World’s First Traitor System [Isekai Transmigration]

Chapter 197 – The Grand Artificer


The company continued north, but Yu Shenzi’s mind was in turmoil. He knew Fan Li was trying to recruit him, even the entire Azure Cloud Sect.

“We’ll soon reach the capital,” Fan Li announced. “Wudi, you are currently the sole member of the Censorate. Starting from scratch is never easy. If you have any requests, submit them to Grand Secretary Wang Ban. Funds, personnel—whatever you need, I will provide.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Jing Wudi replied.

Yu Shenzi’s expression turned peculiar. The Great Jin had a Grand Secretary? He had inquired about the new kingdom, learning that its first city was still under construction. They had no army, no official court, not even a single citizen paying taxes. This wasn't founding a nation; it was playing pretend!

Yet, this absurd kingdom already had an emperor, a grand secretary, and a director of the Censorate? And Fan Li wanted to recruit him as the head of the Imperial Hospital?

“Grand Secretary Wang Ban? I’ve heard of many prominent figures in the Central Plains, but this name is unfamiliar to me. The leader of all officials, and I don’t even know his cultivation level.”

Yu Shenzi glanced at himself, then at Jing Wudi, and sighed. He estimated that the most talented individuals Fan Li could recruit were at the Unity realm. With such a meager court, they had no chance of contending for power in the Central Plains.

‘I should advise Fan Li to abandon this foolish ambition before he becomes a target for the entire world. With his wealth, he could live a life of luxury and comfort in any of the established kingdoms. Why risk everything for this grand delusion?’

As he contemplated advising Fan Li to be a law-abiding citizen, he spotted a “woman” on a nearby hillside, peering in their direction.

A woman? No, it was a moving doll. A mechanical puppet?

Could it be another ambush?

“Be careful!” he warned.

Fan Li, playing along, halted their progress.

The puppet on the hillside turned and waved, as if signaling to companions.

Another ambush? How many enemies this time? Jing Wudi had performed admirably earlier, but he seemed to have missed this threat.

Yu Shenzi’s eyes widened as he scanned the hillside. His heart sank. A vast army of puppets emerged from behind the hill, marching in perfect formation. He estimated their numbers to be at least two or three thousand.

“Heavens! Am I seeing things? Are those all Nascent Soul realm mechanical puppets?”

Nascent Soul realm cultivators weren't particularly fearsome individually. However, quantity could overcome quality. Two or three thousand Nascent Soul realm puppets could even force a first or second-rank Great Vehicle realm expert to retreat.

What hope did they have?

“How powerful must the artificer be to create such a force?” Yu Shenzi couldn’t believe it. Such a massive ambush, plus a Great Vehicle realm artificer… They might as well surrender and save themselves the trouble of fighting.

Just as this thought crossed his mind, he saw a living person approach. The man looked ordinary, unassuming, even a bit chubby. He didn’t seem threatening at all.

However, he rode a wooden mechanical beast, resembling a cross between a tiger and a bear. The beast’s power, to Yu Shenzi’s astonishment, reached the first rank of the Divine Transformation realm!

He had never heard of a mechanical creation reaching such a level. It was a miracle!

But the true terror lay in the man himself. As he drew closer, Yu Shenzi felt a pressure similar to what he had experienced when facing Sage Ruler Miaoyin.

It was the aura of a Great Vehicle realm expert.

"Fan Li, my friend! We must turn back! It's our only chance!" Yu Shenzi urged.

Fan Li seemed to be deaf, standing motionless. Yu Shenzi was beside himself with anxiety. But he couldn’t abandon his companions and flee.

What to do? He was on the verge of losing his composure, tempted to charge at the enemy.

Then, the man dismounted his mechanical beast and dropped to his knees.

“Your subject, Wang Ban, Grand Secretary of the Great Jin, welcomes Your Majesty.”

“Long live the Emperor!”

