Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 78


I didn't know for a while whether I should continue talking. According to my experience, if I speak when someone is about to cry, the other party will probably howl.I didn't want to deal with that scene again.

Ji Zuo sniffed: "I feel some pain in my body, is it my psychological effect, or did the test touch the person who has the spiritual power in my body?"

Hmm... That's me trying to pry the core... Uh, it really can't be done by force, sorry, just take it as an illusion, I won't pry it.

Ji Zuo curled up slightly: "It really hurts, it's so uncomfortable..."

... This time, you are delusional. I have stopped, and the core is as quiet as a piece of meat. Calm down, don't hallucinate.

"Relax, take a deep breath," I said to Ji Zuo, "Trust the detector, it didn't call the police, the abnormal spiritual power in your body is not hurting you, don't think about it, relax, think about your next boyfriend."

Ji Zuo: "...Do you know how to comfort others? What next boyfriend, my wife is celibate!"

Me: "I don't know how to comfort others, so you'd better comfort yourself, and you'll have to cry if you count on me. Also, it's good to be celibate, I'm also celibate."

Ji Zuo looked at me, his body language finally relaxed, and he asked suspiciously, "You? Celibacy? Ha."

Me: "Huh, what? The celibacy of me is absolutely out of the heart, not because no one loves you and you are forced to be celibate."

Ji Zuo: "Looking like you, there is no shortage of love, but who can you look up to? And whoever stands next to you will be lined with green leaves or even withered grass, and you will always worry about your red apricot going out of the wall , Normal people can’t bear it. It’s easy to talk about a short-term relationship, but it’s hard to think about it for a lifetime. Alas, it’s too early to tell you this, and you’ll know when you’re an adult, man..."

I know men better than you, thanks.

0290_ call the police

Ji Zuo's test results are shocking, the whole body is red, but if you zoom in on the human figure on the screen to see part of it, you will find that it is actually densely packed dots, and there is still green between the dots.

The note given on the tester is: There is a mutated spiritual plant in the body, please take it out as soon as possible.

I knew it was going to mention this. According to the mission statement, Ji Zuo couldn’t tell about it. Although I mentioned to her the possibility of a spiritual plant in my body, she can refuse to believe what I, a mortal, can say. If the magic weapon of the fairy family said it, Ji Zuoba would believe it.

Or let her misunderstand that someone is plotting against her.

Ji Zuo can't be fooled at will, she pointed to the coded comment and asked, "What does this mean?"

Me: "You can copy it down and ask me for you when I get home."

Ji Zuo: "I see that you didn't feel repulsive when you mentioned your home. Why did you run away from home?"

Me: "Are you in such a hurry to translate? According to my experience, this usually reveals the solution or the source of the problem, but for the problem of spiritual power, even if ordinary people know the solution or the source, they can't handle it by themselves? Why not? Go to the monk directly. You can report this situation, just call the police in the mortal world, and after it is confirmed that it is a spiritual incident, a monk will take over the task to deal with it.”

Report the case quickly, if you report the case, your matter will be transferred to another mission, and my serial mission will end early.Then I went to pick up the task of taking the core that you reported - as the person associated with the task, I have the priority to receive it - directly to get the core through surgery, the entire chain of tasks is also considered a successful completion, or it is equivalent to completing twelve tasks .

It is not within the scope of the chain of missions I have accepted to take the core directly, but you have changed the mission by actively requesting the surgery, and the new mission will be done according to the requirements of the new mission.

I just tried it. The nucleus grows too firmly in your body. It will take a lot of time to steal it secretly. I don’t know how much I have to spend to fool you. It’s too annoying.

0291_ rumors

Ji Zuo refused to call the police.She is different from Tu Yang, she is very concerned about what the neighbors say about her, and she will think twice about anything that will become a topic of conversation.

Reported to the police, saying that he had been implanted with spiritual power.The police asked her why she knew, and she said it was because she could use this spiritual power to control others. Tu Yang and Zhu Suo were examples?

Obviously you can't say that.

If she lied to the police and managed to recruit the monk, the monk could figure out the truth without her telling her.Although monks are obliged to keep secrets for the task target, and the degree of secrecy is subject to the task target's requirements as long as it does not violate the principle, but Ji Zuo may not dare to believe this secrecy.

That's right, for things like secrets, the initiative is in the hands of others, and that person is still a stranger that they don't know at all, so no one has to worry about it.

So I still had to do the nuclear work secretly, and at the same time, I had to find a way to keep Ji Zuo from worrying about her physical condition.But regarding the latter, after I take out the nucleus, I should give her another test. The key is to take the nucleus, and I have to take it slowly...

In the next period of time, everyone said that Ji Zuo was too depressed and looked so pitiful. Tu Yang was scolded like a dog, but at this time, Mr. Tu had already stayed away from Jijia Village in the name of a business trip. He could only shake his head and sigh that he couldn't get in touch.

It is conceivable that if Tu Yang's reputation in Jijia Village continues to rot, it is not impossible for him to simply move out of Jijia Village, just like his good friend Zhu Suo, who spends his time drinking and having a good time and does not go home at all, so he doesn't care about the evaluation of the neighbors.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ji Zuo will be so depressed, and I have to pay a little indirect responsibility: the day before Ji Zuo and Tu Yang's engagement, Tu Yang's friend was sent to detention by me, which probably ignited the relationship between Ji Zuo and Tu Yang. The conflict caused Ji Zuo to be so angry that he was hospitalized. Later, Tu Yang changed his mind and dumped Ji Zuo who was only one step away from getting engaged in order to chase me, which made Ji Zuo even more depressed.

