World of Supernatural: I’m Raizel(Twilight,VD,Originals,Underworld..)

Chapter 9

As Raizel glanced through the pages of the book Frankenstein had given him, he couldn't help but wonder about the intention behind the gesture. Perhaps Frankenstein thought Raizel would enjoy reading, considering how much time he had spent immersed in books lately. It was possible that Frankenstein saw it as a peace offering, a way to apologize for any doubts he may have had about his master.

Lost in thought about Frankenstein, Raizel found himself unable to grasp the mindset of these people. Their way of thinking seemed foreign to him, and he questioned whether it was because he was different from them or if he was just the same as them.

Feeling weary from the brief perusal of the book, Raizel decided to take a stroll through the woods. With a cellphone provided by Frankenstein, he had no need to leave a note in case Frankenstein returned home earlier than expected. With a simple flick of his finger, Raizel effortlessly opened the window, leaping through it without hesitation. As he disappeared into the woods, the window closed and locked itself behind him.


With no sense of direction for a while, Raizel moved in a direction he felt curious about. He followed the sound he heard, the sound of a river, maybe cascades. Unintentionally, this led Raizel to the territory of the Quileute tribe, along the Quileute River. Soon, Raizel came into view of the river where there were a few cascades that grabbed Raizel's interest. It had been a long time since he had taken a bath in a river, and now, unbound by the duties of his past life, he felt free to indulge in such simple pleasures.

Approaching the river, Raizel noticed the presence of two other men walking along the bank. Their scent was different from that of humans, yet still distinctly human, leading Raizel to think they must belong to the Quileute tribe. With a single leap, he crossed the entire river, drawing their attention in the process.

The elder among them screamed "MONSTER!" while the other, his grandson, was stunned into silence by the accusation. The old man instinctively positioned himself in front of his grandson, fearing that the creature before them might pose a threat. With recent animal attacks in mind, Raizel's red eyes and supernatural strength only fueled the elder's belief that he was facing a monster of legend.

Having witnessed the power of shape-shifters like Ephraim Black, the grandfather was familiar with the legends of Cold Ones and the differences between those who fed on humans and those who didn't. To him, Raizel's red eyes confirmed that he was indeed facing a Cold One. However, before he could react, Raizel stood before him, while his grandson remained frozen in place, unable to move.

 With a gentle demeanor, despite the terror evident in their eyes. "Hello," Raizel greeted softly. 

The elder, still visibly shaken, glanced at his grandson, who remained under the grip of mental restraint. Raizel's presence seemed to have rendered him immobile, unable to even utter a word.

 Raizel spoke again,"Are you both from the Quileute tribe?" he inquired.

The elder, swallowing hard, finally found his voice. "Yes," he admitted, his gaze shifting between Raizel and his grandson, who trembled beside him.

Raizel sighed softly, recognizing the fear in their eyes. "There's no need to fear me," he reassured them, his tone earnest. "I'm not the monster you may have thought me to be.".

But still, they remained unconvinced, their expressions frozen in fear. Raizel realized that despite his words, his appearance alone was enough to unsettle them. With a resigned sigh, he knew he had no choice but to resort to his mind-control abilities.

His eyes glowing with a red hue, Raizel reached out with his telepathic powers, invading the minds of the elder and his grandson. Their eyes lost all emotion as Raizel effortlessly took control.

Surprised at how easily he had penetrated their mental defenses, Raizel couldn't help but disappointed. These were descendants of spirit warriors, and he had expected them to have strong mental fortitude. Yet here he was, manipulating their thoughts without much resistance.

Realizing that they wouldn't easily welcome him due to his appearance, Raizel reluctantly decided to let them forget about him. But before he released them from his control, a thought crossed his mind, bringing a small smile to his lips.

Turning to the elder, Raizel spoke calmly. "Take me to Billy Black's home.".


While in the mansion, Frankenstein, who had returned from the hospital, was already aware that Raizel had left, as he had received a text from him. Before his master's return, Frankenstein decided to organize the information he had gathered about Antigen. He felt a sense of happiness at Raizel's change, as his master had always remained dull and solitary. Frankenstein hoped that this change would be beneficial for Raizel. As he reviewed the details about Antigen, he found everything he had learned about the mutated human-run company to be interesting. However, his expression suddenly changed as he felt a shift and whispered to himself, "Master removed... his seal..."


Fellow readers, I have already completed the first chapters of "Twilight" and am now delving into the chapters of "Underworld: Awakening." If you wish to access these chapters, please join my Patreon for more updates. Regarding those who are anticipating Raizel's presence, I want to clarify that this fiction involves someone else transmigrating into Raizel, not the actual character himself. Please refrain from critiquing based on information already provided in the description, as it can dampen my motivation to write. Thank you for all your support.



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