit of actual creation that requires sometimes the help of a conjurer. Creation summoning is what it says it is, it creates creatures from the imagination of the mage, not just a mana form or alchemic form but an actual living breathing creature or whatever the mage wishes it to be. The cost is very high, it can guzzle mana energy or even other types of energy like no ones business. The more you put in, the more powerful the creature, on top of that it can grow in power as well, and his absolutely loyal to its creator, which is why some mages take the risk of dying in order to create whatever they wish. Other summoning is everything not covered above. Mana form, if the mage wishes it, can become alchemic and if they wish it they can also add more to it to make it stronger if they wish. Also if a mage doesnt want to lose the materials he put in a summon, he can do something called soaking, where he soaks the materials in the pseudo soul of the summon, making it so when the summon returns it returns with the materials that was used in it, but it can take a month to do so. Also, all types of summons, do not die, instead, their pseudo soul is returned to the mage, and it takes some time for the summon to return to strength again. Unless of course something happens to prevent their pseudo soul to return. There is also sacrifice, in which you can sacrifice materials or other summons, depending on the summons, to create stronger summons. If one uses materials, be warned, while you will get the same benefits if you used it like alchemical summones, most of the time its only 1/10 of the energy unless you are very proficient.

Taming: it is when a mage creates a magical and spiritual link between themselves and another creature. This link allows it so that the mage has control over the creatures action, to a certain extent. Taming is also sometimes considered similar to contract forming, depending on whether there was any bargaining done with the creature beforehand in exchange for its services. The creature also get something out of the deal, depending on the mage it can get help with its evolution or gain stronger, or give it a chance to be pampered and played with like a pet, on top of that if the mage is powerful, some of that power will flow into the tamed creature and make the creature more powerful as well, and even help increase its lifespan to better serve its master. Sometimes though taming is considered similar to slavemancy, because some of the creatures are semi intelligent and or can evolve into intelligent people, like taming a kobold and it becomes a beast kin, is that really still taming? Or slavery? For now it's considered that its still taming, but, there are some places where there are laws in place to better protect the rights of those who have evolved into intelligent people under the care of a tamer. The taming magic also makes it so that the tamed creature takes a better liking to its master, except in some cases of an abusive one.

wand/rod/staff/equipment mage(name pending): these mages, instead of using books or other things to help make or store their spells instead use special equipment to inorder to use their magic. Wands, rods, staff, and others, are specially made to use only parts of a magic circle instead of the whole, this is so the mage in question can instead fill in the part with whatever rune they wish to make their spell, giving them great versatility in what spells they can fire, as long its in the confines of the specific magic circle. The equipment can store a certain amount of magic circles, wands can only hold a few, rods, more, and staffs the most. Wands do not hold extra mana, rods, can hold some mana, and staffs, can hold a decent amount of mana. This is for mages that have a good head on their shoulders to be able to think quick on thier feet to able to create spells on the fly. Also for those who have a large mana pool but need something to help control and direct their mana.

Other types: there are many unique types of magic that are spread throughout the world. Those above are just the most well known ones, particularly in the alria region. There is also druidism and shamanism, as well as a few others that are going to be skipped for now.





Ki Cultivation: ki cultivation is far different than mana cultivation, for it uses pure life energy with a touch of spiritual energy to achieve a state of perfection that grants immortality. Cultivators as they are called, gather the surrounding ki, or pure life energy, ignoring the mana, and gather it into the different cultivation styles listed below to gain power. Mana cultivation gives a mage a few years extra to live as they continue to cultivate, but ki cultivation give sometimes ten times more than that. Ki cultivation is a far closer path towards immortality than other paths. Like mana, not everyone can use or tap into ki energy, therefore not everyone can be a cultivator. Most cultivation styles for ki, practice a fusion of both body and core cultivation. Like mages, cultivators can use their natural ki regeneration to help themselves cultivate. Ki cultivation have stages as they progress with their cultivation.

Ki Body: ki body is similar to mana body, its the cultivation of the body, allowing the ki to become a part of the body, enhancing it and strengthening it to its perfection its also known as body refining or body tempering. Those who train in this have a sturdy and healthy body that is more resistant to damage and the elements. They can push their bodies far beyond other ki cultivators, the only drawback is that they can not do to many complicated ki techniques outside their body, the most they can do is ki blasts as most of their ki to trapped in their body unless they cultivate other cultivation style as well.

