Xiao Jiaojiao suffered from morning sickness and had many babies, and was pampered by Qing Leng'

Chapter 28 Amazement

It can be seen that the bracelet is old, the red thread has become a little frayed, and the shell is also very worn. The most valuable thing on the bracelet is probably the one, a small silver pig as big as a peanut, which is probably the girl's zodiac sign.

This bracelet should be very important to the little girl, otherwise she wouldn't be so anxious just now. Jiang Mingyue took the bracelet and walked out.

She looked around but didn't see the little girl. Thinking that the visitor had left, Jiang Mingyue temporarily put away the bracelet and returned to the store.

Time passed quickly in the busy schedule. Shen Shi and Jiang Mingyue politely sent a guest out of Jinxiufang when he suddenly heard a burst of crying from beside him.

Jiang Mingyue turned her head and recognized the little girl just now. She looked very sad at that time, and she was careful when crying, covering her mouth to avoid disturbing others.

Jiang Mingyue walked over and squatted down in front of her.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiaoju hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face. She recognized that this beautiful sister was also from the embroidery workshop, and a glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in her heart.

"Sister, my bracelet is missing. That bracelet is the only thing my father left me. It is very important to me."

Lin Xiaoju choked up when speaking and was a little nervous, but she still said everything she wanted to say.

"Today I came to the county with my cousin and only visited those few places. I have searched and inquired about other places, but couldn't find them. Now only Jinxiufang is left. Sister, can you let me in? Looking for it?"

She wiped the tears on her face and said, "If I don't go in, can sister help me look for it?"

Jiang Mingyue saw the little girl's tearful eyes filled with prayers, smiled softly, took out the bracelet and asked softly: "Is this the one?"

Lin Xiaoju looked at the bracelet in her hand and cried again. This time she was happy and nodded heavily.

"This is it. This is my bracelet."

Jiang Mingyue handed the bracelet to the little girl.

"Put it away, don't lose it again."

Lin Xiaoju held the bracelet in her palm and nodded.

"Thank you sister, thank you!"

Jiang Mingyue smiled: "You're welcome, go home quickly!"

After watching the little girl leave, Jiang Mingyue stood up and saw Shopkeeper Han standing at the door of the store, and said hello politely.

"What's going on?" Shopkeeper Han heard the crying and came out to check, just in time to see the scene just now.

Jiang Mingyue briefly explained the matter to Shopkeeper Han, without mentioning Wu Mei at all.

"I see, you handled it well."

Shopkeeper Han praised Jiang Mingyue, and the two entered Jinxiufang one after another. This was just a small incident for them, and no one took it to heart.

Opposite Jinxiufang, the beggar huddled on the ground, seeing all this, slowly closed his eyes.

At dusk, in Linjia Village, Mrs. Lin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her daughter coming back.

"Why are you back so late?"

Seeing that her daughter's eyes were slightly red, Ms. Lin stood up quickly and walked quickly to her daughter.

"Ever cried? But who bullied you?"

Lin Xiaoju shook her head and told her mother about losing the bracelet.

At the same time, a large merchant ship docked at Wanping Pier. A middle-aged man in rich clothes disembarked from the ship and headed straight for Kyoto.

In early April, Jiang Mingyue, who had been working at Jinxiufang for ten days, officially signed a one-year long-term employment contract with Shopkeeper Han.

The monthly profit is five cents, with four days of rest per month, and a penny commission for every five feet of cloth or a set of clothes sold. This treatment is considered generous.

After signing the contract and leaving Jinxiufang, Jiang Mingyue was in a happy mood and bought a roast chicken, a piece of braised pork, and a jar of fruit wine, preparing to go back to celebrate with her younger brother and Brother Xie.

When Jiang Minghong came back in Youshi, Jiang Mingyue immediately told his brother the good news.

Jiang Minghong looked at his happy sister with a hint of smile in his eyes.

"Sister, congratulations!"

"Thank you. Brother Xie is back?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"came back!"

"Thank you for your hard work during this time, big brother, teaching me Wanping dialect. How about we have dinner with him as a celebration?"

"Yes! I'll go next door and ask if Mr. Xie is free tonight."

"to make!"

The two siblings separated. Jiang Mingyue walked into the kitchen, chopped up the roast chicken and pork belly, took some out and handed them to the pomegranate.

Pomegranate is a very hard-working person and keeps her home clean every day. This is why she can go to work at Jinxiufang without any worries. For such a hard-working maid, Jiang Mingyue would not treat her badly.

After a while, Jiang Mingyue saw her brother coming back and asked, "How is it?"

"I have agreed with Mr. Xie that we can go there now."

"Let's go then!"

The two siblings brought cooked food and wine to Xie's house, where Xie Yuan was cooking.

"You guys sit down first, I'll add two more dishes and they'll be ready soon."

"Thank you sir for helping you!"

Jiang Mingyue saw that both of them had entered the kitchen, put down the cooked food and went to the vegetable garden.

Although this period comes every day, the vegetables in the vegetable garden change greatly every day. For example, cucumbers have three small yellow flowers blooming today. The cucumbers that were only two inches long yesterday have grown to three inches today.

In addition to cucumbers, Xie Yuan also planted a kind of vegetable melon, but I don’t know what it was called Jiang Mingyue. There were a lot of them, and the big ones were as big as her fist.

Although the vegetable garden is small, Xie Yuan has taken good care of it. It is full of vitality and very pleasing to the eye. I don’t know what kind of fertilizer he applied.

Xie Yuan came out of the kitchen with steamed eggs and looked at Jiang Mingyue squatting in front of the vegetable garden. He put the steamed eggs into the main hall and walked to her side and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at the cucumbers and vegetables!"

Jiang Mingyue raised her head and looked at Xie Yuan and said, "Brother Xie, when these melons are ripe, can I help you pick them?"

He said 'ok' and asked, "Would you like to eat cucumber?"

Jiang Mingyue's eyes were a little brighter than before. She reached out her hand eagerly, but finally held back.

"It's still growing. I'll pick it again in a few days."

Xie Yuan smiled gently: "Okay, go back to the house quickly! There are mosquitoes here."


The three of them were very familiar with each other, and they were not sharing tables this time. Xie Yuan and the other siblings rested their bellies, then raised their wine glasses and looked at Jiang Mingyue and said, "Congratulations, I heard from Xiao Hong that you have already met Jinxiu." Did you sign the contract?"

Jiang Mingyue smiled happily when she mentioned this.

"Well, I signed the contract today. Working in Jinxiufang is very interesting. You can meet many interesting people every day.

Today, a grandma named Tian came to the store with some pieces of hair cake. She originally wanted to give the cake to me to eat, but she said she bought too much and couldn't finish it. She asked me to help her eat some and not waste food... "

Jiang Mingyue was in high spirits and told the two of them something she thought was interesting.

Xie Yuan and Jiang Minghong listened quietly and made eye contact from time to time. They could see that she really liked this job and enjoyed it.

In fact, in Xie Yuan's opinion, this job is not a good one. Although the people Jiang Mingyue faces every day are not complicated, there are many, and each person has a different personality and different communication methods.

Anyone who lacks patience will become very irritable at work, but Jiang Mingyue can calm down and never get impatient when getting along with others. She is diligent and responsible.

Although she looks weak, she is a very resilient person.

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