YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 343: Vow of Swords

Chirp Chirp Chirp

A cheerful melody was adrift in the air, dancing in the breeze, hand in hand with the fragrance of flowers. Birds of blue, black, and yellow perched on the apple trees, the twigs shaking as they hopped from time to time.

The flowers are in full bloom, an orchestra of colors playing out as far as the eyes can see. Platinum glimmers shone in the iridescent garden, a large shadow casted on the ground whilst a pair of clear orbs shimmered like diamonds.

"Hrey, Yuna, Father says he's sorry that he can't see you off. He actually wanted to, but his work doesn't exactly permit him much freedom." [Lisandra]

"No, it's alright, really... We know how busy His Majesty is. His thoughts are more than enough for us." [Grey]

"Un. A King has a lot of duties and responsibilities, after all. Please give our regards to His Majesty." [Yuna]

"Yes. I'll see to it that it reaches his ears." [Lisandra]

A few days have passed since Grey and Yuna have exited from the Labyrinth of Stars, and they have spent the past few days like usual. They lazed around, enjoyed their hobbies, and sparred with Lisandra and the others from time to time.

They had a great stay at Avalon and experienced a lot of things, but like any other journey, their stay has come to an end. It was finally time to say their goodbyes and bid farewells to the wonderful City of Swords.

The send off wasn't anything grand, only Lionel and Lisandra seeing them off. They have already said their goodbyes so there wasn't really anything lacking on their part, only a couple more words left to be exchanged with one another.

"Are you sure you won't be needing anything? Any souvenirs we can help you with? Some custom swords, perhaps?" [Lionel]

"Thanks, Lionel, but we're good to goー No, actually... We probably bought too much. Buying more would be quite troublesome." [Grey]

"That's a shame, but there's nothing more we could do if that's the case." [Lionel]

They didn't just buy a lot, they bought a whole ton of them. They may be thrifty when it comes to other things, but when it comes to food and gifts, they also go all out. It goes without saying that they paid quite a significant amount this time.

Well, with the money they got in the Labyrinth of Stars this time around, such a large amount wouldn't even dent even a thousandth of their wealth. If anything, the cost of everything they bought was just spare change to them.

"Then, Lisa, don't forget to give us a call from time to time, okay?" [Yuna]

"Of course! I'll make sure to call you when I have time... And, oh! Is it okay if I ask you questions and advice about swordsmanship?" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! You can ask all you want! Though, it might be hard to understand with just words alone. Are you fine with that?" [Yuna]

"Yes! I'll keep that in mind." [Lisandra]

Of course, it also went without saying that they also gave a couple presents to the princess and the others. Two pairs of phones, a camera, and some brand new board and card games were amongst them. A lot of novel and exciting things.

"Then, we'll be taking our leave nowー" [Grey]

"Ah! Grey, Yuna! Before you go, can I do something first?" [Lisandra]

Grey and Yuna were about to hop on to Sirius when the princess suddenly stopped them. She then approached them, taking out a familiar item from her storage ring. It was none other than the swords Grey and Yuna made for her.

She then unsheathed her sword before them, making the two tilt their heads slightly in confusion, wondering what she was doing. Only Lionel understood her gestures, his eyes lightning up as he looked at his younger sister.

"Oh, we're doing that, huh... I see..." [Lionel]

The prince also followed suit and pulled out his sword from his storage ring, quickly unsheathing it from its scabbard. He then plunged it lightly towards the ground, his hands resting on the pommel, both relaxed and opened.

Lisandra was one and the same, her delicate-looking hands also perched atop the inverted sword. Their eyes glimmered just as brightly as the shimmer of their blades, traces of honor and dignity burning inside their hearts.

"I, Lisandra myr Lantre Graystone..." [Lisandra]

"I, Lionel myr Lantre Graystone..." [Lionel]

""... Swear upon my honor to walk the path of virtue. To forever hone my skills and sharpen my sword. May the heavens bear witness to this vow until the end of time... May fortune smile upon you until we cross swords again."" [Lionel and Lisandra]

Sudden vows were sung, the two were perfectly in sync as they recited their words before Grey and Yuna. The latter could only bear witness to the scene as it unfolded, the shimmers of the swords gracing their faces.

They didn't really understand what was happening before them, but they could feel the weight of the prince and princess' words. All they knew was that the two were serious, meaning each and every single word of their vow.

