World’s First Traitor System [Isekai Transmigration]

Chapter 188 – There’s No One an Erhu Can’t Move


This world bore many similarities to the one Fan Li had left behind, but it also held its differences. Musical instruments, for example. Fan Li knew of at least two that existed in his previous life but were absent in this one. And as luck would have it, he had mastered both.

Fan Li’s grandfather was a village musician back in his hometown. Unlike the refined artists from music academies, his grandfather was a simple, unassuming man who, at first glance, looked like any other farmer, lacking any artistic flair.

His skill, however, was exceptional.

He differed from university music students in one crucial aspect – while most of them pursued music for a diploma, Fan Li’s grandfather used his talent to drive out all competing musicians in the surrounding villages, forcing them to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

That was true skill.

As a child, Fan Li spent every summer and winter break with his grandfather. Under the old man’s guidance, he learned to play several instruments. He wasn’t a virtuoso, but his skills were more than passable.

“An erhu?” Sage Ruler Miaoyin looked down at the instrument in Fan Li’s hands, a condescending smile on her lips.

One thick string, one thin string – such a simple structure. Was this even worthy of being called a musical instrument?

Moreover, the erhu in Fan Li’s hands possessed no spiritual energy. It was a simple, mundane instrument used by mortals.

Beside her lay the Heavenly Demon Zither, a second-rank Heavenly-grade treasure with seven strings, each representing one of the seven emotions: joy, anger, sorrow, longing, grief, fear, and shock. Its techniques were intricate, profound, and unpredictable.

Even without using spiritual energy, Sage Ruler Miaoyin was confident that no one in the world, no matter how skilled in music, could surpass her Heavenly Demon Zither.

How could a mere Foundation Building disciple, likely responsible for chopping wood and tending fires in the Azure Cloud Sect, stand a chance?

“Ignorant boy, you are fortunate to witness my Minor Paradise.”

Her slender fingers danced across the zither strings, weaving a melody that spread like ripples across the water, encompassing a ten-mile radius around Green Cloud Mountain.

The six hundred members of the Azure Cloud Sect, listening to Minor Paradise, felt their emotions soar to the heavens one moment and plummet to the depths of hell the next. It was a captivating and intoxicating experience, leaving them entranced.

But they were merely listening.

The true power of the Heavenly Demon Zither’s music, its essence and intent, was directed solely at Fan Li. A purple field of energy, a manifestation of the zither’s profound intent, appeared between them, enveloping them both. No one else could even approach it.

“Fan Li!” Lu Fubao cried out, her heart filled with anxiety.

She had been an avid reader since her days in Lu City and had even dabbled in music before abandoning it for her true passions – formations and mechanisms.

She knew that Fan Li was now trapped in a deadly arena.

Death by sound was not an empty threat.

Within the energy field created by the Heavenly Demon Zither, Sage Ruler Miaoyin was the heaven, the earth, the creator of this world, the master of all things. With a single thought, she could conjure mountains of blades and seas of fire, unleashing the torments of the eighteen hells.

If Fan Li’s will faltered even slightly, he would be lost forever, his soul devoured by the zither’s power. His body might remain, but his spirit would be shattered.

Lu Fubao was frantic. She stared at Fan Li within the energy field, and to her astonishment, he seemed completely unaffected.

Could it be that Sage Ruler Miaoyin was holding back?

Was she truly only competing in musical skill, not using this opportunity to attack him?

“Impossible! How can he be completely immune to my Minor Paradise's sonic attack?”

Sage Ruler Miaoyin was shocked. She knew better than anyone that her music's mental assault had barely touched Fan Li.

“So this is Minor Paradise? It’s… alright.”

Fan Li spoke as if to himself, but his voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.


He wasn't feigning indifference. It was an honest assessment.

He suspected that Sage Ruler Miaoyin focused solely on the offensive power of her music, neglecting the melody, rhythm, and emotional depth. Minor Paradise was, at best, on par with the background music of a third-rate web series from his previous world.

Fan Li was actually a bit disappointed.

“In terms of pure skill, I might not be able to defeat you. But the piece I’m about to play surpasses Minor Paradise a hundredfold!”

His experience of two lifetimes gave him the confidence to challenge her.

His previous life had produced countless musical masterpieces, any one of which would be considered a timeless classic in this world.

“Sage Ruler, please lend me your ear. This piece is called Iron-Blooded Loyalty.”

He had chosen this erhu piece carefully. Minor Paradise was designed to beguile and confuse. Of the six hundred Azure Cloud Sect members, only Yu Shenzi and a few elders remained unaffected. The rest were swayed by the zither’s melody.

That was the true terror of Sage Ruler Miaoyin. Even though her attack targeted Fan Li specifically, the nature of sound meant that it still affected innocent bystanders.

Fan Li needed to break through Minor Paradise’s energy field and protect the minds of the Azure Cloud Sect members.

These medical cultivators were all precious assets to his future Great Jin Imperial Hospital.

Iron-Blooded Loyalty, a song of perseverance and resilience, resonated through the air.

“Unflinching in the vast desert, facing hardships without fear. Marching forward even as the frost bites like a blade. Enduring a hundred trials, the heart remains true…”

Fan Li chanted softly, his voice blending seamlessly with the erhu’s melody.

Amidst the overwhelming sound of the guqin, Fan Li and the erhu were like a single thread – thin yet surprisingly strong. No matter how the guqin tried to suppress, overpower, or expel them, their presence persisted, unwavering and undeniable.

Gradually, the Azure Cloud Sect disciples, who had been on the verge of losing themselves, regained their composure, guided by the erhu’s music. They looked around, bewildered, and slowly realized that it was Fan Li who had saved them.

“You! What trickery are you using? How can you withstand my Minor Paradise?” Sage Ruler Miaoyin raged.

She doubled the speed of her fingers, transforming Minor Paradise into a terrifying and menacing melody.

It was as if the facade of paradise had been stripped away, revealing its true form – the eighteen hells.

Yet, neither paradise nor hell could shake the unwavering strength of Iron-Blooded Loyalty.

“Hahaha,” Fan Li chuckled. “As I said, there’s no one an erhu can’t move.”

Sage Ruler Miaoyin’s heart sank.

She knew that if this continued, she had no chance of winning. But they had agreed to compete solely on musical skill, not rely on their cultivation.

What to do?

She had never imagined that someone could defeat her in music.

Suddenly, an idea struck her – a devious but effective plan.

Secretly, she channeled a sliver of spiritual energy into a zither string, then abruptly exerted force.



A string on her Heavenly Demon Zither, a Heavenly-grade treasure, snapped.

And Fan Li’s erhu, a simple, mundane instrument, shattered into countless pieces.

He stared at the fragments in his hand, then looked up at Sage Ruler Miaoyin with a questioning gaze.

“Oh dear, how unfortunate! It seems our musical collision was too intense, even breaking a string on my Heavenly Demon Zither. No matter, I can easily replace it. Boy, that was just an accident. Shall we try again?”

She smiled. With her status, even if she openly cheated, who would dare challenge her?

Moreover, she didn’t believe Fan Li had another erhu on hand.



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