Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 36- I felt the same…

"You look quite happy about something, my lady?"

It was a rare occasion to see the usually composed or mostly serious Akira swaying left to right while humming in elation like she has received some great news.

Minami was not sure what the matter was but she had an idea that it was something related to the butler Akira has been always on about. If someone could move Akira's emotions to this level, then it was only that boy.

"Hmmm? Do I? Well, of course, I would be happy since Haru-kun chose me over that redhead after all~"

'As I thought... ' Minami sighed before a small smile lifted the corner of her lips. The head maid indeed was right about Haruto's involvement in the matter but since her lady was this happy, the bespectacled maid had nothing to concern herself with anymore.

Since her lady has been working quite a lot these days because of her everyday job related to the company and school, this mood was good for a change.


Miami's gaze shifted from her cheery ojou who currently was going through some budget report before the older woman looked over the tab where an email popped up. Scrolling up the screen along with the notification bar, the maid was taken to the source file which seemed to be a video attached to it.

There was no information related to the sender but it didn't take long for Minami to decipher the person whose email address was used to send the video.

'Hmmm...? ' Miami frowned slightly since the name it showed was the person about whom the young lady seemed quite bothered these days.

"What's in there Minami? Something I should be looking into?"

Akira's voice brought the lady out of her contemplative daze before she pondered her lady's suggestion and ultimately decided to forward it to Akira.

"This was sent by Ashikaga Kaede-sama, just now."

Akira's gaze sharpened at the name before she took the tab from her maid and thought there would be some rubbish related to how much the redhead was resolved to snatch Haruto away. Akira primarily thought of just discarding the video but something told her that Kaede was not that cheap to send warning emails by now.

Shrugging away the needless worries, Akira tapped on the play button before a video that was shot from a seeming car deck, began displaying on the screen.


Akira's brows rose as she saw the two distinct yet familiar people conversing in the video in which one of them surely was Kaede but the one who bothered Akira the most was the second party. A certain untamed blond dog who has been going wild recently.

Akira's ears received a particular name being mentioned quite a lot in the conversation and for the first time, the crimson-eyed girl was actually thankful for Kaede. But that gratitude didn't subside the anger welling up inside her chest.

It seemed its time to make some people realize their place and how ugly things can go with those who dare to target Akira's belongings.


"My lady." Minami already knew from that video that something massive is going to take place and when Akira used the honorific with her name, the head maid got reassured that the matter had already reached Akira's boiling point.

With a chilly smile, Akira closed the tab before leaning back on her chair as she commanded her maid the preparation for a very pleasant dinner with a certain someone.

"Please arrange a meeting with Shimazu Kazuko. I think it's time to give him a proper response for the marriage proposal."


It was around seven in the evening when Haruto was given half an hour's break from his dance and etiquette classes. He normally would have rested in the meantime, but today he was eager to return to his room and call Kaede as soon as he could.

Primarily he believed that she wouldn't pick up his phone but against his belief she actually received the call just after the first ring.

"Hello, Kaede-san?"

[Haruto-kun? Is everything alright?]

Haruto was touched by her kindness since even after being disappointed by his actions earlier, everything he could hear from her voice was concern for him.

With a helpless silly smile, he plopped down on the bed before replying in a relieved tone.

"Yes, everything is fine. And thank you for picking up my call."

[Well, of course, I would. After all, we are friends, right?]

There was not even the slightest hesitation from Haruto's side when he responded with a yes.

Both of them remained silent for a moment, awkwardly as it became, but soon Haruto collected himself and spoke out the words he has been intending to tell her since the start.

"Listen, Kaede-san. I am...sorry about today. I was genuinely happy that you chose me as your dancing partner but you see... Akira is kind of..."

[Do you hate her?]

Haruto's words were cut off suddenly when she abruptly asked something out of nowhere. Haruto blinked for a moment but soon he concluded even though he still was confused why Kaede asked this.

"No, I don't."

[Then do you like her?]

This time Haruto was taken aback as heard a weird questioning sound seemingly not sure why he was getting interrogated all of a sudden. But thinking deeply about it he landed upon an appropriate answer.

"I am not sure."

There was a brief silence from the other side but soon Kaede's voice rang up again.

[Close your eyes Haru-kun]

"Eh? But why?"

[Just do it, please?]

Haruto was weak to such earnest pleading and thus he currently sat with a field of darkness as the only thing he could hear was Kaede's words.

[Now imagine, Haru-kun. Think of someone other than you, hanging around Akira. Holding her hand and hugging her intimately. Being always around her and even have the liberty to show possession over her.]

Along with her words, Haruto's frown deepened and his anxiety rose to rhe point where he was about to stop Kaede.

Someone that close to Akira...Haruto was not even able to visualize it.

[Do you feel pain in your heart? Does it seems unbearable?]


Without a second thought, Haruto hummed in response since if anything then Haruto was hurting himself by imagining a life where he would not be around Akira but someone else would take that place.

However, his anxiety and displeasure vanished in an instant as he heard Kaede's following words.

[....I felt the same way when I saw you with Akira today.]

Haruto's eyes snapped open and for a long time, he was not able to say anything. He heard her every word and even though it was hard to digest, Haruto understood the meaning behind it.

What seemed an eternity for him, and after countless attempts to muster up the courage and say something, Haruto still was left speechless.

The last of the words were spoken from the other side before Kaede disconnected the call.

[Sorry for troubling you like this, Haru-kun. Just remember, that whatever happens I will never....like not even in my dreams would leave your side. Now please rest well, and enjoy the ceremony tomorrow.]


A/N: - I feel bad for her once again. Drop a comment if you are liking the story~

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