Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 003

0007_Where to write the diary

The most commonly used recording tool in the cultivation world is the jade slip, which is similar to the USB flash drive in the previous life. It is small and easy to carry, and can store text, pictures, video, and audio.Unencrypted U disk, no, it is a jade slip with no restrictions, and people who can use spiritual power can read it; a jade slip with restrictions, only those who meet the conditions or can decrypt or break the lock can read it.

My diary essays... are not written in jade slips.

After all, the jade slip may be lost, and if it is lost, it may be picked up by someone. If it is picked up, it may be read. No matter how the restrictions are set, it may be cracked.You can’t take such a risk with something as private as a diary, especially in my diary where there are so many complaints and chatter, what is the image of my aloofness when people see it?I don't want to create a comprehension version of the xx door.

So I keep it in my head, and as long as my brain isn't searched, I can keep my diary.If someone's brain is searched... then the diary is not important anymore.

Um?The so-called keeping it in your mind is to think about it casually every day, and forget it after you pass it?

If it was me in a previous life, then yes.However, in this life I have golden fingers.

As a time traveler, or a person reincarnated in another world with the memories of his previous life, I am sorry for this adventure without a golden finger.My golden finger is memory.

Sherlock Holmes has a memory palace, and so do I, born in this life, as if physically.Anything I have touched, no matter text, sound, picture, touch... will stay in this palace, never fade away, and will be automatically classified.It can be accessed at any time if you want to use it, and you can close it at any time if you want to forget it temporarily.

I still remember a pair of old hands holding me in my arms, and the hoarse voice carried vitality that was not old.That is my memory of my mother, and it is also the first memory of my life.

I also remember when I was a baby, my father asked me to teach me the basic sword formula. Although I didn't understand a word at the time, I desperately thought that I needed to learn a foreign language again, but I remembered the pronunciation of every word, my father's I also remember every cadence and comment on every sentence.

I still remember that when I was still a baby, when I couldn’t see clearly, one day my brother hugged a stuffed animal to play with me. It caught out among its kind.

Still in my infancy, my sister sat by my bed with thirty or fifty boxes of rouge every day for a week, explaining to me one by one what these rouges are made of, what they mean, and which one to use on which occasions... …Thanks to her, I can now choose rouge for girls just by smell.

It was only after I had such a good memory in my life that I discovered why someone used to describe smart people with a 'photographic memory'.I used to think memory and intelligence were two different things, but now I find that there is not much room for innovation in the world, and there is indeed nothing new under the sun.

When a person remembers enough, and can properly extract the memory and use it where it should be used, in the eyes of others, this person is so smart that it is rare in the world.

Although I still can't use my memory properly every time, sometimes it's hard to choose when facing things because there are too many related memories-I have a slight choice disorder-and it makes me seem to be unresponsive on the outside, but at least others want to It is also difficult to deceive me, but I have the memory of two lives and two completely different worlds.

There is a saying in the previous life that all the things that a person has experienced in his life, even if he casually picks up a book in summer to fan the wind, and the words between the gaps in the paper that he glanced at from the corner of his eyes, actually remain in the brain for a lifetime.The so-called forgetting is just not knowing how to extract the memory from the brain.

I believed in this statement in my previous life, and this life has verified my belief.

I was amazed. It turned out that I read so many books in my previous life, from textbooks to novels to magazines to film and television peripherals to difficult masterpieces of philosophy and physics that pretend to be images but turn my head... I have also seen so many places. The cities I hurried back and forth to, the sights I watched while traveling with a group, the natural wonders I browsed with the discovery program, the corners I watched with the gourmet program... When I re-watched it carefully, it turned out that it contained so much content.

Incidentally, I still insist that having a good memory and being smart are two different things.For example, I did not understand philosophy in my previous life, and I still do not understand it in this life.In my previous life, I bought "A Brief History of Time" in order to pretend to follow the trend, but I could only use it as a hypnotic book when I was insomnia; in this life, although I can recite "A Brief History of Time" from beginning to end verbatim-in fact, it is equivalent to reading it- — but still only as a hypnotic book.

It can be seen that no matter how good the memory is, it does not improve the IQ.

0008_Second son Pei

For the sake of my father, people often call me 'Second Prince Pei', but in fact I am the third in the family, and I have an older brother and an older sister.

