Yandere Dating System

Chapter 28

"Cade, you fucking dick, get your fat, feathery ass out here!" Aiden screamed. 

He stood outside their apartment and was shouting into the sky like a lunatic. The passersby looked at him strangely, but he paid them no mind. 

His cry was met with silence. Aiden let forth a string of vile curses that made the surrounding men and women blink, thoroughly incensed by the lack of reply. 

Of course that asshole is busy. 

Aiden recalled some mention of a war, but he didn't care. His problems took priority. Such as, which of those bitches killed him? In his fucking sleep, no less. 

And why? He'd fucked them both till they literally passed out from orgasm. He's done his part, goddammit. They had no fucking reason to kill him or be jealous. And the fact they still even had the energy to kill him was seriously ticking him off. 

When Aiden fucks you, you had no business being capable of anything but a weak cry for more after several hours of rest.

Looks like going the playboy route isn't going to work this time.

Ah, whatever. I didn't want to have to marry them anyway.

With Cade refusing to answer, Aiden decided to take a walk and buy himself a bottle of vodka from somewhere. He wanted to get drunk and maybe do something stupid.

As such he paid a visit to the nearest Liquor store, bribed the cashier, and took off to do some day drinking. 

A cap was unscrewed and then tossed aside without a care. A familiar bitterness struck his tongue a moment later. 

Aiden rented a room at a nearby hotel, not wanting to go back to the apartment, where he proceeded to spend several hours getting piss drunk and ordering room service until he was sick. 

That, of course, was not helping at all. Well, it wasn't supposed to. But he needed a while to drink away his irritation at having been recently killed. It did make him feel better, to be honest. After sending a staff member to buy him a change of clothes and taking a shower, he finally started addressing his problems again. 

So. What should I do now, then? I hate running away but if I stay here those two are going to keep on killing me.

Aiden considered his options. Leave, stay. He probably could leave. He'd done enough research into this world during the last three months that he's pretty sure he can get his way around. He just would have to stay away from rural areas and cities. 

He'd often seen super-powered fights go down in the city, but they weren't an everyday occurrence, and usually, cultivators would quickly descend from the sky and stop the altercations. 

Any regular person kept to themselves and were policed by others of their kind. Supers were handled by supers or cultivators.  

So a city was normally fairly safe for him now that he was strong enough.

He checked his current strength stat.

Strength--20--Above Average--You're very physically fit, capable of overpowering most small magical beasts in strength.

Small magical beasts were around the same size as a fully-grown adult. Mid-size ones were the size of a van, while the larger ones were at least the size of a building and could grow into a "colossal " category through mutations.

Though small magical beasts were among the weakest, the humans of this world could hold their own against one. Although many humans possessed powers, not all were blessed. But the appearance of magical beasts and the change they brought allowed even regular humans to gain a greater physical ability than those from his original planet.

This allowed them to be able to fight against these smaller beasts so long as they had some fighting experience. 

It appeared that their bones, along with their skin, had become tougher in order to support this greater strength. Aiden had read that in the first days there were people who'd crippled themselves because their muscles had become too powerful for their bones to handle. Over time this changed.

Since Aiden was above average in strength compared to the average human on this planet, he could surely survive the attacks of smaller beasts if he encountered them. And he would only run into them if he explored places with little human activity. 

If he stuck to the towns, he'd be fine. So either way, he wasn't in any immediate danger anymore. He could afford to fight back against any normal human if he stayed in some city and didn't have to be too overly concerned if he ran into some beast. Well, unless they were in packs.

Aiden was pretty confident in beating one or two if he had to. He'd researched the common ones enough to know how to, at least. 

So, should he just book it to another city? If he stayed, he'd at least have to wear a disguise or something. 

I have no idea where Naoko would be keeping this kid's legal documents. I could probably survive without them, but that'd be a real hassle. If I stay and just disguise myself, I can possibly evade Naoko assuming there's not some magical way of finding me. Which i don't at all know if can be done or not.

