You can’t escape their Love.(Yandere Harem)

This is…

Holding the other piece, "and this is..."

In an instant, I understood that it wasn't something a normal high schooler should have under his/her desk. It was a covert listening device, more commonly known as a bug or a wire, is usually a combination of a miniature radio transmitter with a microphone. 

[Somebody wiretapped my desk, shall I break it? In the first place why is even here? Now, how can I find the culprit?]

I thought of a nice idea and let it remain under my desk. I hummed a tune as if I was carefree and suddenly, "Aah! What's this,," I exclaimed in pain and I broke it.

[Ok, now if it is wiretapped by someone who cares for me, then they would come rushing into my class. I am pretty confident in my voice skills and I felt it go well. By this  time they might be in the corridor.] 

I grinned as if I laid a master plan.

1 min later  - [There might be a bit lag with the wiretap]

5 mins later - [They might be busy in the toilet]

10 mins later - [They might not be from our school]

1 hour later - [They didn't hear it or they simply don't care]

In the meanwhile every time Sensei passed me she would touch my face or pinch my nose or pull my ear, Being in the last seat no one saw me except for the one on my right side but even his vision gets blocked when sensei stands between us. 

Sensei again came towards me reading the book. I took my ultra stance to evade any attack. She again stretched her hand.

"Achoo!" I fake sneezed. Some of my classmates looked at me including Rin. It didn't even take a millisecond for sensei to withdraw her hand. She glanced at me with competitive eyes and so did eye. I even gave her a victory smile.

For some reason even after the frightful experience in the WC, I am not scared of sensei, Is it because I am about to show her true colors to others and make her resign, or...  because I already experienced similar situations earlier... No way... It's my first time with such a lewd and frightful situation, So it's obviously the first case.

[ It can't be Sensei because she can always see me in class, If my shirt or bag is wiretapped then it may be sensei.]

As I thought this Sensei took a fast round around the class and slowed down in front of me. It will be a nuisance to others if they hear me fake sneeze again so this time I depended upon my evasive skills.

She didn't stretch her hand this time, So I lowered my guard a little.

[Maybe she thinks I will sneeze again.... hehe my win.]

Just as she was beside me she shot her arm at my nose, and I leaped back.



I fell on the back with my chair beneath me.

"Hahaha" Everyone saw me while some even stood to look and laugh at me. Only Rin stood and rushed at me to lift me but she stopped behind Sensei who bent to lend me a hand. I looked at Sensei's face which had the victory smile this time.

My gaze shifted to her chest, I was clearly able to see her bra and cleavage through her shirt and the golden necklace which dangled from her neck.

I turned to the other side and stood on my own.

"Be careful Sato, If you want to sleep then please use the desk, "Sensei mocked and continued reading.

I turned my neck a bit and then I lifted my chair back upright.

There was something on the floor where the chair fell. I picked it up and accidentally in frustration came out my voice. 

"WTF, another bug (Wiretap)"

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