Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 030


I'm not interested in Shi Bolin's secrets. In comparison, I'm even more surprised: "Knowing that I'm the son of Elder Pei, you don't have any other ideas? For example, I went through the back door in the selection meeting, or I cheated on you during the exam." ?”

Shi Bolin: "Beauty, I found that your thoughts are a bit negative. We have only known each other for two days, and your self-doubting question appeared... Uh, several times. Obviously you are so beautiful, you should be very Confidence is right. But it’s okay, melancholic beauty is also attractive. I like it very much.”

I can't communicate with you.

Just look at the other freshmen. The way they look at me now is completely different from the way they looked at me during the exam a day ago. Apart from suspecting that I seduced the examiner, they had no dissatisfaction with me. Instead, they were indifferent to me because they looked at me beautiful The attitude is so tolerant - some female candidates are jealous of my appearance - now, they look at me with fear, sarcasm, and flattery...

Of course, it’s not all such ugly eyes. There are also those who keep two eyes like Young Master Shi, those who are indifferent to me like Min Lun, and those who don’t show emotion and pure evaluation... Well, count carefully, good-looking and not ugly The look in my eyes accounts for about one-third, and if I count the firm people who rejected me before and still reject them-mainly women-more than half.

Thinking about it this way, it's not too special for Young Master Shi's attitude to remain the same, he's just special.

Yunxiazong has very loose requirements on discipline. It should be said that most monks do not have strict requirements on discipline, and most of them are somewhat arbitrary.

The Tao is nature, and monks practice the Tao, and what they practice is to let nature take its course.Don't force yourself in everything, find the way that suits you best, walk slowly to the end, and enter a new world.

The so-called 'cultivating the truth goes against the sky' is just a fallacy spread by some mortals.These people only see that the result of cultivating the truth is that the monks are separated from the original life span and abilities of ordinary people, become as long as the sky, and become overwhelming with a wave of hands, which seems to be a drastic change against the sky. It was originally allowed by the heavens, so why talk about going against the heavens?

The inhumanity of heaven and earth regards all things as straw dogs. That is not to say that God is cruel to human beings. It just means that God will not treat human beings preferentially. But as a part of all things, why should human beings demand special preferential treatment from God?A monk must go through many difficulties in order to be successful in cultivation. That is not a punishment against the sky, but an equivalent exchange that must be paid in order to get something.

Just like Lei Jie, it is not that God forbids monks to go further to snipe and kill, on the contrary, it is a more difficult cultivation after God assists monks to practice more purely to meet them.Just like the washing of the marrow and cutting of the body with spiritual power when building a foundation, the thunder calamity is nothing more than a more powerful flushing of spiritual power.

As for the possibility of death from thunder calamity, that is because the subsequent practice will only be more tragic than thunder calamity. If you can't survive thunder calamity, you will be even less likely to survive the future. Early death and early rebirth are also good.


In fact, I just want to say that although this is the first training camp for freshmen and everyone is a little nervous, the whole formation still shows freedom and slack.Those who chatted in twos and threes, those who looked around, those who muttered words alone, those who gestured with their hands... Those who knew it was the leader's speech before training, and those who didn't know thought it was a tea party.

The elder brother is obviously used to such scenes, talking about requirements, precautions, and taboos on his own... Don't worry, monks, even prospective monks in the qi training period, are all discerning.It's hard to say that you can multi-task all the time, but it's relatively easy to do some private things that don't require concentration while listening to boring rules.

0095_ support

After the big brother finished speaking, the others started basic exercises, such as swinging a sword, making talismans, and looking at the direction of my major, while I was taken aside by the big brother to talk.

Oh, this time it's not that the elder brother took special care of me, but other freshmen have already completed this procedure yesterday.

"Elder Pei should have already told you the main issue," said the elder brother.

Me: "If you mean that I have to live collectively on the main peak for a year, yes, he told me."

The senior brother smiled: "Don't be so repulsive, it's not as bad as you think. First of all, the outer disciples also have their own rooms, and they won't let you sleep in the Datong bunk. That's the treatment of handyman disciples, and it has nothing to do with you official disciples." .”

Thank you, it gave me more confidence in the protection of my chastity... Wait, the handyman... "Those people in the teleportation formation?" Yunxiazong did not have a formal channel for recruiting handymen, but there have always been many handymen , and obviously there are batches of fresh people entering continuously. Thinking about the time when the previous batch of handymen entered just after the selection meeting, it is inevitable that they are related to the selection meeting.

