YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 371: A Rowdy Celebration!

"No, like I said, we should turn left from here." [Edin]

"Huh?! Are you blind?! We should clearly turn right!" [Kale]

"Shut up, you directionally-challenged idiots! There's no need to turn. We just need to head straight and we should arrive there shortly!" [Alea]

The morning was still young, but the day was already bustling and lively as can be. Along the usual ring of chimes, the clatter of voices, the creaking of carriage wheels, and the clicks and clacks of doors, the voices of 3 youngsters echoed clearly.

A map was held in their hands, drawn beautifully with clear symbols and landmarks placed all across the piece of paper. There were also approximate distances of steps and meters, making sure that the readers truly understand where to go.

Yet despite how clear and sophisticated the map was, the three of them still argued like children, their opinions varying wildly from one another. Yes, it was still early in the morning, and they were already creating quite a rambunctious ruckus.

"Aren't we going to 'Camellia Valley'?! Then we should be turning left!" [Edin]

"You punk! That's not the Camellia Valley! That's a different landmark!" [Alea]

"Heh. Didn't I tell you? I was right!" [Kale]

"Shut up, Kale! You're no better than Edin!" [Alea]

And the reason for such a clamor was none other than the boys' natural stupidity. They may be geniuses when it comes to alchemy, but to other things, they are completely useless. Reading maps and remembering where ro go was not their best forte.

Thankfully, Alea was with them. Yuna had already instructed her where to go, and so, she didn't have much of a problem figuring out where to go next. If it wasn't for her, the boys would have already gotten lost in the Labyrinth-like City of Xeros.

"Excuse me, Mister. Can I ask where the Camelia Valley is?" [Alea]

She also asked the city folks from time to time, many of them pointing to the same directions Yuna had written down on the map. There was really no need to ask, but there was nothing wrong with being too sure.

The walk continued, and before long, they finally arrived at their destination. There hung a sign board where the symbol of a White Camellia was engraved, a pretty butterfly perching on its petals. It was the Camellia Valley.

"Looks like this is the place." [Alea]


They didn't dilly-dally any further and headed inside the inn. The familiar melody of the little chimes rang out in the air, a couple people heading out whilst they headed inside. It was a simple and peaceful scenery, completely different from the Academy.

It was already the middle of the morning, the 2nd bell already rang a couple minutes ago. There were barely any people by the diner, the tables already emptied, 2 young children cleaning it up and bringing the used tableware towards the kitchen.

There was a middle-aged lady along with the children, a bright smile on her face as she hummed, wiping the dining tables with a satisfied expression on her face. The very same expressions which changed at the sight of the youngsters.

"Oh my, it seems like we have customers." [Linda]

Said Linda, wiping her hands and approaching the three youths. She greeted them with the same friendly smile as she did with Grey and Yuna. The children soon came out of the children, peeking at them as well.

"Are you checking in, or are you just going to dine?" [Linda]

"A-Ah, no... Actually, we came here to see someone." [Alea]

"Oh? A customer of ours...? Are you perhaps referring toー" [Linda]

"Alea, Kale, Edin! You're all here! Good morning~!" [Yuna]

Just as Linda was about to ask a question, a familiar set of footsteps suddenly came ringing from the stairs. Yuna appeared out of nowhere, cutting off the former's words as she greeted her friends with the brightest smile.

Well, it wasn't just because she got to see them that she was smiling from ear to ear. There was also a special, once-in-a-year occasion unfolding for the day, the young lady's heart filled to the brim with her excitement and happiness...

"Good morning, Elena!" [Alea]

"""Happy Birthday~!"""

Today is Yuna's birthday...

With the rising of the new day, our heroine has finally turned 18 years of age. It may be a trivial celebration, but she couldn't be any happier. It has been 4 years since she and Grey celebrated it together, and now, she can finally celebrate it with the others.

Of course, as she already made a promise to Helen, they would also be heading back to Galderia in the afternoon, having two celebrations in total. They'll be in Xeros throughout the whole morning, and in Galderia during the afternoon.

There was also the fact that they still have to give Guildmaster Rina all the herbs she asked before their departure, and they'd also like to get some things in their home. It was going to be a busy day of the two of them.

"Thank you, everyone! I'm so happy you could come!" [Yuna]

"Of course, we will! We're your friends, after all! That's only natural!" [Alea]

"Alea's right... And also... We couldn't possibly miss out on all the delicious foods, can't we?! I'm sure you're cooking something special for today!" [Kale]

"Hey, Kale! Is food all you can think about?! Act with decency, you brat!" [Alea]

It was very typical of the three. They had just arrived in a new place yet they were already lively as can be. Alea had struck yet another quick punch to Kale's side, making him jolt a little bit, Yuna giggling at the sigh.

