YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 348: Haunted Forest…? (pt. II)


Loud and pained groans echoed all throughout the forest, loud thuds resounding in the air as large bodies fell to the ground. The sight of broken trees and shattered boulders scattered all over the place unfolded in the verdant forest.

A young maiden leaped in the air, her silver hair flowing like the gentle creeks in the forest. A platinum glimmer gleamed as she brandished her daggers, a spray of blood gushing out as the blades diced the opponents to pieces, dyeing the ground red.

Yet despite their kin getting decimated, the high orcs didn't stop nor falter, recklessly charging towards the young lady. However, before they could even take a step closer to her, another figure appeared in front of them, his eyes glowing a deadly sheen.

⟨⟨Magnum Caliber⟩⟩ [Grey]

His voice rang out in the air, followed by the howling of the winds. As he threw his punch, shockwaves ruptured the air and the body of the high orc before him, boring a massive hole through its body and blasting the remains away.

Four more echoes connected after the first, blasting the rest away into smithereens. Their blood scattered all over the place, a merciless massacre unfolding before the forest's eyes, not a single one of the orcs spared.

Some were stunned by the sight, falling silent and frozen at the demise of their kin. The very next moment, they felt a raging hatred and hostility boiling deep inside their hearts, their eyes glowing a fierce red colorー Though, not for long.

⟨⟨Icicle Shotgun⟩⟩ [Yuna]

The temperature dropped along the echoing of the cold and icy voice. A dozen lances of white and blue forming out of thin air. The young lady stretched her palms and looked at the monsters before her, a deadly blue glint shining in her eyes.

She pressed her palms and the lances of ice shot out like a volley of torpedoes, darting at the enemies at breakneck speeds and piercing them without resistance. They were all swallowed by the endless frost, falling to the ground at their last breaths.

Soon, their bodies glowed a gentle color, turning into masses of light. As the sound of glass breaking echoed in the air, their bodies shattered into tiny fragments of light, only leaving behind a handful of items. The battle was over.

"Whew~! That was a good warmup, wasn't it?" [Yuna]

"A warm up, you say... Didn't you also say that in the previous one?" [Grey]

"Ehh~? That's because they're all so weak! I can barely use my abilities here! The fights in the Labyrinths are far more exciting!" [Yuna]

"Well, it's the Labyrinths, after all... It would be quite alarming if we suddenly see Calamity-Class monsters roaming around the surface." [Grey]

"Mmn... I guess you're right..." [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna are still on their quest to investigate the eastern forest, and it has been about an hour since they started the quest. With Grey's eyes, they have already scanned the entirety of the forest, every nook and cranny engraved to his memory.

Yet despite all that, there was still no progress in their search. They have already checked countless times and also scoured the forest up close, but they still couldn't see any signs of the so-called "playful ghosts".

If there was something interesting, it was that they found a nice trove of herbs along the way, with Yuna squealing excitedly as she collected them. Other than that, the forest was plain old normal with not even a challenge from the monsters.

"Right, Grey, have you found anything yet?" [Yuna]

"No, not yet... I don't even see any undead monsters around here, much less a ghost. Was it really just a rumor?" [Grey]

"Ehh~? That's kind of upsetting... And to think we came all the way here and searched for so long... Isn't there something more exciting to do?" [Yuna]

Or so she says but her hands were currently moving at lightning speeds and picking off all the herbs she could see. She didn't even need to look at them. She simply crouches and poof, the herbs are gone. It was as if she was guided by instinct.

'Really, what am I gonna do with this girl..' [Grey]

And here comes the other idiot, always asking the same questions when he still helps Yuna in the end. He even searches rare herbs for her when he has the chance and points out where he could see a large patch of wonderful materials.

The investigation quests they have been so excited about has now become a herb gathering quest, with Yuna picking off every alchemy ingredient she could find, and Grey harvesting anything he could use for their foods. They really are the perfect pair.

"Come to think of it, Grey, aren't there any adventurers around here? Couldn'T we just ask them if they've seen anything suspicious?" [Yuna]

"I also thought of that, but... Well... Do you really want to?" [Grey]

"Hm? Why are you so hesitantー Ah, right..." [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna hardly ask for help when they're on a quest, and it's because they could easily complete everything just by themselves. They weren't hesitating not because they were shy or prideful, but because of an entirely different and troublesome thing... It was their reputation...

