A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 15: Little Piece of Heaven (Blade)

Little Piece of Heaven (Blade)

Content Warnings:


Note from Ruby: Thanks to Thundamoo of Bioshifter and Vigor Mortis fame as well as to Hungry of Necroepilogos and Katalepsis fame for inspiring this chapter with their own delightfully messy works.

I conversed with Schatzi for a few hours after the little monster submerged once more. We spoke mostly on mundane and calm topics, the places they've visited, the local wildlife, things I needed to know after so long sealed away that I didn't get from Geist 58. The entire time I could not help but desire to use my own eyes to look upon our Witch, and my own arms to hold Elevar the way that it does.

When Elevar finally stirs awake, Schatzi and I both fall silent, waiting to assess her needs and decide how we can accommodate them.

Wordlessly, my Witch rises to sit. Balance a bit unsteady but normal for anyone after the strain of the past days. And… the entire time the fingers she lay upon me remain. After glancing about and down at her form she murmurs gently, but with a slight rasp. "Have the Suns begun to weep yet?"

The tether she wove around me slowly awakens to thrum once again in a silent scream. Gentle, smothered, but still present and hissing a desire she has not spoken.

[Yes. We can begin shortly if you still wish to do so. There are a few questions I must ask beforehand to ensure comfort and consent.]

The tether jerks, tightens, and thrums in sudden opposition to the earlier desire. Twisting into a thing that howls in wordless spite and suspicion and-

And then it goes slack, dropping into silence as quickly as it turned before. 

"Oh... By the Cracked and Riven Moon! I really did weave that..." Elevar stares in disgust down at the spell that winds around me. "Let me get this ugly thing off. Stupid, fool of a Half-Knit to even think such a weaving would do anything but be an annoyance if you wanted…”

Ashes of my Family, I ruined it, I screwed up, I knew she needed to be more coherent, she's gonna get rid of me. SHUT UP. Okay. Okay. It will be fine, this is just her instinctive reaction because of the other influences.


[Please don't. I want to keep it, if that's okay.]

Elevar goes stiff, and the tether tutters in patterns I cannot decipher. Too broken and quickly cut off. But... her heartbeat quickens and the Physis she's risen to snip the binding hesitates, then shudders.

"Xafra..." She murmurs. "This is a mess. Woven by a half-knit Witch while she was freezing and in too much pain to manage the most basic spell weavings. Much less something this dangerous. My old teacher would have fu—" Her teeth clack shut, and such a sour fury rolls down the tether, which twists her features into a glare as she works again to stifle it. "It doesn't matter. Why do you want to keep this? It can't be a pleasant thing to endure.”

[It is a mess, yes. However, not even the greatest Witches of my age could have made something like this. It's not part of the Witch Arts, it's Bondsmith Arts, something that should be impossible for a Witch. Only Humans can be Bondsmiths.]

She huffs and draws her Physis a bit closer to the tether. Lifts it delicately and... and even seems to twirl it around like she might with a finger and thread. "I am human, Xafra. Studying to become a Witch didn't change that." She pauses before her workings would pull the tether taut. "I don't see how our arts cross-pollinating would be so rare. And that's all besides the point, anyways.”


[Elevar, Witch is just the common name for Moon-Blessed. They're an entirely different species from humans. If it wasn't for the uneasy truce to fight back the Denizens, they would have farmed humans like cattle except for the few that managed to grasp the Bondsmith or Hedgemage Arts. You can't learn to be a Witch, you can only learn the Art if you're already a Witch. It's like claiming I could learn to be a Denizen.]

"Moon-Blessed? I... Xafra this... What? Witches learn their craft from study and effort, not some blessings of that old cracked thing." Elevar replies as the tether thrums with sudden confusion. "You literally have the lay of this body. What there makes you think that... Okay. Well, there are plenty of very unusual modifications, but the goal was to end up still human with a few additional bits changed about. But what's there that makes you think I'm anything BUT a human?”


[I've never vivisected a Witch so I don't know what would be different biologically. Something must have changed since I was locked away. Sorry. I um...]

I'm so very glad I don't have a face right now because otherwise I would be blushing fiercely.

[It's a very nice body.] I send out before I can stop myself.

"That's kind of you to say. I..." She whispers, but the sputter of warm surprise is followed soon by such a rotten thrum of anger as she fights so hard to hide the bitter fury in her words and tether. "But we have more important things to address. Schatzi, dear?”