Ki Core: its similar to mana cores but the cultivator can not put it inside its soul realm nor outside of their body, it has to be inside of their body, no matter what. The cultivator slowly refines their ki core overtime to allow themselves to hold on to and produce more ki from their bodies. While they will not get as much benefits for their bodies growth, they can use many more ki based techniques than other cultivation styles.

Spirit Cultivation: a cultivator who cultivates his spirit that takes on the shape of a tool, weapon, or animal. As the object or creature of the user increases in power, so to does the cultivator.

Beast Cultivation: not everyone can properly cultivate, for those with troubles cultivating, some have taken to looking for beasts that cultivate ki instead of mana and form contracts with them. As the beast gains power through breaking its stages, the one who contracted the beast also gains power in almost equal measure, but since most powerful beast would refuse a weak cultivator, most try and tame a weaker creature with potential and work towards increasing said creatures' cultivation the long way. This way also takes a bit longer as the beast is cultivating for two people instead of for just itself, making the cultivator have to aid the beast in anyway possible to help the both of them.

Alchemic Cultivation: alchemists of ki are fundamentally different from those who use mana. Unlike other alchemists they use ki to create pills with to great effect. These pills are far and above those potions that other mana based alchemists produce. Those who practice this cultivation eat pills that slowly temper their body, spirit, and other things to slowly gain power, or even help them and others break through other cultivation types. There are only a few drawbacks with this, 1. not everyone can be an alchemic cultivator, 2. In the early stages they will make lots of mistakes as it requires a great amount of skill and focus, 3. It's sometimes absurdly expensive to become an alchemic cultivator, to the point that even if some have the talent, if it's not great, will not even bother to try unless they have the money to spend without worry.

Other Cultivation: there are many other unique cultivation methods. Such as formation cultivation, which cultivators use to create things similar to magic.




Soul Cultivation

Soul Cultivation: this kind of cultivation is when a person expends their soul realm. There are many reasons as to why someone would go through the trouble of expanding and adjusting of their soul realm. But the biggest reason is that expanding ones soul realm also increases the power of the person as well as give the person more room to do whatever he wishes in his soul realm. As the soul realm expands the person can store more things inside his soul realm, as just one of the benefits. Another is that they can add plants and such that are mana or ki attuned and slowly grow them in their soul realm as well as slowly siphon the excess mana or ki from the plants. Its somewhat similar to a gods demiplane in which a god as absolute control of their demiplane and can with the use of divine energy create or destroy whatever they wish. As for the soul realm it can not do as much as a demiplane but its similar enough that there are great benefits to growing it. The downside is the sheer difficulty of expanding and growing the soul realm. It can take decades just to grow a few feet since expanding ones soul realm takes a lot of energy, similarly to a god’s demiplane. But it is somewhat necessary for those wishing to expand their power as a bigger soul realm also allows for better potential of the person and growth of their soul realm can help with the growth of their unique special soul representation such as if one had a tree, the tree can grow bigger, or if statues, room for more statues, some people only have the soul realm and the special ability it has to rely on. Not everyone thought can access their soul realm and their special ability ( look upwards towards the system ) unless they practice to open it up. Some have a soul space as well, which allows them to store summinings, making them able to be natural summoners as well. It is important for a person to expand their soul realm if they wish to increase their potential. They can use ki or mana or essence inorder to expand it but using ki or mana will be more costly than using essence.


Energies: the different types of energies each are different but sometimes similar to one and other in that they can each be used for the same thing or do the same thing in different ways, in some cases they have unique properties that allow them to do unique things that other energy sources can not do. The energies listed below are some of the different types of energy forms that are used by the people of this world to do the miraculous things and change aspects of themselves and the world that normally goes against common laws of reality. Not all energy types are listed below, such as psi, pure and other energy types, but for the most part the energy types below are the ones most commonly used in the world today. Psi is pure mental energy. Pure is literal pure energy of any form.

Mana: it is a bit difficult to explain but mana, is a form of life energy, mental energy and soul/spirit energy. That can be found both in nature and in the body of people. It is used for many things such as casting spells, creating enchantments, and mutating animals into magical beasts. Mana can, if a number of people perceive, become almost anything a person desires. Mana though, has its own set of rules that sometimes must be followed, but because of that it can be mixed with science to make truly amazing things.

