YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 383: Hardworking Alchemists

Papers, papers, and even more papers. There was a mountain of paperwork, large figures and lengthy statements printed. Such statements were spread over several pages, making one dizzy at just a single glance.

His clear eyes were focused on such weary documents, flipping through the pages and scanning them carefully. Some were approved and some were rejected, a lot of careful thoughts put into each and every action. The room swallowed by silence.

"Additional budget for the research team... For poisons and resistances... Didn't they ask for an increase last time too?" [Fran]

It has been quite some time since Grey and Yuna enrolled in Darius Academy as exchange students, and the Headmaster was as busy as ever, cooped up in his room almost all day, everyday to sign and review the documents.

He was a Legendary Alchemist, but rather than his Laboratory, most of his time is spent inside his office, barely any noise ringing in his ears and going about his monotonous daily life, signing more and more papers as if there was nothing else to do.

'I wonder how Melena is doing...' [Fran]

If there was something he was looking forward to, it was the weekends where he could head back home and meet his beloved wife. Just thinking about her is more than enough to get him through the day.

It's been quite some time since he was home, and thinking about his wife, he looked forward to tomorrow when he could finally see her again. He thought of presents to give her, some sweets and some flowers. Things she loves dearly.

With a newfound motivation, the Headmaster burned through the documents and signed everything which needed to be signed. There was a smile on his face, the mountain of documents decreasing with the tedious passage of time.

"Whew... That should be all... That was quite tiring..." [Fran]

Before long, he was finally finished. He put down his fountain pen and arranged the paperwork once more before standing up and stretching a body a little, few and subtle cracks ringing in the air as he cracked his neck soon after.

"Ugh...! My old age really is catching up to me..." [Fran]

His body was no longer how it used to be. He may be a Legendary Alchemist and a High-Ranker, but there are still limits to how much he could maintain his body. Time was still the enemy of the people, his age slowly catching up to him.

A little bit of stretching later and he finally felt better. Subtle noises soon echoed in his ears, his eyes shifting towards the window behind him. He took a little peek and saw several students running around, training their stamina and gasping for air.

"Huff... Huff... Huff... How... How fast was that... Huff..."

"That's 1 minute and 34 seconds, 6 seconds faster than last time."

"6 seconds... That's good but still not enough... We need to be faster."

Taking a close look at it, it seems that the students are testing their stamina-boosting potion to see how much one can improve with it. They were testing the parameters, making sure they recorded all data to portray the most accurate results.

Work is tiring but seeing students do their best to achieve their dreams, Fran couldn't help but smile. It was because of that very reason that Fran became the Headmaster, wanting to nurture the next generation of alchemists and watch them grow,

They weren't as talented as him, but they got the guts to become great alchemists. It was his greatest pleasure to give them an opportunity to achieve their dreams and aspirations, looking forward to what the future had in store for him.


"Headmaster, the meeting is about to start."

And just as he was admiring the young ones, a series of knocks came echoing from the door, a familiar voice following afterwards. It seems like many of the executives have gathered, a very important meeting just a few minutes ahead of them.

"Good. Just tell them that I'll be there in a moment. I just have some documents to clean up, I'll head there as soon as I'm done." [Fran]

"Understood. I'll make sure to relay your message."

"Yes. I'll rely on you for that." [Fran]

A short silence was broken, the other person's footsteps echoing from the corridors whilst Fran organized the documents and made sure they were in a secure place, a click and clack ringing in the air as he closed the drawers and cabinets.

The Headmaster took a quick glance towards the window once more before heading out of his office and into the open corridors. There was not a single soul to be seen, only his shadow and himself moving throughout the place.

Several more steps and he finally reached the classrooms and laboratories of the students. There were all sorts of bustling noises to be heard, the students doing the best they could and arguing with one another from time to time.

"H-Hey! The fire! The fire! You're going to burn the materials!"

"Ohh! It's gotten much clearer than before! Just a couple more drops!"

"Urk...! Dammit... So bitter..."

And no, there weren't any classes for today. Or rather, there has been no classes for the whole week and also the week after that. It was all to prepare the students for the upcoming Final Exams which was just more than a week away.

All students have been encouraged to work hard and do some self-studying in order to prepare for the Final Exams. It was an event which determined if they could move up a year or if they had to finally say goodbye. An event to determine their future.

The graduating students were especially enthusiastic, betting everything they could in the days they have left. After all, there is no greater prestige for an alchemist than to graduate from Darius. It was all or nothing.