Little sister stirs, carefully releasing our Mistress and helping her sit up straight.

"Yes Mistress, how may this one serve?" It responds promptly.

"How much of our belongings survived a no doubt hastened rush to this settlement?" She asks. "Did any of the chitin or... Or at least a bag of our reserve jade and gemstones? Something bought us this room. Was my good-will bartered again? Favors offered upon my rousing?”

"We did not lose anything as my sister was able to carry you in its hands with your bag still attached and wore its own luggage still. I believe the room was paid for with some of the jade by my sister on miss Xafra's recommendation.”

"Good gerl, Sch- Schatzi." Sighing the Dolls name aloud with the Witch's Tone laden in the praise lessens Elevar's roil of emotions. So much so that she reaches down to squeeze one of the Doll's hands in relief. "Well done. And to you as well, Xafra. Any other venture would have no doubt ended there for me, but you both handled things well.”

Schatzi brightens and its tension releases as Elevar compliments us. 

Simple, but mmmm cute. It is a good servant.

[Thank you. I built up significant reserves on the trip, there is enough to remove all of the influences as a starting point but... I am concerned that you are displeased with me, and yet I suspect that you would be even more so if I had removed the rest while you were in a compromised state.]

Honesty. It has worked so far.

Elevar twists to pull herself from Schatzi's arms, ignoring my words as she orders her Doll. "I'd like you to go out and purchase some food for me. Gentle things if you please. Honestly, you'll remember better what is good for my sensitive gut. Take your time, and it's okay if you need to wait for the things to bake or mix well to accommodate my state."

Only Canting a simple and only mildly clumsy ::Wait:: to me afterwards as she works to keep the tether calm.

Oh Blind Oracles, oh damn, yep. Terrible. Honesty is actually the worst. I can't believe I just did that.

"Right away, Mistress. I will return shortly." Schatzi leaves calmly with some funds, completely unaware of the horrific turmoil that threatens to destroy me utterly.

What do I even do? It's not like I can run and hide without making things worse. I could just Driftdream but… Gosh, she would be so mad if she thinks I'm avoiding her. PANIC TIME!

As the door clicks shut, Elevar lets out a huff of a sigh. Only moving to slump just a little further from where she sits on the edge of the bed. Tether humming betwixt discordant motions. "I... Xafra I'm not displeased with you. Quite the opposite, actually. And..." Fingers continue to hold the tether, almost... just a whisper from one of so many things. Cutting it, tightening it, using it as a method to weave the full working... or... or nothing. 

Just idle fiddling as this Witch descends into what the tether signals is a deep well swirling with violent conflictions.

Not upset?

I try to calm myself and respond. [How can I help? Whatever you want.]

"I... Were you ever human?" She asks, then reaches over to gently brush fingers over my hilt. "You've hinted at your past but... I've not yet offered you a proper chance to share things about yourself in an environment without threats of continued isolation or worse. And... while I do feel some measure of responsibility for your actions going forward, that was mostly laid out when I still worried you might be some horrid and barely controlled Nightmare. Which... you're very obviously not. I'm sorry for that. I've let more old worms than I'd like dig deep and push me into old habits.”

I can't help the bitter amusement that wends through the bond.

[Yes. And no. I did not exist before my creation. But...]

I steady myself before continuing.

[There was once a place called the Fourth Conclave's girl's home of Tiefenfelder. A place where the girls who had lost folk to Denizens and did not yet have an apprenticeship or somewhere else to go could stay, learn the basics of a trade, find community, and common ground. It was a good place.]

I send ::Apologies/Patience:: as I meander through my thoughts.

Elevar twists to reach back, murmuring softly. "You don't need to share anything you'd rather not, Xafra. This... this isn't a demand."

[It was a good place until a Coven decided that progress required sacrifices. Forty eight human girls, all broken and murdered with the same sword, their souls bound into it as it was reforged into a staff. An implement to feed on others without limit. A Parasitic Abomination. My first wielder rescued me from that fate, A Bondsmith who could somehow sense my nascent identity coalescing and stole me away from the Coven.]

"I'm so sorry. For all of that. And... all the other horrors you've probably endured." Elevar winces. "You're more than those old hags bargained for. Willful and too solid in your self-forged nature. I can understand why you abhor us so much, and how one could never bind you to their will.”