Ki: ki is a mix of both life and spirit energy. This energy is mostly used to increase ones lifespan and physical abilities. But that doesn't stop some from also creating formations, and enchantments based on ki, such as rings that store things. While ki cant really make plants grow, or do many of the other magical things that mana can do, its raw destructive power is nothing to laugh at.

Faith/Divine: faith is very difficult to describe, but the best way would be to say that its a more diluted form of divine energy. Faith is something that anyone can produce, as everyone has a divine spark, so to say. What faith energy truly is, is to nebulus to truly describe but the theory is that its a mix of a little of soul/spirit and mental energies. Faith is not something most people can make use of themselves, instead a god or object of belief most refine it a bit and then resend it to the believer for their use. The gods than skin the top and refine faith even further to create divine energy. This energy is something akin to essence, but more, divine energy one could say is a mix of all other types of energy compressed and purified to its purest form. With divine energy, anything can be done, should enough divine energy be used with enough skill and knowledge.

Soul/Spirit: this is energy that comes directly from one's own soul, soul energy is not something that can be easily used, and for the most part it's taboo to use soul energy since its believed that one has a set amount of it unless they increase their soul realm, for if all your soul energy is gone so to is your own soul. Spirit energy on the other hand, is a byproduct of the soul, it's the excess that of the soul that can be used. Spirit energy on the other hand, does not have much use material, as it takes an exorbitant amount of spirit energy just to cast even the most simplest and weakest spells. But it's very useful for other things, like attacking ghosts, sensing the presence of other souls or people. Creating links between people to allow them to mentality and spiritual speak to one and other, as well as many other things.

Aura: Aura energy comes from the soul and the body so it's a mix between soul/spirit and life/physical, Different from ki. This energy type is mostly used to augment one's own body and physical abilities as well as adding a few special abilities. There are many different colors of aura each with their unique benefits and abilities that help the user.

Life/physical: this should be obvious but its the energy of one's own life force and one's bodily energy, think stamina. There are some mages that can make us of life energy for spells, but most dont like the fact that one uses life energy for magic as the way to use it the most effectively is through using blood magic, something that requires sometimes live sacrifices which of course is not allowed in most civilized places. When one's life force is spent 99.99% of the time it means that person is dead, though some can still live if they somehow inject another energy source into their body to still make themselves move. Physical energy should be self explanatory, it's the energy of the body, your stamina, when it runs out, your tired and need a rest. This is a very important energy source despite its seemeliy mundanity. It's drawn when all other extra energy pools are used. If a mage accidentally overdraws his mana reserves, his stamina will be used first before his life force. In a way, one's physical energy protects one's life force from being unduly spent, protecting the life of the person but if they are not careful they still can die since they most likely can not move at the moment.

Affinities: affinities are a way to tell where one's abilities lie, for example someone can have an affinity for fire which means that they can gain skills and improve their magic or such when it comes to fire. The more affinity for fire they have the faster they may learn fire related skills and with better control. In some cases this might make a person more resistant to their affinity making them fire proof to some degree as long as they use an intermediary such as mana or ki. Even if one doesn't have an affinity for an element, that doesn't mean that one cannot practice that element and still learn it. With enough practice one can even gain an affinity for that element, there are even items to boost one's elemental affinity.

Elements: there are many elements out there in the world, some are common and some people don't even know about or even aware exist. The known elements are, fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, life, death, nature, lighting, arcane, gravity, space, time, etc. the elements that one can control are numerous. One's ability to control the elements are based on ones affinities, which itself is based on ones affinity, knowledge, and understanding of that element. The deeper the understanding of the element the better their control and mastery of that element. One's experience with an element also helps, so practice makes perfect.

Aether: aether is all around and is used as a bonding agent for all the other energies to form. It even has its own realm. It is a positive energy type.





Items/equipment/tech: in this world the items, equipment and tech are mostly mana based. In that most of the technology is not run by electricity but by mana, using complicated magical algorithmes. With enchantments and runes, craftsmen, artificers, enchanters and more add special effects to items to give them new purpose and add the the general everyday life of the populace. The technology of the world is somewhat similar to earths but a few decades behind. They still have plumbing, don't worry, but there gunpowder weaponry is not as up to date as other aspects of their society as, while guns are useful they are not as powerful as a well trained mage, not only that but you can get the same effect using mana cores if not better than using gunpowder. Everyday items such as washing machines and stoves can also be run by mana, though not everyone can use them. Also bullets can not penetrate magical enchanted armor or powerful mana barriers.

