Yandere Dating System

Chapter 43

It's certainly not his first time dancing with a woman, Celia surmised after their third dance sequence. He appeared very comfortable taking the lead, smoothly gliding them across the dance floor with practiced ease. 

"So, how does he run?" Annabelle asked. The two of them stood off to the side while Nathaniel stomped off to get another drink, unable to stomach the sight. He had been glaring at Celia and Aiden the entire time they were on the dance floor. Apparently, he had reached his limit.

By now, a new group of musicians had taken the stage and Aiden, for his part, had wandered off to make a request. It left the two women to make pleasantries, loath as Celia was to do so.

"Nicely," Celia responded with a politeness she didn't feel. "Did you teach him?" 

The woman laughed her off. "No, no. Sadly, I can take no credit for that. If anything he's been the teacher in our relationship. He has quite a number of skills. Oh yes, so very many..." She trailed off with a knowing smile. "I urge you to discover and enjoy them till your heart's content.

Crude, Celia thought.  

"You really are a base woman, aren't you," Celia lightly mocked. 

Annabelle's eyes went comically wide, "Why, whatever could you mean, dear Celia?"

A cold snort. "Please, spare me the act. You think I haven't figured out your silly little plot? Bringing that kid here, having him try and seduce whichever woman Nathaniel would've brought with him as some kind of petty revenge for his infidelity," She gave a faint sneer. "You can at least try to be less obvious about it."

"Plot?" Anna crossed her hands over her heart. "You wound me, Lady Celia. He was meant as a gift, a gift! I simply felt that whatever unfortunate woman happened to fall for Nathaniel's tricks should, at the very least, know the pleasures a real man can bring. There's no scheme, no evil plots," She assured. "It's called sympathy, darling."

Celia plastered on a smile. "How kind of you. " It was not humanly impossible for her tone to be any more sarcastic but Anna merely nodded as if it was a sincere compliment.

"Thank you, I try," She went on. "Of course, I didn't expect him to bring his own cousin. He does have peculiar tastes, that Nathaniel."

"Haha," Celia didn't rise to the bait, simply giving a deadpan laugh and saying nothing.

"Nevertheless, one should not waste a good gift. By all means, my Lady. Do enjoy."

Celia, once again, was surprised at how bold this woman was. "No, thank you. Your thoughts are more than enough."

Anna shrugged. "Your choice." She paused for a moment, an almost cruel smirk drawn across her mouth. She gave Celia a sideways glance. "Well, not that it matters much."

And that one did get a rise. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

 The grin widened as if Celia had fallen right into her trap. "Exactly what it sounds like, doll. Just look around you," She gestured. "Haven't you noticed yet? Every woman here has tasted him already except you."

Celia raised a brow at that, obviously leery about such a statement. The room was full of the state's most influential men and women, from business and political moguls to members of high nobility. Few were single. Did it even make sense for Anna to assert that?

But upon taking a cursory glance around the room and noticing just how many of these powerful women were throwing fond smiles in the youth's direction, she did take pause.

That certainly isn't the kind of look you threw to just a handsome face.

Just as she thought so, a few noticed her attention. They had a peculiar knowing glint in their eyes as they stared back. Several even raised their glasses at her, which caused their male partners to peer at Celia in confusion.

The whole thing made her a touch apprehensive, wondering if what Annabelle claimed was true. 

And if it is....

She found herself seeking out Aiden's figure. What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into, kid? 

Celia watched quietly as he instructed the band, who seemed unfamiliar with his choice of song. They talked for some time, the musicians appearing enamored by the man's words and nodding. There was a period where a few of them rushed backstage, coming back with a few new instruments which included a flute, a double bass, and, oddly enough, a bandoneon. A short session of instruction followed before the band appeared to meet his requirements.

All the while, the crowd patiently waited and looked on in interest. A few couples seemed eager to hear what such an unusual set-up would produce.

Satisfied, he his way towards her once more. And accompanying him, the song. The bandoneon took center stage with its uniquely melancholic quality delivering a deep and expressive melody. Meanwhile, a violin added in the background provided a layer of depth and texture while the double bass laid a solid foundation to build upon. At the same time, a piano delivered a rhythmic drive to it all.

