Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Feeling stalked.

[System Alert: Kei's Special Memory Unlocked]

A flood of images suddenly filled Haruto's mind as he slept—moments from their childhood when Kei had looked at him with that same admiration, those same feelings she had just confessed. He saw the day they first skipped classes, her hesitation as he convinced her to break the rules, and the way her eyes had sparkled with excitement as they ran off to the arcade. He liked the moments and how she made curious expression those days.

One memory, in particular, stood out: Kei, sitting next to him at a dusty old game cabinet of his, her eyes wide with wonder as she tried to figure out the controls. She was serious and focused, but every time she looked at him, her expression softened. It was in those moments, Haruto realized, that she had started to fall for him—way back when they were still just kids. He didn't realize it.

System Alert:

[Kei Affection Level: 72%]

A new quest notification appeared in Haruto's mind, causing his heart to race once again. The system seemed determined to push him further into unfamiliar territory.

New Quest: To Deepen the Bond with Kei

Objective: Reach 90% affection with Kei.Reward: Unlock an intimate relationship with Kei.


Engage in deeper conversations about your past and future.Plan and execute meaningful dates.Show genuine interest in Kei's ambitions and dreams.Ensure that her needs and desires are prioritized.

Current Affection Level: 72%

18% more to unlock the next stage.

Haruto realized that he had this memory while he was sleeping and it felt like a lucid dream except it seems that it really happened.

The next morning, the sun barely peeked through the curtains when Haruto felt a weight on either side of his bed. Groaning, he tried to bury himself deeper into the covers, but the soft, persistent nudges on his arm made it impossible to stay asleep.

"Haruto! Wake up!" Rin's voice came first, high-pitched and full of enthusiasm. He cracked one eye open to see her wide grin, her messy bed hair making her look even more adorable. She was leaning over him, her small frame pressing against his side as she tried to shake him awake. 

She was in her pajamas with her belly button exposed. Haruto found it cute and gazed at it absentmindely.

Aiko was on the other side was much calmer than Haruto but just as insistent. "You know it's Sunday, right? We need your help at the café." Her tone was firm, with amusement in her eyes as she looked down at him. She was already dressed, she wore the dress of mature waitress with a sexy appeal and, she was the one who is getting most tips from customers,, while Rin was still in her pajamas, which clung to her in all the right places.

Haruto groaned again, trying to pretend he didn't hear them. "Can't I just sleep in today?"

Aiko sighed, tugging on his blanket with a smirk. "And what do you think it means for two young girls to be in a boy's room this early in the morning?"

Haruto, still half-asleep, muttered, "It means they need help at the café..." His voice trailed off as he tried to snuggle back into his pillow.

Rin, always quick to catch on, blinked in confusion. "What does that even mean?"

Aiko rolled her eyes with a pained expression "You guys are such prudes. How will you even get married?  Why would two girls would come into a boy's room like Haruto."

Rin giggled as she continued. "I guess it means Haruto's just that important, huh?"

"....." Aiko looked ready to fight with Rin

Finally giving in, Haruto sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Alright, alright, I'm up. Let's get to work before you two start a war."

The café was already buzzing by the time the three of them got downstairs. Haruto stationed himself at the counter, his head still foggy from sleep. He leaned back against the wall, yawning deeply.

Without warning, Aiko bumped him with her hip, using her butt to push him forward. The force made Haruto stumble a bit, nearly dropping the cup he was holding.

"Hey! Watch it!" Haruto protested. Aiko smirked, clearly pleased with herself. She was dressed in her usual work attire, which made her tease him.

"Maybe if you stopped acting like you were about to fall asleep, I wouldn't have to wake you up this way," Aiko replied, her tone dripping with matureness. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"So many customers, I am going to feed them my special dish " Meanwhile, Rin was bouncing around the café in her usual hyperactive manner. 

 Haruto's family ran this place like a well-oiled machine, with Aiko, Rin, and their mother handling customers quick and efficent. Aiko, was the professional, was taking orders with a confident smile, her sharp eyes scanning the room to ensure everything was running smoothly. Rin, on the other hand, was bouncing from table to table, her bright energy contagious as she chatted with customers and delivered plates of steaming food.

The inn had a cozy, homely vibe during the day, it transformed into a café, where locals and travelers alike would stop in for breakfast or lunch. In the mornings, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods would fill the air, drawing in customers who wanted a taste of the family's hospitality.

Aiko, the elder sister has an aura of elegance and maturity. She wore a fitted blazer over a crisp blouse, tucked neatly into a sleek skirt that hugged her slender waist and flared slightly at her hips. Her long, dark hair  styled, and today it flowed freely down her back letting her smooth neck and with the tilt of her head she was quite sexy. She moved with a calm and composed demeanor, each step measured, as if she were always two steps ahead.

She sat down at the table, crossing her legs elegantly, she gave Haruto a knowing smile, one that hinted at the mischievousness she often hid beneath her business-like façade.

