World’s First Traitor System [Isekai Transmigration]

Chapter 180 – Master and Disciple Performance


The Azure Cloud Sect, a secluded haven nestled deep within the mountains, boasted a lineage that stretched back centuries, its six hundred and ten members carrying the weight of tradition on their shoulders. During the tumultuous era of the Second Qin Emperor, the sect's founder, seeking refuge from the chaos engulfing the land, led his family to this secluded haven and established the Azure Cloud Sect.

This founder, originally surnamed Xia, was the grandson of Xia Wuqie, a renowned royal physician of the pre-Qin era. During the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Xia Wuqie had earned the emperor’s favor and rich rewards for his quick thinking and loyalty. When Jing Ke, a skilled assassin, attempted to take the emperor's life, Xia Wuqie intervened, hurling his pouch filled with medicinal treasures at Jing Ke, disrupting the assassination attempt. Later, when Emperor Qin Shi Huang ascended to the immortal realm, leaving his son Hu Hai, the Second Qin Emperor, to rule in his stead, Xia Wuqie followed his emperor, leaving his descendants in the earthly realm.

“So now you both understand,” said Ling Xiao as he led Fan Li and Lu Fubao towards the sect's main hall. He had been explaining the history of the Azure Cloud Sect, and a hint of boastfulness colored his tone.

“The Azure Cloud Scripture, the core technique of our sect, is actually derived from the methods of the pre-Qin royal physicians. My master, Sect Leader Yu Shenzi, whose family name is Xia, is a direct descendant of Xia Wuqie.”

Fan Li was genuinely surprised. So that was how it was! He had underestimated the Azure Cloud Sect.

In terms of history and foundation, the Blazing Fire Sect couldn’t compare.

The Azure Cloud Scripture? A medical scripture passed down from royal physicians?

“If I could obtain this scripture…” Fan Li couldn’t help but scheme in his heart.

The current world was already a turbulent sea, with conflicts brewing beneath the surface. The alliance and the Great Ming were on a collision course!

It was only a matter of time before the Pure Land, united with the other kingdoms, would attempt to overthrow the Great Ming, or the Great Ming would devour the allied nations one by one.

In such times, the value of battlefield medics was paramount!

Suddenly, the entire Azure Cloud Sect, a seemingly reclusive sect in Fan Li's eyes, transformed into a haven of healers. Even Ling Xiao, whom Fan Li hadn't particularly liked, now held a certain value in his eyes.

“Hey! Why do you keep staring at Ling Xiao?” Lu Fubao asked suspiciously. “Don't tell me you have a fondness for men?!”

Fan Li, lost in his thoughts, didn’t hear a word she said.

Ling Xiao, however, heard everything. He glanced at Fan Li in terror.

“Brother… Brother Fan, please don’t look at me like that! I am not… not… not the kind of person you think I am. You… you… you… you have a wife!”

Ling Xiao stumbled backward, putting some distance between himself and Fan Li. His sense of superiority, stemming from his cultivation at the ninth rank of the Golden Core realm, vanished in an instant.

The three of them continued their journey, their pace quickening until they finally reached the sect’s main hall. Inside the hall, two rows of Azure Cloud Sect disciples stood silently. In the center, seated upon a throne, sat an elderly Daoist priest, dressed in a Bagua robe and beard. His aura was restrained, but a palpable power emanated from him. This elderly Daoist priest was Yu Shenzi, the sect leader of the Azure Cloud Sect. Behind him, disciples attended to him, some burning incense, others playing soothing music on their zithers. They had put on quite a show.

“Sect Leader Yu Shenzi, we meet again,” Fan Li said, cupping his hands in greeting. “Thank you again for saving my life.”


Yu Shenzi was pleased with Fan Li’s attitude, especially the phrase ‘saving my life.’ It made it easier for him to say what he had planned.

“Young friend Fan Li, there’s no need for formality,” he said with a gentle smile.

“As the saying goes, a physician is like a parent to their patient. The Azure Cloud Sect, following the Dao through medicine, would never stand idly by and watch someone die. Come, come, come. Step forward and let this old Daoist take your pulse.”

Despite Yu Shenzi’s caring tone, Fan Li was skeptical. Thanks to Ling Xiao’s penchant for boasting, he already knew that Yu Shenzi, upon their first encounter at the lake, had been capable of fully healing him. The fact that he had dragged out the treatment until today, with Fan Li still a walking wounded, indicated that Yu Shenzi didn’t truly care about his injuries and was intentionally delaying the healing process.

