YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 385: Tasty Treats for an Earnest Girl

"Haahhh...." [Yuna]

A long and lengthy sigh, traces of exhaustion painted in her blue eyes. The young lady sat down on the sofa and laid her head down on her beloved's shoulder, not wanting to move and just wanting to let sleep take her away.

The day was still far from over, and it has only been a couple moments since Yuna succeeded in making a Legendary-Grade potion, but the smile which once bloomed on her face was now buried in exhaustion. The young lady couldn't even make a smile.

"Yuna, we're still in front of the Headmaster... Can you act more properly for now? I know you're tired, but this isn't our room, you know?" [Grey]

"... No... Don't wanna..." [Yuna]

"Yuna..." [Grey]

She was so tired, she didn't even care if there were other people watching her. She might look childish, clingy, and immature to them, but she doesn't really care about such things at the moment. She was acting a little pouty.

As for the reason why Yuna was in such a mood, it was all because of what occurred literally less than half an hour ago. She was quite taken aback by shock and surprise when she realized there were other people present, but even more than that,..

"S-Student Elena! No! Your Highness! What was that just now?! Could you explain the concept behind what you just performed?!" [Dorothy]

"No, before that! What is the potion you just made?! Is it perhaps a healing potionー No, since it looked very different, is it a type of poison then?! No, it shouldn't be able to shine like that if it did. Perhaps..." [Casey]

"Your Highness. Have you really reached Tier-9?! If so, then this will surely be a great honor for your academy. They must be proud!" [James]

.... She was severely overwhelmed by the Professors, each one of them bombarding her with a whole lot of questions, unrelentingly asking every chance they could. She couldn't even catch her breath, the shine in their eyes slightly scaring her.

"That's enough, Professors. I'm sure Lady Yuna is still tired after showing us such a magnificent scene. You should know it too." [Fran]

"But Headmaster... This is a monumental moment in the history of Alchemy. Couldn't we ask even for a short while?" [Casey]

"I'm not saying we shouldn't ask her. There's a right time and place for everything. Let her rest for now, and ask your questions at a later date." [Fran]

"... Understood, Headmaster... We'll keep that in mind." [Casey]

Thankfully, the Headmaster was there to stop them, making them quiet in just a few statements. His words didn't stop their curiosity, but they at least gave Yuna some time to organize her thoughts and to craft excuses she will need later on.

The Professors wanted to ask more, but they dared not to. They were also curious about why the Headmaster suddenly changed his way of addressing the young lady, but kept their mouth shut, soon apologizing to the latter.

Now, Yuna could only heave a sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air, not wanting to be troubled by such an unexpected situation when she just finished an incredibly daring and draining task. She wasn't even able to celebrate.

"If you two are worried about rumors going around. That would be needless. Those three are amongst the most tight-lipped people I know." [Fran]

"That's a relief, Headmaster. But... How about the light? I hear that it was quite flashy... I'm sure many know what it was..." [Yuna]

"That's true... However, have you forgotten already, Your Majesty? You aren't the only Legendary Alchemist here." [Fran]

Said the Headmaster with a bright smile on his face. It wasn't just once or twice that he made a Legendary-Grade potion in the past. He could simply lie about the sudden phenomenon, claiming it as a result of his own experiments.

It wouldn't be able to fool some, but it would be more than enough to make the public believe that it was his doing. He will continue to do so until Yuna is ready to reveal it herself and show the world the great genius that she is.

"Then... Thank you very much, Headmaster. I owe you this one." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Please don't worry too much about it, Your Majesty. You showed me such an incredible sight so this is the least I could do." [Fran]

"I see... But, why are you addressing me formally again? Please stop teasing me, Headmaster... I'm still tired..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Sorry, sorry, I just couldn't help myself." [Fran]

Laughed the Headmaster, playing it as a joke. But deep inside, he was actually still in disbelief that the young lady before him was a Legendary Alchemist like he is. There was no envy nor hostility, just pure admiration and amazement.

He already knew what Yuna was capable of... Or at least, he thought he did. But she was still able to surprise her, making unprecedented results in such a short amount of time. It truly was a shame he couldn't contribute to the young lady's growth.

And that very same young lady was now acting like a clingy and needy child to her fiancé, even laying down her head in his lap and enjoying such luxury. They already moved to the Headmaster's private lounge, but it was still quite a sight.

