You can’t escape their Love.(Yandere Harem)


Dai disappeared after taking a right at the lane. For my house, it is the left.

[I think I held him up for too long, maybe he also thought I was a pain butting into his date.]

I inspected the polythene I held in my hands, a lot of water condensed on the cover of the ice-cream.

[Oh no, I should better hurry or the ice cream will melt before I arrive home.]

Taking a left from the lane, I sped towards my house.

Looking at the playground whose entrance was a few meters ahead of me, it felt like some good and warm memories rubbed my heart.

[I loved this playground as a kid, I used to play here even as a middle schooler. I remember making sandcastles and traps in the sandpit over there; I used to swing wildly in these swings and played some crazy role play games with my friends. It's been so long that I can't remember their faces anymore, I would like to meet them once again.]

Lost in my thoughts, I went closer to the entrance to the playground. Hoping to see cute little kids playing in the sand, I peeked from between the trees and bushes. The playground was empty. It isn't surprising because it's already about dinner time in many households. Behind the slide, I saw some guys probably around my age, talking with each other and giggling. Since they were a little farther, I wasn't able to see their faces.

[Nevermind, I don't care who they are. But I must hurry the ice cream is melting.]

"Found him, he's there." The voice came from behind me.

[Someone found someone. Are they playing hide and seek?]

I didn't bother to look behind.

'Hey, you stop"

The voice is getting closer, the sound of footsteps isn't just of one person.

This time I looked behind. Three guys, who were also around my age, came running towards me.

"Me?" I asked, I never saw their faces before.

"Yes, you" A guy with brown hair answered while the other two panted.

"What do you want?"

"Come with us." He said.

"Why? and who are you?" I am confused. Some three guys whom I never saw randomly show up and ask me to come with them.

"You don't need to know." The guy with black hair and a lighting tattoo on his neck grabbed my hand, but with a jerk, I freed my hand. I am ready to run if things get awful.

After I freed my hand. He glared at me angrily.

"Can't you just listen to what I say" He stretched his hand forward to hold my collar.

The next second he was lying on the ground with his back facing me, while I held his arm in a lock and my knee on his back.

"Ou...Ou.." He is struggling but isn't able to free himself. The other two looked at me in surprise. And me? The most I want at this moment is a mirror to have a look at my face's expression.

I am even more shocked than the other two. My body moved automatically, like a reflex when he was about to touch my collar of my collarless t-shirt, and before I even realized I am in this position with him struggling beneath my knee.

"You... release him now or thing will go bad." The third guy with no hair ordered me as he stepped forward.

"Stop, if you move one more step, I will break his arm." [What's with me, I am talking all this scary stuff. I hope they won't find out I am bluffing.]

He stepped back.

"Ok, Ok... Leave him."

[Yes, it worked.]

The wind blew, and some dust from the playground fell in my eye.

"Ah..." I rubbed my eyes with both hands, *thud* and I fell behind when the guy beneath me got up on his legs using his hands like spring after I released his arm by mistake.

[Shit, I fucked up.]

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