Soon came the introductions, Yuna introducing the people of the inn to their Academy friends, and vice versa. They quickly got along well, the children even playing with them, Chris looking at them with shimmering sparkles in his eyes.

"Oh dear, so you're all 3rd year students from Darius Academy, huh... Such a prestigious school. You all must be very talented then." [Linda]

"Hahaha. We're just a bit better than normal people." [Kale]

"Now, now, don't depreciate yourselves too much. Actually, my son over here, Chris, is also aspiring to become a great alchemist one day. He also said he wanted to learn in Darius Academy as well." [Linda]

"Ohh! So you want to enter the Academy as well. That's a wonderful choice! Not only are the things free, you'll also learn a lot as well! I'm cheering for you!" [Alea]

"That's right. You just need to pass the exams and everything will be fine. As long as you have determination, it will be fine. Especially if you're a genius like me!" [Edin]

And one way or another, they are now talking about alchemy and the likes. It seems like many kids in Xeros, Chris also wants to become an Alchemist. It was a wonderful topic, everyone happily engaged in the conversation.

Of course, Edin's antics had also started to show, once again proclaiming how much of a genius he was. It was annoying to the point that Alea once again struck him with a reality-defying punch, sending him flying as per usual.

"Speaking of which... Elena, where's Shin?" [Kale]

"Oh, Shin... He's in the kitchen right now with Missus Linda's husband. He said he was going to make the best dishes and desserts!" [Yuna]

"Oh! Special dishes made by Shin?! I couldn't wait!" [Kale]

"Yes! Big Brother Shin's sweets are really delicious!" [Wena]

Now, from alchemy to tasty treats, the topic suddenly changed into something quite lively. Everyone was chatting happily, talking about all sorts of things and simply getting to know each other whilst they waited for lunch to come.

Meanwhile, two figures worked hard in the kitchen. The hot air caressed their skin, the crackling of flakes rang in their ears, and the savory aroma of the dishes tickled their noses. It was an appetite-arousing orchestra in the kitchen.

There wasn't just one, two, or three, but over a dozen dishes already displayed atop the kitchen table. From grilled meat to roasted fish to savory soups and vegetables, there were a lot to see, each one sparkling brightly like gold.

Grey had asked to borrow the kitchen and the diner to celebrate Yuna's birthday, and thankfully, Pascal and Linda approved of it. The former even offered to help Grey in cooking the dishes, offering to make something for the young lady as well.

"Hahaha. Looks like the children are talking about your sweets again, Young Man. They really were fantastic, after all." [Pascal]

"I'm glad to hear that you liked it, Mister Pascal." [Grey]

"No problem, but... What are you making right now, Young Man? From how it seems... Is it another kind of dessert?" [Pascal]

"Yeah... Or rather, I'm making many kinds of desserts." [Grey]

And since it was Yuna's birthday, of course, there would be no shortage of sweets for the young lady and everyone to enjoy. Grey had already planned what to make, a ton of ingredients laid out on the kitchen table and countertops.

There were over a couple dozen ingredients including bananas, apples, chocolate, coconuts, salt, butter, syrup, flour, corn starch, yeast, vanilla extract, eggs, lemons, berries, jam, oil, and of course, there was sugar as well. A whole mountain of it.

Grey didn't just plan a single sweet to treat Yuna. With a request from his beloved, he was planning to make at least a dozen of such desserts, some old, and some new. Regardless, they are bound to be the most delicious of all.

"Let's get this thing going then." [Grey]

"Yes. I'll be in your care, Young Man." [Pascal]

Grey folded his sleeves high and whipped out the chopping board from God-knows-where. He then took out the sweet bananas, slicing them an inch thick. The sound of chops and clops echoed in the air, a mountain of bananas chopped in one go.

The flames were turned on and a pan was placed atop the scorching heat. The butter was thrown into the searing pan, cinnamon, salt, and honey added to the mix once the butter started to melt. He mixed and stirred, watching the mixture bubble.

One after another, Grey added the sliced bananas into the golden brown basin of sweetness, stirred only once in a while and waiting for the bananas to be coated in sweet and sticky caramel. He flipped the sides, turning both a sweet amber color.

"Oh, that looks simple enough. Let me help you with that, Young man." [Pascal]

"Thanks. That's much appreciated, Mister Pascal." [Grey]

"No problem. I'll help you out with the other dishes once I make enough for everyone. Though... It might take a little while before we do..." [Pascal]

Said Pascal as he looked at Grey, and soon, towards Yuna's direction. Knowing how much the two eat, it would take more than a plate or two to satisfy them. It was better to just go all out, making a mountain of fried honey bananas if he has to,

Pascal soon took the reins in making the fried honey bananas, and Grey proceeded to take out a baking tray. He then took out a lot of apples from the table, taking out the stems and inserting sticks in their places.