It was altogether a dynamic, somehow harmonic, piece that brought out the best qualities of each instrument. They were all so distinct in sound from one another yet came together in a surprisingly soulful tune.

She allowed herself a moment to become immersed in its beauty as Aiden walked back and took her hands.

"What a lovely piece," She murmured, moved by its innately provocative and passionate nature. "I've never heard anything quite like before." That was indeed the case. Yet its peculiar melody resonated with her and felt somehow familiar. It felt, almost, like a composition in the style of her home country. But she could not for the life of her recall any number like this, which was odd since she was sure such a tune would become popular fast. "It's so...."

"Sensual?" He finished, pulling her close. Celia was a bit startled. Previously, he had been polite in their dances. His movements were steady and precise, as was his demeanor. A perfect gentleman, really. But all of a sudden he appeared to change, going from an austere visage of Nobility and poise to someone intense and burning with life. It was in his eyes, the way he looked at her. She could feel his desire. Naked and unabashed, as if he wanted her to see. Perhaps he did. 

And all the while, she could feel Anna's gaze. Celia opted not to look over, but she could imagine her smug appearance.

"Though this is just the instrumental version, the original describes the slow seduction of a married woman, Lola, by a handsome younger colleague. It details her anguish and guilt over her attraction for him, culminating in a gradual acceptance as she begins giving into his temptations." Celia stilled at his words. How could she mistake the suggestion in them? "In the end, her body and heart, once so chaste, fell toward sin." His gaze never left her, his face mere inches away. "Suitable for the occasion, I'd say."

She almost dared not ask, but she pushed through, determined to not give some indication of discomfort. Otherwise, it'd seem as if he was getting to her. As if she'd suffer a loss somehow.

"Oh? And why is that?"

Aiden smiled, his head dipping down. She felt his lips brush against her ear and knew that question was exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Because just like that enterprising young colleague with his Lola, I fully intend on hearing you moan my name before the night is done," His voice was so soft and smooth, like the whispers of the Devil himself. Celia felt her throat go dry. Was it...nervousness she felt? Annabelle's words from a while ago came back to her.

"If that's so," Celia laughed, "I'm afraid you'll leave disappointed." The casual disregard was the only defense she could conjure up at the moment. 

"Oh, I don't know about that," He replied lightly. "I'm quite persuasive." His right hand, which had been placed at her back and holding her close, slid further south. His other trailed up her arm. Slowly, teasingly, until their hands were clasped in the air. "One more?" He asked.

He's dangerous, her gut told her as if in warning. He's not like before, where he kept a proper distance. Right now he had the air of a beast stalking his prey. It was something she had been through before with other men, though. Why, then, did he feel different from them? 

But as she avoided his gaze and caught sight of all the other men giving her similarly hungry looks, it came to her: It was the fact that this Aiden was so calm, so sure.  All these other men she had encountered before simply hoped to be with her. They might attempt to come and try their luck, but that's all it'd be to them. Him, though? There was utterly no doubt in his mind that she, tonight, was his. 

Such unwavering certainty made Celia hesitate. Made her question herself. He made it seem so inevitable, she and him, that she wondered if--as Annabelle had suggested previously--resisting even mattered.

She opened her mouth to refuse. What came out, though, surprised even herself. "Sure." 

"Excellent." He beamed. "I do hope you know the Tango." 

And off they went to the dance floor once again. Their bodies mashed against each other tightly, sensually. A slow, intimate melding that escalated more and more as the song went on. Celia found herself becoming high from his passionate fervor as he spun and twirled her. He made himself the frame, and her the picture. Every movement he made was meant to put her on display, showing her off to all those present. 

There was something intoxicating in how he moved her. In his arms, under his guidance, Celia felt herself shining. She became the star attraction, eclipsing everyone. It was a wonderful and glamorous feeling like the world had become much more vibrant. 

So it was that just then, at the height of her excitement, as the song had reached its crescendo, their eyes met. He had her hanging over the floor in an arc, her left leg pulled up against his side and cradled under an arm. His hand felt hot nestled scandalously high up her bare thigh. 