"Umm... That was...?" [Grey]

"It's a vow we often make here in Avalon whenever the time comes to part ways with our companions. A tradition, if you will." [Lionel]

"Yes. It signifies a promise to get stronger and to duel again the moment both parties meet again. It's a vow first done by King Parsifal." [Lisandra]

It was just as expected. They have already met and experienced countless traditions from different places and kingdoms, but Avalon's dedication to the sword really was something else. It was a marvel to behold.

"I see... In that case..." [Grey]

There wasn't a need to say any longer. With Lisandra and Lionel finished with their vows, Grey and Yuna also took out their swords. Yuna equipped the armament ring and manifested the Divine Sword, whilst Grey got ahold of Vulcan's Wrath.

In the same manner, they plunged their swords on the ground, little tremors running through as they passed a tiny bit of mana. They soon opened their mouths, reciting the very same words the prince and princess said.

"I, Grey of Aster..." [Grey]

"I, Yuna of Aster..." [Yuna]

""... Swear upon my honor to walk the path of virtue. To forever hone my skills and sharpen my sword. May the heavens bear witness to this vow until the end of time. May fortune smile upon you until we cross swords again."" [Grey and Yuna]

Their voices rang out loud and clear, the words dancing in the air as the winds blew past them. There wasn't a single mistake, their words carried with truth and sincerity as they conveyed them towards Lionel and Lisandra.

The fact that they memorized such a lengthy statement was amazing, but perhaps even more than they were amazed, they were happy. It was but a little gesture, but they couldn't help but have their lips break into subtle and gentle smiles.

With the bow done and dusted, and the winds sweeping through the garden, Grey and Yuna hopped on to Sirius and rode on her back. The platinum dragon spread her wings, the winds howling on her wake and the leaves rustling along them.

"Then, until we meet again." [Grey]

"See you nex time~!" [Yuna]


Their smiles extending from ear to ear, Sirius then flapped her wings and the winds lashed out. In just a single stroke, she soared hundreds of meters towards the sky, sonic booms echoing with every succeeding flap.

A streak of platinum was painted in the sky, the people squealing and cheering as they saw such a scene unfold. The city which was once so big was now in full view, shrinking smaller and smaller the higher they went, soon piercing towards the clouds.

Sirius flapped her wings once more and the clouds parted before her. She ruled the sky as its queen, soaring freely like a bolt of lightning streaking during a storm. The only difference was that it was beautiful, thunder resounding with her wings.

They were soon far enough, vanishing into the faraway horizon. As he felt the winds blow past him, Grey stretched his hands outwards, reaching out for the clouds before him. A soft and warm smile soon blooming on his face.

"Let's go home, shall we?" [Grey]

Blue and white light danced before them and a gate appeared midair. Sirius was swallowed by the light, their figures disappearing without a trace. Only a sky of blue remained, the clouds drifting ever so slowly as the birds flew freely.

Grey and Yuna didn't just go straight home. With a lot of time on their hands, they headed towards their old home first and once again visited the graveyard, telling Yuna's parents all the exciting events which occurred in the past 3 months.

"Oh my, Grey, Yuna, you visited." [Valka]

"Good day, Missus Valka. We brought some fruits and herbs for you. They say this is good for pregnant women." [Yuna]

"Oh my, how considerate of you." [Valka]

They also visited the Malus Village while they were at it, giving a couple presents to everyone they knew. They were especially particular of Valka who was now in her 5th month of pregnancy, still as cheerful as can be.

They didn't stay there for too long, only chatting for some time, talking with Leif, and checking out the progress in Eldhart and Zeke's training. They have gotten stronger once again as expected. They really were something to be proud of.

"Waah~! Elder Brother Grey! Eleder Sister Yuna! You visited!" [Eliza]

"Surprise~! Did we get you?" [Yuna]

"Y-You should have told me earlier that you were coming! I would have prepared some refreshments for you," [Eliza]

"Fufufu! There's no need for that, Liz... Oh right! We also brought you some presents!" [Yuna]

Of course, if one's talking about visits, they also visited Eliza, their cutest little sister figure. She was in the middle of practicing her magic, firing off jets of water towards the dummies and obliterating them without much trouble.

Polaris was also there in the Landevar estate. He had returned to Eliza's side after the Labyrinth of Star closed, once again aiding her in her growth. It has only been a relatively short time since they last parted ways, but it was still a delight.

They played a little bit with Eliza, chatted with Fritz for a short while, and cooked a new set of dishes with Rhodes. Since it was already noon, they also had their lunch there, enjoying a hearty meal with smiles floating over the dining table.