While they could now normally walk around in the city, it was a different case when they had private conversations with them. The people would either be very excited or they would be nervous. Either way, things get pretty messy and troublesome.

They didn't even need to try to guess. Especially with adventurers, as soon as they introduce themselves, the other party would surely be all merry, sone even squealing to the top of their lungs. Popularity is annoying, to be honest.

"Haah... But we already spent more than an hour here already. We've also surveyed the forest several times..." [Yuna]

"Well, that's only because of my ability. Normally, it would take a couple days to do that, and I'm sure that the guild is expecting the same." [Grey]

"Ehh~? Can't we just go back? It's getting annoying..." [Yuna]

Said Yuna, ended with a statement as she puffed her cheeks. With only the two of them around and no other eyes peeking on them, she had yet again entered her spoiled and childish mode, acting all pouty and clingy.

"Hahaha. Weren't you the one who wanted to go and see?" [Grey]

"I know... But it's just so boring! I want to do something more exciting! Grey, let's just have a fight right here, right now!" [Yuna]

"We're gonna end up destroying the forest, you know? Andー" [Grey]

Grey suddenly cut off his words, his eyes widening in shock as he became alert. In the corner of his eyes, a group of four was being attacked by the handful of Kobolds, all cornered with one of their comrades down and unconscious.

The tension in the air suddenly changed and Grey's eyes glinted with seriousness. He clenched his knuckles and looked at the direction of the party in danger, a rush of urgency springing up in his heart.

"Yuna, let's save the talk for later. It's an emergency." [Grey]

"... Un! Got it!" [Yuna]

The young lady didn't ask any more questions and she followed after Grey. Thunder resounded in the forest as two figures bolted at breakneck speeds, the winds howling at their wake and the trees swaying by the sheer force generated by their tracks.



Heavy blows and sharp strikes. The sound of metals clashing rang out violently all over the forest. Two parties clashed again and again, feisty and aggressive sparks flying out left and right as they traded blows.

A young man brandished his blood-stained sword and struck the kobold's waist. The sword slashed the enemy's side, but unfortunately, the wound was not too deep. The kobold was still up and kicking, now more enraged than ever.

The kobold, eyes red with hostility, clenched its fists and blew a fury of blows towards the young man, its claws rushing towards his chest, waist, and neck, trying to kill him in a single blow, lashing out a violent storm, and finally...


... A hit connected, hitting the young man on the shoulders and knocking him a few steps away. His balance was shaken and his shoulder guard was broken, but he didn't falter, still standing ground with a fierce glint in his eyes.

"Phil...!" [???]

"Don't worry, I'm alright!" [Phil]

Behind the young man was a group of youths just nearing the end of their teenage years. Two of them were women, one holding a staff and the other holding a bow. The last one was another young man, a spear by his side.

And before him was a group of Kobold, a whole 8 of them to be exact. Seven of them were G-rank Kobolds, while the other one was the am F-rank Kobold Warrior which was leading the pack, a menacing look in its eyes.

Unfortunately, the battle was not in their favor. Not only was their party a G-rank one, their lancer was also unconscious, a large wound on his stomach and pale as can be, their mage was out of mana, and their archer only has all but three measly arrows remaining in her quiver.

"Mica, make sure to cover and heal Oswald with a potion! Irene, cover for me and shoot arrows whenever needed!" [Phil]

"Yes!" [Mica] "Understood!" [Irene]

They shouted with determination, but they all knew that the odds were against their favor, the enemies waiting for them to make the wrong step and attack when the time was ripe. They couldn't even escape even if they wanted to.

Time was also not on their side as their comrade was barely hanging into a thin thread of life. If they take any more longer than this, he would surely pass away, and they would follow after him sooner rather than later. Only a miracle could save them...

'Dammit... I should have just become a farmー' [Phil]


... And a miracle did come.

A bolt of blue suddenly appeared out of nowhere and impaled one of the kobolds, boring a large hole through its body and killing it in one strike. The bolt was so powerful, it even struck the trees on its way before stopping.

"What... What just happened..." [Mica]

It was all too sudden. Before they could even realize what was happening, one of the enemies they were struggling so hard against suddenly and helplessly fell towards the ground, blood sprayed on the once green ground.

