YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 380: In the Forest, Once More


The night was deep, but never close from peaceful. Series upon series of booms and crashes ran across the large halls, the shattering of glass and the breaking of wood echoing along with it. Chaos and terror ensued.

Maids and servants passed through the doors, their faces white and pale as can be. Their hearts rang in the beat of destruction, fear creeping deep within. Behind the door in front of them was a human worse than a monster, lashing out with rage as the symphony of destruction continued to play.

There was a letter in the hands of the unfortunate ones, a beautiful crest embedded on red wax. They took a step forward, their bodies trembling ever so slightly as they reached out the doors, braving themselves for the worst.

"Y... Young Lord..."

"What is it, you useless fools?!" [Jermel]

A loud voice echoed from the other side of the door. The servant was on the verge of crying, but she still tried to compose herself. She could only look down at the ground, opening her trembling mouth once more.

"Th... There's a letter f... from Hi... His Excellency..."

"From Father, you say...?" [Jermel]

"Y... Yes... It is of utmost importance..."

Said the poor, trembling maid, and the symphony of destruction suddenly stopped. A footstep echoed, followed by another one, and a series of them. A pair of clicks and clacks echoed in the air, doors opening soon after.

There he was, the infamous young lord of the Caraquels, known for his inhumane actions and terrible personality, regarding the lives of others as lower than his. The servants dared not look him in the eyes, still trembling as they lowered their eyes.

He nabbed the letter from the servant, a stinging pain running through her hands, yet he didn't care. He only read the letter with arrogance in his eyes, his eyes running left and right as he scanned the contents as quickly as he could.

The more he read the letter, the more his face contorted with rage and loathing. Irked veins had popped on his head, his hands trembled with rage and his heart slowly was eaten away by darkness, an eerie silence enveloping the air.


Such silence was easily broken as Jermel slammed his right hand towards the door, gritting his teeth viciously, clenching the letter tightly, and his eyes red with anger. It was a sight even worse than usual, like an animal which had gone mad.

"What are all of you looking at?! Do you want your heads cut off?!" [Jermel]

The feral animal barked, and the servants were scared away, scurrying as fast as they could as they were running for their lives. Their young lord was angrier than usual, seeming like he was ready to kill someone, and yes... He is...

That someone was none other than Yuna, our little heroine.

After the alchemy battle with Yuna, Jermel has received several punishments for all his heinous acts in the academy. There was suspension, probation, compensation, and many more waiting to be added as soon as all the processes were over.

But perhaps the worst one of all was the fact that his acts have been reported to his father, the current Count Caraquel. A count who is known for his cold-heartedness and strictness, even to those who are part of his family.

He is a man who won't simply let go of such unjustifiable acts, and leave the one who committed it go unpunished. He would even throw his own blood to jail if the situation calls for it, sentencing them to the appropriate punishment,

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" [Jermel]


Not just losing his current position as the heir to House Caraquel, he could very well be stripped of his noble status and get imprisoned for the rest of his life. And if his most heinous crimes are exposed, he could even be sentenced to death penalty.

Such fear consumed his heart towards the furthest corners, his mind breaking even further as if there was nothing holding him together. He was slowly going insane, a trace of desperation looming inside as he lost grasp of reason and rationality.

"No! This isn't my fault! That's right! This is all that b*tch's fault! If it wasn't for her, this wouldn't have happened! That's right! I'm innocent! I'm just a victim!" [Jermel]

He has gone crazy, blaming Yuna for all the karma he received from his very own actions. He was being delusional, creating reasons for himself to cling on to. There was only despair, a creepy smile on his face.

"Haha! Hahaha! Hahahaha! That's right! I'm not to blame here! I'm not!" [Jermel]

A boisterous and eerie laughter echoed throughout the whole mansion, disturbing the once quiet night. The hall rocked and the curtains danced at his ominous laughter, a stream of tears flowing down his eyes, followed by another.

"That's right... I shouldn't be blamed for this... I should punish the real criminal... That's right... I should punish that lowly b*tch..." [Jermel]

His string of reason has finally snapped, an empty smile plastered on his broken face as he walked towards his table. He sat on his chair, opened the drawer, and took out a piece of paper and a pen along with it, still chuckling to himself,

"Hahaha... This is what you get for defying me... I'll make you regret it..." [Jermel]

The now mad Jermel continued to mumble towards himself, writing down a string of characters in black ink. His eyes were bloodshot, all the while tightly gripping the pen. He has finally stopped laughing, only anger remaining in his eyes.