Though, he can't die. So even if he is found and gets killed he'd know it the next time around.

What if she just decides to chain me up in a basement, though?

Despite the common belief, biting off your tongue won't kill you. So if he was captured, he'd be pretty fucked. 

Aiden debated a little. Then came to a conclusion: He needed help. 

Angela? Maybe, but she had her own problems and to be honest she was kind of a flake. Couldn't be relied on. 

Then who else? Who was in a position to help him? Aiden hadn't exactly been making friends here. 

They had to be a person with money. Someone with influence, power. He needed this because he had no connections in this world like he used to. In the past, he knew many people who'd been able to forge him some documents but that wasn't an option here. 

He wasn't familiar with the city's underground at all. Though he could probably find things out given a bit of time, Naoko was almost constantly on his ass and somehow always was able to find him. 

This is why he wondered about any magical methods of tracking him, because that shit was eerie. 

Speaking of, the helper he needed had to be able to defend against Naoko. 

As soon as the thought was birthed, he remembered a certain silver-haired beauty who lived in an estate like a fortress.

....Didn't Kanon say her mother was a widow?


"Madame, you've a guest waiting for you in the solar." 

It was very late in the day, the sun starting to dip behind the mountains with the sky a burning orange. Akiko had just arrived back home at her estate after a long day at the office when her head butler informed her of a guest.

"Who?" She tossed her coat to a nearby servant and rubbed her aching shoulders. 

"One of Miss Kanon's friends. He said it was quite urgent and has been waiting here since midday."

"I see," She sighed.  I'll see him now. Prepare me a bath in the meantime." She held herself back from a wince. The day had been stressful, that's all.

It hurts

But this was her duty. What did it matter if it caused a little pain? 

I'm tired. 

Of so much. But she'll sleep soon, and that short reprieve will be enough to keep her going the next day. This pain and fatigue were easily curable. She couldn't complain. Had no right to. Even though nothing here felt like her own.

Akiko dismissed the man. Arriving at the solar's entrance shortly later, she opened the door calmly. 

What greeted her was a man. A young one. With glossy locks of maroon with bangs that swept over jewel-like blue eyes. He bore sharp, almost regal features. But his most impressive trait was his height and size. The youth was easily over six feet of hard muscle from head to toe.

How did she know that? Because he stood there entirely naked. Like a young Devil come to tempt her. 

Her eyes found themselves glued. Her gaze slowly drifted down.

Oh dear heavens.

"Who are you? Why--?"

He cut her off. "Do you care? Either call your guards or come in." 

...Akiko narrowed her eyes. A man with the body of a walking wet dream suddenly shows up naked and willing in her own home. Someone who claimed to be a friend of her daughter, and had urgent business with her. 

It was a strange situation. She was curious, she had to admit. Keeping her cool, she quietly shut the door behind her. It wouldn't be too late to call her security if he did anything she disliked. 

"What now?" She asked fearlessly. "You've got my attention. So go on, tell me what this 'urgent business' of yours is. And you say you're Kanon's friend. That must be true, otherwise you never would've been allowed inside."

"It is." He didn't elaborate. "As for my business, I've come to discuss a transaction between you and I."

Interesting."And what would be the terms of this transaction?" She could guess based on how he presented himself here, which was certainly the most unique method she'd ever seen someone employ to gain her recognition, but she wanted him to say it clearly.

"I require assistance I believe you can provide. In exchange, I'll provide you a service."

A service, he says. How cute.

"That's a rather nice way of offering to prostitute yourself."

"But it is a service." He replied smoothly. "Just tell me how many orgasms you want." 

"Bold words."

"Bold woman," He retorted.

That was fair.


An arched brow. "Only? You poor thing, never been fucked properly." 

How vulgar.

But she ignored it. Akiko looked at him curiously. "How many were you expecting me to say?"


She gulped.

The Gods do exist!

"I change my answer."

"Good call."

And the deal was struck.

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