The elder brother nodded, and didn't say much about it: "You are now an official disciple. In addition to the relevant materials of the foundation building period, there are more things in the library to unlock for you, including the inside story of the selection meeting. You can check it yourself, sure." Faster and more detailed than I can tell you."

I was very sad, and felt that I had been played for more than ten years. Those who called me brothers and sisters in the past were all teasing me, and I was still foolish enough to think that I would rely on the solid background of my father, and I would automatically do it from birth. Became a disciple of Yunxia Sect.What a shame.

I was in pain for a long time, and suddenly realized that the elder brother hadn't spoken for a long time. I looked around suspiciously, and saw the elder brother staring at me with an expression of watching a play.

...does it look good?

"It's rare to see your expression so rich and twisted so cute." Amidst my glaring, the elder brother replied calmly.

Twist your sister.Others may have misunderstood me as an official student before—maybe because I didn’t understand the rules like me, or maybe I knew the rules but thought my father accepted me as an apprentice—but you must know that I am not counted, but You took the lead in playing me.

I... sooner or later I will beat you.

The elder brother continued to calm down under my glaring gaze: "As before, most of the sword masters this year, even non-sword masters are more or less practicing swords, so except for a few people, everyone else needs to train intensively every day The basics of swordsmanship. Your foundation was laid by Elder Pei. There is probably no need to correct it, but the basic training part is still not allowed to be absent. As for the theory class, you are free. I personally suggest that you listen to it, although the content of the lecture is your own. They can all be recited, but the understanding of the teachers is also very valuable. Comparing the notes in the Library Pavilion, you may be able to discover things that you have not noticed before."

I nodded.

Eldest brother: "I won't say much about the rules. You must memorize them better than me, but I have to emphasize one point. This sect does not prohibit students from fighting. It doesn't matter whether you are in the arena or in private, as long as you don't The Disciplinary Department will not intervene in beating the dead or maiming the disabled, or not intending to kill or maim the disabled. You should be careful about the most difficult issues for newcomers. The outer sect is far more indifferent than the inner sect in this regard, especially those who are outside the sect. People who have been in the door for more than a year, the rules are familiar, the mind is active, and the disasters that can be caused are more varied and difficult to guard against. Your character will not take the initiative to provoke people, but you should pay attention to it. If you are too defensive, you will be punished .”

"I see."

"After you become an official disciple, you won't be able to cover you all the time like before. Even during the time you are in the outer door, you can't go back to Pei Feng at will. Of course, it's useless for you to go back. Elder Pei will be at the latest tomorrow." I'm about to go out, I guess Elder Pei may not be able to come back after you enter the inner gate. And I, and the brothers and sisters you are familiar with, including the elders, can't favor you, at least not blatantly favoring you."

The elder brother said seriously, and I answered seriously: "Don't worry, I understand this." After all, I have also been out of society, and I am not really a brat who only knows how to be pampered——Okay, bear It's a real bear, but I still understand that others can't give in to me.

The elder brother thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said: "But you don't have to be afraid. Although you must follow the rules on the surface, we are definitely more inclined to you in private. If someone makes you suffer secretly, you secretly Tell me, and I will help you create a chance to get revenge."

There is no need to say this kind of thing, can't we make it clear?And I was so clumsy that you thought from the beginning that I had to make small reports so as not to suffer?

I was dissatisfied, the senior brother just laughed, and stretched out his hand to touch my head again, I turned my head quickly, and his hand touched the hair ball on my shoulder. I read it once, and then put it back on my shoulder when I had seen enough.

"The mutated civet, the quality is not bad, there is potential for improvement." The elder brother commented.

Is it really a cat? I’m a little disappointed. I also expected it to be a big cat, whether it’s a leopard, tiger or lion. In short, it’s the kind of big cat that can be my mount instead of always using me as a mount. animal.

"How big can it grow?" I reluctantly asked the senior brother a question that I have already judged the answer to.

Big brother: "You have to ask a professional about this. My guess is that if you don't count the tail, it can grow to the length of your forearm."

Me: "Whose forearm is longer?" Don't be fooled by such imprecise units.

Eldest brother tactfully: "It's your spirit beast."

"Will my forearm be as long as an adult body?"

Eldest brother was more tactful: "I don't specifically point out when I speak, it is generally measured with the current data."

...This is a euphemism for a fur ball, if you just say that it can grow like a house cat, wouldn't that be the end of it.

House cat: "Mi..."

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