You Boys Play Games Very Well

Chapter 35

Chapter 35
By comparison, the atmosphere of Mang God’s broadcast room was peaceful. After all, true game fans were a relatively large part of his powder base. These people didn’t care about the broadcast host gossip; they only cared about how the game was played.

Shan Zhu was reviewing yesterday’s match as promised. Since he didn’t see Ling Meng’s stream live, he specially found a video of the commentary. The appearance of Ling Meng’s passionate clenched fists had been recorded by numerous people, each video once again bringing back the previous day’s hot-blooded mood to viewers.

“Lemon’s analysis here is pretty accurate. When I saw my opponent’s delay in making troops, I knew that he was waiting for advanced units. At this time, I couldn’t give him time to develop. The sooner the attack, the better.

“Lemon is correct here. The alien faction needs to be suppressed in the early stage. The ultimate weapon of the aliens takes the longest time to manufacture, but once the ant queen is out of the nest, it’s difficult for opponents to fight back.

“It’s no surprise that Guava blew up my ant nest. I originally intended to do the same, but instead I had planned to blow it up when my opponent’s ant queen was about to leave the nest. Since he acted so early, I couldn’t delay anymore. Any further delay would lead to defeat.

“Lemon deserves to be considered a Galaxy veteran player. His understanding of the game is very thorough. It’s not easy to do this as a first time commentator. The tactical analysis in some places hits the nail right on the head.

“Bias is normal, who isn’t biased? Professional anchors just make sure that bias isn’t visible.”

He was earnestly reviewing the match, but the on-the-scene5 water friends didn’t think so.

— I might be watching a fake review.

— This isn’t a match review, this is obviously commentary review.

— I, Mang God, view Lemon Daddy as good at everything.

— Who could have imagined that WULI Mang God is a powerful Ning blower6!

— Last night, Lemon Dad commentated and blew Mang. Tonight, Mang God’s broadcast is blowing Ning. Blowing each other is proper!

Ling Meng’s commentary is very dense, so it was necessary to pause the video from time to time to be able to speak over it.

At the climax of the decisive battle, Ling Meng infected the viewers with his own excitement through the screen and the grinning Shan Zhu didn’t hit pause. Watching Ling Meng with a smile, he was almost inspired to loudly shout and cheer for himself.

Towards the end of the match, someone gave the considerate reminder: highlights ahead, please don’t blink.

Then he saw Ling Meng throw his headset in excitement and, with a loud “mwah”, kiss the monitor. Although the camera’s field of view was limited, it was enough for his brain to fill in the gaps.

— Is there not a sensation of being kissed?

— If this were the live broadcast, surely you’d kiss him back?

— How did Lemon Dad’s precious air-kiss feel?

Everyone in the barrage kicked up a fuss, resembling Ling Meng forgetting himself in his excitement, more likely than not they had been hopeful on the scene the night before to ask this kind of thing.

“Should I regret not being on the scene?”

— Have you ever thought about playing games with Lemon Daddy or commentating with him?

“If there’s an opportunity.”

— Yesterday, didn’t you get close together?

“He borrowed my account number to play,” Shan Zhu explained, going along with the story the two of them had come up with the night before. “Hospice care is his habit, it can’t be changed, it’s alright.” Shan Zhu had a good reputation so everyone generally accepted what he said. However, for Ling Meng over there, it was hard to say, Shan Zhu could imagine how he’d be tied up in knots by his powder over this issue.

“It’s still early, let’s go make our rounds for housekeeping.” He skillfully entered Ling Meng’s room number.

Surprisingly, Ling Meng wasn’t playing games or talking to the water friends. He was actually singing.

Very earnestly, moving along to the accompaniment and following to the lyrics, singing with an even rhythm, the roommate who hadn’t been seen for a long time was doing a robot dance7 behind him.

Ling Meng sang with no skill at all. The only thing he could do was sing every note in tune and keep pace with the rhythm to the best of his ability. Besides how he was taking it seriously, he was clearly too tense and nervous, thus it was obvious that singing was not his strong point.

After Shan Zhu listened silently for a while, he actually thought it was a little pleasant to hear.

“…Singing an endlessly long song about winter; dove, I’m the warmth on your way.”8 Ling Meng sang the last sentence steadily, then heaved a long sigh of relief.

“That’s it, now can you let me off?”

With this short sentence, tonight’s history of Ling Meng’s great suffering was revealed, showing how cruelly and inhumanely his water friends had extorted the confession from him. His Lemon Daddy was really just a lip service daddy and his sons were rebelling against him every day.

Many gifts were spammed and the barrage was actively rolling. They weren’t going to let the Lemon Daddy off.

— Dismiss us with just one song? It’s not that simple.

— If you don’t sing, all the long, dark night, you’ll have to continue to talk about the topic of harmony.

“The agreement was just one song. This is called, you reach out for a yard after taking an inch,9 you know it?”

[Room] Mangosteen sent a cat climbing frame to the anchor.

Housekeeper Mangosteen: You all bully my baby when I’m not around.

Housekeeper Mangosteen: PS singing was pleasant to hear.

Ling Meng is speechless: “If you’re not here, they bully me less. It wasn’t easy for me to switch the subject and you once again foolishly lead the rhythm10.”

— I didn’t switch topics, thanks. Everyone’s waiting.

— Mang God once again has come to find this gathering place for Lemon Dad; it can’t be he’s going to fight with 100,000 water friends this time?

— Mang God: I want to fight 100,000!

“Furthermore, why did you also brush a gift? Didn’t you say you wouldn’t give them to your friends again?”

— Didn’t your friendship end before it started?

— Mang Ning’s friendship, playing the guitar at approximately 90 degrees.

Housekeeper Mangosteen: I especially like your water friend here, with the mind full of wisdom.

— Next sentence: Unlike you, your mind is full of water.

— Don’t say it! Lemon Dad, don’t you want to save your face, ah?

“Nonsense! Your mind is full of water, or sewage! Just thinking about stirring things up all day, is the Legend of the Galaxy not interesting or calculus too boring?”

— Compared to calculus, I choose stirring things up.

— There’s a gap of 10,000 galaxies between stirring things up and calculus.

A drowning man would clutch at a straw. Ling Meng appealed to Shan Zhu: “Since you’re here, help me clean things up. Last night I just used your account number to play, we both are innocent.”

Housekeeper Mangosteen: He really did use my account to play, but it’s hard to say if you are clean.

— Best clarification of the year.

— Lemon Dad activated a special move [Sacrificing Life For Honor11]: Digs himself a big pit and gets in; lasts for 60 seconds.

— I’ll add another second.

Ling Meng was so angry that he puffed his cheeks up. Everyone laughed and happily brushed up the text version of the expression pack: “AngryPufferfish.gif”, “PornAnchor, Faking gay to sell rot.gif”, “Lemon Dad wants to throw his headset .gif”, “A Clear Stream flows eastward12, only porn keeps its name. gif”

Shan Zhu’s phone rang.

Housing Mangosteen: I’m going to pick up a call.

In the absence of Mang God, the scene became more chaotic. Ling Meng set his mind on crowd control13, but powerless to reverse the rotation of the sky14, and had to silently sing: “The cold wind drifts across my face, my son’s rebellion breaks my heart. Your words pierced my heart like shards of ice, Daddy is really hurting…”15

The barrage was full of uproar and Ling Meng was desperate because he couldn’t find a single person on his side.

“Is there anyone who will comfort me?”

[Platform Announcement] User Guava presented the cat courtyard to the anchor Lemon and gave this message of encouragement: Yes.

Ling Meng: ?????

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