World’s First Traitor System [Isekai Transmigration]

Chapter 200 – Edict of Self-Reproach


Sage Ruler Yao Guang departed as unexpectedly as she had arrived, leaving a trail of stunned silence in her wake.

The five kingdoms conquering the Great Ming? Such boldness!

The guests in the mourning hall were speechless.

‘Truly worthy of Elder Sister,’ Han Yue’s admiration for Yao Guang deepened.

Sayings like "women are no less capable than men" were mere pleasantries. In her eyes, Yao Guang far surpassed any man in the world.

While Yao Guang left, Han Yue stayed. She had been in seclusion for some time and missed Fan Li. She wanted to speak with him, but the mourning hall, crowded with guests, wasn't the right place or time. She would have to be patient.

‘He must be happy to see me. I came to visit as soon as I left seclusion,’ she thought.

Then she noticed, with a jolt of surprise, that while she stood on Fan Li's left, another woman stood on his right, regarding her with a wary expression.

Lu Fubao, the Imperial Noble Consort of the Great Chu? Why was she hostile towards Han Yue?

Lu Fubao's animosity didn't go unnoticed. Han Yue felt a flicker of displeasure.

"Duke Jin, with matters concluded, I will return to the palace and report to His Majesty." Chen Gonggong said cautiously.

Once upon a time, he was the most powerful cultivator in Peng City, or at least the most powerful within the palace walls. Now, facing Fan Li, he didn't even dare to raise his voice.

“I have a message for you to deliver to the Emperor," Fan Li replied coldly.

Chen Gonggong’s heart skipped a beat. Such arrogance, such audacity! This tone, as if rebellion were imminent, lacked even a shred of respect.

Yet, he glanced around, noticing that none of the Great Chu officials, all of the fifth rank or above, voiced any objections. Even the envoys from Wei, Han, and Wu seemed to find Fan Li’s behavior perfectly acceptable.

“Yes, I await your instructions, Duke Jin,” he said, bowing deeply. He felt like a shrimp, forced to grovel before a man he once considered beneath him.

“Master Yan served in our court, but his rank was low, his voice unheard. This reflects poorly on the Emperor’s judgment, his inability to utilize talented individuals. Master Yan died serving the Great Chu, yet the imperial decree offered only perfunctory condolences, disheartening the court. Therefore, I suggest…”

Chen Gonggong swallowed nervously. Fan Li’s audacity was astounding! He was openly criticizing the Emperor with a tone that of an elder chastising a child.

“I suggest that the Emperor immediately issue an edict of self-reproach,” Fan Li concluded.

Gasps echoed through the hall. A minister demanding that the Emperor issue an edict of self-reproach? This was… unprecedented!

“An edict of self-reproach?!” Chen Gonggong’s voice trembled. “Duke Jin, are you serious?”

How could he possibly deliver such a request? He looked pleadingly at Han Yue. After all, she was Xiang Chong’s adoptive mother. Surely she wouldn't let this stand?

Or would she?

Han Yue remained aloof and detached, as always, but her beautiful eyes, occasionally glancing at Fan Li, betrayed her true emotions.

Chen Gonggong was bewildered. He had been a eunuch since childhood, with no experience or understanding of relationships between men and women.

"Duke Jin, an edict of self-reproach is a serious matter. Perhaps…” He had to try. He had to stop this madness.

Fan Li cut him off with a wave of his hand. "This is a matter of state. As a eunuch, you have no right to interfere. Simply deliver my message. I expect to see the Emperor's edict before sunset."

Chen Gonggong’s face contorted into a mask of despair. “And… what if His Majesty refuses?” he asked. He was certain Xiang Chong wouldn’t agree to such a thing.

Fan Li sneered. “If that happens, I will be deeply disappointed. The entire court of the Great Chu will be disappointed. The Emperors of Wei, Han, and Wu will express their regret. Lu City will issue a formal condemnation. Of course, those are minor concerns.”

He paused, his eyes flashing with murderous intent. “The two hundred thousand soldiers of the Peng City garrison will be… extremely displeased.”

Chen Gonggong’s heart leaped into his throat. "Rest assured, Duke Jin. I will deliver His Majesty’s edict before sunset," he scrambled out of the hall as quickly as his legs could carry him.

The Great Chu officials exchanged glances. Duke Jin might bully their Emperor, but he genuinely cared for his colleagues and subordinates.

Yan Yuan could rest in peace.

The three envoys, Zhao Zi, Deng Zhi, and Wang Lang, stared at Fan Li with unconcealed admiration. To achieve such a level of power and influence as a subject – what more could a man ask for?

Chen Gonggong had left in the morning. He returned at midday, a bright red handprint, clearly belonging to a woman marred his cheek. He held the edict of self-reproach, bowed respectfully before Yan Yuan’s coffin, and presented the document.

Fan Li accepted it, unrolled it, read it, then rolled it back up. The guests watched in anticipation. This was a rare and thrilling spectacle. An edict of self-reproach? A treasure rarer than any Heavenly-grade artifact.

"Burn it," Fan Li said coldly.

The guests gasped again. Burning an imperial decree? Was this a symbolic gesture to honor Yan Yuan?

“Duke Jin… this is an imperial decree…” Chen Gonggong began, wanting to remind him that destroying such a document was a crime akin to treason. He reconsidered. It was probably best to keep his mouth shut.

Fan Li ignored him. Wu Gang took the decree and tossed it into a brazier, where it turned to ash alongside the paper offerings.

“Master Yan, I apologize. This is all I can do for you for now. As for revenge… that will take time. Please be patient.”

Beside him, Lu Fubao burst into tears. She threw herself into Fan Li’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably, oblivious to the countless pairs of eyes watching them.

Her portrait had been widely circulated since her appointment as Imperial Noble Consort, and she was even more noticeable today, dressed in mourning clothes. Almost everyone present knew who she was.

The Imperial Noble Consort of the Great Chu mourning a deceased subordinate from the Ministry of Rites was already scandalous. To embrace Duke Jin so publicly, ignoring all propriety…

The officials exchanged uneasy glances. Duke Jin was gently stroking her back, whispering words of comfort. They were… a handsome couple, weren’t they? A powerful urge to survive forced the Great Chu officials' thoughts down increasingly strange paths.

The scene before them gradually became… acceptable.

“Lift the coffin,” Fan Li ordered. “I will accompany Master Yan on his final journey.”

He had chosen a burial site for Yan Yuan on a hill behind the Luming Academy, where generations of Great Chu scholars rested. It was a fitting place for Yan Yuan to join their ranks.

After the funeral, most of the guests departed. Zhao Zi, Deng Zhi, and Wang Lang approached Fan Li.

“Duke Jin, we have bad news.”


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