Time passed some more and it was finally time to head home for real. Grey opened the gates once final time and light swallowed their field of view. A familiar scenery greeted them as the light faded away.

"Waah~! It's been some time, hasn't it?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... It's been 3 months, after all." [Grey]

And in those 3 months, Galderia hasn't changed one bit. It isn't just the beauty of the city, but also the long and busy line stretching out for a couple dozen meters from the gates. The busy hour was upon them and it was bustling as ever.

Grey and Yuna lined up as per usual and chatted ever so casually as they wasted their time away. Many of the pedestrians greeted them, keeping them occupied as the line moved along, slowly but surely.

"Oh! Grey! Yuna! Long time no see! How've you been?" [Dale]

"It's been a while indeed, Mister Dale. Good to see you again." [Grey]

"Good after noon, Mister Dale~!" [Yuna]

Before long, it was finally their turn in the gates, a couple familiar figures greeting them. Amongst them was Dale who is guarding the southern gate once again, as merry as ever as he chatted with him.

After passing through the gates, the hustle and bustle of the city rang in their ears and crowds upon crowds of people greeted them as soon as they saw them, wearing bright smiles on their faces as they waved their hands full of energy.

"Your Highnesses, it's been a long time. Why don't you try out bread again?"

"Oh! Your Highnesses! We made a new dessert last month! Would you like some?"

"The Heroes! The Heroes are back!"

The street vendors offered them all sorts of food and items, the children crowded over them and skipped around, the adventurers greeting them with their boisterous voices, and many more. It was quite the warm and grand reception.

Such scenes continued to unfold as they walked down the main street. It wasn't the most ideal of situations, but compared to the battle-hungry swordsmen greeting them in Avalon, Galderia was much better, people tame as can be.

And as they walked along the streets, they met a couple familiar figures. One was a man in his middle twenties, bearing ash-colored hair and golden eyes. The other was a woman in her early twenties, hair sparkling like gold and eyes blue as the sky.

"Oh! You're finally back, Grey, Yuna! How has your trip been?" [Aria]

"It was a fruitful one. The people were nice and the food was delicious. All in all, we had a good time in Avalon." [Grey]

"My, that sounds amazing... Should we also head there some day?" [Aria]

"That's a good idea, Miss Aria! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! If you say so, it must be true then." [Aria]

Of course, those figures were none other than Kris and Aira. They were just on the way to their house and they coincidentally met them on the main street, seeming to have just completed a quest, and heading back towards the Guild.

Aria was as friendly as ever, happily chatting with them, but the same couldn't be said for Kris. He was now frozen in place, looking at the two with disbelief brewing in his eyes, feeling like his head would be splitting open from a headache.

"You two... Just what the hell happened in Graystone..." [Kris]

Such were the first words he uttered as he stared a hole at the two. He wanted to escape reality and think it was all a dream, but there's no way dreams would be so vivid and realistic. The two youths before him were just plain absurd.

Kris always had a habit of releasing his aura to measure up people from time to time. This is especially true for Grey and Yuna who were strange beyond comprehension. He did the same this time and got an unbelievable result handed back to him.

"Umm... Well... We just got lucky...?" [Grey]

"Luck, huh... I see... I see... Like hell, I do! At least give me a believable lie, dammit! Do you take me for a fool?!" [Kris]

Grey tried to deflect the question, but it was all for naught. Kris was already at the end of his wits when he realized that Grey advanced to Calamity-Class, and now, they came with a bigger surprise to break him further. He has snapped.

"You two... You have some explaining to do. I'm gonna process our quests at the guild and we'll proceed with whatever the hell this is later." [Kris]

"Umm... Can't we just do this tomorrow? We're still tired, you see." [Grey]

"Tired, my ass. I know you can go on for weeks without rest and still be kicking. Don't even think of escaping, you hear me? I know where you live." [Kris]

Normally, Kris would just let things like this go, but with how abnormal the two were, there was no way he could proceed with the same way before, now acting more like a senior from work lecturing his unreasonable juniors.

Plus, his statement towards the end was kind ofー no, really scary. It was as if they just received a threat from a stalker, and not just any stalker, but an A-rank stalker whose danger levels were off the charts. They broke his character, alright.

Just like that, Kris rushed into the guild to process the completion of their quest and came back out soon after. It didn't even him a couple minutes, then dragging Grey and Yuna towards their house for interrogation.