Does she feel pity or sympathy? She's not so different, I think.


"Anything you'd like to offer is more than welcome." She sighs and shivers, opposite hand coming up to wrap around the arm that reaches down to touch the old cloth that is still clutched about my hilt. "I won't judge. Can't, honestly. Not after all I've done. Your start gave you few options, whereas the rest of us choose our paths for the most part.”

[I killed four people on the way here. Collateral losses. I AM a horror in my own right and yet, You are Worthy. I will allow you to bind me as tightly as you wish. I want… to fulfill the purpose I chose, not just the one I was designed for.]

She opens and closes her mouth a few times before she pauses, fingers digging a little into the flesh of her arm. No blood is drawn from it, but it'll leave marks. And all the while that tether hums a roiling hunger drowning in soured self-disgust. "By the Cracked and Riven Moon don't offer me that, Xafra. Not ever again. It's lucky I didn't Garrote you last night. You're NOT a Doll who broke themselves into needing that, or some Nightmare dredged up from some Old Hag's worst inclinations. I'll not see you leashed like either. Especially not by me.”

[We both have impulses that we repress. You desire control, I desire to reshape. To rend, tear, and rebuild better, more ideal, closer to what the soul declares itself. I need you to trust me, and I know how hard that must be.]

Eyes close as she grinds her teeth so hard one very nearly chips while her thumb gently runs up and down the tether. "Xafra... " 

The bond ripples, and the messy spell begins to knit into a perfect pattern. One that twines from a fraying thread into a tightly woven cord, sturdy as pure iron. Still not enough to bind me but... enough to turn what was a steady thrum of furious desire into a rising tide.

"Is this what you want?" She growls, eyes flickering open to lock on my form. "More of this? More of that old cunt's Makellose Garrote? Because that's how I trust. Nothing else works, not even after years free of her."

The tether thrums with soured hunger then, and Elevar's Physis twists ready to snip the weaving much like she did on the Causeways. Fingers lifting to mimic a pair of scissors ready to cut...

"Tell me to free you," She hisses. "Now.”

[I don't obey Witches. I obey my bonded partner. Consider my denial a creative interpretation of that dichotomy.]

Elevar does chip a tooth then as she twirls the tether around her Physis, fingers now moving to grip my hilt. "Fine then."

{Get. Them. Out.} Comes a thrumming of furious will down the tether. Not a command, but on the razor's edge of a sting of displeasure if it's not fulfilled. And that's a simple sharing of desire! Not even a demand.

With a quick twisting of my Ousia I Manifest, straddling her on the bed, and with my free hand push her onto her back. "I need you to state it out loud. I won't perform based on desire without confirmation.”

Physis twitches, on the cusp of jerking her words into something worse than just a thrumming scream, but... She pauses, fingers that weren't around my hilt now hovering a whisper from my neck as she keeps the tether still.

"Get." Elevar twists up to grip the cloth at my throat, "Them." She purrs while tugging me down closer. "Out.”

"Yes, Mistress" I murmur while I slide claw-tipped fingers through the flesh medial of her right hip, twisting slowly as I spread them just wide enough to pluck the first of the remaining influences out, "That's one.”

Elevar doesn't flinch from the pain. Her expression, a thing betwixt a furious glare and a ravenous smirk while her will howls in confliction.

{Get them out! STOP! stOp! GETtHEmALLstopOUTSTOP!!!}

"I can ease the pain if you prefer, and I assume you'll want to heal the incisions yourself?"

Do I? No, she'll be disgusted. Put them aside so she can see them destroyed afterwards.

I place the horrific morsel on the side table and creep my hand up under her blouse, circling under her solar plexus with my claws while waiting for an answer.

"No, Unless either will kill or disable. Let’s allow this body to bleed a bit." She hums almost thoughtfully.

I stifle a moan of arousal and harden at her words, plunging once more into her supple flesh to excise a piece of liver no larger than my bloodsoaked clawtip. "That's two." I state huskily as I deposit it beside the other.

What was a wash of roaring confliction begins to ebb a hint as Elevar watches me work toward this next spot.

"Hm... Not nearly enough, Xafra. Walk me through every cut and rotten thing you're tearing from this flesh. If it won't ruin your concentration, that is.”