Although I was a passive victim throughout the whole process, the gossip spread and it turned out that I seduced Zhu Suo and Tu Yang.Otherwise, Tu Yang and Ji Zuo have been doing well before, and Zhu Suo is also a decent person, why did they all do irrational things to me all of a sudden?

"When you are young, you are restless, what will happen in the future." In the end, public opinion became like this.

0292_ accompany

"Don't pay attention to those nonsense." Ji's mother is on my side.Although she didn't know that Ji Zuo had controlled Tu Yang and Zhu Suo, she knew very well that her daughter and Tu Yang had a relationship that was on the verge of breaking up, and they had to break up several times. It's almost time.

"Others can't get involved in relationship issues." Ji's mother said, "I can see your attitude towards those two people. It's their problem that they have ill intentions towards you, and it has nothing to do with you."

Me: "I don't care. Aunt Ji, you don't have to argue with the neighbors for me. Anyway, I won't live here for a long time. Maybe I will move out tomorrow. What they like to say doesn't affect me. You don't have to worry about it." I broke the neighbourhood."

"This 'I'm happy to see you not doing well' neighborhood relationship?" Ji Zuo sneered.

Ji's mother sighed: "They are idle. The pace of life in a small city is slow, and there is too much time in abundance. Why don't you find something to do?"

"It doesn't cost you to talk nonsense about other people's affairs, and you don't need IQ. It's just for fun, why not do it?" Ji Zuo continued to sneer.

Ji's father patted her on the head: "You are so cynical, and your outright lovelorn performance is an important reason to stimulate them to talk about it."

Me: "Yes, in order to break the rumors, I will come to visit you every day and make us look like good sisters." The rumors said that Ji Zuo and I had turned against each other because of Tu Yang, and we wanted to kill each other.

Really, even if you doubt my character, at least trust my taste.I see my own face in the mirror every day, how can anyone think that I can look like Tu Yang?How many orders of magnitude is the difference in appearance between me and him, can the audience not see it with long eyes?

Ji Zuo rolled her eyes, but Ji's mother was very happy, and said to me: "Yes, you should spend more time with Ji Zuo, and don't let her think wildly every day."

Me: "I'm afraid I'm redundant, and she doesn't lack good girlfriends."

When Ji's mother mentioned this, she became angry: "Her best friend is really good. She just made a few phone calls and didn't come to see Ji Zuo. She stared at Tu Yang's troubles every day. This is putting the cart before the horse."

This is a really good girlfriend. Obviously, she knows Ji Zuo well enough to know that she can't be decadent because of a broken relationship. Instead, there are more elements of reluctance, so as long as Tu Yang is made miserable, Ji Zuo's mood will naturally be better.There is no need to visit Ji Zuo at all, just showing her the tragic situation of her ex-boyfriend is considerate enough.

It's hard for Ji Zuo to explain that she and Tu Yang should have broken up a long time ago. She has long since lost her love for him. The control some time ago is not so much because she doesn't want to break up with Tu Yang, but because she is indulging in the pleasure of possessing spiritual power. Extricating herself, she can only say to me: "I don't need you to see me, it's annoying."

"Nonsense." Ji's mother quickly retorted, "It's up to you, Xiao Lin, come here when you have time, don't listen to her stubbornness, she needs someone to accompany her."

For the mission, "Of course I will come." I stated.

0293_ relax

In order to let Ji Zuo relax, I accompanied her to travel around...

I don't understand, what is the necessary connection between relaxation and travel?In my opinion, the best way to relax is to stay alone quietly, or let go of your thoughts or let your thoughts fly, reflect, imagine, hypothesize, simulate...

And even if you want to travel, why do you have to go to places with many people?Wouldn't it be nice to find a place in the deep mountains and wild forests that is inaccessible?Do you have to look at people's heads?Do you have to crowd people?If you don’t want others to tell you which is beautiful, which is fun, and which has delicious food, just go there?Does the brain grow on someone else's neck?

"There is no way to communicate with the dead house." Ji Zuo said.

Me: "Differences do not conspire with each other, I have nothing to communicate with you."

Ji Zuo: "So we should act separately. You can nest wherever you want. I will travel and mine. I will notify you when I finish the tour. We will go back to Jijia Village together. My mother will not know that we are separated. "

I really want to do this, but if I don't follow you all the time, when will I get the check?The mortal world is so annoying, I want to go back to Yunxia Sect.

I sighed: "If you die outside, how can I explain to Aunt Ji and Uncle Ji, I was given the task of protecting you by them."

The corners of Ji Zuo's mouth twitched: "As for your trouble-making face, I'd be safer if you weren't around. Also, my brain grows on other people, and I go to crowded tourist spots, so there's no danger."

Me: "Robbery, fraud, stealing... Do you have common sense, most of the dangers are caused by people, and you think that places with many people are safe?"

Ji Zuo: "It's safer than when I was with you. You have to guard against robbery when you are around."

I looked at her, not reminding her that she had just hinted at her own value for not being robbed. 'Looking safe' doesn't seem to be a compliment, no matter for men or women.

Ji Zuo probably understood the look in my eyes, folded his arms and said, "Compared to you, everyone looks safe."

Me: "That's because you don't know enough." I am indeed a recognized beauty, but even if it is limited to Yunxia Sect, there are also junior uncles who are on par with me, and in terms of temperament and connotation, my junior uncle is even better. Can only be ranked second.If we expand the scope to the entire realm of comprehension, there are several people in the Hehuan Sect who are more beautiful than me, plus other types of beauties who cannot be compared because of their completely different styles...

Cough, forget it, I think I'd better not study this aspect too much, I have already controlled my face seriously enough, so I should set a bottom line for myself.

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