He wrote, wrote, and wrote some more. As he finished the last word and marked the final period, a dark and eerie smile blossomed on his face. He was illuminated by the moonlit sky, but there was only darkness to be seen.

"Haha... Hahaha... Hahaha! Hahahaha! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA!" [Jermel]

It was a short-lived silence, quickly broken by an eerie laughter. Rage and madness once again reigned over the night, the ominous laughter of insanity only getting louder and louder with the slow passing of time.

The beautiful moon which once brightened the night sky was soon covered by the drifting clouds. Darkness engulfed the world once more, silence running throughout the halls and the cold winds whizzing by. Such a dark and eerie night.



Leaves of green and yellow danced by the whimsical wind. The sky was blue and the clouds were white, looming over the ever so verdant forest. A delightful sight to see all over the place, beauty and majesty both up and down.

The forest was peaceful again today, the chirping of the birds echoing all throughout the woods and groves, and the little rodents running around the tree. The bees and beetles also flew, dyeing the place with life and colors.

"Oh? Looks like we're almost there." [Kale]

And in such a peaceful forest, a small number of familiar figures roamed about. They were all walking quietly, eyes swimming ever so slowly as they listened to the sweet and soft symphony of the forest, the scent of greens tickling their noses.

The weekend has arrived yet again, and with a lot of free time on their hands, Grey and Yuna decided to go look around the forest. Coincidentally, so did Alea, Kale, and Edin, meeting them whilst they wandered around.

"Kale, are you sure there are a lot of Fili Roots there?" [Alea]

"Of course! I've been there many times before, and there's always a lot of them. I'm sure we can get at least a basket or two." [Kale]

"Hmm... So you've been there several times already, huh... Then that means you've been monopolizing this place, haven't you, Kale?" [Edin]

"Uh... Well... That... Let's just forget the minor details! What's important is that we can get a lot of herbs, isn't that right? Nothing else should matter!" [Kale]

Explained Kale but the two's eyes couldn't be any less empty as they stared at him. They looked at him with sharp and suspicious stares, pricking Kale's skin even when they were just watching him, clearly looking disappointed.

After all, Kale was one who aspires to be a Merchant dealing with alchemy later on in life. Even if they were his precious friends, he knew when to and when not to share such precious resources with them, monopolizing them as much as he could.

"Kale... Let's talk about this later, okay...?" [Alea]

"Ye... Yes, ma'am..." [Kale]

Unfortunately for him, such thinking doesn't co-align with Alea's values, the latter's eyes looking dark and scary. It wasn't the first time Kale had hidden something so wonderful from them. He was up for yet another beating.

The reason why they were in the forest was to look for herbs and materials they could use in alchemy, gathering as much as they could whenever they could. After all, their greenhouse is now destroyed. They only have the forest to rely on.

Of course, the Academy provided them with some assistance, but there is only so much such assistance can give. They could only gather ingredients by themselves and hope that they get enough to last them some time.

"Mmn... Do you always head out like this, Alea?" [Yuna]

"Usually, we don't leave the immediate perimeter of Xeros, but since we need to gather more herbs than usual, we need to go deeper." [Alea]

"Yeah. After all, there are herbs which can only be found in certain places. It's really bothersome, but it's much better than getting ripped off by merchants." [Kale]

"That's right. Those old bastards are really stingy!" [Alea]

They could also just buy them like most alchemists, but with their financial situation as it is, there is only so much they could do. They can buy the really difficult ones, but for the more common items, it was better to gather it themselves.

If they're lucky, they could also get some rare herbs to sell and get some extra coins, and buy even more herbs. With how dangerous the forest is, it was a process with high-risks and high-rewardsー or so it would normally be.

"But Hahaha! We got really lucky this time around! I didn't think Shin and Elena were also adventurers! Thanks to that, we got free escorts!" [Kale]

"Kale, that's rude!" [Alea]

However, with Grey and Yuna around, such dangers were practically non-existent. Even if, by chance, a dragon suddenly appeared and started to rampage, they could easily beat some sense to it and handle it without much problems.

Of course, everybody only knew the two of them as F-rank adventurers. But even that is more than enough to eliminate most threats in the forest. The whole endeavor just got over a hundred times easier with them around,

"Still... You being adventurers... It truly is amazing. Not only are you two geniuses in alchemy, tho think you are also physically capable as well..." [Edin]

"Yeah. Isn't this cheating? You're both clearly too talented!" [Kale]

"Right! Right! And didn't you just make a High-Grade Healing Potion yesterday, Elena?! Doesn't that make you a Tier-5 Alchemist?!" [Alea]

And now, the whole party was thrust into pure and utter chaos, the three childhood friends openly expressing their individual opinions, their voices loud as can be. Grey and Yuna could only smile silently at the sight.

