X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 76: Experimental Subject

Despite the growing hatred in Bear King's heart, he was also astonished at the capability of the brat before him.

Summoning a beast in such a way was something that the Bear King had never heard or seen before. It was as if the brat himself became the artifact itself that could contain beasts.

It was still understandable if the person before him was an SSS-rank human but the other party was just a little brat with a very little World Energy in him. How could he imagine that there was actually such a person in the world?

It was only a hunch from before but now, it became so much clearer onto him, "The world really has gone insane! There's no doubt of it!"

Those beasts in front of him were all just B-ranks but there were so many of them! Besides, there was also the brat in there who gave off a frightening amount of Spiritual Energy preventing him to do anything funny.

Just who is this kid?

Right now, this was the only question that the bear wanted to be answered. If the other party really was what he said to be that 'strong', then was submitting onto him fine? Impossible! He would never accept that even if he die! He was the Bear King, the king of this part of the forest! How could he possibly submit to just anyone?!

Besides that, the hatred he felt right now was very strange. He never felt this kind of feeling to anyone else before.

"Who am I, you asked?" In the midst of his confusion, the Bear King heard the other party speaking with a smile. The other party's voice wasn't cold but it was a kind of suppressive making him feel a chill. "I am your master, who else could I be?"

Damn this brat!

The Bear King was really angered. If not for the fact that he could only see a slim chance of winning if he fought back against the other party, he'd already eaten him long ago. But he could see how terrifying this brat was, making such a rash move might only bring him his doom.

"Submit to me because that is your only choice. Even death is not an option!" The Bear King was still trying hard to suppress his anger when he heard the brat in front of him speaking then again.

The Bear King really wanted to smack the other party this time! He couldn't tolerate it any longer. He circulated his World Energy throughout his body to regain his stiffened body as he finally unleashed his World Energy! "So you really are confident with your strength huh. Why not you try to force me to submit onto you?"

The Bear King could tell that the fight between them was couldn't be avoided. As a King, he wouldn't back down as well to such an opponent. Even if he died, he would rather choose death than submit to such a brat.

So with a growing hatred and anger that couldn't be suppressed any longer, the Bear King made up his mind to fight to death!

"Tsk! Tsk!" Jim clicked his tongue twice signifying that he was a bit disappointed. "I gave you a chance but you gave it up. Don't blame me then."

"Piss off!" The Bear King slammed her huge hand with sharp claws against Jim. With the size of its palm, the Bear King was more than certain that he could smash the other party into a meat paste.

But to his shock, the brat in front of him, vanished right before him only to be replaced by a little red bird. As if a mosquito that was smacked to death, the red bird turned into a meat paste as his huge hand collided as well to the ground below, making some cracks on it.

Just what the hell had happened? The Bear King couldn't even make sense of it. He immediately shifted his gaze to the many Tree-Merger Apes around in great caution only to see all of them be rooted on the same spot and was staring at him as if they were looking into a fool.

The Bear King gritted his teeth. He was just about to rush towards those bunch of monkeys to cause a brawl when suddenly, he felt something very dangerous from the hand he used to attack the brat from before.

He then immediately lifted his hand at chest level to look at his palm. He was still yet to realize what was going on when he found that his blood was leaving away from him! He could see that it was actually gathering on his palm!

"W-what's going on here?" The Bear King was terrified. He made many step-backs as he frenziedly shook away his arm hoping for some changes. But who would have thought that it didn't change anything and his blood was still gathering on his palm.

Until then, his arm was now turning dry. He barely could feel anything anymore. What even worse was that it was still continuously sucking more of his blood trying to dry him up. His strength was leaving him as well and his sight was starting to become a little blurry. If this went on, he would surely die!

Just what did that kid has done to me?! As terrified as he was, the Bear King could only think about one thing, 'to cut his arm!'

He didn't hesitate any longer as he raised his left hand and his claw got longer and sharper. He then tried to raise his right hand forward only to fail as he saw it much worse than before.

He couldn't feel anything now as he saw that the ball of blood gathering on his palm was actually morphing into a little red bird and as he saw it flying away in great leisure.

As if it just finished eating and was using the strategy, 'Eat And Run!'

Terrified, the Bear King intended to cut off his now useless arm immediately, afraid that something more unexpected would happen.

However, he was still about to cut his arm off from his shoulder when he saw another little red bird flying leisurely just in front of his face.

This bird again?

The gorilla was wondering what really was that but at the same time, he felt a shudder seeing it. And his fright was paid off when suddenly, the red bird vanished on his sight only to be replaced by someone else. Who could it be other than the brat from before?!

The other party smiled at him with a prepared palm ready to touch him at any moment. The Bear King failed to react as the other party immediately tapped his forehead lightly using the other party's palm. "You want to cut the arm of my precious vessel? Dream on!"

Those words were the last words that the Bear King had heard before he finally realized that he was already suffering and was now shouting in agony! He could feel all of his blood leaving him. As if the other party was squeezing every drop of his blood!

Was that little tap really that strong? The Bear King was utterly bewildered. He could only see that it was just a slight tap and the World Energy with the other party's palm was very hard to be noticed. It was noticeable that the other party hadn't even use any kind of skill.

He was helpless. He was scared. He didn't want to die. But what else could he do other than to accept his own fate? 

After a moment of agony, his voice slowly died out until finally, he breathed his last. He couldn't even realize how exactly did he die. That he just turned into a dry corpse. He didn't even know just who the heck was that monster eyeing for him and wanting him to become his tamed beast.

If he had known from the start the unfathomable strength of the other party, he wouldn't have let his pride run on errands and try to fight back. If he just accepted him as his master, he wondered how strong would he become in the future.

But it was already too late. He was now already dead. Something like a bunch of 'ifs' was useless and regrets were just something like a bubble, ready to burst at any moment.

On the other hand, seeing the bear that fell before him, Jim could only smile excitedly. Its corpse turned into dryness as Jim nodded his head in satisfaction. His instinct to use this as a vessel for his blood was telling him to do it already.

Of course, Jim couldn't wait to make a beast that could fight for him.

Right now, he was beside the head of the bear. He really was hoping this time that his guess was correct. After a few moments of thinking, he raised his hand and pointed his index finger towards the beast.

Slowly, blood came out from the tip of his index finger. The blood floated and gathered in front of his finger. It didn't just stop for being a small bead of blood. Blood continued to come out from Jim's finger as it finally became as big as his own fist.

"Ugh..." Jem felt a little lightheaded as he felt as well that his little World Energy was almost got depleted. It was just fortunate that he could regenerate it as well at a fast rate.

"Just why did it become bigger this time?" Jim could only be confused as he stared at the blood for a moment before shifting his gaze to the dry corpse of the beast. "Anyway, this beast called himself the Bear King right? So I'm really not wrong, this is really one of the three strongest beasts in this mountain range."

Just by thinking that his experimental subject was actually one of the three strongest beasts around, Jim had a confused emotion within him. A king of the forest had just become his experimental subject? How laughable was that?! Others might really found it inconceivable and might be scared out of their wits if they learned the credibility of it.

Jim then took a deep breath as he finally willed for the fist-sized blood to float near the beast. The blood then floated and went right inside of the bear's mouth.

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