Airship: a more recent invention brought to the region by the angels, and opening up many new areas to explore that most people were originally unable to. While there was some independent technological progress for those in the region to develop airships, when the angels came most moved on to their kind of airships since it was more convenient to use something that was already there, and the angels did not mind sharing some of their technology openly, allowing many nations to get their hands on airship technology themselves and make their own, thought the angels always kept the most up to date tech on airships to themselves. Airships have a central engine core that is a massive mana core that essentially runes the length of the entire ship. That is to say they have a massive central engine/mana core that have conducted throughout the entire ship to help keep it afloat. This engine has many enchantments to help leaviate the ship and keep it balanced. The bigger the mana core, the bigger the ship one can make. Some have taken to adding multiple cores to increase carrying capacity. Airships also have an air barrier built into them, to help prevent things like birds or other objects from crashing into the ship, this also helps people on the deck of the ship from being blown away. There are many different shapes a ship can take, some even have the engines outside the main infrastructure of the ship. As airship technology progresses, the old wooden ship has slowly been replaced by more modern metal airships for war.

Suppression field Barrier: most large cities and towns have a suppression field barrier, this barrier does exactly what it says it does, it suppresses people, to a certain point. This is because when you have a lot of people who can blow up a house with a simple spell, you need something to prevent them from doing just that. This field interferes with a person's ability to regulate their mana, aura, and ki beyond a certain limit. For those who walk into such a city or town, the feeling can be quite disconcerting as well as give a sense of helplessness to those who are greatly affected. Though not everyone is affected the same, and some have special permission to wear items given by the town or city to use more of their full power than others. Some cities thought, don't have the ability to use a suppression field barrier, either because it's too expensive or politically unsound to do so, so they just us other means to prevent people from blowing things up. This doesn't mean you can use your mana, just that you can't use it to a certain point, otherwise it would be impossible for those craftsmen who rely on making magical items to make a living. There can also be areas where this field is lifted or even other areas where only this field is in place leaving the rest of the city alone. There is some fear that those who grow up in a suppression field barrier may have stunted growth in the magical sense.

Mana Barrier: mana barriers, are something of a must have for many large cities or towns, since they help prevent monsters from just walking in or help prevent magical attacks from invaders from striking the city. Mana barriers are also on airships. These barriers are important for many cities and towns for the sense of security they bring, sadly they are very expensive to make and manage and require a very large amount of mana to run.

sib( social identification bangle ): this can either take on the shape of a bracelet, amulet, or brace. Sometimes not even that. This carries most of the identification of a person, what status they are, who they are associated with, what rank, and what privileges they many have or not have. These are a bit expensive, and most of the time those who are middle class and above can gain access to something so convenient. Lately one can also use it to pay for things, as it would have a direct connection to their bank, if they have one. The best part of these is they are custom made to the person, and since they carry such important information about the person, when they are made, they are made bonded to the person in question, preventing others from just simply stealing it or killing the owner in hopes of gaining whatever they want from it. It's impossible. And a waste of time. Some can have special functions or even have special add ons to the sib.

Trains: trains are what is sometimes used between two cities or towns that are very close together that most won't have to worry about monster attacks, attacking the train or the rails. Sometimes there are many in very peaceful areas where people can rest assured they will not be attacked. Trains are very expensive and hard to make, not because of how difficult the engine is to make, it's just like the engine of an airship, but because of the building of railways themselves. Railways can be made in very rough terrain, and there is always the threat of attacks while making the rails that will move the train from place to place. Not to mention the time it would take as well. But once made the rails will have a special function, like the airships and the cities and train will have a mana barrier put on itself, but not just the train but the rails as well. The railway will have runes that increase the durability of the tracks. The railway is also made in a way that wont get in the way of animals or beasts that are trying to just get through. The tracks are also heavily guarded and when a train is moving to its destination, the tracks will produce a mana barrier and suppression field about two mile ahead of the train that ends at the end of the train, meaning the field and barrier stops working whenever the train has passed. Most animals, beasts and even monsters hate the feeling of the suppression field and will move away from the tracks or if on them will get off them. And the barrier is to prevent them from getting on the tracks when the train is trying to pass through. This way it is a relatively safe and fast way to get to place to place. It is also very useful to move things in bulk from place to place.