Rin, on the other hand, was full of youthful energy and warmth. Her appearance was softer, more innocent—though no less striking. She had a petite frame, with a slightly more rounded figure that gave her an approachable cuteness. Her outfit was simple yet stylish: a flowy dress that clung to her petite waist and flared out around her thighs. Her short, light brown hair,  with her big, expressive eyes that always seemed to sparkle with excitement.

Their mother, watching them with an amused yet knowing gaze, finally took her seat at the head of the table. She was a  mature beauty—tall, with an hourglass figure that had only grown more  over the years. Her skin was smooth, and her features sharp but softened by her  gentle smile. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back, contrasting beautifully with the deep, rich color of her form-fitting dress.  from the swell of her chest to the tapering of her waist she was a beautiful and eyecatching woman.

Haruto stifled another yawn as he leaned against the counter.

He absentmindedly wiped a smudge off a coffee cup, Haruto felt a sudden shiver run down his spine. It was as if someone—or something—was watching him. He quickly glanced around the café, but Aiko was busy with customers, and Rin was darting from table to table with her usual energy. No one seemed to be paying him any particular attention.

Yet, the feeling stayed. Haruto's eyes narrowed as he scanned the room, trying to shake off the unsettling sensation.

Suddenly, the familiar system notification pinged in his mind, its usual cheery tone completely  with the creeping unease he felt on his back.

[System Alert: Ayumi's Affection Level +2 Points]

Haruto blinked, his heart skipping a beat. Ayumi? But she wasn't even here. He hadn't seen her all morning. So how had her affection level gone up?

A cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he quickly accessed the system. 'Why did Ayumi's affection increase? She's not even around.'

The system responded with its usual upbeat tone. [Unknown. But isn't it cute? Maybe it was that adorable yawn you just did.]

Haruto froze, his mind racing. Cute yawn? He hadn't thought much of it, but the idea that Ayumi somehow saw—or sensed—him yawning when she wasn't even present sent a chill down his spine.

His eyes darted around the café again, but everything seemed normal. Too normal.

 Haruto glanced at the clock, realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. His date with Kei tomorrow was set for the afternoon, and that meant he had to plan his escape from the inn-café duties. Not that he wanted to abandon the family business, but a date with Kei wasn't something he could miss. 

He stopped thinking about Ayumi and went quick away from counter.

He hesitated for a moment, glancing around at his family, who were busy with their respective tasks. Aiko was still managing orders with her usual efficiency, and Rin was chatting with a group of customers. His mother, however, was seated at the head of the table, sipping tea while surveying the bustling café with a serene smile.

Gathering his courage, Haruto approached his mother. "Um, Mom... I was wondering if I could take the afternoon off tomorrow," he started, trying to keep his voice casual.

His mother raised an eyebrow, her sharp eyes narrowing slightly in amusement. "Oh? And what, may I ask, is so important that you'd need the entire afternoon off?" Her voice was stern, but there was a gentle curiosity in her tone as well.

Haruto felt his face flush slightly. He knew he couldn't hide much from his mother, especially when it came to personal things like this. "Well... I kind of have a... date," he admitted, scratching his cheek

At that, Rin's ears perked up, and she bounded over, her eyes wide with excitement. "A date?! With who? When did this happen? Why didn't you tell us?" She fired off questions in rapid succession with her bubbly energy.

Aiko, who had overheard the conversation, walked over with a knowing smirk. "Well, well, little brother, finally making some moves, huh?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the counter, her eyes glinting with amusement. "It's Kei, right? You always did have a soft spot for her."

Haruto's blush deepened, and he nodded slightly. "Yeah, it's Kei. So... can I go?" he asked, turning his attention back to his mother, hoping she'd take pity on him.

His mother chuckled softly, setting her tea down with a delicate clink. "Of course, Haruto. You deserve a break, and I'm sure Kei will appreciate your company. Just make sure you don't neglect your duties the rest of the week, alright?"

Haruto let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Thanks, Mom," he said, a grateful smile spreading across his face.

"You're growing up, Haruto," she finally said, her voice soft but carrying a weight that made Haruto stand a little straighter. "Just... be careful, alright? I heard serial killings happening around in this town. "

"Serial killings?" Haruto repeated, his voice quieter now.

His mother nodded looking toward the window as if she could see the danger lurking outside. "Yes, it's been all over the news lately. The authorities are investigating, but they haven't caught the culprit yet. Just... stay alert, okay? And make sure you get home early. I was worried yesterday when you arrived late."

Haruto nodded slowly "I will, Mom. I promise."

His mother's expression softened again as she reached out to gently squeeze his hand. "Good. Now go on, enjoy your time with Kei. You both deserve it."

Haruto nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling in his chest. "I will, Mom. I promise."

As he walked away, Rin grabbed his arm, still bouncing with curiosity. "You better tell me everything afterward, okay Ni-sama? I want all the details!"

Aiko just shook her head, amused by Rin's enthusiasm. "Don't overwhelm him, Rin. Let the guy breathe."

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