As he looked down and she up, the world seemed to become suspended in time. A silent exchange took place at that moment. A promise that with him, every night could be so precious. 

It was an attractive offer, but Celia had no intention of getting involved with someone who, if Annabelle was to be believed, was entangled in many dangerous affairs with powerful women. Not that she was truly tempted to, of course. 

" You can let me go now, you know," Her voice came weakly. She attempted to keep her breath steady, but it was a losing battle and she resented the fact. He didn't seem interested in acquiescing, either. Time dragged on, and an annoying thought bubbled up. He really does have such inviting lips, doesn't he?

So much so that she found herself licking her own. Bad move, that. The instant he saw it, his eyes blazed the same wicked fire she saw in him when he first greeted her earlier. And just like that, his lips touched her own. An electrifying thrill shot through her at the mere contact, threatening to end her. It was an almost alien sensation, something she hadn't felt in a long time.  

But as quickly as he came, he left. Breaking contact and smirking down at her, knowing he'd done bad and not at all repentant about it. 

Celia stared at him in shock. Then, before she even realized what she was doing, took him by the shirt and pulled him back in. For that fleeting instant, her defenses crumbled. She wanted--needed--more. Of what, she wasn't sure. But her mouth opened for him, giving way to that hot, hungry mystery between them. She pulled him deeper, savoring him.   

Sweet, she thought. It was ridiculous. How can anyone taste so good? 

 All too late, her senses returned. She tore herself away, shame and regret hitting her like a blow to the gut. His warmth lingering on her lips, she righted herself and lightly stepped back. Voice cold, she slapped him across the face.


Aiden felt the burning sting along his cheek. He was momentarily stunned and mildly amused. He could've let things end there since he did surprise her with a kiss like that. But technically, so did she. Hence, in the name of gender equality, he did the only right thing to do in such a situation--he raised his arm and backhanded her. 

"Slut," He replied calmly, the word spoken so casually it was as if he was addressing her with a favored pet name.

Celia, not expecting retaliation at all, felt the power of the strike with her whole body. With so many eyes on them, the room quieted in tense silence. But the two paid it no mind. More than the pain, she was in disbelief he had the gall to hit her in the first place. 

In all her years, when had a man even entertained the thought of striking her like this in public eye? It, too, was an alien sensation. She realized she didn't hate it. 

Celia rubbed her cheek, tasting blood. He was quite strong, wasn't he? The wound healed quickly thanks to her strong constitution and cultivation base, but the feeling persisted. Though he was obviously untrained, his entire body was bathed in a dense, heavy spiritual power. Was this why the hurt lingered, and so vividly?  

It was not an unpleasant sort of pain, she supposed. 

She eyed him warily, not quite sure how to deal with him now that things had taken such an unexpected turn. She was not angry with him, and she felt he did not hold any ill will towards her either. Instead, their actions were the result of their bottom lines being tested. In Celia's case she was perhaps even more in the wrong since she, damn her, actually kissed him back before slapping him.

Thankfully, he was quick-witted. He offered her his hand. Funnily enough, the same one he'd just used to hit her. "Care to go raid the buffet table and get drunk with me?"

Celia couldn't help it--she laughed.  "Are you even old enough to get drunk?"

"Sure, why not?" The fake I.D. in his wallet does specify as much, at least. In fact, he can see the woman who so kindly provided it to him in the crowd right now. He should make a note to thank her later.  

Celia scrutinized him. Why did this guy cut a glance towards Governor Renard's wife when he said that? Well, she probably shouldn't know. Yep, it's definitely not a good idea to get too involved with this man, she concluded once more.

She wholly treated the previous mishap as a faint, random spike of spontaneity brought about by such a mesmerizing and sensual song coupled with the intimate nature of their choice of dance routine. A thousand factors must have perfectly aligned to make something like that happen. Such an occurrence would never happen twice.

That was obviously the case, so a few drinks wouldn't hurt.

Seeming to sense her starting to come around, he continued. "Perhaps we could even find a comfortable spot backstage away from these prying eyes." 