Yet another flame was lit ablaze and yet another pan was placed atop of it. Grey then poured sugar, water, and corn syrup over medium heat, waiting for the mixture to mix well, caramelizing a little bit, but not as much as the fried honey bananas.

A drop of red food coloring and the mixture bloomed a beautiful color like that of the beautiful roses in the Royal Castle. Grey dipped the skewered apples in such a mix, sprinkling a bit of sugar and rice krispies to finish it all off.

"Waah~! What are these things called, Big Brother Shin?!" [Chris]

"They're candied apples. Would you like to eat one?" [Grey]

"Yeah! I want to eat!" [Chris]

"Chris, that's not fair!" [Wena]

The children suddenly entered the kitchen, the scene painted with liveliness and a bit of rowdiness as they made a loud ruckus in the kitchen. They both took some cooled down candied apples, smiling happily as a sugary-sweet rush flooded their mouths.

Grey continued to make more sweets for everyone, the kids watching him as he took out mini molding cups and large mixing bowls. Their eyes sparkled with excitement as he mixed, beat, chopped, cooked, and baked.

There were Coconut Macaroons, Lemon Blueberry Scones, Strawberry Tarts, Peach Yogurt Cakes, Chocolate Mousse, Pear Meringue, Mango Graham Floats, Rainbow Fruit Cakes, and many more. All were sweet and tasty, the harbinger of cavities.

And whilst the Grey and Pascal were hard at work, and the children were watching them ever so enthusiastically, everyone else were also having fun, chatting their time away as they waited for lunch to come.

"Eh?! You're still 18 years old, Elena?!" [Alea]

A sudden scream rocked the dining hall, a surprised expression painted not just on Alea's, but everyone else's faces as well. With her skills, they thought she was a bit older than her, but to think it was actually the opposite. It was shocking.

"Hm? Why are you so surprised... How old did you think I was then?" [Yuna]

"Well, considering your skills and the fact that you're already engaged... We thought you were at least several months older than us. I actually thought you were turning 19 today, maybe even 20 at most." [Kale]

"I have the same sentiments as Kale. It just made more sense that way. Though... It seems like my genius betrayed me for once," [Edin]

"Ehh... What's with that assumption... I'm still young, you know? And I know many people who got engaged at a much younger age, you know?" [Yuna]

"Huh? Just what kind of people are you always with?" [Kale]

Nobles and Royalty are the people she has been with for several occasions, making her unusually early engagement seem like child play. Not that there was any need to mention that. It was better to just stay quiet.

And well, though it was a little bit of a shock that Yuna was actually younger than all of them, they really didn't seem too bothered about it. The only difference now was that their admiration for her rose up a little. Just a tad bit.

"Anyway, less about that. Let's talk about the Academy where you and Shin are from! What kind of place was it, Elena?!" [Alea]

"E... Eh...? O-Our Academy...?" [Yuna]

"Yeah! It must be really amazing like Darius! Is it the Lepron Blue Academy in the north?! Or is it the Tierra-Ines Academy in the Empire?!" [Alea]

"Alea, they're from Alfrione, aren't they? Shouldn't it be the Montegrande Memorial Academy by the Silfovan Region? I heard it's an amazing place." [Edin]

"Oh my! Montegrande, huh? One of my old friend's sons attended there!" [Linda]

The conversation turned towards a strange direction, Yuna ending up cornered one way or another. Alea suddenly talked about the Academy they came from, the others adding fuel to e fire as they suggested some academy names.

Yuna may be a skilled alchemist, but she was not knowledgeable about the many institutions and organizations taking part in it. In fact, amongst the academies they were talking about, Yuna didn't know any of them. Not a single one.

"So, Elena?! Which one is it?!" [Alea]

"Uh... Well... That's..." [Yuna]

Alea asked a question, glancing at the young lady with expectant eyes. The others soon turned her way as well, all curious to know which prestigious school she came from. Yuna could barely make out the words.

"Now, now, why don't we save the questions for later? Let's have a hearty meal first, shall we?" [Grey]

"That's right, everyone. Shin and I poured our all into making these. We hope it is to your great satisfaction." [Pascal]

Grey came to the rescue!

Just when things were about to get tricky for Yuna, Grey made a timely appearance, holding a handful of plates in his hands. Along with him was Pascal and the children, bringing with them the still hot and piping foods from the kitchen.