'Hmm... They sure are excited... I wonder who will be the topー' [Fran]


The Headmaster couldn't even finish his thoughts, a loud explosion rupturing his ear drums and a loud shock rocking his mind. The explosion was so loud, he was sure the whole academy heard it. Yet another regular but unusual event in the Academy.

Soon enough, curious eyes started peeking out the doors, wondering where such an explosion came from. It was none other than the room in front of the Headmaster, the man himself still in a bit of a shock from what just happened.

"S-Sorry everyone! We gotー Ah! H-Headmaster! I-I'm so-sorry!"

A little peek inside, and the Headmaster could tell what happened. After all, it wasn't the first time it happened. It was caused by the wrong mixing of the materials, making a loud and thundering reaction, the perpetrators bowing their heads in apology.

"No, it's alright. More importantly, is there someone hurt?" [Fran]

"A-Ah, thankfully, no one is. Other than the noise and smoke, it wasn't anything dangerous. Everyone's a little dizzy, but we're fine, Headmaster,"

"That's a relief then. Make sure to be careful next time, alright?" [Fran]

"Y-Yes! We'll keep that in mind, Headmaster!"

Fortunately enough, there was no one hurt in the process and only a few items were broken. A little bit of cleaning up and they could properly redo all their work. They were also used to having such accidents happen to them.

With nothing more to worry about, the Headmaster then continued heading towards the meeting, greeted by several students as he went. A beautiful pair of eyes was glued at him, sparkling brightly as she peeked over the door.

"Alea, what are you still doing there? If you don't hurry up, there would be nothing more left of your solutions. They're already evaporating." [Kale]

"A-Ah! My potion! Noooo!!" [Alea]

That figure was none other than energetic and whimsical Alea who was now using the laboratory with Kale, Edin, and a couple more students they share it with, now rushing towards her concoction to save what's left of it.

Just like the other students before them, they are also working hard for the upcoming Final Exams, creating new formulas and sharpening their skills as much as possible. It wouldn't matter as long as they pass, but getting a high rank was still much better,

But perhaps the most important thing to achieve was the special presentation which is at the end of the events. It is then that they will present their findings and earn all sorts of things depending on their performance, many sponsors gathering closely.

"Ugh... There's only less than half left... Why... God is so cruel..." [Alea]

"Hey, don't blame God. Blame your nosiness. Even if you admire the Headmaster, you shouldn't leave your things unattended just to see him." [Kale]

"Shut up... I already know that..." [Alea]

Of course, what Kale, Alea, and Edin would be presenting would be their findings and the results of their research of the Frostburn Calendula. They will present their thesis and make sure to convince a lot of sponsors.

The Frostburn Calendula may have been ruined, but their knowledge was far from being lost. They have been recording everything diligently, a neat compilation of their research compiled in their notes and binders, organized ever so cleanly.

They weren't able to record the last day, but thanks to Grey's ability, it wasn't too big of a problem to recall and record it. Everything was perfect, Grey and Yuan helping them in making the thesis. It's proof of their efforts and ingenuity.

"Edin, do you have any more Spinak Cobs?" [Alea]

"I do have some left... How many do you need?" [Edin]

"Really?! Then give me 4 and a halfー No, 3 and a half would be enough! Don't worry, I'll make sure to pay you back later." [Alea]

"I don't really mind since I'm not using them for now anyway. However... I only have 3 more Spinak Cobs left. I don't have any more than that." [Edin]

There was hope, but such hope was quickly crushed. It might only be half a cob left, but it will make a bug difference in the resulting potion. The ratio of the ingredients and substances must be perfect, else, one could only grimace at the results.

Alea didn't want to resort to such a lowly method, but she had no other choice left. Her eyes shifted towards Kale, reluctance brewing in her heart and clenching her little fists. She soon opened her mouth, voice soft and quiet as can be,

"K... Kale... Let me get half a Spinak Cob..." [Alea]

"Half a Spinak Cob... Hmm.. Sure. That would be 70 kiels." [Kale]

"70 kiels?! That is the price of a whole Spinak Cob! Stop ripping me off, you dumbass! Just what kind of friend are you?!" [Alea]

"Friendship? That doesn't matter in negotiations. And, I'm not ripping you off, I am simply offering a value based on the needs of my customer. Is your success worth less than a meager 70 kiels? Think carefully, Alea," [Kale]

And the reason why Alea was so reluctant was because Kale was a money devil. A man who does not hesitate to forsake friendship if there is money on the line. Even if it's only for a moment, he won't hesitate to take advantage of one's weakness.