I thrum with need, responding precisely, "One, attached to appendix. Unknown effect. Two, inside the liver. Likely designed for increased susceptibility to addiction. Three, attached to thymus. Reprograms immune response to function as a bonding surface. I'm going to have to go through your sternum for this one. Challenging to do so neatly.”

With a huff that stings of the first bit of annoyance touched by a playfulness that startles, she quirks an eyebrow up at me and purrs. "I know I can clean these myself, but that would ruin the idea of all this. Now, be a good gerl and cut these old clothes off.”

I move without hesitation. The blouse comes apart with a few bloody cuts, one up each arm to the center of the chest, then one straight down, leaving the pieces to fall free revealing her upper body and the two holes I've made so far. 

Eight more to go. 

I skip over the trousers for now to avoid getting distracted and… I hope that she'll say something, and insist I follow through but… She just looks at me, curiously waiting for me to continue.

Elevar's smirk grows dangerously crooked as her Physis seems to toy with the thread. Never pulling it tighter as the echoes of desperate conflicting needs from before soften and are now beginning to drown in a rise of other, more interesting melodies. Things of desire and interest and curiosity and—

"You've already cut me open to bleed beneath you." She murmurs, eyes gliding up and down my form. "Why toy at meekness now? Ask me for what you need to continue. Or better yet..." Her gaze flickers up to lock with mine, each word spoken so slowly and softly. "What. You. Want.”

I feel a mess, body and mind. These clothes are so confining, stiff with my blood from ages past. 

What I want? Her. HER! MY Elevar. MINE

I flex my will and dissolve my tunic in a fizzle of Physis, casting the remnants aside. 

"I want to bite you, to feel you writhe against me as I tear you apart and put you back together in your own image."

I hook my index and middle claw under the top of her sternum and counterpress with my thumb claw, ready to crack open her chest before leaning in and whispering into her ear, "I want to eat these dreadful things like a sacrament so I can imagine what it's like to be so deep inside you that you can't even feel it anymore.”

"Oh? Is that all?" She giggles as a sort of delighted gleeful hunger rises up to consume whatever else thrummed down the tether. Fingers that once grasped my collar snake around to weave through the hair at the back of my neck and head. "Well... So long as you don't let me pass out. I'd hate to miss out on any of that.”

With a smile on my face I instruct her, "Breathe deep," before cracking open her sternum between my claws, the sound music to my ears. I flow Ousia to her lungs and heart to sustain them and allow them to quickly heal, ensuring the fragments don't do too much damage.

With zeal, I dip my face down between her breasts and seize the invasive growth between my teeth, biting it free and swallowing it whole.

"That's three.”

Nails dig into my hair and flesh as Elevar jerks, the first sound made in response to the work something between a gasping moan and a hissing growl.

as I begin to move lower, my hardness presses against her unmistakably, and I freeze, waiting to see if she'll consider it a problem.

Elevar's deep breaths steady a touch, and she eventually notices the pause and pressure. Letting out a huff of a laugh she wriggles closer into me, fingers trailing around my neck. Bloody nails now weaving messy patterns just at my collarbone, she purrs as best she can. "Show me exactly what you want. No holding back. I've enjoyed worse than even you can desire, I think.”

Maddening slut. Infuriating and intoxicating in equal measure. How am I supposed to focus when she's so warm, soft and bloody, and smells like home?

I continue, willingly falling into her, for her, deeper and deeper.

I slice open the side of her neck with my thumb claw, deftly cutting out a small anomaly, carefully healing the wound before sucking it off my thumb along with her blood.

"That's four, attached to the carotid artery, unknown effect.” Then I take a shuddering breath before saying. "I want you desperately, but I wish to finish my work first before I enjoy dessert, if that's alright with you, Mistress.”

Elevar giggles, not even flinching from the wound as she continues to dance hands down around my sides to caress hips and legs. "What a good gerl you are. Even amidst such temptations.”

My trousers are intolerably tight, and hers defy me with their very existence.

Focus. FOCUS! Work to do.

"Thank you, Mistress Elevar."

I snatch the two morsels from the table and swallow them back before examining her again.

Optic Nerve, Appendix, Liver, Thymus, and Carotid done. Left kidney, Inferior Vena Cava, Ovaries, Right Areola, Left Heel, Right Ulna remaining. Almost an absurd amount, not even for just control, seems like she was more of a test subject than a student.