Celia smiled at the thought. They indeed had a bit of unwanted attention, so getting away from these stares did sound nice. Unfortunately...

"Best not," She replied apologetically. If they were seen doing something like that, rumors would rage like wildfire. 

"A shame." But he didn't look disappointed--or even surprised--at her refusal. If anything, he seemed to expect it? That, in itself, caused Celia no end of suspicion. It was like she was playing right into his hands and she hated it. 

Aiden caught her dissatisfied expression. The woman was easy to read. She wore her heart on her sleeve. So easily tempted and riled. He liked her. Many women gave in to his looks in his past life. His charm.

When he was still young, a lot of them felt guilt over wanting him. But he slowly assuaged their negative feelings. Comforted them, assured them. Put them at ease. Not in the way of him being some warm, kind, accepting person. But by explaining he was already so corrupt in himself by that point there was no need for them to take blame. He was already rotten.

He matured far too early. It wasn't their fault. It wasn't they who turned him.  He made sure to let them understand that. That they would only reap the benefits of another's efforts. That they were innocent, tempted by a man whose will they could not deny. 

It gave them an out, an excuse. Humans were slaves to their desires and few rose above them. Celia was not one of them. She could be persuaded, but he had to work at it. She was halfway there, he could tell. The way she returned his kiss was telling. She had principles, but all he needed to do was convince her that he was an exception to them. 

Aiden loved nothing if not making himself an unforgettable experience. He'd enjoy himself with this one. It was not the chase he cared for like other men.  For Aiden, the greatest high he could experience was the knowledge that his women achieved the very height of pleasure and contentment at his own hands. 

A man should always pride himself on how many orgasms he could spoil his woman with. 


" I'm glad you could make it on such short notice, Lady Tachibana," A soft, song-like voice gushed. The woman it belonged to was long-time acquaintance, or friend if you stretch the word. 

"I was in the area anyway," Asana replied. Not cold, not warm, but calm and even. Her voice was like a forest at dawn, serene and undisturbed. "It's been quite some time since I last attended one of your family's banquets. What is the occasion this time?"

"Well, the excuse is charity but I suspect my mother is simply interested in some drama. The party is bait, really," The woman, an attractive lady in a simple blue dress with a string of gold around the waist, answered. She didn't continue, and Asana didn't ask.

They were entering the banquet from a back entrance as Asana didn't care much to be announced and forced to offer greetings at this time.  Entering through this way was more discreet .What's more, she was wearing an artifact to slightly alter her appearance for extra measure.

"What of your mother, my Lady? Is she well?" 

"Too well, I sometimes think. But yes. A force of nature, that mother of mine." And it was true, though you would not expect it from a woman like her who seemed so demure at a glance. The matriarch of the Tachibana family had been its pillar ever since her husband died so many years ago, leaving her and his adoptive daughters alone. 

It was especially difficult for the three since they had not a drop of Tachibana blood between them, but it was a hardship her mother overcame through great effort. Now, no one could disrespect them. 

"That's good to hear," Came the expected nicety. "I hope she--"

Just then, as they approached the door leading to the party, it opened. Two sets of steps could be heard, but due to the angle Asana couldn't yet see them. Their words reached before they did,

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Asana heard her say with merriment clear in her voice. "We really shouldn't even be back here, you know."

"You'll find that I'm nothing if not a bad influence, sweetness," A new voice, clearly masculine, responded smoothly, obviously not daunted at all. Asana found his voice rich and soothing, a type that one would grow to enjoy more the longer one listened. A type, she knew, perfect for charming people.

At that moment, the couple came into view. The woman was gorgeous and elegant, a tan-skinned beauty of perhaps Spanish descent judging from her accent. 

The man, even Asana had to admit was pristine.  Utterly flawless, like some adult romance novel's male lead come to life.  Handsome to the point you doubted if he was even real.

He caught sight of them as he and his partner walked by, giving Asena a quick wink. In complete spite of her many years of tranquility, she felt...off, somehow. Not only that, but a vague sense of familiarity fluttered to life. 

"Oh?" the tanned woman twined her arms in his. "Well, I'm not very worried. How bad of an influence could you possibly be?"

