Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 31- Keeping his promise!

The next day at school, Haruto was surprised to hear the notice that three of the teachers had resigned from their jobs and new teachers would be filling in their places. The English teacher was included in them...which made Haruto a little happy but not like he was going to say it out loud.

It was rather surprising to not meet Kaede in the morning as well. Even though it has been two days, they had formed a sort of friendship because of the small trip they walk to the school. But much to Haruto's perplexion Kaede has not even texted anything since after that call last night.

He surely would comply with her request and meet her after school. Thankfully Akira had her council work as well, which was why Minami-san had asked him to stay back in school and only leave when his mistress gets done with her work.

The classes went relatively smoother than yesterday since Haruto was now fit and fine thanks to the medicine he took and also the proper sleep he had in the afternoon and the whole night. He was feeling amazingly energized to miss a single word uttered from the podium.

During the lunch period, like the past two days, he ate alone without minding the subtle gazes he received from many corners, mainly because him being the only person who have no group whatsoever.

It was given that those students who have enrolled in a fresh year would have already acquainted with each other since they all were new here. And those in higher batches had already their circle, to include some new faces.

Being an exception Haruto was, he was not able to properly make a conversation since no sort of chance arose. He could have gone and randomly joined some table in hopes of getting himself blended into the environment. But that would be too awkward and for some reason, Haruto felt that the students here are much more judgemental and reserved than in his previous school.

And there was his mistress too who gets triggered by random things so Haruto chose to stay in solitary and finish his lunch as soon he could so he would be able to finish the notes he was not able to pen down yesterday.

'Ah~This is delicious.... '

Having miso ramen for lunch was the perfect recipe to blow away the junk left in his nasal passage and provide relief to his throat. He took an orange juice with it as well which Haruto would gulp after finishing the big bowl.


"Hey, Rio-san...can you send me all the notes from yesterday's classes? I was kinda dull to properly jot down anything."

Scratching the back of his head Haruto requested his neighbor who surprisingly was already back in class when only fifteen has passed the lunch break.

She was looking serious and diligent as ever, at which Haruto felt himself sighing in admiration at how attractive she seemed when she remained with that expression but of course, he didn't expose his thought. He just wished he could also work with that seriousness once in a while.

In response, the silver-haired maiden just nodded.

Replying to her gesture with a thank you, Haruto sat on his seat as he stared at his screen which popped an email notification soon after which was sent by none other.

Haruto was about to tap the file to check the content inside when suddenly he heard a meek and slightly nervous voice reaching toward him from his left.

"Umm...are you fine?"

Haruto, with his brows raised, turns to look at Rio, who unexpectedly was looking at him as well, with her eyes, as usual, cold yet a tinge of concern was definitely what Haruto saw in them.

Sensing Haruto's gaze Rio immediately turned her head forward in slight fluster before she asked in her previous tone.

"I mean you looked kind of pale last day...and you were even sleeping so I thought..."

Haruto guessed that with the personality Rio seemed to have she would not associate with him ever again, considering how Haruto was made to stand out and was definitely registered in the bad books of the teacher. Well, ex-teacher.

But surprisingly she was paying attention to him, and she even broke her shell, even a tad bit, by extending their conversation which she in normal circumstances, avoids doing.

With a beaming smile, Haruto didn't let the lady get more worried about him before he replied in a delighted tone.

"I am fine, Rio-san. Thanks for asking."


After school, as promised, Haruto went to meet Kaede in the auditorium which was built behind the main academic block, just some meters away.

He did text his mistress that he would be around and she could call him anytime she finds his requirement. To his fret, she just read the message but didn't reply back.

Though he was nervous and in normal circumstances wouldn't have gone to meet Kaede but now that she had requested so much over the phone last night and he gave his promise to the red-haired girl, he couldn't back out, can he?

Making his way out of the main block, Haruto walked toward the auditorium and he was thankful that no teacher questioned him as well. Must have thought that he was in a club or sort.

The entrance of the auditorium was humungous and so was the inside. The ceiling of the place was concave and had a particular pattern that must provide the right reverberation of sound throughout the place without needing any kind of speaker.

There were several seats arranged in descending patterns. Haruto entered inside the main hall from the side door which opens near the stage. There were two more entrances to the main hall. One for the audience and one for emergencies. There was a back door as well for the participant but Haru hasn't ventured to that side yet.

Climbing on the stage to have a good look around the place, Haruto grabbed his phone from his side pocket, intending to call Kaede to ask where she was.

But his movement came to a halt when he heard a familiar voice from his right.


Turning his head he saw Kaede standing there but the dress she was wearing also the look she currently had...made Haruto nearly drop the phone.

In that instance...she took away his breath.


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