Yandere Dating System

Chapter 15

Author: Alright guys for the last few months i have been focusing on another story exclusively and thought it was time to change that to another story. Also, a small rewrite is going to be in progress so I'll be releasing chapters every day or every other day. I wont delete past chapters, but I'm adding some. 

If you'll look at the chapter title, I'm calling this chapter 15 even though we already had a chapter 15 ages ago. Simply put, this will replace the old chapter 15. The old chapter 15 is still up, but i took down the title and replaced it with something else. When the rewrite is done, i'll edit a proper title into them.

For example, if the rewrite ends at like chapter 18, i'll edit the old chapter 15 and give it the title of chapter 19. And so on, so that everything fits.


"Hey, Rumi."

Hearing her name being called, Rumi looked to the side and caught sight of an acquaintance in the middle of doing a cobra pose. They both were.

"Is it true you've been coming together with some chubby kid recently?" The girl asked.

"What? Of course not. Who said?" Rumi quickly denied the accusation.

"Really?" The girl seemed doubtful. "I heard Tabi and Sena talking about it this morning. They said they saw you walking with him to the building from the parking lot."

"Tell those bitches to open their eyes. I don't know any such fatties, okay?"

"But, they said they saw him handing you a lunchbox. You never used to bring those. Didn't I see you eating some cookies from one the other day?"

Rumi's back hair rose. She glared at the girl warily. "Stay away from my cookies!" She growled low, changing to the cow position and going into the crane.

As the other girls did so as well, as per the instructor's orders, the girl to her side was put off by the ferocity of Rumi's outburst. Several others swerved their heads her way, too.

Rumi's cheeks burned. "And he's not even that fat anymore," She muttered. Which was true. He'd been working out daily for over two months now and had dropped his weight considerably. He was more husky than fatty now. At least, he had muscle built up now. The progress was a bit shocking to see.

Every day, he was exercising. And all but starving himself. He barely ate, but when he did he ate a lot. "For the energy," He's said. Thanks to that kind of diet, his fat had been burned off fast enough to see. He seemed to change little by little each day. And the muscle he'd slowly built was starting to show, too.

Rumi admired that kind of determination. She herself had undergone such grueling exercise regiments, but she could never keep them up. It wasn't just hard on the body, but the mind. But he didn't complain even once. Even at home, he worked out constantly. There were some rest days, but that's it. Even on those days, he'd at least jog for a while.

It was a bit cool, how hard-working he suddenly was. It wasn't at all like the sleazy image she had of him before his amnesia. Maybe that was why? He lost his memory, so he seemed like a different person.

When she thought back on it, he always did have this kind of gloomy look in his eyes on the rare occasion she caught them. She never cared about it before, but she now wondered why that was.

Had there been something in his past that weighed him down back then? Is that why he's so different from before? Because whatever it was, he'd forgotten it? Perhaps. Rumi was a bit curious. She did once prod her mother a bit on this topic, but the woman was tight-lipped and told her, "Yuuji's past doesn't need remembering."

That only made her more curious, but she didn't bother to ask further.

He was still an insufferable guy in her mind, constantly bullying her, but she felt that he wasn't a bad person.

Anyway, she respected his effort! So seeing someone else call him fat when they had no idea how hard he'd worked kinda irked her.

Also, what's with this bitch eyeing Rumi's cookies, huh? Did she want to die? Rumi would never share! They were her's...

She paused.

Oh gods...I'm getting angry over cookies. I'm going to end up a fatty if this keeps up!

Blasted Yuuji, was this his plan? Fatten her up with delicious cookies and get his revenge for all the times she called him Piggy? How awful! She's going to smack him the next time she saw him. If she starts putting on extra pounds because of him, he's dead!

...Though, speaking of his cookies, maybe that bakery job was right for him after all. She was a bit surprised he'd chosen a profession like that, but when she thought of his skill at making cookies it seemed natural he'd be a baker. 

