World Online

Chapter 258 A Different Animal And The Same Beast?

[For those who got the title, mamba supremacy]

As the smoke cleared, two red lights appeared. But they couldn't be the zombie leader's eyes. They simply couldn't. 

They were positioned much higher than the zombie leader, even after the transformation. But as the smoke cleared even further, Jake just kept looking up. 

"A second transformation? You have got to be kidding me. How is this even possible? The first transformation clearly doesn't even have a time limit and he is already on his second transformation? How can I hope to match that?" Jake muttered.

What was even more terrifying, was that the health bar that they had just seen was different now. The yellow was gone, replaced with a very lush green. 

All the attacks later, one transformation undid all of the effort that Jake and the other two had put in. 

The zombie leader completely healed, and was probably stronger than ever now.

"Now this is a boss that everyone has to look at." Jake said, only slightly glancing to the left. 

And he noticed it. Now that the zombie leader was now four times the height of a normal person, everyone in the battle field could now see the boss that Jake was looking at. 

With this, Jake just hoped that the other guild masters would send him some help. He hoped that his own guild would help him out. 

Not a single mage or healer was helping him, and it wanted him to strangle someone. His own guild was not helping him!

"When the loot collection time comes, if anyone dares to lay claim on this, I will tear them apart." Jake ground his teeth as he looked up once more. 


The giant monster took one step forward, coming far too close to Jake in just the single step. 

"You should have just allowed yourself to be killed on the first try, human. Now, you will be witness to a power to strong, you will never be able to recover from this!" The giant zombie shouted. 

"Yada, yada. You have no idea, the things that I have seen. So why don't you just start fighting. If you think that getting a little bigger is going to save you, then go ahead. Fine." Jake shook his head.

"He knew that the zombie was stronger now, but all this trash talking in front of him was useless. He saw dinosaurs much stronger than him. He even met his own demise in front of a beast that could probably crush this giant zombie in a second. 

He battled a lich king, and one of the nine followers of the evil god. This monster here was not of concern to Jake. 

He just readied himself, knowing that now, the zombie's agility had to have taken a hit. 

"Put some distance between yourself and the zombie leader. Now that the is so much taller, he will have to use his feet to stomp us down, I think. We will have to focus our attacks on his feet, like with the cyclops in the raid." Jake reminded Kierch. 

"Got it boss." Kierch nodded as he moved. 

Once again, the two went different directions, trying to keep the pressure of the two away from each other. With different targets, at least one of them could get an attack in. 

"Do you think that this will work on me now? All I need to do is kill one of you." The zombie leader laughed as he raised his right foot. 

Jake suddenly felt all the light in the world suddenly disappear. 

There was nothing. The sun was gone. In fact, both suns were gone. A giant shadow just covered him. 

"Ohhh sh!t." Jake cursed as he put aside every single thought that was racing in his head and just ran. 

He put all of his energy into his feet, and ran as fast as he could.

"Come on you rusty set of boots. Get me out of here." He muttered inside as he ran toward the light. 

One giant foot was about to stomp him down, and he knew that he had to get out of the zone, or he would have two choices: death, or revealing his reflect skill. 

Either one was not favorable to Jake. 

One second passed. A painful second where Jake had absolutely no idea if the foot was going to descend or not. It was clearly taking some time, but Jake also knew that if the foot was in the air, the zombie leader could also move it around, following where Jake was going. 

He was basically a small child compared to the zombie leader, and it was very easy for an adult to take care of a child.


In the nick of time, Jake heard two or three blasts. He couldn't count, but they were the last of his priority. 

But these blasts, seemed to do something. Slowly, the shadow that the foot cast over him started shrinking. 

Jake looked up to see that the foot was going up?

Rather, the zombie leader himself was falling back.

"Thanks, Myriad." Jake muttered under his breath as he wasted not a sigle moment and tried to take as much advantage as he could from this opportunity. 

He started rushing toward the falling zombie leader. All this running away put some distance between him and the falling torso. He had to get to the head after all, where the real damage was supposed to be done. 


Jake didn't look at his notifications. He knew what this sound meant as well. It meant that one of his skills just released its cool down. And he sure as hell knew it wasn't the slash of hunger. 

"Perfect timing." Jake smiled as he looked at the giant head that had just fallen on the ground with a thud. 

"Slash of Thirst!"


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