Yet the show was not over. The sound of footsteps suddenly echoed in the air, soft and subtle yet ringing loudly in the air. Even the kobolds couldn't help but turn their heads around, witnessing a silver-haired elf appear before them.

⟨⟨Icicle Shotgun⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Another volley of frozen lances shot out in the air and rushed towards the enemies. They couldn't even defend nor run with how fast the lances are, their bodies impaled by pain and frost before they could even notice.

The enemies fell to the ground one after another, their bodies limp and lifeless. They soon vanished into thin air, leaving only a couple traces of their existence. Everybody was stunned at the unexpected yet beautiful spectacle.

"Are you all okay, everyone?" [Yuna]

"A-Ah, yeah. We'reー" [Phil]

"Oswald! Hang in there! We're all going to be okay!" [Mica]

The young man couldn't even answer the question, when the pained and panicked voices of his party members rang out in the air. Their comrade was now in a critical condition, body cold and pale as he breathed heavily, cold sweat dripping down his body.

"Let me take care of this. ⟨⟨Perfect Heal⟩⟩." [Grey]

Another figure appeared by their side before they noticed it. He extended his hands and chanted a couple words, bright and golden light swallowing the whole place as the spell was casted, warmth enveloping everyone.

The radiant, golden light broke into fragments and melded into everyone's bodies. Their wounds, the fractures in their bones, and all their injuries, everything was healed without exception and their bodies were soon back to normal. Yet another miracle unfolded before their very eyes.

But perhaps what everyone was anticipating was the recovery of their precious party member. They were all so nervous, but the moment they saw him heave a lengthy and stable breath, they couldn't help but feel relieved and happy.

"He should be fine now. Just wait for him to be conscious." [Grey]

"Y-Yes! Thank you very much! I will never forget this favor!" [Phil]

"M-Me too! We may not have enough money right now, but we'll be sure to repay you! We will never forget this debt!" [Irene]

They were all crying tears of joy and relief, yet they didn't forget to thank Grey and Yuna. They were just about to give up in life, but when they least expected it, help came to the rescue. They couldn't be any more grateful.

"Ah, you don't really have to go that far. Anyone else would have done that without a second thought." [Grey]

"N-No! That won't do! We'll make sure to repay this favor! We wouldn't be so shameless towards our saviors!" [Phil]

"That's right! No matter how long it takes, we'll repay you however much we can! Please just let us know if you need something from us!" [Mica]

They had just come back from a life or death situation, but they were already very enthusiastic. Grey and Yuna had encountered such kinds of people before, and they aren't ones who would back down from repaying a favor. Such honest people.

The problem was, Grey and Yuna didn't really need any sort of payment as they only wasted a few bits of mana at most. And even if they give them money, it's not like they were in dire need of any.

"Ah, then, in that case..." [Grey]

Thankfully, money and service wasn't the only way to pay, there was also the means of giving information. It was perfect since Grey and Yuna were doing an investigation quest, and just hit a roadblock. All they needed to do was ask, and ask, they did.

Apparently, the party had just recently hunted in the eastern forest, but they weren't able to hear, see, nor feel anything strange in the area. They also didn't do anything like that from the other adventurers.

However, all hopes were not lost. The descriptions Grey and Yuna said fortunately matched what they experienced just this morning in a nearby forest just north of the current one, and they also heard bell chimes. It was perfect.

"Thanks for the information. That really helps a lot." [Grey]

"It's no big deal, but... Is that really alright? It's nowhere near enough to compensate for your help." [Phil]

"No, it's alright. That bit of information is very important to us." [Grey]

"Well, if you say so..." [Phil]

Phil and the others were troubled, but with Grey and Yuna refusing to ask anymore, they couldn't bring themselves to become more pushy. Their financial situation wasn't really that good either so it was even more troubling.

"Then, we'll be going now. Keep yourselves safe, okay?" [Yuna]

"Okayー Ah, w-wait! I know you don't want any more payment, but can we at least offer you a meal? That's the least we could do." [Phil]

Grey and Yuna were about to leave, when Phil suddenly stopped them. They may be poor, but they weren't shameless. Seeing as to how they were still trying to show their gratitude, Grey and Yuna couldn't help but break a smile.