These tactics were reminiscent of the overtreatment practices of large hospitals in his previous life. Like those never-ending follow-up appointments.

Regardless of his inner thoughts, Fan Li obediently extended his hand.

Yu Shenzi lightly placed his fingertips on Fan Li’s wrist, his brow furrowed in deep thought, as if putting on a performance.

‘He’s quite the actor,’ Fan Li chuckled inwardly.

With Yu Shenzi’s cultivation in the medical arts, there was no need for such a lengthy pulse examination. But he intentionally prolonged the process, sighing and shaking his head at times, as if Fan Li was on the verge of death.

“Sect Leader Yu Shenzi, how is… how is my husband’s condition?” Lu Fubao, however, wasn’t as discerning. She was genuinely worried and couldn’t help but ask.

Her question provided the perfect opportunity for Yu Shenzi to speak his mind.

“Not good…” he said slowly, withdrawing his hand, then repeated himself. “Truly not good.”

Lu Fubao’s heart leaped into her throat!

“What do you mean not good? Is my husband still in danger?”

Fan Li almost burst out laughing.

‘This girl is so easily fooled! But… she truly cares about me. I never would have imagined.’

In truth, Yu Shenzi had already healed seventy to eighty percent of the damage inflicted on Fan Li’s internal organs by Zhang Juzheng’s attack. If not for his intervention, Fan Li would be dead already.

While Ling Xiao’s cultivation level limited his healing abilities, he was still slowly guiding Fan Li towards full recovery.

Fan Li knew for a fact that his condition wouldn’t worsen.

“Haha, please rest assured! With this old Daoist present, I won’t let young friend Fan Li come to any harm.”

Yu Shenzi was clearly pleased by Lu Fubao’s reaction.

His smile widened, but he forced himself to restrain it, his thin face reddening with the effort. He needed to maintain a serious demeanor for what he was about to say.

“Young friend Fan Li, while your life is not in danger, there’s a high possibility that you’ve sustained internal injuries. If these injuries are not treated properly, at best, it will hinder your cultivation progress, preventing you from making further breakthroughs. At worst, these internal injuries could erupt within ten to twenty years, posing a serious threat to your life.”

Fan Li’s lips twitched.

This rhetoric was no different from the medical scams of his previous life.

Was it true that, since ancient times, sincere emotions couldn’t endure, only schemes could truly win hearts?

Was Yu Shenzi about to recommend some ancestral secret remedy, claiming it could completely cure his internal injuries?

If such a remedy existed, it would undoubtedly be incredibly valuable. At the very least, it couldn’t be cheaper than the ninth-rank Earth-grade spiritual ring he had given them.

“Our sect possesses a secret medicine capable of fully healing young friend Fan Li’s injuries.”


Yu Shenzi glanced at Fan Li with a troubled expression.

“However what?” Fan Li played along, asking the expected question.

“Alas!” Yu Shenzi sighed. “Refining this secret medicine would require a significant portion of our sect’s precious medicinal herbs. These herbs are incredibly rare and were originally intended for my disciples’ cultivation.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Xiao cried out in alarm.

“Master! How can you use our sect’s treasured herbs to treat the injuries of an outsider? The continuation of the Azure Cloud Sect’s lineage is our top priority! Without the herbs in our treasury, how will my fellow disciples cultivate? How will the Azure Cloud Sect be passed down to the next generation?”

Fan Li stared at Ling Xiao in astonishment. He never would have guessed that they were putting on a performance. A double act, one playing the good cop, the other the bad cop?

“Ling Xiao, mind your words!” Yu Shenzi feigned anger. “How have I taught you all these years? To save lives and heal the wounded is our duty!”

“Even so, we can’t do it!” Ling Xiao shouted. “Master, you can’t sacrifice the futures of six hundred disciples just to save Brother Fan! Unless Brother Fan offers something of equal value to compensate for the loss of our sect’s herbs!”

Fan Li felt a surge of disbelief.

Were they seriously trying to guilt-trip him?

It was early morning, and he hadn’t done anything wrong, yet he was suddenly being made to feel responsible for the well-being of six hundred Azure Cloud Sect disciples?


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