Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 50- Truth and grief…

"Are you sure?"

Sitting inside the car, the heiress of the Ashikaga clan asked her maid who was sitting just beside her, to assure something crucial.

"Yes, my lady. The surveillance would not be working for another half an hour and nothing has been chasing us for four minutes now. You just have to be swift to swap."

To avoid any prying eyes capturing where Kaede is headed, she has taken tens of precautions. The network of a certain someone was so strong that Kaede had to ask the help her mother with this.

Nodding to her maid, Kaede readied herself as the conjunction of four lanes approached. There were four cars in front and four cars at the back which were filled with bodyguards assigned for Kaede's protection. But unlike usual all the vehicles came to an immediate pause near the crossroad before Kaede exited and went to the different vehicle parked by the street light.

Unlike all the other expensive vehicles this one was more of a family drive and easy to blend in the crowd.

"Let's go."

Kaede ordered the driver before the scene outside of the window began to move, taking Kaede away from the Ashikaga residence, toward the nearby district which was around two hours away from the central town.

During the whole journey, Kaede remained silent, thinking about what had happened some days ago and how things dramatically changed.

Some days ago, when Kaede was about to switch off her phone and call it for the day, she received a call from Haruto. Naturally, it was unexpected but she did not delay in picking up the call.

She thought that he might need some help relating to school stuff or wanted some advice regarding Akira but what all Haruto spoke made Kaede startled.

"Can you help me to run away?"

Initially, Kaede thought that Haruto finally discovered the dark side of Akira which cornered him for the final resort. Naturally, she didn't think even for another second before she made the necessary arrangements and went to pick him up from the Takahashi manor.

However, when she heard his story in the car it came out Haruto was not trying to run away from Akira, rather he was removing himself from her life.

For the first time, Kaede came to know the whole truth behind the story which connects Haruto and Akira. Truth be told, Kaede could have never thought the Haruto who has always been so helpful and considerate could have done such a vile thing with an innocent middle schooler.

But when she heard the whole thing which portrayed how Haruto's personality over the years had been carved, Kaede realized various things.

Amongst such discoveries, she somehow understood why Haruto always seemed sad and distant from everyone when she first met him in middle high and why despite being a fatso Kaede never was treated differently by him.

Haruto was in denial at that time and didn't want to repeat his mistake. He wanted to lessen his guilt which was why he tend to be so caring and friendly with her in the past.

Did that make Kaede sad? No.

Although it was because of Akira that Kaede didn't lose her childhood with the memories of getting bullied and discriminated it doesn't change the fact that all those happy remembrances were brought by Haruto.

She understood his position and also had a better understanding of Akira's strange obsession with Haruto. Well, it was still unclear why Akira didn't outright hate him but rather seemed to be possessive toward Haruto but Kaede kept those things to ponder on a later date.

Currently, she was on the way to meet Haruto who was living on the outskirts in a one-room apartment for the time being. He himself requested to remain out of the city and didn't want something grand for his temporary stay.


After checking her surroundings once again, the redhead knocked twice on the wooden door before the sound of footsteps echoed from the other side.

The door clicked open and the person on the other side smiled at Kaede before inviting her inside.

"How have you been? I have brought dinner."

Handling the plastic bags to Haruto Kaede made her way inside the house before Haruto also followed after he left the bags on the kitchen slab which was just beside the entrance.

The main room consisted of a small table, a folded bed, and a closet where Haruto's clothes were kept. He has yet to unpack since in some days he would be moving to his village and handling the job his grandfather has for him.

"I am good, thanks to you. What about Kaede-san?"

Kaede could tell by those baggy eyes and tired expression that he was still not able to sleep properly but she didn't point it out to make him uncomfortable and proceeded to land on the main topic.

"As you said...Akira came to find me at school."

Haruto already guessed that Akira would take some days of leave from school to try and search for Haruto but thanks to Kaede's arrangements and precautions she would most likely fail to locate him before she would target the most likely person, who could've helped Haruto.

Since Haruto didn't have mats he offered cushions for the guest to sit which Kaede refused and took his hand before settling both of them over the folded futon.

Haruto didn't mind, more like he was occupied with the thoughts of Akira to properly respond to anything as the following query subconsciously flowed out his throat.

"How was she?"


With surprise marring his face Haruto turned to look at Kaede only to find grief filling her eyes, signifying that she was telling the truth.

Honestly, Haruto thought Akira would be more enraged at the fact that after knowing the truth Haruto ran away like a coward and didn't face the well-deserved punishment for what he did and what childish purpose was behind his actions.

But Kaede's following words made him realize, how wrong he was anticipating Akira's reaction to his disappearance.

"Truth be told, I have never seen Akira like how she seemed today. Initially, she adopted her usual cold demeanor to dig out information. Then after she landed on provocation which ended up her threatening me. However... "Kaede turned to look him in the eye, with her gaze moistening up slightly making Haruto tense up as well before he heard something he could have never thought of hearing about Akira.

"In the end, Akira seemed to be resigned to her situation as her bold facade crumbled away and the tears she was masking began to pour down. "Kaede's hand made its way to Haruto's before she continued," She was begging me Haruto. She was helplessly seeking me to bring her to you. I have never...never seen someone so desperate and helpless before, Haruto and I no longer know what to do. "


A/N: - What do you think Haruto would do?

Akira really is being pushed to the edge this time.

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