"Sure! Just send an invitation through the guild to us. Remember to send them to 'Aster', okay?" [Yuna]

"Aster... Alright, got it. We'll remember it well," [Phil]

Smiles on their faces, Grey and Yuna then departed and headed out to the nearby forest, their figures vanishing in the deep sea of green. Three figures waved their hands with smiles on their faces, happiness blooming in their hearts.

"Eh...? Did she just say Aster...?" [Irene]

However, such happiness didn't last too long as soon as realization hit them. After all, there were only two party names in Galderia, "Aster" and "Black Silver". Both of which were famous in their own rights.

"""EHHH?!!! The heroes' party?!!"""

A booming cacophony echoed throughout the forest as realization struck them hard. Their faces were contorted from shock and disbelief that they just met the youngest S-rankers in history and the fabled Heroes of Oiros. A day to be remembered.

Meanwhile, the heroes in question were happily racing towards the nearby forest, only taking them a couple minutes to bridge kilometers upon kilometers of distance, not even breaking a single swear as if they were just taking a stroll.

Surely enough, as soon as the forest was in range, Grey saw a couple familiar sprites loitering around the forest. There wasn't just one, but a whole 4 of them, each a different attribute from the other.

"Looks like you've found them, Grey." [Yuna]

"Yeah. We were just looking at the wrong place before." [Grey]

The targets now spotted, Grey quickly shared his vision with Yuna, and the two of them rushed there without wasting any more time. The moment they arrived, they were greeted by four adorable little creatures.

"Haah... They really were spirits..." [Grey]

The moment they heard that they made chimes, Grey and Yuna already guessed that they were sprites, but seeing them up close, they could only be relieved that their guess was right. There weren't any harmful monsters.

While they could hear the sound of spirits, it was an ability only limited to them. The other people couldn't hear them, much less see or interact with them. It was no wonder people thought they were ghosts... It really was a supernatural experience.

"But, Grey... Don't they look a little different?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, they're quite unique, aren't they?" [Grey]

Though compared to before, the spirits before them were a little different. Rather than the misty and formless blobs of aether that they were, they now have much more defined shapes tailored to their elements.

The one with the fire element has the form of fire, the one with the earth attribute has the form of rocks, the plant element one looks like a ball of moss with flowers, and the ice attribute spirit was a chunk of floating ice. All were pretty distinct.

And unlike the spirits they previously saw, they were also able to use their attributes, throwing around pebbles, rusting the leaves, making the temperature fluctuate, and so much more. They were quite the playful ones.

⟨⟨Appraisal⟩⟩ [Grey]





[Rank]Lesser Spirit (Wanderer)

[Mana Capacity]29 [Mana Quality]H

[Combat Power]10 [Threat Level]H




Surely enough, they were very much different from the spirits before. Rather than "Floating Spirits", they are now classified as "Lesser Spirits", which one could only assume to be the next rank after the former.

Furthermore, there are also gems present on their status screen. Grey and Yuna still don't know what they were, but they instinctively knew from experience that the more gems the spirit has, the more powerful they become.

If they were weaker than slimes before, they can now contend against normal people in terms of strength. It isn't that much of a feat, but compared to before, they are now much more reliable looking as God's final creations.

"Fufufu! These little ones really are playful." [Yuna]

If there was something that remained the same, it was that they were still very fond of Grey and Yuna, circling around them and dancing and bobbing about as if they were trying to greet them, trying to convey how happy they were.

They could only communicate with the sound of bell chimes, but Grey and Yuna could tell that the little guys could understand them, and they could also understand the spirits, albeit subtly. They were quite adorable in a sense.

"Hmm... The fire spirit isn't hot at all, isn't it?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! The same goes for the ice, and the rock. They are neither cold nor heavy. Rather, they feel just like air!" [Yuna]

Since they were spiritual beings, they possessed no physical form and their bodies have no real physical effect on the world. They could use magic, but their bodies themselves were like phantoms. They could truly be called ghosts.

They headed out the forests to find something interesting, but they found what could only be called amazing and mystical. It was fun playing and interacting with them, but there was one teensy-weensy problem...

"Now... How should we report this to the Guild..." [Grey]

The struggle continues...


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