World of Supernatural: I’m Raizel(Twilight,VD,Originals,Underworld..)

Chapter 6

Raizel descended the stairs, his gaze fixed on Frankenstein, who seemed lost in thought. Since yesterday, Frankenstein had been plagued with doubts about Raizel's peculiar behavior. Despite Raizel's usual stoic demeanor, Frankenstein couldn't shake the feeling that he was dealing with an entirely different person. Uncertain if he was hallucinating. Despite his doubts, Frankenstein chose to remain silent, opting to wait until he had more information before confronting Raizel about his behavior.

"Good evening, Frankenstein." Raizel greeted as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Good evening, Master." Frankenstein replied, returning the greeting with a nod.

Raizel wasted no time in getting to the point. "Frankenstein, could you drop me off at the Cullen's house?" he asked.

Frankenstein couldn't help but feel curious about Raizel's sudden interest in the Cullens, especially considering that he knew them since he work along with Carlisle at the hospital. "Master.....Why the sudden interest in the Cullens?" Frankenstein inquired, unable to suppress his curiosity.

Raizel's response caught Frankenstein off guard. "Continuous animal attacks. Don't you think it's a bit strange?" he stated stoically.

Frankenstein was surprised by Raizel's conclusion but tried to defend the Cullens nonetheless. "Master, I doubt the Cullens have anything to do with this. They haven't consumed human blood in a long time. The culprit is likely someone else," he explained, attempting to assuage Raizel's suspicions.

Raizel remained unmoved. "At least they could have come across the culprit." he countered.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Frankenstein agreed to take Raizel to the Cullens' home after informing them of his visit. Raizel nodded in agreement before heading outside to wait in the car.

Before they departed, Raizel turned to Frankenstein and asked, "Is there anything else you wish to ask, Frankenstein?"

With a smile, Frankenstein shook his head, though inwardly, he harbored a lot of doubts. For now, however, he chose to keep them to himself, content to wait for the right moment to seek answers.


Ever since Alice experienced a strange vision, every member of the Cullen family was troubled by their own thoughts. Emmett and Rosalie stood in a corner, tension evident in their expressions as they contemplated the implications of Alice's vision. Meanwhile, Alice and Jasper sat on the sofa, their demeanor reflecting a mixture of concern and apprehension. Jasper made an effort to calm Alice, though his own nerves were evident.

Edward, seated nearby, listened intently to the conversation while silently grappling with his own fears. He couldn't shake the feeling that he knew who the mysterious figure from Alice's vision might be. Everything she had described about the unknown person matched with the young man he had encountered the previous night. The memory of their brief interaction lingered in his mind, particularly the stranger's parting words: "We will meet again." The certainty of this realization only served to heighten Edward's anxiety, though he chose to keep his suspicions to himself. He didn't want to admit that someone might bring trouble to his family, especially after the discord his own interest in Bella had caused within the household.

Esme, unable to contain her worry, paced back and forth in the room, her anxiety mounting with each passing moment. She couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger, particularly since Carlisle had yet to return from the hospital, adding to her distress.

As the sound of Carlisle's arrival reached their ears, Esme hurried outside to meet him, followed closely by Rosalie. Carlisle stepped out of the car with a warm smile, but it quickly faded when he noticed the tension etched on Esme's face. Sensing the urgency, Esme wasted no time in informing Carlisle about Alice's vision.

Upon hearing about the vision, Carlisle remained calm, though his mind raced with possibilities. The mention of the unknown person in Alice's vision prompted him to briefly consider the Volturi, but he quickly dismissed the thought, knowing that no one among the Volturi matched the description. However, the mention of the cross-shaped earring lingered in his thoughts, hinting at a possible connection to something he couldn't quite place.

Once inside the hall where the others awaited them, Edward spoke up, catching everyone's attention. With a solemn expression, he confessed that he believed he knew who the person from Alice's vision might be. Before he could elaborate, Alice's voice cut through.

"He is here," Alice declared loudly, her eyes darting around the room, making everyone nervous.

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