The man dipped his head to whisper something, but Asana couldn't see her reaction as they disappeared down the hall, and by the time Asana reached where they had been all she could see were their backs and they turned a corner. 

"Who was that?" She found herself questioning the woman at her side.

"The drama." She offered a sorry smile. "It seems my mother's bait worked."

"Why, who is he? I didn't recognize him."

"You might not, given your busy schedule. That was Aiden Maddox, a pretty new addition to our fair city. Easy on the eyes, isn't he? Even you blushed at him." Her smile turned a touch dreamy. She then sobered, sighing "Too bad he's the dangerous sort." 

"He didn't seem too powerful."

"Oh, I didn't mean it in that way." She lowered her voice. "You didn't hear it from me, but he's been having sex with at least half the women at tonight's banquet."

"What?" Asena blinked. For someone who usually never shows much interest in anything, even she was startled by those words. "Surely not."

"Unfortunately, its true. I even caught my mother with him once, which is basically the only reason I even know any of this. It was a rather miserable morning, that." She grimaced as the memory seemed to surface.  A shame, isn't it? He's supposedly also very talented,  but with all the affairs he's having he might end up dead before the year is out. The entire city will be in an uproar when the husbands of New Francisco's elite find out their wives have been sharing the same man. Well, the women themselves should also know this. Makes you wonder how good he must be for them to still risk it, hm?" A small giggle.

Asena stared in the direction he left. Dangerous, indeed.  A bomb just waiting to go off. She normally wouldn't care at all, but...

Why, how, was he wearing her family's Imperium on his wrist?


Where the hell is that no-good fatty, then, huh? 

Angela scanned the room with barely contained fury as her partner prattled on. 

When Yuuji disappeared, she'd called him a few times. It hadn't been like him to just suddenly ghost her like that. In the beginning, she didn't worry too much. Maybe he was sick, or out of town....forgot to pay his phone bill...something. But after the next day or two, she started to get concerned.

Where the heck was he? Where did he go, was he alright? She was concerned. Just as she was about to pay him a home visit, Naoko and Rumi showed up to her first. They both looked highly agitated as if they'd lost sleep, saying Yuuji was missing. 

Angela helped search for him, posting pictures of him wherever she could and asking people he might have talked to. Nothing. She couldn't do much on her own, and she felt helpless. She owed a lot to him and considered him a friend. He was her light at the end of a dark tunnel in her time of need, to be perfectly honest. So to say she developed a liking to him was an understatement.

Although her little shop flourished still due to his meticulous preparations, enough to where she could even begin to open more bakeries within the city if she so chose, she couldn't help but miss his easy banter. Hell, even his scolding. 

Luckily, a few months later, an old friend from New Francisco coincidentally came into her shop for a visit and started gushing about some new boy toy she'd found. The somewhat lewd pictures she'd shown off immediately shocked Angela--that was her golden goose right there! 

After some interrogation, she learned that Aiden had fostered a startling reputation among New Francisco's women of means.  Only those who'd "had" him knew, apparently. What's more, he was now enrolled in some prestigious academy and scored quite high in certain aptitude tests and would soon begin learning the exclusive cultivation method of this "Basil Academy" with high expectations. 

Though he also developed a troublemaker title for being heavy-handed in practical combat classes...and beating up a few other students a couple times. That part was surprising, since he seemed pretty calm and mature in Angela's mind. 

Anyway, rising talent by day and a beloved homewrecking womanizer by night? Angela was thoroughly pissed off! All this worrying, and he was out having such fun...not a single call, a message, anything! Angela resolved to go and give him a good tongue-lashing. 

But by the time she got to New Francisco, she'd lost track of him. For the next few days, the trail had run cold so she visited this Academy and asked around. That rascal was said to have taken liberties with the daughter of the Farnsworth family and whisked her off somewhere in the middle of class. There was a video of him fighting the girl, but halfway through it looked more like he was servicing her. Ew.

Since then, she'd lost him again. If it wasn't for that old friend of her's sending her a text stating he'd shown up at some banquet that night, she might not have found him so quickly.