I choose once more to leave her pants on, yet can't resist the temptation of her lovely breasts and the opportunity to carve into at least one of them. Letting claws dig in above and then behind, slipping an odd metal disc free, this anomaly not even flesh. It too gets eaten. Not like I actually digest food.

"That's Five, behind right Areola. Presumably for testing biocompatibility of metals?”

I don't wait for a response before continuing. I don't have the patience for that especially when her own nails are dragging down my chest again and…

Okay… Now there's a fun idea.

I grab her right hand with my still clean left one, my own blood staining her fingers in a strange mockery of life. Then I bite down on her wrist, cracking open the ulna like the shell of a grakler, and drink the fluid added to her marrow there.

"Six," I state while licking my lips, "Fluid in right Ulna, Unknown Effect.”

Elevar's silence turns to giggles, and then those dissolve into hacking moans as her Physis clutches at the tether. All the while this bond thrums steady between hunger and seething disgust for the things I find and tear from her flesh.

But... Even it no longer howls for me to stop.

I will cleanse her form through this depravity and take her curses into myself, burning them as fuel for the kiln… What? 

Ah, right. 58 was a poet. Best to avoid any more, lest I become insufferable.

I chuckle at the passing thought, shaking it out of my head and proceeding. "This one is going to be a bit much. Is Stop good, or would you prefer a different word?”

"Fr- for now. I'll think of something more elegant or vile later." She rasps, voice cracking a bit. "Go ahead.”

I nod, pinning her right shoulder down with my left hand, "Stay still. It's very important."

Just before my fingers sink into her, Elevar hikes her legs up and wraps them around me to hook ankles around my hips. Fingers moving to once again grip flesh and hair at the back of my head. Then she nods, and I use the opening I made to get to her liver, tucking all my fingers together to push my hand through.

I expect my Witch to scream and snarl, but... she only grips me tighter with nail and thigh. Able to somehow remain nearly perfectly still and silent despite the immense pain my workings smother her with.

I stare her in the eyes as I slowly slide my wrist in further, under ribcage and along the path of the inferior vena cava through the central tendon of the diaphragm. The passage of my hand does significant damage to a near non-existent opening much too small to accommodate it, yet… it is still the path of least resistance. Once deep enough I slowly widen my fingers, spreading them through the pericardial cavity.

And for the briefest of moments, I hold her heart in my hand, and tether goes so still. My Witch’s blue eyes alight with her own pain-drunken surprise and wonder.

Who needs an afterlife when I can have moments like this?

I slice away a thin muscle ring around the root of the inferior vena cava with a claw before withdrawing once more, using Physis to pull the ring along as I heal the near immediately fatal heart trauma with Ousia.

With wonder in my voice I follow instructions.

"Seven, external sphincter around the root of the inferior vena cava, likely to attempt to cause weakness and death." I hold the tiny strip of muscle between my fingers, rolling it back and forth while I plan the next excision.

Elevar's eyes flitter in euphoric relief at the lack of smothering pain. But... Physis remains furiously steady as it grips the tether tight as she rasps brokenly. "Next?”

I pop it in my mouth, chew, and swallow before responding. "Kidney. Should be easier than the last. Same entry, much shallower, just the tips of my fingers reaching in."

I demonstrate by reaching downwards instead of up through the wound and with a sharp twist remove a calcified nodule. 

"Eight, Left kidney. Stone protrusion, unknown effect. I recommend healing before the last few, if you would?"

This nodule, I also eat. Somewhat surprised that she hasn't shown any disgust in my actions, just towards the things I remove.

“Go ahead.” Elevar coughs, and begins to knit Physis back down into herself. Sealing off anything of real danger. But... not seeming to bother with numbing the pain. "I've got a handle on myself.”

Masochist to the extreme. How delightful. Only four left.

I hook her legs from around me as I slide backwards off the bed. Foot worship isn't really my thing but I may as well make the most of each part.

Running my hands along her left leg, I slide my face along flesh and delicately cradle her foot before biting into her heel like a peach, shredding through skin and muscle with a single deft bite.

This leaves her heel a ruined mess unable to support weight, knowing how easily we can heal it afterwards and the lack of danger it poses now..

"Nine. Left heel, unknown effect, aside from being delicious.”