Well, it's not like it's impossible to understand. Not only are Grey and Yuna extremely good-looking, they were also extremely talented. Truly something to behold and be envious of. A lovely pair loved and blessed by God... Quite literally...

But enough about our dear protagonists. Let's talk more about everyone who just arrived at their destination, a verdant paradise greeting them ever so welcomely.

There were flowers all over the place, bushes popping out everywhere. The gentle trickles of the stream echoed in the forest, moss climbing up the rocks, and vines running down the ground. It was a simple yet beautiful scenery.

"Ohh~! There really is a lot of Fili Grass!" [Yuna]

"They seem untouched for the most part as well. I wonder how many bundles we could make with them... At least 20...?" [Edin]

"Just 20? You're too cheap, Edin! I'm sure we'll get at least 30!" [Alea]

The reason they were there was none other than the reed-like grass that grew by the sides of the streams. Though the leaves can be used for herbal medicine, it was the roots which are very useful in performing alchemy.

And before them was a great amount of such grass, growing proudly under the gentle care of sunlight. If they could harvest them all properly, they would have more than enough for several months to come, and could even earn a profit.

"Okay! Let's get on digging, shall we?!" [Alea]

"Mmn! Let's do this!" [Yuna]

They dug, they scraped, and they washed away the dirt. They all whipped out their own digging tools, and gently dug up the Fili Grass from the wet ground, then cutting the leaves off to harvest their precious roots.

Everyone was all lively and full of enthusiasm, washing the roots gently by the creek before storing them in their bags and bundles. It was a slow but steady process, their hands covered in dirt and humus as they continued to do so.

Of course, they didn't just mindlessly plunder all the Fili grass they saw, they also left quite a few for the bunch to grow once more. After all, alchemists must know how to conserve such precious resources, leaving some for later use.

'Hm? That's strange...' [Grey]

And whilst they were all having fun and harvesting the roots, Grey found something rather peculiar when he used his "Heaven's Eye". His sight was filled with red dots, slowly moving through the forest and stopping from time to time.

It wasn't the first time Grey saw such a sight whilst they explored the forest, looking at the vagabonds with calmness in his eyes. It was no wonder why the forest was full of dangers. Not only monsters, but they'll also have to watch out for people as well.

"Is something the matter, Shin?" [Edin]

"No, nothing... I just thought I heard something just now." [Grey]

"Something... I don't hear anything though..." [Edin]

"Hmm... It must have been my imagination then." [Grey]

However, there was no need to go out of his way to head towards the vagabonds to give them a quick beating. Not only does he not have evidence against them, it would also be suspicious if he suddenly headed away, even for a moment.

Well, if worse comes to worst and the vagabonds decide to target them, he could always just finish them off with a flick of his fingers, leaving some of them intact if they get lucky. He isn't in danger... He is the danger.

"Phew~! That should be all of it!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! That's one ingredient down, only a couple more to go." [Alea]

Before long, everyone was finally done with the harvesting, collecting over a dozen bundles of Fili Roots. They would have collected some more, but unfortunately, they needed to leave enough room for the herbs they'll be harvesting later.

"Then, shall we head towards the next spot. There are a lot of Redgold Dandelions there and some Listerne Ferns as well. It's been quite some time since I've been there so there should be quite a lot now." [Kale]

However, their journey was still far from over. They have just harvested but a single kind of herbs, and there were still over 20 more to go. They quickly headed towards the next destination, not wasting a single secondー or so, they were supposed to.

"Redgold Dandelions...? Listerne Ferns...? Kale... These aren't the only ones, are they? Just how long have you been hiding this from us?" [Edin]

"That's right... We always share our spots with you. But to think you'll monopolize everything all on your own... Do you have something to say to this, Kale?" [Alea]

"O-Oi! Hold on! Alea put your fists downI wasn't trying to trick you! It was just in case of emergencies! Yeah, for emergencies!" [Kale]

"Emergencies, huh... Fufufu!... I see... I see... But Kale... Remember that talk I mentioned earlier? I think now would be a good time, isn't it?" [Alea]

The young lady ended her words with a big smile on her face, readying both her fists at the same time. She then had a "heart-to-heart talk" with Kale, the latter's screamー I mean, words echoing softly as he explained himself... Yes, softly...