"Well, apart from that. When will you be registering as a Tier-9 in the Alchemist Guild? I suggest the sooner, the better." [Fran]

"Tier 9... Wouldn't it be difficult to make Legendary-Grade potions again in the Guild? Ingredient-wise, that is. They aren't exactly common and cheap." [Yuna]

"That's usually the case, but for a Tier-9 test, you'll only need to show the Legendary potion that you made and make a few Superior-Grade, Peak-Tier potions. The other aspects would be compensated with theoretical exams, method application, mana sensitivity tests, lie detection tests, and etcetera." [Fran]

"Uuu... That sounds so tedious..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. It indeed is, but don't worry. I and the Professors will give the Guild our recommendation. That should make things easier." [Fran]

The Headmaster tried to convince Yuna, and the latter was pondering deeply. She wasn't particularly against the idea of updating her rank, but such procedures were still somewhat overwhelming and troublesome.

However, doing so would not only improve her prestige, but would also give her great influence to the guild, and most importantly, allow her to buy the more precious and rare herbs she couldn't do before. She was debating.

"Then, I'll be in your care, Headmaster." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. It's my greatest pleasure to help the new pillar of Alchemy." [Fran]

"A new pillar... Fufufu. That sounds a little embarrassing." [Yuna]

"Well, you better get used to it now then." [Fran]

There was no need to think about it too much. With such an opportunity presented before her, Yuna immediately grabbed it and made sure not to let it go. It may be a little bit troublesome, but nothing in the world is free.

After that, the Headmaster and Yuna talked about the specifics, and about a couple of things, Grey pitching in from time to time. It was a merry and curious time where they simply asked and answered questions.

It would have been a normal situation, however, Yuna was still insisting on lying down Grey's lap. It was quite a bizarre sight, but the Headmaster just let her be. It's not like he could stop her anyway. She deserved at least that much.


And before they noticed, the school bells had already rang, signifying the advent of lunch. They were already pretty famished, so they have decided to end things there for the day and finally go their separate ways.

"Seeing you two lovebirds, I couldn't help but think about my lovely life as well. I bid the two of you my goodbyes, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend." [Fran]

"Hahaha. Sorry about that. Yuna isn't usually this clingy in front of the others. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Hahaha. I'm not that petty. I know how tiring it is to make Legendary-Grade Potions. Yuna should at least deserve a little reward like this." [Fran]

"Hahaha. Thank you for being understanding, Headmaster.... Then, we'll be taking our leave first. Take care." [Grey]

"Yes, yes, take care of yourselves as well." [Fran]

Noon was upon them, and there was no need to waste any time. After bowing their heads a little and saying their goodbyes to the Headmaster, the two finally exited the lounge and headed outsideー or so they were going to.

"Ah, right, I almost forgot..." [Fran]

The Headmaster's words suddenly echoed, ringing inside the two's ears. They soon stopped their steps and looked towards the Headmaster's direction, the latter now wearing a bright and radiant smile on his smile.

"Congratulations on becoming a Legendary Alchemist, Yuna." [Fran]

"... Un! Thank you, Headmaster!" [Yuna]

It was an infectious smile, the young lady also beaming with happiness as she replied to the Headmaster. There was only joy in her heart, springing up and down like a little child. The acknowledgment of another great alchemist was a great thing to hear.

They soon left the lounge, happy expressions on her face. Yuna was now saying a single word, but Grey knew full well how happy she was. He could only chuckle to himself, once again admiring how adorable his fiancé was.

"Yuna, since you reached Tier-9 today, why don't we have a little celebration? You know, just the two of us, eating lunch together." [Grey]

"Eh? Wouldn't that be a lunch date, then?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. You got me. But you've been so busy these days, we haven't really had the time to have dates and such. Now would be a good time, wouldn't it?" [Grey]

Said Grey, his lips breaking into a pretty and seductive smile. It isn't rare that Grey invites her for lunch or for dates, but hearing it after some time caught the young lady off guard. She was bright red and embarrassed, face flustered as can be.

"Should I take that as a yes, Milady?" [Grey]

Grey asked playfully though he already knew the answer, and the young lady nodded her head meekly. She is now even more embarrassed than before, red all the way to her pointy elven ears. An adorable sight Grey just wanted to tease even more.

"U-Un... But, I don't want a lunch date... I want to eat Grey's cooking..." [Yuna]

"My cooking, huh... That's quite... Hmm... I guess we could do that. But don't expect me to make something too fancy, alright? I haven't prepared anything so the celebration won't be too big." [Grey]

"No, it's okay! As long as I can eat Grey's cooking, I'm fine with it too! Ah! I could also help you out with cookingー No, I want to cook with Grey! Let's make lots and lots of tasty and amazing dishes together![Yuna]

"Aren't you tired though? You were complaining just a while ago." [Grey]

"No, I'm fine now! I'm bursting with energy!" [Yuna]

She was tired, or at least she was. But just knowing that she would be cooking with Grey was more than enough to cheer her up, her pointy ears perking up and her eyes sparkling brightly like the stars, a sweet and adorable smile on her face.

