Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 20- Neko?

[Inside the car]

The car was silent as always with Akira's eyes radiating the chillness which could make someone terrified with just a single glance. Unlike usual, one could see if they are familiar with Akira that her current mood was far from contented.

Knowing such full well, the bespectacled beauty sitting beside Akira, adorned in an obvious maid uniform, utter something she knew her mistress would not be pleased to hear.

"Isn't it a little too much, my lady?"

Minami has a vague idea about the thing which transpired in the school. The older lady is aware that Haruto has been dragged around with the heiress of the Ashikaga clan, in name of having him get familiar with the Academy.

And knowing Akira's personality and her questionable obsession with her butler made it more so obvious why her mistress was so upset.

Hearing Minami's words, Akira raised her brows in mock before replying with her ruby eyes glancing at her maid.

"Despite seeing me going through 'all that' because of the same boy...you are siding with Haruto in this? I am trulysurprised, Minami."

As Minami registered the words, certain memories flashed through her mind, making Minami regretful in an instant as she tried to explain herself.

"I didn't... It's not like-"

"I know what you mean Minami but my feelings toward Haruto is not something you can understand." Turning her face toward the window the teenage beauty continued, "If he obeys and stays loyal to me then I will pour all the fortune on a silver platter and serve it to him. However..."

The aura around Akira adapted even more coldness as the image of Haruto and Kaede flashed in her mind as the raven-haired beauty completed her sentence in a frosty tone.

"...if he can't even do that, then he is destined to be punished until the last day of his life, and there will be no one other than me who would reach out to him...."


'It really seems longer than I thought...

In the morning, the trip to the academy seemed short since it only took half an hour before Haruto was dropped near the destination which was only five minutes walk from there.

But right now, walking through the heavy downpour while carrying a five kilograms bag and drenched clothes was making it hard to properly walk with, back to the mansion.

By the time he reached the foot of the hill, Haruto was already wet from, head to toe with his coat and shirt pants, dripping with rain water, weighing his every step as he strolled his way back to the mansion.

The downpour was heavy enough that mainly vehicles were visible on the road and most of the pedestrians waiting under shelter for the weather to clear out so they could continue their journey. However, Haruto didn't have such a luxury that he could spend his time in a warm cozy cafeteria and see the rain while sipping on a hot cup of coffee, since being a butler he was liable to report back as soon as possible.

And since his mistress already seemed upset because of him for some reason, Haruto couldn't afford to delay any further and get himself fired.

'But why she seemed so mad...'

Rubbing his clogged nose, Haruto recalled the small exchange he had with his mistress which opened a new image of Akira in his memory that he might never be able to forget. He....never has seen her that upset even in the past when he used to torment her.

That gaze...Haruto had a feeling that this wouldn't be the only time he would be directed with such a harsh look. But the dilemma was that Haruto was not sure why Akira was this mad in the first place.

Was it because he went along with Kaede and not her...Haruto thought it should not be the case considering the little to no affection Akira had for him to mind about such trivial things.


Just when Haruto took a turn around the corner of the street which led to the mansion, he saw a cardboard box lying near the corner, by the dump cans with the top board of the box being drenched and doing nothing to cover whatever it was meant to.

Haruto slowly made his way toward the box as he knelt down before it, only to get startled to see the thing resting inside it.


There was a black cat lying inside the box in a corner where the rainwater has yet to reach. The cat was curled up in a ball without being disturbed by its surroundings at all.

Haruto looked around to see if he could find the owner or anyone who might have left the box temporarily but he also knew it was just a wishful expectation.


Haruto directed his gaze back inside the box and saw the golden eyes of the cat looking at him with a tamed gaze prompting the boy to extend his hand and pet the cat.


The cat purred in the caress as Haruto also felt a warming sensation coming from his fingers with which he was gently petting the cat. He didn't have any particular liking for animals but seeing the cat all alone in this heavy downpour with no means of calling for help, Haruto decided to take the cat with him for now and call the animal care center when the weather clears out.

Haruto knew it might produce even more problems for him, but he couldn't just leave a life all alone to die on the streets when Haruto has the opportunity to save it.

He took off his coat and picked up the cat which unexpectedly jumped in Haruto's embrace without any problem before the boy folded the coat and settled the cat inside of it.

Only the cat's head was visible from inside the coat which Haruto covered using his hand as he smiled seeing the delighted expression on the neko's face.

'Well, I hope nothing major occurs once I bring you with me..."


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