X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 160: Too Stubborn

But it was strange...

Jim realized something as he gazed at Janine. Others might not notice it since they didn't have a great connection with Life Energy, but Jim was different.

After he received the blessings, not only his Life Energy had increased exponentially, but he could trace as well any presence of life as he could tell whether it was getting stronger or weakening.

And right now, although Janine was executing such an overwhelming strength, Jim could feel that the other party's Life Energy was weakening. As if she was just about to faint at any moment.

Did she receive a certain amount of damage after that collision earlier? But that was impossible. Jim saw with his Pulang Mata that Janine didn't take any damage at all so how could it be?

Jim then tried to focus all of his attention on Janine to try to see what was happening to her. But no matter how he looked at her, he only found the other party too lively. Her grin was first to be noticed on her as if she was looking for more fights.

Was she some kind of individual that the more they were wounded the stronger they become? Jim suddenly thought about it. And from the looks of it, this Janine was just the same.

But when did Janine got wounded? Jim was still thinking about when did Janine receive a wound when suddenly, Janine fell with her front on the ground and with a heavy thud. The huge spear she held finally managed to escape from her grasp as it floated above Janine ready to attack at any moment.

Both Ben and Jim widened their eyes for a good while unsure what had just happened. They even rubbed their eyes three times to see if they were just dreaming but no matter how they looked at it, Janine had really fallen on the ground, unconscious.

"This..." Ben didn't know what to do. He would definitely not fight those who were already down. So how could he have the guts to attack this brute now?

Ben shifted his gaze to where Jim was but before he could even find him, he saw a red bee flying towards Janine's unconscious body. And before Ben could even make sense of what was that, the red bee suddenly disappeared only to be replaced by Jim.

"Jim?" Ben was a bit surprised before rralization dawned upon him. He then walked closer to Jim as he praised him in his heart. This ability of his to replace his summon's position was really astonishing.

"So what to do now?" Ben asked upon reaching his distance to Jim. But when he caught sight of Janine's body to see what was going on, he couldn't help but mutter in surprise, "Oh?"

"It seems like your sneak attack earlier has really wounded her for good," Jim remarked as he too stared at Janine's back.

Earlier, Ben attacked Janine from behind twice as he finally managed to wound her. Ben thought that it was just a small wound since he only used a normal short sword at that time. And since the other party had transformed into something very sturdy, he didn't put any attention to that wound he gave to Janine as he later forgot about it.

But who would have thought that this Janine would fall from such a wound? Right now, Janine was in her normal form. There were two long cuts on her back that formed two parallel lines. It kept bleeding as the wound was becoming purple in color. From how it appeared, she was just enduring this wound for a long time now as she kept acting tough.

What a stubborn girl. Jim could only remark inwardly. She kept showing off her strength knowing that it might worsen her wound.

"So what to do now?" Ben asked. Jim said earlier that they wouldn't kill her. Ben didn't know what was this Jim planning but no matter what was the case, he was just hoping that this Jim didn't fell in love with her.

"Stop those wild thoughts of yours." It was as if Jim heard Ben's thought, Jim responded coldly.

"What wild thoughts?" Ben smiled bitterly. Could he read his mind? Was he a monster?

Jim didn't reply as he didn't pursue the matter anymore. Instead, he crouched down to have a closer look at Janine's wound as he grazed her finger on her wound.

"This is serious..." Jim remarked seriously. He could even feel that Janine's temperature was getting higher. "Is she prone to danger when wounded? Or..." Jim shifted his gaze to Ben as he continued, "Or you use poison against her."

"What? I'm not using such underhanded tactics against her at all!" Ben responded coldly. Though he wanted to win, he would win with his own strength, not with the help of poison.

And of course, Jim knew that Janine was not poisoned. He was just teasing Ben to see his funny reaction.

Jim could tell that Janine was like that because she used too much energy to fight Ben even with that condition. What a stubborn girl. Jim could only sigh deeply seeing the stubbornness of this brute.

"Let's end the fight here," Jim said. Since one of them was already down anyway, there was no point continuing the battle, right?

"A-alright," Ben responded. After which, he waved his hand and the three huge weapons he had that were floating in the midair had slowly become smaller until they all finally became a bone rib that they were supposed to be. After which, the three bone ribs floated to Ben's chest as they entered with a victorious aura.

Seeing this, Jim nodded his head as he finally snapped his finger. After which, all the three of them had disappeared without a trace. It was obvious that they had just gone back to the real world.


"So what to do now?" Just after they went back to the real world, Ben immediately asked.

Right now, Janine was still lying on the ground. And her wound was just getting worse.

Ben never thought that he would be able to defeat this monster in such a way. But then, he wasn't happy winning like that. He felt that he didn't really defeat this Janine with his real strength but only by luck.

"Let's heal her first," Jim replied as his gaze was fixed on Janine.

"What?!" Ben responded in horror. Was this guy insane? Healing this brute? Was he looking for a beating?

"What? Are you scared?" Jim shifted his gaze at Ben as he said with a disdainful look.

"Huh? Not at all!" Ben responded coldly but deep inside his heart, he really wanted to cry now.

"Since that's the case, there's no problem about it right?" Jim asked as he shifted his gaze back at Janine.

"N-no problem at all..." Ben forced himself to said those words.

Jim nodded. After which, he raised his forefinger and pointed it towards Janine's body. A drop of blood then dripped out from the tip of his finger accompanied by a huge amount of Life Energy.

Ben could only gasp in astonishment every time he saw Jim doing such action. The other party had also healed him earlier using this so he knew how great was this ability of his really was. That Life Energy was really something. Even if he wanted to die, Ben was certain that once Jim gave him this drop of blood, he could only dream of dying.

So then, after a moment, the drop of blood then finally landed on Janine's wounds. The Life Energy then immediately blended with her as her wounds were closing at a rate visible to the eye. And from what it appeared, a sign of Janine's betterment was now obvious to see.

On the other hand, the more Ben see how Janine was getting healed, the more he became restless. He was afraid that once this brute got completely healed and once she woke up, she would not be grateful and would definitely attack them like crazy.

No matter what, Ben really didn't want to agree with this. Just why in the world was this Jim too stubborn?

But then, the deeds were already been made. He couldn't do anything about it now. He could only hope that this brute would not go berserk.

But contrary to his expectation, the moment that Janine's wound was nowhere on sight anymore, and the moment Janine had opened her eyes, her hand moved very swiftly as she grabbed Jim's feet.

Ben was alarmed. He immediately waved his hand and a long sword made of bone appeared on his hand. He pointed it against Janine's back ready to slice her at any moment.

"Don't move!" Ben's voice was utterly cold as his murderous intent and hostility against Janine reached its peak. This ungrateful brute still dared to attack them? This was really unforgivable. No matter how Ben looked at it, It was really a wrong move to heal Janine. Just why in the world did Jim even heal her? Was he even thinking properly?

At that moment, Ben blamed everything to Jim for being too stubborn.

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