Cruel Reality part 3 (3)

At the same time, in the Inner Courtyard, two swordsmen had joined the fight causing the balance to tip again towards the side of the members of the Three Swords Sect.

"Damn bastard… Go to hell!" At that moment the Second Elder was cursing one of the Purple Mountain Sect Elders who had just died under his sword.

"With the Sect Leader and the Second Elder we still have a chance to defeat those bastards!!"

"Yeah!! "We must fight until the end!!"

The arrival of the Sect Leader and Second Elder had completely raised the morale of the members of the Three Swords Sect, who were preparing to offer a last but fierce resistance against the invaders.

"Do you think the third brother has already left the tunnels? The Sect Leader asked as he pulled his sword from the head of one of the Mercenary Captains he had just faced.

"Most likely so… However, I am sure that he will be forced to stop for a while so that the disciples can catch their breath" said the Second Elder.

"Hmm, you're right... We should buy him as much time as possible" The Sect leader said as he prepared for the next wave of attackers.

"Those bastards are coming!!" At that moment another Elder entered the area quite badly injured.

"Fifth Elder? Who did this to you?" The sect leader asked with a dark expression. The Fifth Elder was one of the best swordsmen in the Sect, not coincidentally he was at the fifth stage of the Golden Core Realm.

"One of those mercenary bastards! That bastard wiped out all the Elders in the north wing of the outer courtyard" The fifth Elder cursed as he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"What about the rest of the Elders?" The second Elder asked anxiously.

"The Ninth and Tenth Elders died at the north gate at the hands of the Elders of the Purple Mountain Sect. At least they were able to kill three of those bastards before they died…"

"The Eighth and Seventh Elders were killed by the Leader of those Mercenaries, while the Sixth Elder was killed by that bastard of Lawrence" the Fifth Elder said with a bitter expression. Although they had many disputes among themselves, at the end of the day they were members of the same Sect.

"Kukuku, don't worry... In a short time you will also join them" At that moment the voice of Sect Master Lawrence rang out as he entered the inner courtyard accompanied by Commander Aaron and Captain Wiltord, both leaders of the mercenary forces. 

"That idiot Dalbert was killed HAHAHA" Wiltord sneered as he saw the body of his fellow mercenary on the ground. Dalbert was also one of the mercenary captains of the Blood Wolves gang, but unfortunately met his end under the sword of the Three Swords Sect Leader.

"It's a shame... He was a pretty good guy" Aaron lamented, after all it was not easy to find reliable cultivators, who were not only competent warriors, but also capable leaders. Many of their missions required leadership skills. A trait few had.

"And where is that brat Jakob?" Wiltord asked in an annoyed tone of voice when he did not see the presence of the other mercenary captain. Although Wiltord was not the friendliest person in the world, if there was someone who could bring out the worst version of himself it was undoubtedly Ruvan.

"I don't know... I ordered him to attack the east gate but I haven't heard from him or his troops," Aaron said with a wry smile, guessing Ruvan's movements.

"That little bastard must be searching for the treasures while we fight! I don't understand why you still trust that brat bastard!?" Wiltord states furiously after all they were the ones doing the dirty work.

"Although I do not agree with many of Captain Jakob's attitudes, his ability cannot be denied. Remember that he was the one who obtained the Sect plans in the previous Battle" Commander Aaron said seriously.

At the end of the day the means didn't matter as long as they achieved the result and this was something Aaron valued above all else. Jakob was always lethal and effective when necessary, not to mention he was never interested in taking over leadership of the gang like Wiltord was.

"Tsk, If that bastard doesn't give me a part of his button. I promise to leave him crippled!!" Wiltord said with a threatening tone, a threat that Aaron simply ignored, after all the friction between Wiltord and Ruvan was the daily bread within the group of mercenaries. The leaders' rivalry was also reflected in their subordinates.

Fights between Ruvan and Wiltord's men were not uncommon, they had even reached the point that these disputes had already claimed the lives of three men and to Wiltord's dismay; they all belonged to his side.

"Are you complaining about Jakob again?" At that moment an amused voice sounded behind them, when they both turned around they saw an effeminate looking man walking towards them in a relaxed manner.

"Are you done with your mission Jiri?" Commander Aaron asked with a curious tone.

"Yes. All the men in the southern part have been killed. I must admit, I did not expect to find such good loot..." The effeminate-looking man said with a lascivious smile as he stood next to Commander Aaron.

Jiri was another of the Captains of the Mercenary Band. He was a delicate looking swordsman but this was not something for people to underestimate him after all he was known to be a fan of blood.

"I imagine your sissies had a hard time facing the enemy after all they had to fight the urge to pull down their pants to show their butts" Wiltord quickly took the opportunity to mock Jiri's troops, who had a rather particular appearance...

Jiri's soldiers were famous in the region for their delicate appearance and strange clothing. Some of them even arriving on the battlefield wearing makeup.

"Hahaha and what about your men? I imagine they used their stench to make the enemy dizzy after all, they all smell the same as their captain."

"Fuck you! You fucking degenerate! I bet you were just looking for pretty boys to add to your squad."

 "And? Is it jealousy or complaints?" Jiri mocked causing Wiltord's teeth to grind in anger, however they were in the middle of a battle so he had to contain his urge to fight his partner.

"They already finished?" At this moment, Sect Master Lawrence's voice interrupted them. It was thanks to Lawrence that everyone realized that the battle was completely stopped... Everyone was immersed in watching the exchange of insults between the two mercenary captains.

Commander Aaron, for his part, had his ears warm, after all the reputation in a Mercenary Band was extremely important to maintain its prestige but most likely after todays battle some rumors and ridicule would be circulating...

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