They may be in a dangerous forest, but they were still very lively and rowdy, Alea once again clobbering Kale as per usual, and Edin cheering for her from the back. A chaotic scene unfolded in the forest, wry smiles on Grey and Yuna's faces.

However, compared to their dejected expressions they've shown before, such a rowdy sight was much better. They knew how tragic and dreadful it was losing their precious greenhouse, but to think they managed to recover so quickly. They really are strong.

"Hahaha. Someone sure looks happy." [Grey]

"O... Oh... Was I too obvious?" [Yuna]

"Quite so, but well... It's much better than your expression before." [Grey]

Well, it wasn't just the three of them whose expressions have relaxed. Compared to the dark and scary expression Yuna once wore a couple days ago, she was now back to her usual self. She was now happy and merry, smiles soft and sweet.

"Hahaha. Smiling really does suit you much better, after all." [Grey]

A quick session of flirting aside, everyone then continued exploring the sea of green and harvested the herbs and materials they found as they went, venturing deeper and deeper with time, encountering all sorts of calming and beautiful scenery.

They easily spent a couple hours inside the forest, harvesting over half of what they needed already. And not just herbs, they also harvested some edible plants and fruits for their consumption, snacking on some of them while they were at it.

Of course, it wasn't all just happy times. The forest was not their playground, several monsters and beasts popping out from time to time, and rushing towards them with eyes filled with hostility, ready to rip them all apart.


However, with Grey and Yuna present, they weren't a threat at all. All they did was brandish their weapons and blood was quickly spilt, the forest floor dyed red as the thuds and crashes continued to echo, death looming over the forest.

A pack of Forest Wolves rushed towards them, aiming to hunt them. But instead, they were the ones who had been hunted, whimpering and struggling a little before their flames of life were extinguished, leaving all but warm corpses behind.

"Oh! You're so strong, Shin, Elena! Are you really alchemists?!" [Alea]

"So this is the true power of F-Rank Adventurers! This is amazing!" [Kale]

It was a quick and easy victory which didn't even last a single minute. Everyone was very excited at the sight, still unable to believe that the youths before them were the same age as them. Grey and Yuna had gotten new admirers.

"Shin, Elena, can we dismantle this Forest Wolf? We can help you with it, but in exchange, can we get their hearts and livers? They're useful for alchemy." [Edin]

"No, it's alright. We were planning on dismantling it anyway. You can keep everything you need as long as you leave the meat behind." [Grey]

"Really?! You really are generous, Shin! I'll take you up on your offer then!" [Edin]

There was no need to hesitate. With Grey's permission, Edin's eyes quickly lit up and he suddenly took out dismantling knives from God-knows-where. He might not look it, but he was amongst the best in his "Dismantling" elective, efficient as can be.

Everyone soon helped out with the dismantling, aiming to get things done quickly. Not only can the organs be processed into alchemy ingredients, the hide and fur could be used for armor, the claws for accessories, and the meat for eating. A very useful wolf.

And just as everyone was working with the dismantling, Grey couldn't help but have his mind be occupied. It has been a couple hours already, but the red dots had yet to vanish from his eyes, still lingering near their vicinity.

'So my suspicion was right, huh...' [Grey]

It wasn't just a simple coincidence. The vagabonds really are aiming for them, only ill and horrid intentions painted on their faces. Grey doesn't know who they were or why they were after them. All he knew was that they were up to no good.

Though, it's not like Grey would just leave them be. Terrible people must be punished accordingly and appropriately under the name of justice. And for the sin of disturbing his peaceful and happy times with Yuna, there is no heavier punishment.

"Hmm... Looks like we missed a couple Forest Wolves. I'll just go look around for a little bit. Maybe they're still here lurking somewhere." [Grey]

"Oh? Isn't that dangerous all by yourself?" [Kale]

"Hahaha. It's alright, it's alright. I can handle at least this much by myself. Just trust me. I'll be back before you know it." [Grey]

After giving his excuse and leaving with a quick goodbye, Grey then departed away, jogging a little bit before increasing his pace the moment the others were out of sight. He was like a bolt of lightning, streaking towards the everlasting forest.

He flicked his hands and cracked his fist, a pair of platinum gauntlets immediately cladding his hands. They shimmered bright under the blue sky, bright as the smile blooming on the young man's face. The smile of the Grim Reaper.

"Now then… Let's have a little bit of fun, shall we?" [Grey]


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