Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 42- The Hurdle


I was having a hard time catching my breath, that much Minami-san has made me run this morning. And the worst part is she resets the count of laps even once I halt my feet to catch my breath.

I was growing accustomed to my training just the other day and now it seems Minami-san has just dropped the real thing and until now I was only scratching the surface.

I ran almost four kilometers, did two hundred jumping jacks, and did some weight and flexibility training before I was told to get some rest before I had to start my day as a high schooler.

But apart from all the inner complaints I have, the fact I am improving both physically and mentally through the workout and training sessions after being appointed was a huge surplus along with the paycheck.

"Good work, today."

I took the hand Minami-san was holding out for me before straightening up my back and drinking some much-needed water. My legs were still a little shaky so I kept my butt pressed against the ground for now. Thankfully I still have an hour to depart for school.

"What classes do I have today, Minami-san?"

Since it was a new week, I would get a schedule for the next seven days including all my classes and duties I have to follow. As for what Minami-san said, it would take at least three months for me to get trained enough to be called a well-groomed butler. Though I would still need to continue my linguistic classes after three months.

Hearing my words Minami-san turned her gaze sternly in my direction, making me perplexed before she spoke about my today's plan completely different from usual.

"You would be staying in your room for today. There is someone important to Ojou-sama who is visiting today and he really dislikes any imperfection."

That hurt...but I couldn't deny that. Unlike the other servants, I still was green and needed a lot more experience to become a perfect butler, more so when I was appointed as the personal servant for the lady of the house.

And if the said person indeed was as close as Minami-san implied then they might fire me at once seeing Akira being served by such an incompetent butler as me. That would be quite problematic.

"I...understand Minami-san. I will keep myself locked up."

"That would be appropriate."


"Morning, Rio-san."


Walking toward my desk I greeted my neighbor but like yesterday was just my imagination and Rio-san never got comfortable around me, I was yet again getting the cold treatment.

Well, I have been getting accustomed to this side of hers so it didn't bother me. What actually felt a little uncomfortable was the uncertain amount of gazes I have been feeling on me since morning.

Given how I spent most of my time as the date of the most famous face of the academy and the student council president, being eyed by others was something I have already envisioned but I didn't let it drag me down. Thankfully, there hasn't been any direct approach related to the matter until now.

Well, considering I was walking with Kaede-san again today, might have provided me with the leeway.

'Though...Kaede-san seemed completely normal.... '

Considering what she said during our last conversation, I thought Kaede-san might get awkward around me, or worse, she might never talk to me. But thankfully, my hunch was proven wrong and Kaede-san seemed not much affected.

'...or was it just an act... 'I didn't want to think it like that but my rational mind was telling me that Kaede-san most probably was just keeping up a facade.

"Stand. Bow. Greet."

On the call of the representative, everyone stood up to greet the homeroom teacher. I just noticed that Akira has joined the class as well. It seems I was too occupied with the thoughts of today's unexpected guest and Kaede-san.

The professor who teaches us modern history—Sir Aizawa Daiki—unlike usual didn't walk toward his teacher's cabinet to get his book but rather stood on the podium facing us, before an announcement was made.

"A bit of your time for the Council President before we could start our lesson."

I raised my brows at the mention of Akira, wondering what it could be that she didn't tell me....well, not like we were close that much or Akira tells me anything, to begin with.

Despite we shared the dance yesterday and seemingly chatted a lot compared to the beginning days at the mansion, it doesn't change the fact that we still were just in a mistress and servant relationship.

Akira got up from her seat and with inaudible footsteps she gracefully made her way toward the podium before she stood beside the teacher and while looking at the class collectively she announced something which I nearly forgot about.

"Student Council would be recruiting an assistant to support the work of the members and the selection would be done through the test which would take place a week from now. Interested students, please fill out the form which has been sent to your email and submit it by tomorrow. Thank you."

Akira glanced at me for once before she stepped down from the stage but even my eyes were still focused on the front I was not paying attention to anything at the moment.

The reason was this test, on which many things depended. My primary motive as a butler was to support Akira even in school and for that, I need to get assigned to a council member.

If I don't pass this hurdle then I am afraid my job as a servant might turn in jeopardy.

'I've got a lot to do... '


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