You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 252

Chapter 244: “Wife” Comes To The Door

Under the shadow of the building, the beautiful black-haired girl was angry at the moment, her eyes staring at Meren, as if she was going to eat him.

However, when Merron asked her question, she seemed to realize something, her face froze, and then her face became painful, and she even squatted on the ground with her head covered.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Seeing this, Merron was shocked, and hurriedly squatted down, carefully looking at the other party’s face, and found that it was pale!

“Have an old wound come on?”

“I-I’m confused…”

As if trying to suppress the weakness in his tone, his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth.


Is this the black blood coming out to make trouble again?

Seeing this, Melon couldn’t think about it, and hurriedly inserted his hand into the other’s long black hair, and began to massage the teacher’s head.

When the black blood in her body cannot be suppressed, Mrs. Chelsea’s temperament will indeed become a little special.

But as long as the master and the apprentice do some intimate behaviors, this pain can be quickly relieved.

Considering the attitude of the teacher after the torture not long ago, Merron did not dare to do anything too outrageous.

But everything at the moment alone has made “Catherine” confused.

Squat by the wall and bury your head in your knees.

Feeling the flexible and skillful kneading of the slender fingers on the scalp, as well as the touch of the skin and body temperature on both sides in the process, the girl’s pale complexion suddenly couldn’t hide a blush, but there was a strange flash in her eyes. annoyed.

And when this posture was maintained for a long time, the surrounding air flow was still, and a faint but indescribable smell came from the boy’s body, which even made her heartbeat start to speed up inexplicably.

All kinds of emotions are mixed together, it seems very complicated.

Fortunately, her face is now covered by her knees and long hair, otherwise this abnormality will inevitably be discovered.

“I…I don’t know what happened…”

Her inner thoughts were quite chaotic, but on the surface, her tone was still painful.

“In your room, she… who is she?”

Of course she was Juliana.

Mellen thought.

While squatting on the girl’s side to massage, the doubts in his heart did not ease.

Normally, the suppression effect after the two parties engage in intimate behavior is very rapid.

When Mrs Chelsea kissed him for the first time, the physical weakness even subsided visibly.

How come this doesn’t seem to work now?

Is it not possible to rely on intimacy only, and it has to be exchanged for body fluids to take effect?

Or, after the awakening of the Holy Spirit, this method will no longer work?

On the other hand, the teacher knew that Juliana was disguised as a cousin, so why can’t she remember now?

Amnesia? Or is the memory messed up?

Although I already knew about Eliza’s heels, what exactly Eliza’s blood can do, not to mention Meren, even the Holy Spirit can’t tell.

It seems that it is not incomprehensible to really cause this situation.

And even if you don’t consider this, the awakened Holy Spirit is hidden in the lady’s body, and it seems that it may cause trouble.

The doubts in Mellen’s heart were therefore barely explained.


“She is my cousin, have you forgotten?”

Merron replied with some ambiguous words.

And the other party’s words sounded like this.

“You…why are you…”

“Entering the same school, I heard that I was assigned a single room, of course I have to come and see.”

“No, she’s not, no, I…I…”

The expression that seemed to be amnesia seemed unadulterated at all, but Mellen, who was just squatting aside to appease her, became increasingly suspicious.

“I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods”

But before he had any other thoughts, the black-haired girl suddenly raised her head, turned and kissed Mellen’s side face.

The soft and soft touch brushed lightly, and Meren was stunned.

“You… do you like it?”

There was no shyness in the weak voice, the girl stared at Meren, but frowned slightly, as if asking a very ordinary question.

Or rather, she seemed to want to show that there was a reason for this action.

This is actually an ambiguity.

However, the emotional perception ability brought by the practice of breathing method made Merron faintly feel that the other party seemed to be extremely uneasy at the moment.

So he remained rigid and did not speak for a long time.

“You don’t like it?”

Seeing that the black-haired boy didn’t say a word for a long time, his expression also seemed stunned, and the girl couldn’t help but speak.

“Or do you really dislike it?”

“Respect yourself, teacher!”

Melon’s face suddenly turned cold, and the hand that kept kneading and massaging was also pulled out from the other’s long thick black hair.

“It’s very inappropriate for you to do this.”

“you dislike me?”

The girl was startled by this, “Why?”

“You are my teacher, why are you still asking?”

This seemed incredible, and there was even a hint of disappointment in the boy’s eyes.

“I thought you were a very dignified and elegant person, but I didn’t expect you to act so frivolously.”

“I, I just—”

“You don’t need to explain, I know you’re in a bad state now.”

Melon stood up as he spoke, and bowed politely to the other party.

“So please go back and rest more. If you have anything, calm down and let’s talk.”

After saying that, he turned around and hurried away without waiting for the girl squatting there to respond.

In addition to being annoyed, the whole person seems to be a little anxious.

After staring blankly at his back and disappearing from sight, for a long time, a happy smile appeared on the face of the black-haired girl.

“If you’re honest, I’ll forgive you a little bit.”

She whispered sweetly in her voice.

On the other side, after being out of sight of the other party, Meren’s expression has returned to calm.

But the doubts between the eyebrows are even more.

The one just now was not Mrs. Chelsea.

He was sure about it.

The reason is not those different behaviors from the past, but because he used the thread of fate to observe before while in a “daze”.

The real Mrs. Chelsea was in a library at this time, reading something attentively.

But if she’s not a lady, who is she?

Why test him like this?


This was the first thing that came to Meron’s mind.

Few knew about Alisha’s bloodline, and even fewer knew that Mrs. Chelsea used her body to suppress black blood.

So the suspect is actually very clear.

And if the nun finds out that the husband who has been in contact with her is actually herself, then she has reason to come and try.

Besides, he couldn’t think of anyone else who would do such a thing without any spare time.

But how could she find out?

Moreover, even if she found out that she was in contact with her, shouldn’t her attitude be suspicious?

Doubting how she got her husband’s book of deceit, suspecting that she has clues about her husband.

Why does it seem so certain?

The heart was very confused because of this, but Mellon did not continue to think about this issue.

No matter how she found out, it is an established fact that she has come to the door now.

Not sure if this is good or bad, but considering the close connection between the nun and Eliza, and the solution provided by the Holy Spirit to solve the hidden danger in Eliza.

Mellen felt that it was necessary to discuss this matter with the teacher.

However, when he took out the book of secret words and looked at it, he found that the other party had sent a message before.

“I’m in the Evans Religious Library and have something to tell you, are you free now?”


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