Yes, that's the whole reason. It isn't because he is getting revenge for the moments Alea always clobbers him up. Oh no, not at all. He isn't so petty to do such things. Kale is already an upright and responsible adult... Yes, an adult...

"Ugh...! You thug! I guess you need to receive a beating!" [Alea]

"Just try it, and I won't sell you this Spinak Cob! Just try it, I dare you!" [Kale]

Unfortunately for Alea, she wouldn't be able to use her brute force at the moment. Not only was Kale threatening her, she would also end up breaking things if she did. It would only mean she'll have to spend even more money.

It was a careful trap laid out by Kale, a devious smile blooming on his face. Alea tried to argue and retaliate, but it was to no avail. Kale wouldn't budge, and even started raising the price to give Alea an even deeper sense of panic and irrationality.

"Edin, you said you have Kalkia Grass before, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I did. There isn't much left but it should still be enough for a potion or two. Are you making another healing potion again?" [Edin]

"That's the plan. I have some experiments going on, you see."

if not Kale, then it would be Edin. The fights inside the Laboratory have been a staple occurrence, and so, the other students weren't surprised by it, acting relatively calm and ignoring the two who are still arguing like cats and dogs.

Edin may not be as popular as Alea, but he was still well-known amongst the other students. Not only does he have excellent grades and impressive results, he's also one on the verge of breaking through Tier-4.

Many students go look for Edin when they are lacking some ingredients, and many also consult him from time to time, garnering all sorts of positive opinions from the many students in their year. He was smart and good at explaining.

"So that's how it is... That really helps me, Edin. Thank you,"

"No problem! I'm a genius, after all!" [Edin]

Too bad, his personality still needs a bit of work. Not only is he quite insensitive and terrible at reading the room, he is also one who always proclaims he's a genius. Of which, Alea has beaten her many times already for saying so.

"Fine! 85 kiels it is! Just give me the Spinak Cob quickly!" [Alea]

"Haah,.. You should have just given up from the beginning. If you did, you wouldn't have to pay for the extra 15 kiels. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" [Kale]

"And whose fault don't you think that is, you damn thug?! If only I hadn't run out of ingredients, I wouldn't have ever needed to pay for it!" [Alea]

Though... It didn't take too long before Kale and Alea finally came to an agreement. Kale handed over half of the Spinak herb and in return, Alea gave him 8 nickel and 5 copper coins. Her allowance for the past few days has been cut.

Time passed some more and everyone continued to move their hands. They brewed and brewed some more, all sorts of scents wafting through the air. There was only seriousness looming over the place, everyone doing the best they could.



The bottles clinked and the vials clacked. The liquid inside swirled and twirled, the colors changing from time to time, and multiple reactions going off in a matter of seconds, the sound of fizzling bubbles resounding in the air as they popped.

A young man's eyes peered through the vials, clear as the skies above. He mixed a few grams of blue powder and the bubbles suddenly stopped. He put over a wooden cork and shook the vial, making the mixtures mix inside.

He finally stopped and the color changed from red to green, a murky liquid brewing inside the glass vial. A bit of heat added into the mix and the cloudiness was finally gone, a beautiful green solution done after a little cooking.

"Hmm... Let's see..." [Grey]

The young man used his eyes and checked what he had made, a faint status screen of blue and white appearing before him. A smile soon bloomed on his face, painted ever so beautifully, satisfaction welling up in his heart.

"Haah... I'm finally done..." [Grey]

What he made wasn't just any normal solution, but one precious to a blacksmith like himself. It wasn't an item to be used for direct consumption like healing potions and elixirs or one to be thrown at enemies like poison or explosives.

The item Grey held in his hand was but another ingredient he will be using later on. It was to be mixed with an alloy of iron and silver, poured over whilst the two are still in their molten state, to create a brand new alloy. A synthetic metal.

He wasn't particularly keen on using such items nor was it popular in Merusia at all, but ever since working with Yuna before he had been interested in making stronger materials with the aid of alchemy and revolutionizing blacksmithing. He was still far from his goal, but steadily closing the gap.

"I wonder what I should call this..." [Grey]


"Hahaha. You sure are excited, huh..." [Grey]

And just as he raised the solution, the spirits gathered around him, dancing like the little children in a festival and bringing soft chimes in the air. They were clearly happy, and the reason was none other than the item before them.