Wang Ban’s tone was flat, as if he were merely stating a fact. That was his nature. When he received Fan Li’s summons while overseeing the construction of the capital, he simply obeyed.

As Wang Ban knelt, the forest fell silent. Yu Shenzi stared, dumbstruck. Hadn’t he just been mocking Fan Li’s childish attempt at nation-building? And now, a Great Vehicle realm expert was the Grand Secretary of the Great Jin?

“Rise, Grand Secretary Wang,” Fan Li said.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Should I report on the progress of the capital’s construction now?” Wang Ban asked.

“Not yet. Let me introduce you to our companions.” Fan Li smiled inwardly. Wang Ban was the epitome of a dedicated worker, completely absorbed in his passion for mechanics, construction, and design.

“This is Senior Yu Shenzi, Sect Leader of the Azure Cloud Sect. I have invited him and over a hundred of his elders and disciples to visit the capital.”

Yu Shenzi’s heart skipped a beat. In the presence of a Great Vehicle realm expert, he wouldn’t dare address himself as “Senior,” despite his age and status.

“This humble Daoist, Yu Shenzi, greets Grand Secretary Wang.”

Wang Ban saw through his cultivation level with a single glance, but didn’t mind.

“Greetings, Sect Leader,” he replied with a bow. “I am Wang Ban, Grand Secretary of the Great Jin.”

Fan Li, suppressing a chuckle, introduced Jing Wudi. “This is Jing Wudi, Director of the Great Jin Censorate. He will be your colleague.”

“Greetings, Director Jing,” Wang Ban said with a nod.

“It is an honor to meet you, Grand Secretary Wang,” Jing Wudi replied respectfully. He was a third-grade official, while Wang Ban was the leader of all officials, holding a first-grade rank.

Once the introductions were complete, Fan Li inquired about the progress of the capital’s construction.

Although this was Wang Ban’s first time overseeing such a project, he had been meticulous in his planning. He had prioritized the construction of the four outer walls, ensuring the city’s defenses were secure before proceeding with the inner city, streets, imperial palace, and government offices.

“Your Majesty, the four outer walls are merely the initial phase. As the capital expands in the future, they can be converted into inner walls. I will construct a new set of outer walls beyond them.”

Fan Li nodded in approval. “Grand Secretary, there are two government offices that need to be prioritized: the Imperial Hospital and the Censorate.”

“As you command, Your Majesty,” Wang Ban replied.

Yu Shenzi felt a surge of unease. Prioritizing the Imperial Hospital? Was that a message directed at him? He hadn't agreed to anything yet.

He realized Fan Li was staring at him with a knowing smile.


“Yes, Your Majesty? What is it?” Yu Shenzi found himself addressing Fan Li as “Your Majesty” without even thinking.

Fan Li’s smile widened. “Your ancestor was the imperial physician of the Qin Dynasty. You must possess invaluable knowledge regarding the design and construction of a proper Imperial Hospital. Would you be willing to offer Grand Secretary Wang your expertise?”

That was all? Yu Shenzi let out a sigh of relief.

“Of course, Your Majesty. Rest assured, I have inherited blueprints for the Qin Dynasty’s Imperial Hospital, including detailed plans for medicinal fields and spiritual springs.”

Fan Li was overjoyed and about to express his gratitude when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned and saw Lu Fubao.

“Have you forgotten to introduce me?” she asked.

She hadn’t formally met Wang Ban yet, but that wasn't what truly bothered her. She was struggling with her current status. What was she to Fan Li?

“Fan Li, can I stay in the capital?”

Remembering her position as Imperial Noble Consort of the Great Chu, she was reluctant to return.

Fan Li understood her feelings. He had to refuse. “Fubao, you must return to Peng City.”

She stared at him with confusion and disappointment.

“You must go back or you will miss Master Yan’s funeral.”

The nation-building side quest had come to a temporary end.

Tomorrow, Sage Ruler Yao Guang would make her grand entrance!


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