However, since it was already lunch time, there were not only a lot of people not only in the cafeteria but in the Camellia Valley. Borrowing a kitchen or taking out the portable one from the Inventory outside is out of the question.

After making sure there were no eyes watching them, Grey simply extended one of his hands out and opened the entrance to the Sanctuary. They both took their steps inside, the young lady especially happy and excited as she hopped inside.

The moment they went inside, they didn't waste any more time and headed straight towards the kitchen, took out several ingredients and placed them atop the table, a couple thuds and thunks echoing as it bore the ingredients' weight.

"Waah~! So many~! And they're all high quality as well!" [Yuna]

"Well, it's a celebration, after all. Even if it wasn't planned, I should still give it my all. Is there anything you'd like to eat in particular?" [Grey]

"Not really. Everything Grey cooks is delicious, after all!" [Yuna]

There weren't just normal ingredients, but rare and special ones most people wouldn't even be able to see in their lives. No, even Royalty and High Nobility wouldn't be able to taste at special events. It was a class of their own.

Amongst them were Garuda and Leviathan meat, Pterygia, Tarper Shark, Motlerow, Thunderbird, Cretan Bull, Moowing, King Falcon, and many more. Each one of them was a delicacy in their own right, tasing heavenly even when cooked simply.

Of course, it wasn't just the meat, the vegetables and spices as well were also on a whole nother level. There weren't just one or two magic plants in the mix, and some of the herbs and spices are even worth more their weight than gold.

"Waah~! There's also a lot of sugar, eggs, and flour! Are we making a lot of sweets and desserts, Grey? Are we?! Are we?!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, just for today though. I'm lifting your sugar ban. You can go ham." [Grey]

"Yaay~! You're the best, Grey! I'll make sure to not disappoint!" [Yuna]

Since it was a celebration, Grey decided to let Yuna loose and have all the sweets she wants for the day. He knows he's spoiling her a lot, but it was just for one day anyway. He was a total fool for her. There was no denying it.

Yuna didn't waste any more time after Grey's words and grabbed as much sugar as she could, practically blocking her vision with how much she got. She headed straight to the oven, preparing all the tools and items she'll need. Grey could only chuckle.

"Then, should I get started as well?" [Grey]

A fired-up smile on his face, Grey then took out a whole lot of ingredients for the first dish. There was both Bulldeer and Garuda meat, butter, bread crumbs, mushrooms, egg, powdered garlic, powdered onion, ground black pepper, and a lot of spices.

Grey first ground the Bulldeer meat and Garuda meat, and mixed the two in a 1:3 ratio, letting the Bulldeer meat simply compliment the Garuda. He mixed the two using his hands, making sure the portions were spread evenly.

He then added the powdered herbs and spices, a bit of salt, ground pepper, eggs, and then after some time, some breadcrumbs as well. He mixed them well and even until all the ingredients blended well with one another.

"Alright, that should be more than enough." [Grey]

After which, he scooped out the mixture into little balls, then flattening them out into patties, sprinkling a bit of spice to add a bit of a punch. He then prepared a skillet for the next steps, adding a bit of oil and turning on the heat.


When the oil was hot enough, Grey then placed the patties into the sizzling pan and started frying them one after another, flipping them over when they turned a golden brown color, soon taking them off the skillet when both sides were nicely done.

Grey added a bit of water every time he took out the patties, then frying another one. He continued the process again and again until all the patties were done. He flicked his finger and used a bit of magic to make sure they remained hot and steamy.

It was time for making the mushroom gravy, Grey adding butter to the same skillet and then placing the thinly sliced mushrooms and some herbs, frying them until a nice aroma wafted throughout the kitchen.

Grey then slowly added flour into the mix, stirring gently until the whole thing turned brown. He then added water soon enough, sizzles and fizzles resounding in the air. Herbs and spices were soon added, a thick and tasty gravy made as a result.

For the Finale, Grey then placed the patties atop the plates and poured the thick and tasty mushroom gravy sauce over it, garnishing it with chopped green onions and a bit more ground pepper. Mixed Meat Steak and Mushroom Gravy was served!

"Waah~! That looks delicious, Grey! Can I have some?" [Yuna]

"Hey no, that's for later. You should pay attention to your sweets. You might burn them if you're not paying attention." [Grey]

"Ehhh... You meanie..." [Yuna]

Having teased Yuna a little bit, Grey then continued his cooking and whipped out yet another set of ingredients. This time was a much simpler dish, only needing butter, eggs, salt, cream, cheese, and a few spices.

He quickly cracked some eggs and poured them into a bowl. He added salt, pepper, some spices, cheese, and some cream into the mix, beating them quickly until a smooth consistency was reached, the eggs now a wonderful yellow color.