It wasn't just during alchemy, but when Grey and Yuna performed blacksmithing and enchanting as well. The spirits would always gather around when they are making something, acting like curious cats watching the world of creation unfold.

It seems like they are quite fond of the process and sensitive to each reaction and movement, panicking and shaking when something is wrong with the process. For those who don't have perfect hands and eyes like Grey and Yuna, they would surely be a great help to their growth.

"Do you guys like these?" [Grey]


"Sorry, but I can't give this to you. I still need to test this out later." [Grey]

But perhaps the most intriguing thing about it, was that spirits are able to give their "blessing" to the items which are created before their eyes, improving their qualities by quite a bit and making them better than most.

They touch the items of their liking and leave some sort of "imprint" into the item, leaving a bit of aether behind and improving it. It was as if they were leafing parts of them to it, some of their mana permanently shaved away.

'I wonder if it's like that...' [Grey]

Grey had made some hypothesis about it, but for the meantime, he stopped the spirits from imbuing their blessings towards the items. After all, it would be terrible if they suddenly disappeared because they used up their mana. It shouldn't happen.

In any case, Grey was now finished with his work, with a whole lot of spare time in his hands. Though he usually performs alchemy in the Sanctuary, since they had school, they decided to do it in the private laboratories the Academy provided.

And since they were only exchange students, there was no need for them to actually take part in the Final Exams. They could cheer and spectate, but that was the most they could do. There was still more than a week of free time left.

"Anyway... I wonder how Yuna is doing..." [Grey]

But of course, as one would expect from the fool that he was, there was only one person in his mind. She was currently performing alchemy in the laboratory beside his, a series of clinks and fizzles resounding from her room.

"Then, how about we go take a look?" [Grey]


There was no need to think too much. With Yuna the only one in his mind, Grey soon headed out of his private laboratory and headed straight towards Yuna. He opened the doors after a series of knocks, a young lady standing before him.

Though, as it seems, she was so focused on her alchemy, she didn't even notice that the door opened, much less that Grey entered. She is adorable when she is cheerful and mischievous, but her serious and focused side was plenty sure as well.

"Welcome back, Master. How did your experiment go?" [Sirius]

"It went fine. I just need to test them out later to see how effective it is. I might need to perform several trials, though." [Grey]

"Is there any way we can help you with that, Master?" [Sirius]

"R-Right! We also want to help Master!" [Capella]

In her stead, it was the familiars who welcomed Grey, running towards him in their wolf pup forms. They looked so cute whilst wagging their tails and their fluffy fur, Grey often forgets how fearsome they were.

As for the reason they were there, it was nothing too special. They were simply there to stand guard and assist Yuna whenever she needed it. Honestly, it was quite a bit of an overkill considering what they were capable of. Too over the top.

"Hahaha. I'm grateful for that, but I really don't need a hand right now." [Grey]

"I see... That's unfortunate..." [Arcturus]

"Master... Is there really nothing we could do? Anything is fine!" [Canopus]

And another part of the reason was that the familiars had been too cooped up inside the Sanctuary. Their new homes were fantastic, but they still wanted to be of help to Grey and Yuna, always asking every time they could.

They often hunt and clean up the stronger monsters in the vicinity of the city, but it was in no way satisfactory for them. They wanted to help out Grey and Yuna more, looking like puppies who want to be useful to their masters.

"Hahaha. In that case, why don't you come with me this weekend? Yuna and I were just thinking of searching for some materials. What do you think?" [Grey]

"Ohh! That's a great idea, Master! I'm in!" [Procyon]

"Me too! Me too! I'll make sure to get the best materials!" [Vega]

"Don't be so sure about that, Vega. That spot is mine." [Kentaurus]

Though, all it took was a bit of cheering up and their dark and dejected expressions quickly turned to bright and happy ones. They may be fearsome High Dragons, but in front of Grey and Yuan, they were their adorable and reliable partners.

Whilst everyone was beaming happy smiles, Grey's eyes soon shifted towards the young lady before him. She was still brewing a potion, pouring all her heart into her creation. Her eyes shimmered brightly, bluer than the sky above.

The spirits danced around her, happy and cheerful as can be. The soft chimes that they carried fluttered in the air, different colors playing along the orchestra. The vials gleamed a pretty color, the solution glowing dimly as it swirled and her expressions completely different to her usual self.

'Hahaha. So cute...' [Grey]

Grey chuckled.


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