Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 5- Broken…

[3rd Person POV:]

Inside a brightly lighted hall that had an interlocking mat spread in the middle of the space and various training dolls all around the room, two figures could be seen.

The first one who still was standing while breathing heavily with some droplets of sweat over her forehead was the head maid of the Takahashi mansion, Minami.

The other one was the new recruit and the person Minami hates the most in life. Haruto Fumiya.

Earlier for one and a half hours, the training was in going on which was to train Haruto's basic martial skills. But the person who was assigned to train him just at a certain point lost her temper in between and went into spars.

Haruto who doesn't have any prior knowledge of Martial Arts, surely couldn't hold it against a master-class combatant for more than three strikes.

The first half an hour was his genuine training and the rest one hour went with Minami beating the shit out of Haruto without holding back at all.

Currently, Haruto was lying on the ground with tears streaming down his cheeks and further blending with the blood dripping from his nose and lips.

His state was nothing less than pitiful as Haruto fought the urge to cry loudly at the pain he was feeling all over his body, especially his shoulder which Minami almost broke.

His stomach was churning violently with no other thought rather than to run away in his mind. Since Minami stepped on his ankle a couple of times to stop him from crawling away, it has become bruised enough to be a hindrance in his movements.

'Okaa-san… '

With his eyes moist these were the only words that came to his mind before he heard the older woman's stern voice.

"If you can't even withstand this much then you are nothing but a disappointment. Now get up and get lost. I want to see that face early in the morning or ready to be punished on just your first official day."

Saying so, Minami went out of the room leaving Haruto still lying on the ground.

"U-U… nder…stood."

With his voice ragged and breathing heavy, Haruto somehow supported himself after some moment of mental silence.

Wiping his tears, Haruto put his palm over his nose to not spill blood while being on the way back and dirty the expensive carpets.

Supporting his body on his right knee first, he somehow hopped on his leg and kept the left leg still in the air since landing it completely on the ground would give him severe pain.

His ankle was swollen and bruised. Letting go of shoes, Haruto picked the pair and started hopping back bare feet.

He couldn't even discern where his body was aching anymore but fortunately, there weren't any broken bones or maybe he hasn't realized it yet.

There were various instances where he felt being looked at in disgust by butlers and maids who were on night duties. But controlling himself from tearing up was the best he could do at the moment.

His condition was indeed unsightly but right now, moving back to the room would be the best option to remove himself from becoming an eyesore.

Fortunately, he didn't forget way back to his room as he closed the door on his back and went inside.

There was a tray with food covered over it. However, Haruto didn't have enough strength or stomach to eat anything at the moment.

The number of jabs and punches he have ate from Minami stole his appetite as he went to take some tissues.

He didn't have any strength left to take a shower. After wiping the blood from his noose and lips, Harutojust pulled the sheet from the bed since he don't know where it could be bleeding from his body at the moment.

After not so long, Haruto just switched the lights and fell on the bed without thinking about anything anymore.

He indeed was broken in many ways and might never forget the events of today.

'I won't die right… ?'


[Pov Shift]

My name is Senya Kanae. I am one of the maids working in the huge mansion owned by the Takahashi clan and in possession of the first daughter of the Lord Yanagi.

I also do belong to the same clan but from a branch family, that's why I have this surname and this job.

Well, I love my work and respect Akira-ojou very much because of her talent and work ethics. She's a prodigy which even the heads of the Takahashi clan recognize.

I am currently in the second year of university and with the support of my family and the salary I receive from this maid's job, I was planning to open a restaurant after graduation and live my life while doing the things I love.

That was all about me.

Now, there was someone I am currently really curious about since morning.

Haruto, I guess his name was from what I heard Minami-san calling him.

Well, him getting employed as Ojou-sama's personal attendant is a surprising thing.


From his demeanor to walking gestures didn't give me the impression that he is a talented person or sort. His face could be a bit over average but the poor maintenance has evidently stolen that charm from him.

His naivety was also written on his face when he kept on apologizing for silly things and when I went to deliver his training suit, he showed genuine gratitude.

I mean I haven't seen someone so pure-natured since a while.

But my curiosity arose from the fact, how he was getting treated by Minami-san.

She seemed to be extra stern around him for some reason. If someone has gotten him employed through the back door I could understand her anger. Minami-san hates things like these and also an incompetent person in the servant unit.

But after I saw what happened in the dojo, I changed my perception.

Minami-san isn't angry with the new recruit…She hates him down to the core.

Even though I wasn't able to see through the whole session, that much brutality was plunged at the boy. I was able to comprehend the pain he could have gone through but I couldn't discern why Minami-san was so heartless for him.

I did want to help him get back to his room but Minami-san called me and told me to deliver a box to his room.

Currently I am way to his room, and to quell my curiosity about this new recruit.

'Who are you, Haruto… '


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