Grey then took out a frying pan and melted some butter into it over medium heat, and when it started bubbling, Grey then poured the eggs into the hot pan and swirled a few times in the pan, creating soft and creamy curds.

When the eggs had set and were slightly runny, Grey quickly removed the pan from the heat and gave it a final stir before serving. A sprinkle of salt, pepper, and some chopped green onions and he was done. A tasty serving of Creamy Scrambled Eggs!

"Mmn~! These smell so delicious~! Should I add more syrup?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Are you making pancakes right now, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un~! Would you like some too, Grey? They're really delicious!" [Yuna]

"Yuna... Why are you eating already..." [Grey]

Just when Grey turned around, he found his chipmunk-like fiancée already nibbling on the pancakes, a lot of syrup and some margarine atop. She was happily enjoying herself, a large and bright smile on her face. Grey heaved a lengthy sigh.

Grey continued to cook the main course and Yuna made progress with the desserts and sweets. The symphony of the kitchen played and several aromas danced in the air. It was a scene to behold, their stomachs rumbling al, the while.

Grey and Yuna soon finished cooking, and served the dishes one after another. The dining table was filled with all the colors of the spectrum, white steam rising out of the dishes, still piping hot and ready to be eaten.

"Waah~! Everything looks so delicious! I wonder what I should eat first..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. You silly girl, why are you thinking too much about that? You're gonna have a taste of everything anyway." [Grey]

"Ah! That's right, isn't it? I can eat as much as I can!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, yeah, that's why you should take your seat already, Milady. I'll make sure to serve you the best lunch you've ever had." [Grey]

The young man prepared the seat and the young lady sat ever so comfortably. He soon did the same, taking a spot parallel to her before serving the plates and letting some music play for the sake of it. A touch of grandeur as they say.

It was a shame that the familiars and spirits were away in the forest, but there was nothing they could do about it. It has also been a while since they've dined in with just the two of them, so it was yet another heart-pounding experience.

""Thank you for the meal!"" [Grey and Yuna]

It didn't take long before Grey and Yuna partook in their lunch, diving their spoons and forks into the food and feeding themselves. All sorts of flavors exploded and smiles bloomed ever brighter as they savored them.

"This mushroom steak is amazing, Grey! It's thick and a little too strong, but it goes well with rice. The gravy is very flavorful too!" [Yuna]

"I'm glad you think that. Here, eat some of these eggs as well. They're much milder and creamier, so I think it would compliment the steak very well." [Grey]

"Mmn~! You're right! They're so delicious together!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I have also had some tempuras, grilled fish, and buttered blue oysters here. Here, I'll get them ready for you." [Grey]

Just like a doting father caring for his beloved daughter, Grey had once again entered parent mode and started caring for his fiancée as if she was a helpless chick. He was even spoon feeding her, making sure she has a taste of everything.

Of course, he also had a bite of the dishes he cooked, pleasantly delighted about their taste and feeling very proud about them. Especially when Yuna enjoys them as if they were the best things in the world. He couldn't wish for more.

Lunch continued just like that and along the soft and gentle serenade of the music box, laughter and chuckles resounded in the air. Such a scene continued, the two of them talking about all sorts of topics and telling stories.

"Right, I almost forgot... What potion did you make this time? Since it's Legendary-Grade, it should be plenty powerful, right?" [Grey]

"Un! I haven't really tested it out. But when drunk, it should boost mana one's output by about 50% and quadruple their mana recovery rate for about 10 minutes. It's like a stimulant drug, but there's no side effects or anything dangerous!" [Yuna]

"50%... Isn't that just cheating...?" [Grey]

A 50% increase for 10 minutes.... While it may not sound a lot, boosting one's mana output by that much will increase all physical and magical attributes by the exact same amount, making one much, much stronger than before.

It has a similar effect as a 4☆ ability, and for people like Grey and Yuna whose powers are beyond imagination, they could easily wipe out regions with that. It was a broken potion. One could only imagine how much it is worth.

"And I call it the 'Fairy's Blessing'! It sounds cool doesn't it?" [Yuna]

"Well… I guess it does, but why did you even make a potion like that in the first place? Are you going to challenge Labyrinth Bosses or something?" [Grey]

Hearing Grey's words, Yuna immediately halted her spoon and fork and remembered Edin's words before when he asked why she wanted to reach the pinnacle of alchemy. The only difference now was that she has a reason rooted in her heart.

It was nothing too grand nor nothing too serious. She simply wants to help Grey out and become much stronger than before. To walk by his side and to become worthy of him. If she could so so with alchemy then she would be more than willing to,

It was quite a silly reason, but it was one her heart desires. Her lips broke into a subtle smile.

"Hm? Why are you suddenly smiling?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! That's a secret~." [Yuna]

Their lunch continued.


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