Horseless Carriages (cars ): since there are many awakened that have worked to bring more modern things such as trains and airplanes to this world the car should also be an obvious thing they will try to bring. These carriages are fairly expensive to make, but overtime most have found ways to mass produce them. They are mostly used for the moving of bulk loads and the such and rarely outside of cities or towns since there is no proper infrastructure to reliable use cars outside the walls of a city or town. This hasn't stopped most from trying anyway, and some progress has been made to create cars that can reliably drive outside the city, at least from cities or towns close together.

Com Tower: it is most similar to other com towers you can think about, more with magical inputs. It's not so much a tower but a building that has special magical cores that are connected to other special magical cores from great distances. The tower also produces a special mana wavelength that can be used by other mages to send and receive messages. These towers can sometimes be found all over the place to extend the magical wavelength.

City Core/Domain core: the city core is a special magical core that helps a ruler exert more control over their domain. As you know, those who rule their lands have a special connection to it making them stronger and be more aware of the going on it. But its not perfect, a city core or sometimes also known as a domain core, is a giant mana core that gives greater access to the land and always more modern methods to rule over their people. Instead of giving a feeling to their subjects of what they want they can use communication devices to and other technological methods to better make their will known. Rulers of their land can create, with some help, domain cores, or by themselves, they can also inherit the core from the previous ruler. Some rulers when being invaded will break the cores to prevent the enemy from an easy time taking over. Forcing them to make a new one in its place which is time and money consuming.

Anti monster/beast posts: alongside the roads there would be posts that produce a feeling similar to the suppression barriers, which monsters and beasts not yet familiar to civilization do not like, and therefore will try to avoid. They also come with some lights sometimes. They can be found in most well traveled roads between places.

Mana Orb: similar to mana cores, but they only store mana and not produce it, but they store a lot more mana than the average mana core of the same size. Mana orbs are very useful for everyday life. And many people use them.

Outposts: outposts are everywhere to help facilitate the movement and safety of people from place to place. Some outposts are sometimes just large empty buildings that travelers can stay for the night. Others are walled little forts with inns and even a granary incase of being under siege by monsters and beasts or bandits. They can be close to civilization or very far to the point it can take weeks to get to an outpost in the wilderness.


Economy: when it comes to the world the way people pay for things can differ from place to place, but for the most part there are a few things that are almost constant. They are, bartering, mana/ki/essence cores, the money tied to the country, the common money, and mana. Bartering is one of the ways to get something in return for something else, it's still a common practice to do since some places may have difficulty giving money for something since they might just not have any, this also is common for newly discovered beast or monster kin villages. Cores, from beasts and monsters or even from people can be sold for a very high price and many are willing to buy or trade goods for their use. Then there is the coin produced by a nation, each nation might have their own currency that they use to buy and purchase goods. Common currency is currency such from the well known bank of thram that can be used no matter where you are or at least in most civilized place, this is also a common currency that most nations have agreed upon as something that they will allow in the region's natural economy to affect the value of and is run by a conglomerate of banks. Finally there is mana, there are many people in the world who have items or goods or other things that require mana but they either have to low of a mana pool or they don't have any mana at all. So some have mana corescalled mana orbs that can store mana for them and sometimes in exchange for goods and services and items they will exchange them for mana. Each nation has something valuable to trade for and the economy is unique to say the least, but for the most part mana, cores, and currency is the reigning items of use for trade, really depending on what a person may or may not want. Also when spending mana, there is a counter to count the number of magicules, units of mana so that a mage or person does not spend more mana than necessary. There are some cases of people kidnapping mages with high mana pools to use as mana batteries, such things are very illegal and criminals can be put to death for it.