Unfortunately, she didn't have an invite to this banquet...but she knew someone who would. The guy beside her, Gu Mingzhe. The disgusting, vile bastard her father wanted to marry her off to who kept trying to put his hand on her ass since they arrived.

He might have been somewhat handsome, but that meant nothing. He was despicable trash. An asshole who used his money to buy affection from pretty but underprivileged women all the time. Then if they got pregnant, he'd just toss them away. His shifty eyes, wandering hands, casual air of entitlement and overpowering stench filled her with revulsion. 

But she would put up with it for now.  

After their presence was announced and they walked down the stairs towards the main floor, Gu Mingzhe started bragging again.

"You know, my father is good friends with the host of this banquet. Her daughter has such a crush on me, to be honest. It's adorable, she tries so hard to get my attention," The fop rambled. Angela didn't bother listening, all he'd done since they met up was talk about how "popular" he was and how "well connected" one had to be to get an invite even though he was only here because his father and elder sister was always too busy running their family's various businesses. The son himself was too incompetent, so he wasn't of any help there. 

Had his sister been born a man, this bastard probably would've been cast out a long time ago. As it is, he was at least useful for being married off to make a good family connection. Sadly, Angela was in a similar position so they were perfect for each other in their parents' eyes. 

Ignoring him, Angela continued her dog hunt. He has to be here somewhere, she thought darkly. I swear when I get my hands on that fatty....!

Even though he wasn't one anymore, she was insulting him in her mind. 

"Hm?" Gu Mingzhe seemed to suddenly notice something. "Say now, isn't that...?" He trailed off with a furrowed brow that turned to panic.

"Mingzhe!" A loud voice intruded upon Angela's concentration. She turned and saw that a gorgeous blonde was walking towards them with an unhappy expression. "What are you doing here? I told you not to come tonight. Have you grown so bold as to ignore your elder sister's words now?" 

The man paled, "W-What? No, of course not, sis, I was only--!"

But his sister cut him off. "Quiet." Her eyes turned to Angela.  "Don't tell me, let me guess, you're trying to impress some girl again." She sent him a glare. "Haven't you played around enough? Just when are you going to grow up?"

Gu Mingzhe's face grew hot. "That...that's not exactly fair, big sis...I was only doing a favor for my fiancee-to-be. Can't a man at least do that much?"

Again, Angela was cast eyes upon. "Right, now that I look closer, you are that girl." She folded her arms, looking Angela up and down. "You're pretty. Too much for this brother of mine. I heard your new business has done well recently," She nodded. "Good work. At least one of you seems to have a decent head on your shoulders," A smile. "Well met. I'm this idiot's sister, Gu Mingkong."

Mingzhe wrinkled his nose at that. "Sis, that's..." But another look silenced him.

"So, what was so important that you needed to be here to the point of making my brother ignore a direct order from me?" She suddenly gave off a heavy aura. 

Angela didn't like her tone. Why did she have to be so oppressive when it was their first meeting? But she didn't bother to get upset. "I'm looking for someone. I heard he was here."

"He?" Mingzhe spoke up with an unmistakably jealous note in his voice.

Ignoring him again, Angela went to her phone and pulled up the most recent picture she had of him. "Maybe you've seen him? His name is Yuuji."

The other woman, her face instantly brightening. Then turning to confusion. "Yuuji? I don't know that name, but if its this man you're looking for then he's indeed here. Though, you just missed him."

"What? He's gone already?" Fudge balls!

Mingkong's lips curved upwards again. "I never said that. He's still here, somewhere...but he'll be too busy to talk right now, I'd bet."

"Huh?" The question must've been clear on my face. 

"Oh, you know Aiden--sorry, Yuuji to you," She laughed. "Up to no good, as ever."

"I...don't follow." The heck is this woman talking about? Who the heck is Aiden? Yuuji changed his name?

"Hm," Considered for a moment. Then gave her brother a dismissive glance. "Mingzhe, leave us."

"What? Why?"

"The women are talking, Mingzhe. Go mingle." She responded indifferently, waving him off without a care. The man's face turned flushed a bit and he let out a breath of air, but he did as he was told. 

