You Boys Play Games Very Well

Chapter 55

Chapter 55
Hearing Ling Meng’s threat, the water friends turned their attitude around 180 degrees: Lemon Daddy is the best, Lemon Daddy is super fierce, Lemon Daddy is the number one on Fighting Cat.

The tsundere Daddy was pleased and didn’t shout to shut down the broadcast anymore. He started riding the black with Shan Zhu.

Shan Zhu taught him how to perform a strafing drift with his own hands, the beautiful technique Ling Meng had only seen Guava use in battle.

“I learned it from watching Guava’s battle video, too,” Shan Zhu admitted frankly.

Ling Meng was surprised, he had also privately downloaded and watched the Fruit match several times. In addition to feeling of Guava’s technique again and again slipping away, he couldn’t simulate his technique at all.

Guava.SVIP: The mouse must first go down and then up, use the skill at the lowest possible point in an instant.

Guava.SVIP: I can teach you too.

Ling Meng: …..

The first time he witnessed Guava saying such a long sentence, truly worthy of a game-idiot.

Shan Zhu: “Thank you, Guava, for providing remote assistance.”

— Understand everything1, why was there stress on the syllables of ‘remote’?

— Emphasizing that only you can give personal guidance?

— Unscrupulous Mang God, bullying Gua too much.

— Eating melon2, the masses can’t look down on it anymore.

Guava.SVIP: That background is the e-sport cafe in the University City, I’ve been there.

— Guava hinting to Mang God not to provoke him, I could go if I wanted to.

— Guava threatening to sow trouble with Mang God, I know where you are.

— Guava intended to take away MengMeng, then put Mang God on the squad, killing two birds with one stone.

“Eh? Did you come to surf the internet too?” Ling Meng was surprised, this was the first time Guava had mentioned something to do with his real life.

Guava.SVIP: Do demos.

This internet cafe was one of the largest in the University City, often hosting a variety of leagues. It was also common for professional players to be invited to do demos.

“Please tell me in advance next time; this internet cafe is close to our school. I’ll cheer you on.”

“We two together will cheer you on,” Shan Zhu added with a smile.

Guava.SVIP: Your comprehension is very good. Want to play pro?

“….No, thank you.”

Ling Meng shot Shan Zhu a mocking (silly) smile, but the cam feed in the eyes of the audience had another interpretation.

— MengMeng looked in the eyes of Mang God and was full of admiration.

— MengMeng: A pro team is desperately trying to poach him, my family’s Mang God is so great!

— Have you all forgotten that our MengMeng is the chief Mang blower?

— All I know is that Mang God is an unconditional Lemon blower, he looks at MengMeng and everything is good.

“It’s not that I see him as good at anything, it just goes without saying that MengMeng is good,” Shan Zhu happened to read the barrage.

— Yes yes yes, your identity of chief Ning blower has been added to your V certification, no more need to prove it.

“You…doesn’t it make you blush to say such a thing in public?”

“Why would I blush when I’m telling the truth?” Shan Zhu asked frankly.

Shan Zhu leaned in close, whispering in Ling Meng’s ear and Ling Meng’s face turned red so fast it was visible.

What he said was, “we boys never blush when talking to people.” The subtext was that Ling Meng blushed when he talked to girls.

However, Ling Meng couldn’t explain because this sentence made his blood boil. He didn’t want to admit it was because Shan Zhu’s breath brushed his ear. His feeling of shame turned into an expression of anger.

“You, you speak nonsense!”

— What the hell did he say!

— I just love to listen to some nonsense, why not listen to it?

— Live whisper, there’s no professional ethics!

— Someone! Get me my 800,000-watt hearing aid!

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