Roasted Glazed Turkey, Pork Liempo, Grilled Tuna and Salmon, Honey and Butter Lobster, Clam Miso Soup, Sweet and Cheesy Spaghetti, Creamy Carbonara, Three-Layered Beef Lasagna, Garlic and Pepper Rice, and so much more.

The desserts also weren't any less, placed by the center of the dining tables and all regulated with a bit of ice magic. There were so many dishes and desserts, they had to use not just one, but three whole tables in the diner.

In just a couple moments, the tables which were once brown, black, and plain have been painted with color and flavor. Not only was it alluring to the eyes, just a whiff of the aroma was enough to make everyone hungry.

"Right! We can just ask them later!" [Alea]

"Of course! Food should come first, shouldn't it?!" [Kale]

"What are you blabbering on about? Get your plates already." [Edin]

It was as easy as that. As soon as the food was brought over to the table, everyone quickly forgot about what they were talking about. Everyone quickly grabbed a plate for themselves, pairing it with spoons and forks as well.

"""Thank you for the Meal!!"""

Bright smiles blooming on their faces, everyone yelled out the same chant, offering their gratitude towards the heavens above. They couldn't wait any longer, diving into the tasty treats and exquisite dishes served before them.


The sound of utensils echoed in the air, dishes sliced and parted as the hands moved left and right. Everyone picked what their eyes took a fancy to, filling their plates with goodies, Kale and Edin's plates full to the brim.

It wasn't too long before the first bite was taken, a sudden rush of flavors caressing everyone's tongues. Some were mildly sweet, some were strong and sour, and some packed quite a bit of heat. Every dish was different, delicious to each and their own.

"Ohh! Now this is a meal! This is what I'm talking about!" [Kale]

"Amazing! All the herbs and spices, the consistency of the meat, its tenderness and juiciness, and the hint of lime. This is genius!" [Edin]

"Mom! Mom! I also want to eat too!" [Wena]

"Finish your plate first. It's not good to be wasteful." [Linda]

Of course, everyone was overjoyed at the taste of the dishes, their hearts riddled with fireworks, all exploding from extreme happiness. Some of the dishes looked quite unfamiliar, but it didn't matter. All they knew was that it was amazing.

Even Alea, who doesn't eat as much as the others, was fully enjoying herself, letting herself loose for once after such a long while. She munched down on the food with such a face, one could only describe how delicious they were.

"Ohh! The desserts are amazing as well! What do you call these again?!" [Kale]

"Those are Fried Honey Bananas. They're really easy to make. Should I teach you how to make it some time, Kale?" [Grey]

"Great! That would be much appreciated!" [Kale]

"Shin, I want to learn to. I think this helps boost my genius." [Edin]

Ignoring Edin and all his remarks about how genius he was, it was a pretty wonderful time filled with merriness and laughter. Everyone was enjoying a warm and hearty meal, eating to their hearts' content and simply living their best lives.

Alea was especially fond of the steak Grey cooked. Though it was a little more on the firmer side, the moment it touches your tongue, it feels like it suddenly starts melting, all the flavor seeping in your taste buds. It was rich and juicy,

"Shin, what meat is this steak made of?" [Alea]

"Oh, that... That's Smash Boar." [Grey]

"Eh?! Smash Boar?! Those large beasts?!" [Alea]

"Yeah. We just happened to come across some up for grabs, so we thought 'why not?'. It was quite cheap to get as well." [Grey]

Said Grey with a straight and comfortable expression painted on his face. He wasn't really telling a lie, but he wasn't telling Alea the whole truth either. Not that he really needed to anyway....

"Smash Boar meat... I wonder if I can afford it if I create more potions..." [Alea]

... As the young lady herself wasn't really listening anymore. Her mind was now off to a different world, just thinking how delicious Smash Boar meat was and how she can obtain more in the future. After all, good food is still the best.

"Hey, Edin, how much do you think we could earn as Tier-4 Alchemists?" [Alea]

"That depends, but... At least double, I think?" [Edin]

"I see... Double, huh... Fufufu! Smash Boar Meat, just wait for me!" [Alea]

And a strange flame of determination was lit ablaze in her eyes. It was motivation which made her yearn to improve herself and become an even better person than who she already is. The power of good food is amazing.

All jokes aside, time passed by like the galloping horses, the clock striking another hour and the bells once again ringing aloud throughout the whole of Xeros. It was soon time for everyone to head back home, having their hands goodbye.

However, the celebration was still far from over. With the start of the afternoon, Grey and Yuna opened the gates again, and headed towards Galderia. They did promise to celebrate there as well, and so it was only rightful that they deliver on it.

Oh, yet another wonderful memory...


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