She snorts, "Really? Is that why you're eating those?”

Honesty? Yes. Yes. But… A proper explanation.

I lean back, sitting on my own heels, just out of her reach. "Partially. In truth, it is not the primary reason.”

Elevar lets her head carefully fall back to rest as she stares up at the ceiling. "Oh? Then what is?”

"These are woven with Ousia as well as mundane materials. By consuming them, I can match her resonance and then later help you with further resheathing as well as removing the Seelenfäule." I consider stopping there but choose to press forth, "I felt the flinch and anger earlier. You aren't yet happy with your form. I want to help. That… Is for a later time though, I simply did not wish to deceive you with an off-the-cuff response.”

Elevar goes stiff, and what was idle humming of pained enjoyment dips into soured fear. Quickly smothered into mild self-directed annoyance as she murmurs. "Ah. I..." She swallows, and the pain of it seems to steady her mind. "Thank you for the honesty.”

Needs to be perfect, word for word, like it has been since I first learned the Sheather's Soul Oath.

Without hesitation, I grasp the Bondsmith tether and speak the words aloud, "I will not deliberately alter nor sculpt nor otherwise change your body, mind, nor soul in whole or part without both your express consent and truly seen inner desire. This I vow upon my existence."

Elevar's eyes go as wide as the old moon. Half sitting up and Physis falling to resume the healing from what was a startled jerk, soul riven between panicked fury at my grip on the tether and wonder at my words. 

"I trust that puts your concerns to rest so we may continue?” I ask gently.

"It's not about..." She huffs, then falls back to lay flat. Only raising a hand to glare at the slowly healing wrist. And I feel more than see her lips quirk to almost smirk at the wound. "Just... Finish this. Get the rest out. Then we might as well get my gut sorted.”

Ruined the mood, of course. How could it not?

"I can do the gut first if preferred, as the final one is located in your ovaries, and would necessitate undressing farther. The gut one is simply a transfusion, in comparison, and can be done through the hip opening.”

"Ah." She nods and lowers the hand to drape above her head. "Go ahead.”

I partially shift my flesh into one of my older forms, utilizing the unnecessary blood vessels to transport the contents of the cyst I saved through my right arm then into the tips of my claws before rising up to sink them into her intestines and push the viscera biome colony inside.

"Viscera biome colony transfusion complete. Your difficulties in that regard should be done."

Welp. One left.

"No acclimation time?" Elevar asks, only a little husk in her voice as she twists a bit to look at me.

"I would avoid feasting immediately. But they're in the right place, and I harvested enough that you should not have further symptoms.”

"Good." She pauses, Physis considering the tether. "So... Just one left then?"

Her eyes roll down to me, grazing up and down my form, lingering on breasts and hips and all too constricting trousers before moving back up to lock eyes with mine. "How would you like to handle it?”

Oh? This woman just keeps surprising me.

With an avian-eating smile I answer warmly, "Depends on which it you refer to. For one I would recommend that I remove your trousers as they would be in the way of the excision. For the other, it would likely be best served by my trousers being removed, though… I would defer to your judgment in such matters.”

She laughs. Not a short giggle of sudden girlish delight, or a cackle woven betwixt fury and mirth, but a thing of honest and full-throated humor she lets roll through our bonded Ousia. Brushing aside earlier souring emotions and basking in the anticipation of her next words.

"I think I'd like to see my Xafra impress me further today." She purrs, letting voice and eyes glimmer with temptations. "If she's up to the task, that is. Handle them together.”

I rise to my feet, tearing away the frail fabric of my trousers and dissolving them, my cock shaking with need.

"With pleasure, my Elevar." I coo as I drag claws down her legs, shredding the pants and pulling them away from her. 

She's as pretty as a massacre: torn open, covered in blood, and grinning at me while genuinely dripping with desire.

Mine. I'm hers. I'm Xafra‽

Gently, I shuffle her backwards on the bed and slide my legs between hers. Grabbing the back of her neck and opposite hip before spinning us to have her kneeling just above me. I hold hips to line my member up, then pull her down around me, plunging my cock into her pussy as my thumb claws stab through her abdomen into her fallopian tubes and clear the blockages added there.

"Ten," I shudder and giggle at her gasp and attempts to steady herself with arms laid across my shoulders. "That one was to stop you from getting pregnant.”

Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 





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