Its just funny, because rather than piggy his height and stockiness now made him more of a boar. Cartoon images of said animal baking cookies in a kitchen popped into her head. A small puff of sir escaped her lips that nearly caused her to laugh and lose her balance. 

"Dancer," Their instructor called out. And they assumed the position.

"Eh, you saying something like that..." The girl chuckled, "Who is he, I wonder? This mystery fatty of yours."

Rumi's eye twitched. "I have nothing more to say to you. Mind your own business." She then started to ignore her.

"Hah? I was just making conversation. What's with you, bitch? Think you're hot stuff or something. Some people..."

Rumi was scorned, but she paid no mind.


Her class ended early today. She wiped herself with her towel and went towards the other side of the building where the gym Yuuji worked out in was located. He'd probably be there for another half hour.

Having nothing in particular to do at the moment, she stood by the doorway and leaned against the frame. She saw Yuuji lifting some dumbells at the far side of the room.

She stared intently at him. Yuuji was pretty tall. He might have even grown taller recently. With his fat having gone down considerably, he was even a little tiny bit handsome. At least, he was far better-looking than he used to be.

Rumi looked around for her mother, then remembered she was invited to a game of tennis by some friends and would probably only just be ending it now. She'd probably meet them in the food court.

Yawning, she caught sight of some busty woman going over to hassle Yuuji. Rumi couldn't recall the woman's name, but it seems like Yuu had earned her ire the first day he'd come here. Suffice it to say, they didn't get along and she apparently yammered at him constantly.

They bickered for a few moments before the woman turned red-faced and marched off. Rumi saw Yuuji turn his nose up at her and continue his workout. A few moments later, a large man also wandered over. He didn't interact with Yuuji, but only looked at him with a frown.

Her mother had told her about that guy. Some ugly pervert who had tried to hit on her every time she came. Rumi gave him a considering look. He was far from ugly, that was for sure. But he did give off the air of a horn dog.

Judging from the way he'd been touching and getting close to the females in the gym before walking towards Yuuji, that is. The guy looked like he was about to fuck them right in front of everyone. And the women didn't seem to mind.

Yuuji had once told her that's basically how this part of the gym made it's money. They practically whored their instructors.

As such, Rumi had a very low opinion of the woman and the man.

Just then, the man took a place at Yuuji's side. He sat by a nearby bench, started talking, and Rumi felt the man's eyes wander in her direction a moment later. She frowned.

The man raked her with a licentious glance that made her feel sick, then said something to Yuuji.

To her utter surprise, Yuuji's sat down the weights in his hand. He walked over to where the man was seated, and the other party seemed to scoff at him. WIthout a word, Yuuji grabbed a fistful of his hair and brough his knee to meet the man's face. Even from where Rumi stood, She could hear the force of the impact.

Everyone could. They stopped what they were doing immediately and looked over.

Yuuji didn't seem to even notice. He slammed his knee into the man's face three more times. Over and over again until he was a bloody mess. He leaned down and whispered something into the man's ear, then threw him to the ground and calmly walked away.

In fact, the direction he let in was the exit, right where Rumi stood in stunned silence.

"What was that?" She asked.

The youth snorted, "He was being disgusting," Came the curt reply.

"Yeah, I could tell. What did you say to him?"

The boy looked her in the eye. "I told him that if he ever touched you, I'd break a glass bottle and shove the bad end up his ass."

Her mouth fell open. Not only because of the brutality of the statement--though just imagining it made her stomach churn--but because of the dead seriousness with which it was said. Somehow, she didn't doubt for a moment he'd make good on that threat.

"Let's go," He stalked off, shouldering his bag.

Rumi looked at him for a moment, then back to the bloodied man who was now being surrounded by concerned gym members.

For some reason, she felt a bit sweet just then and followed after Yuuji's retreating back with a tiny smile.

"Thank you, piggy."

Maybe having a boar for a brother wouldn't be all that bad, she thought.

Rumi decided not to smack him after all.

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