Social: since the world has a large difference in gender between males and female and on top of that they have many female only races, and even on top of that most races can interbreed with one and other, it goes without saying that the value of a male is high, more so than that of a female. But that is not always a good thing, as any male that has been captured by slavers can attest to. While males can also be rulers, the gender roles have been slightly reversed in that for the most part females are the ones that are in the military and in positions of power and due to the fact they outnumber the males by a large margin it makes sense that for the most part a males standing might not be as high as one might first suspect. Males are raped if they are not careful, if they go moving alone with no way to protect themselves. Males are something to be protected and women are the ones to protect them. Think like a lion's pride where the females do most of the work and the lion's task is mostly to look important and breed with the female lions. Or an ant colony where the females protect the one that gives life to their little family. Life can be very tough for a powerless male. There is also a social structure in marriage that is different. For example there are the wives and the legal wives and lovers and concubines as well as other special circumstances with males. For example a legal wife is the one who will produce an heir with the male, the other wives can have children but they will not be legal. Lovers are also something to be taken seriously, as they are considered women that are also legally bound to a single male but any children they have will belong to the woman and not the male. There are also cases where a women will pay for sex in the hopes of being impreganted not to get to the wealth of the male but for the sake of just having children with no strings attached. Males in positions of power are sometimes given the task of impregnating unwed women or women who wish to be single by choice since there might not be enough males to go around in the village. Due to some female only races males can even impregnate their own daughters without worry of any blood problems. There are even cases where through the use of blood magic, one can impregnate one's own biological daughter if they are the same race. Rape is a serrous issue for males if they are not carefull.

World: the world is very special, with magic, ki, and more. Floating islands and flying beasts the size of small islands. There are many wonders in the world, with moving mountains, clouds thick enough to allow people to walk on, and deep caverns that can hold entire cities. Around the world is an energy shield, that can only be broken when enough people have gained massive power, the tech of the world reaches a certain level, and the spire of dread is destroyed. Every so often, something called a ‘break’ or a fracture will happen, when reality itself is broken, time seems to stop and the area where the break happened will turn grey and from the epicenter of the break there will be aberrations and horrific entities that must be destroyed.


Realms/Planes: realms/planes are very difficult to explain. Imagine another reality that is superimposed on our own. When one makes a tear or a break into the other realm/plane imagine that everything is the same but different. Lets say you are in front of your house when you make your transition into another plane, you end up in the exact same place you left just in a different reality. That means that your still on the same planet in the same place but the new place you put yourself into could be a ocean or heavily forested or just empty air, whatever the case may be, you arrive at the same place you left or arrive at, meaning that if you took two steps forward and went back to your plane, you would find that you are now two steps more in front of your house. Sometimes the planets and the stars and other things can be in completely different places, but the point you enter and leave at is not. Sorry if this sounds confusing. Your position on all realities does not change just your reality does. Some have tried to use portals to entire the other planes, but its very expensive to do, not to mention dangerous. Thought that does not stop some from trying, after all some of the resources in the other planes go untapped why not try to get those resources for yourself. The only problem is that not only is it very dangerous but by creating a portal that allows for instant two way travel you not only make a way for yourself to enter another reality but also make it so that you make it so that whatever on that side of the reality can also enter yours.

Spirit: it's very close to the elemental plane. It's so close that both the spirit and the elemental plane can sometimes bleed out into each other, the spirit plane also can bleed out into our reality. This plane is where most of the spirits are, it practically looks the exact same as it does in our world but without the same man made structures. It's full of life and mana and ki. It's where the more energy based types of beings live in.

demon/infernum: its where all the true demons reside, it's a hellish place with its own ecosystem and rules, and kingdoms and such. They are always looking for ways to break into your reality. Devils and worse also reside in the demon/infernum plane.

Elemental: it's very close to the spirit plane, the elemental place as different realms, where each element as its own realm, such as the fire, or watar realms, where only that type of element exists or at the least makes up 90 percent of the realms being, its where the elementals reside and call home, and they also have their own rules, ecosystems and kingdoms.

Celestial: the opposite of the demon plane, its where the true angels and other celestials call home, each realm is different depending on which type of celestial lives there and is very close to the divine realm.

Aether: its filled with positive mana and ki and energy, with many floating islands and the such, with its own ecosystem.

Nether: opposite of aether and closest to the demon/infernum, it looks like its underground with no sky in sight with lots of lava and stuff, it also has its own ecosystem and such.

Astral: one of the realms in between others, it is used by some entities to make attacks from other plans or reality. Very dangerous.

Etc: there are many other realms, and planes other than the ones listed above, but for now thats it. Realms/planes are not to be trifled with as they can be very dangerous for everyone involved. Aberrations and such use the planes to help themselves get closer to our reality. There is a specific and special plane, or realm that is use by the aberrations to jump from whatever they are to our reality, its a lot like ours but more dangerous and sickening to look at.




just want to remind everyone that all this lore is very old and out of date, please keep that in mind that not everything up is up to date. thank you and i hope you enjoy!

also I wont be doing anymore lore dumps since this one is the last.

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