X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 72: Mother And Daughter


A huge eagle with the four limbs of a lion had just landed majestically outside Biga village, not too far away on the village entrance. This beast was, of course, the griffin from before.

Jason who was sitting on the same spot saw that someone was coming. He looked to who was it as he only smiled when he finally caught sight of them.

Not only him, even the other people inside the village saw the ones who were coming as they immediately recognized the other party. But of course, they didn't gather around that person for they were afraid to incur the other party's wrath. They just did their own business as if nothing really happened.

Then an old man who was on the back of the griffin jumped down to the ground with a little girl with him. The griffin then hurriedly flew away as if it was too much of a bother staying itself on that place.

"The bird left us!" The little girl grabbed the hand of the old man beside her as she said worriedly.

"Don't worry, that bird will just look for food." The old man smiled towards the little girl and assured her that it was fine.

The little girl nodded slowly. After which, they both turned their gazes towards the village before them as a smile surfaced on their lips.

"Lolo let's hurry! Let's hurry!" The excitement on the little girl was couldn't be hidden anymore as she impatiently pulled along her Lolo to come to the village already.

"No rush, no rush." The old man was helpless but in the end, he still followed his granddaughter who was pulling his hand along with her.

Jason saw them coming as he stood up from his seat and greeted them, "Welcome, guild master Laude Jabat and... little Jade."

Jason obviously knew who were they. And base on the way he treated them, it looked like he put them on the same level as him, if not greater. Especially the old man who appeared to be Laude Jabat! The guild master of the top two strongest Hunter Guild, Burning Legion!

He was one of the only four SS-rank Hunter in the Kingdom. His strength didn't need to be argued, for even if he didn't have any borrowed power like Jason, Laude could execute a frighting strength enough to cause destruction on any land and sea.

Laude nodded his head with a smile. But before he could even speak a single word...

"Hello, Tito Jason! Where's mama?!" The little girl named Jade had already spoken as she excitedly asked. Even she herself still recognized this person before her.

Jason smiled at her as he replied, "She's in your house."

Naturally, this little girl was talking about Charley, she was her mother after all. Jade didn't stay there any longer as she let go of her Lolo's hand and ran to their house to see her mother already. Not only her mother, but she was also excited to see her two big brothers.

Seeing that Jade had run away already, Laude could only watch her back. He shook his head slowly as he turned his gaze to Jason and said, "I will go now as well."

Jason didn't stop him as he smiled with a nod. After which, Laude walked away as Jason then sat again to the ground. He looked into the clear sky as he could only sigh deeply and it was noticeable that he was thinking about something else.

"Mama! Mama! Kuya!!!"

Meanwhile, Jade who had just reached their home immediately called out her family. The little gate wasn't close so she entered the front yard immediately and directly went to their house.

She was longing for her family for a long time now. So seeking their presence was more than natural to happen. A little child like her who was forced to part ways with her mother and to the other part of her family? It was something that she would never wish for but yet, couldn't do anything against it.

She could only try to become stronger not only physically, but mentally as well.

Jade continued to approach their house but before she could even knock at the door, the door was opened, and immediately, her mom that he was looking for came out and rushed onto her. Charley pulled her daughter into her embrace as the joy in her eyes were couldn't be described by words anymore.

Actually, she already knew that they had already come the moment they set their feet in the village. But Charley suppressed herself to come and greet them and only waited for them to arrive at their house. After all, she didn't want other people to see her weak self.

But now that she heard the voice of her daughter calling out on her, she couldn't suppress her feelings any longer and rushed to greet her daughter immediately.

Jade had the same feeling as her mother. The joy in their eyes was just simply hard to describe. They were forced to part ways because of some reasons so meeting once in a blue moon could really make them feel joy.

After a good while of embracing each other, Laude had just arrived. Charley saw him coming as she let go of her daughter and stood up to greet her father-in-law with a smile and nod. Jade then reluctantly let go of her mother as well, as she turned around to see her Lolo. "Lolo why are you so slow!"

Hearing his granddaughter, Laude could only smile bitterly as he replied, "No rush. I'm already an old man. What do you think will happen if I suddenly slipped on the street because of my old bones."

"Hmph. Don't joke around." Jade retorted. She obviously knew how powerful her Lolo was. Slipping on the street? How laughable was that if it really happened.

Seeing the disdainful look of her beloved granddaughter, the bitter smile on Laude's face only grew more awful.

"Right... Mama, where's Kuya Jim? and Kuya Jasper as well?" Jade immediately changed the topic when she recalled her two big brothers.

"They are not home yet," Charley could only reply these words. Her second son, Jasper was still traveling here while her son Jim had just gone outside the village.

"They're not home?" Jade turned sad. "Where is Kuya Jim? I thought he's always staying at home."

"He is just strolling in the woods, he will come back soon enough," Charley replied. She didn't want her daughter to become sad.

"Woods? Then let's go there instead of waiting!" Jade couldn't wait to see his elder brother any longer. She grabbed her mother's clothes and requested to find her big brother.

When Charley saw her daughter being like that, she couldn't help but sigh deeply. She was even regretting the fact that he let her son wander to the woods again.

Charley then turned her gaze to her father-in-law as she saw him nodding. She then shifted back her gaze to her daughter as she replied with a smile, "Ok."

"Yehey!" Jade was of course delighted. She immediately let go of her mother and directly went outside their front yard to go to the woods as well.

"W-wait for us!" Charley could only helplessly speak those words as she watched her daughter's back going farther and farther away. She shifted her gaze to her father-in-law as she sighed, "Let's go."

Laude also followed behind them but he didn't rush just like Charley. Instead, he looked around him while walking and noticed that something was amiss.

He stopped walking as he closed his eyes and sure enough, his guess was correct. He couldn't sense any of the S-rank Hunters in the village and only a few A-ranks were there!

Just what's going on in here? Laude was rather confused as the frown on his face couldn't stop appearing.

Those Hunters didn't leave the village right? Laude's wild guesses were starting to enter his mind. He was even thinking that they all died and were now suffering from the price of reviving back.

But how was that possible? Aside from the sudden appearance of a dungeon and the attack of the Demons, how else those Hunters would die?

And Laude wasn't wrong. There really was a dungeon break that transpired in here not too long ago. It was just that Charley fixed the battlefield and turned it to supposedly forest. That was why Laude didn't see the awful sight and the traces left by the war.

If he would learn that something like that really happened, just how would he react? He might remain calm outside but deep inside, he would surely be shocked. After all, it was a matter regarding the 666 Knights of Hell!

Laude then opened his eyes and continued to walk and follow his granddaughter who was already far away.

He couldn't care much why would the S-rank Hunters and many A-ranks in the village had just suddenly disappeared. They might just in some sort of completing a quest and were away in the village in the meantime.

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