Some people think that this "two" is counted separately for men and women, but it is not. Although there are still some patriarchal values ​​in this life in the mortal world, in the realm of cultivation, gender is not something that is valued too much.

Although in terms of numbers, there are indeed fewer female cultivators than male cultivators, and it is true that there are slightly fewer female cultivators than male cultivators among high-level cultivators.But on the one hand, this is because women seem to be somewhat lacking in persistence when it comes to fighting, and if they have children, they seem to be more easily distracted than male cultivators.But on the other hand, it was because many monks came from the mortal world, and the patriarchy in the mortal world made it less likely for women to enter the sect.

Even if most people have spiritual roots, they only have four or five spiritual roots, especially the most five spiritual roots.Many people think that if it's a boy, it's okay to have a lower spiritual root, but for a girl, it's better to go home and wait to get married and have children.In this way, the base number of female cultivators is reduced, and naturally there are fewer people who can go higher in proportion.Then the vicious cycle.

The modern monks feel that this situation is not good, making the yin and yang in the cultivation world uncoordinated, and it will become more and more uncoordinated, so they promote the equality of men and women in the mortal world and set an example.Although referring to the previous life, this will inevitably be a long process, but now it can be regarded as somewhat effective. At least most people are willing to let all school-age children in the family, regardless of gender, try it when the sect holds entrance examinations.

Then, if a girl with four or five spiritual roots is willing to cultivate and her family members are not willing to let her go, then the sect will send someone to do the ideological work of her family members.If it really doesn't work and the girl is determined to cultivate, then no problem, you can stay, little girl, anyway, ordinary people can't usually enter the sect, and can't disturb your cultivation.

——However, this evasive approach is only temporary. As a monk, if you want to go for a long time, you must not have any knots.If there is a problem, it must be solved, and if it cannot be ignored, it will be ignored.But don't worry too much, because as long as you reach the foundation building stage, these family problems are generally no longer a problem.From the beginning of the foundation building period, monks will be collectively referred to as "immortals" in the mortal world. Most mortals only have awe of immortals and will no longer have the courage to interfere.

Speaking of my nickname 'Pei Er Gongzi', it's actually because my brother and sister are twins.

Probably many twins have had this dispute: who is older.

If you have the misfortune to meet confused parents who can't remember who was born first, then you will have to fight even more.

This is the case with my siblings.

When they were born, Senior Sun's condition was very bad.It is said that although it is difficult for monks to conceive, but because of their good health, the process of giving birth is usually relatively easy.It's common for people who just gave birth today to fight monsters the next day.

However, in the early years, Senior Sun worked too hard to keep up with the progress of the same sect with the Four Spirit Roots, especially his mind wasted too much, and he was injured again during pregnancy. Then the childbirth was like a mortal woman, as if she had walked through the gate of hell.

The monks are very unfamiliar with childbirth, and even more unfamiliar with dystocia, so Senior Sun's birth process can be called a mess.No one cared about which of the two children came out first, as long as they were both alive.

The memory of the monks is actually pretty good, but no matter how good it is, it’s not like me. You can play back any scene you want, and you can zoom in on a part to see the details.They didn't pay attention at the time, and they didn't know about it later, and they didn't record the jade slips in the delivery room to record the whole process of Senior Sun's childbirth.

So the twins have been arguing over whether they are siblings or siblings. Now that they are hundreds of years old, no one is willing to bow their heads. They just call each other by their first names, and they call each other by their first and last names. It is absolutely impossible to call her sister.

Originally, no matter which of the two of them ranked first and who ranked second, I should be ranked third, it should be 'Pei San Gongzi', but they both wanted to be monsters, one asked me to call me big brother, and the other asked me to call me big sister , one forbids me to call me Second Brother, one forbids me to call Second Sister, and in order not to let the word 'two' fall on their own heads, they even call me Second Brother with the same caliber...

In recent years, the newly recruited disciples of Yunxia Sect were confused about the situation, thinking that Elder Pei only had two children, one was me, and the other was of unknown gender...

Look at this whole thing.What's even more exasperating is that the twins who have been treated as transvestites still insist on calling me second brother and encouraging others to call me second son.

Two what two, I want you two to go alone, don't implicate me, okay!

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