You Boys Play Games Very Well

Chapter 64

Chapter 64
As soon as he made it through the doorway, Ling Meng was pressed against the door by Shan Zhu and gnawed on gently before they went on. The forced separation over the distance from the lobby to the elevator had already left the two people’s hearts itching.

Ling Meng’s neck was being sucked but he was actually also distracted at the same time with worry over the hotel environment.

“Did you notice if that slanted spot on the ceiling at 11 o’clock is a camera?”

Shan Zhu took a moment to peek: “That’s a fire sprinkler.”

“Three o’clock there on the TV…..”

Shan Zhu unscrupulously sealed his mouth up and tasted for a moment before moving back: “That’s an infrared receiver. Galaxy dog, do you have to worry about it?”

Ling Meng knew that he was in trouble again, but pretended to be foolish: “Heh heh…..”

Shan Zhu tilted his head, freely undoing the buttons on Ling Meng’s shirt. Ling Meng didn’t know what expression to show on his face at this time and deliberately lowered his head to watch Shan Zhu’s hand.

He remembered the popular Weibo post from a few days before, “Legend of the Galaxy pro player/anchor beauty hand close-up.” Of the nine hands which where crazily licked by a group of young girls, he recognized Shan Zhu’s hand at a glance. Now the owner of that hand was using his slender-boned fingers to undo the buttons on his clothes one by one. Then the last button was loosened and the hand reached into his shirt to make close, intimate contact with his skin.

Ling Meng giggled and bent his waist: “Very itchy.”

[Prosperity Democracy Civilization Harmony Freedom Equality Justice Rule of Law Patriotism Dedication Honesty and Friendship]

“Come again?” Shan Zhu, who had just shot, was obviously still very spirited as he looked at him with bright eyes.

“…..Was there viagra in the barbecue you ate last night?”

“That was just one game.”

“I played two rounds.”

“Best of three?”


Shan Zhu looked a little pitiful: “I also wanted to try to get in that picture’s position.”

“What picture?”

“Didn’t that circle on Weibo share the pictures they drew of you?”

Of course, but it was just that Ling Meng didn’t expect Shan Zhu would remember the @9 notice.

“I don’t want to. Driving when fatigued is dangerous, life and death separated by just a moment.”

Shan Zhu could see Ling Meng was really tired, so he kissed his forehead in apology and gathered him into his arms.

“Then go to sleep, the future is long10.”

Anyway, he wasn’t ready for more yet. Ling Meng yawned, fell asleep in a daze, thinking that he would have to hunt down all the bloggers who had drawn him so much on Weibo, one by one.


1. lose the camouflage (掉马甲): internet slang for online pseudonym/sockpuppet will be revealed ↩
2. male fanatic (迷弟): mi di, literally fan brother, slang for fervent male fans ↩
3. in this way, in that way (酱酱又酿酿): sauce and brewing; internet slang for “making love” ↩
4. popularize science (科普): internet meme, means to explain something in detail to nonfans ↩
5. Lao Tie: old iron, slang for old pal/bosom buddy ↩
6. warm man (暖男): a man with a heartwarming aura; a man whose personality makes him the ideal bf/husband ↩
7. birthday star (寿星): god of longevity, term for person whose birthday is being celebrated, typically for elderly people ↩
8. family happiness (阖家欢乐): saying meaning “the family is happy” used for formal occasions ↩
9. @ (艾特): internet slang for tagging/mentioning/replying on social media, same pronounciation of “at” like in English for the @ symbol ↩
10. the future is long (来日方长): idiom, plenty of time in the future, there are many years ahead of us, etc.; used as slang euphemism that there will be time for sex in the future ↩

ahhhh I want to give Yam a hug T_T

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