"Now then... Why don't you start explaining yourselves?" [Kris]

"Like we said, we were just lucky." [Grey]

"Don't give me that bullsh*t, Grey. Spill it or I'll tell Yuna about the times you asked me for advice... And well, maybe I'll spill a little bit more." [Kris]

Grey tried to dodge the topic again. With what Kris put on the table, Grey couldn't do anything against him and tried to slip away. Yuna already heard so many embarrassing things, and he doesn't want him to pile them even higher.

He could try to get back at him, but Aria pretty knows how stupid Kris is. He was not the type to hide things, and says them out loud without thinking of the consequences. It was his complete and utter loss. There was no escape.

"So? What will it be?" [Kris]

"Haah... Alright, I'll tell you." [Grey]

"You should've done this from the beginning." [Kris]

Reluctant as he was, Grey told Kris and Aria about what they experienced during their stay in Avalon. He only left a couple details behind, making lies which were absurd but totally believable since it was them,

Of course, with every word he said, Kris and Aria's faces contorted more and more, their heads aching from the amount of absurdities and nonsense Grey was spouting. He and Yuna were total nutjobs even amongst the crazy ones.

Meanwhile, Yuna stayed out of the explanation as she wasn't as good as Grey at lying. She simply sat down on the couch and continued munching on her sweets which she pulled out from her storage ring. A ton of them.

"So let me get this straight... You stayed on the 10th floor and fought with all sorts of monsters everyday with your life on the line until you dropped dead from exhaustion. And you did that for a whole month?" [Kris]

"Pretty much, yeah." [Grey]

"That's not something you can say casually, you know?" [Kris]

"Even if you're strong, isn't that too risky? The 10th floor is full of monsters that can destroy whole kingdoms. I don't know if I should call that bravery or just recklessness..." [Aria]

"Hahaha. I will consider that a compliment." [Grey]

Fighting the Boss, the advancement of the familiars, the spirits, and many more. Grey left out a lot of things which would only make things more troublesome and only said what was enough to convince the two.

And since Kris can only vaguely guess their ranks, he could only assume they were at the bottom of their ranks even when such was not the case. To top it all off, they're also fully decked out on the highest level equipment. They were too broken,

"Disaster-Class at 19 years old... Haah... What the hell is happening..." [Kris]

"I was just barely at B-rank at that age..." [Aria]

And here they thought they were slowly decreasing the gap by training hard every time they got. Grey and Yuna just shattered their beliefs with a surprise. Kris and Aria could only sigh at the two youths before them.

"So, what's the plan now? I don't think you'll just stop here, right? Are you aiming to surpass the Azure Sword Emperor or something?" [Kris]

"Surpassing His Majesty... I guess you could say that." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Catastrophe-Class! That's what we're aiming for!" [Yuna]

Yuna declared proudly without a trace of doubt in her eyes and confident smile which wouldn't lose out to anyone. Kris and Aria were stunned, unable to speak a word as they tried to take in what the young lady just said.

Normally, they would doubt anyone else saying such, but since it was Grey and Yuna they were talking about, they couldn't even bring themselves to retort to them. Rather, they just got the feeling that they might just reach such a mythical class.

"Catastrophe-Class, huh... Hahaha! Interesting! It won't be much, but I'll try to support you as much as I can!" [Kris]

"Oh? So suddenly?" [Aria]

"Well, aren't you also curious, Aria? The birth of a Catastrophe-Class Ranker is not something you can bear witness to in a thousand years. It would just be stupid to miss this chance. Don't you think so too, Aria?" [Kris]

Kris was now back to his usual self, a bright smile plastered on his face as he asked Ar such a question. Aria was speechless at first, but a smile soon appeared on her face, nodding her head to the words of her husband.

"Fufufu! I guess that's true. Do your best, Grey, Yuna." [Aria]

"Un! I'll make sure to blow your minds away!" [Yuna]

The living room had returned to normal, only chatter and laughter ringing in the air as they chatted their times away, catching up to the times they missed and telling stories about the recent happenings in Galderia.

Grey had once again brought out a mountain of sweets and treats as if there was no tomorrow, mountains of sugar pile atop the table along some warm and tasty drinks. Souvenirs from the best pastry shops,

"Oh, right! Miss Aria, we dropped by Malus village just this morning. Missus Valka's stomach sure has grown big." [Yuna]

"Mom has also told me about that. She was so lively when she called yesterday. Even Dad is..." [Aria]


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