Mingkong waited until he was out of earshot before explaining.

"He's been seeing Duchess Annabella as of late, dear. The wife of the Farnsworth family's eldest son, Nathaniel." She took a glass from a waiter who'd walked near and took a sip before continuing. "The husband and wife have been in a feud lately ever since the man's infidelities reached her ear, you see. They're essentially on the verge of divorce, and I fear poor Aiden has been enlisted in Lady Annabella's little plot for revenge. Last I saw, he was spending time preparing Nathaniel's date."

Angela's mouth fell open a bit. A Duchess? And Yuuji?...What the heck was going on?!


"What do you mean, preparing?" Angela asked, a bad feeling coming up.

Mingkong gave her a knowing smirk. "Come now, darling, surely you must know. You don't need to pretend here. I assure you, you're among colleagues."

"Colleagues? You and me?"

"You, I, and just about every other woman at this party." Mingkong's eyes became moist and hazy, a faint smile adorning her face as if lost in some pleasant memory. 

Angela would be a fool if she couldn't take the hint. She balked, "We aren't colleagues at all! Not one bit!"

She got a raised brow. "Truly? You've yet to try him?" Mingkong asked doubtfully only to widen her eyes after a moment. "Dear me, you're serious." A flash of pity. "Oh my, what a shame. It really is an experience every woman should have at least once."

Angela shook herself, not ready to acknowledge that statement. "So, wait, let me get this straight. You're telling me he's helping some woman get revenge for her husband's cheating by....what, trying to sleep with his date?"

"Try?" Mingkong seemed amused. "Oh honey, that's adorable. Try, you say..." She trailed off, laughing. "That's so cute. I don't know about when you knew him as Yuuji, but our Aiden, well...I believe he's a man born for a very singular purpose in life. We, as women, need do naught but thank whatever magnanimous God deigned to create him and enjoy the fruits of their labor."

"...Are you sick in the head?" Angela was thoroughly creeped out. This whole family seemed perverse. Mingkong just had a more elegant tongue. 

The woman merely sighed. "Poor girl. You only say that because you haven't had him yourself yet. Don't worry, I'll invite you next time I have him over. I was never a woman who liked to share before, but I've come to so love seeing the looks of gratitude upon your faces."

Angela shivered at that. What kind of weird degenerate lifestyle was that guy getting up to?!

"Nope, no thank you, I'm good!"

Angela was about to get the hell away from this perverted woman when a chorus of gasps rang throughout the crowd. She turned her head and noticed almost everyone gazing up at the stage. 

At first, she couldn't comprehend what she was seeing. But when she finally realized what was happening, her entire body froze up.

First, the musicians were gone. Nowhere to be seen at all. Second, the sound of heavy breathing. No, moans. Sweet, intimate moans.  It echoed from the now dead-silent room.

She recognized Yuuji at a glance. He was there, up on stage, lying naked atop a massive piano. A woman was with him, utterly breathtaking with supple tan skin, an overabundance of curves, and silky black hair. She, too, was naked. Lying there bare as the day she was born.

Yuuji had a fistful of her dark hair held tight in his hand, his hips slamming into her with enough force to send ripples across the woman's ample buttocks. She had her head down, so Angela couldn't see her face, but she heard the various profanities coming out of her mouth.

"Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck, harder, oh yesyesyesyes. I love it so fucking much!" 

Angela stood there with the rest of the stunned crowd of people for a solid ten seconds while the woman let out delicious cries of pleasure. Even when he changed positions and allowed for her entire front to be exposed, she didn't even seem to care at all. The only thing she did was beg for more. 

Finally, after what seemed like forever, something cracked.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Someone screeched murderously. 

No, not someone. Her. Okay, she and some man from the crowd. 

Aiden heard the familiar voice, utter shock, and disbelief surging through him. "Angela?" He saw her among the throngs of people staring up at them. He was in such surprise that he nearly stopped mid-thrust when he asked, "What are you doing here?" But that simply wasn't the gentlemanly thing to do, so he didn't pause.

Coincidentally Celia, too, happened to register a voice she recognized. But, well, she didn't really care at the moment.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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