A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 16: Disclosure and Enclosures (Witch)

Disclosure and Enclosures (Witch)

Content Warnings:




“What‽” I hiss through lips and Ousia and can’t even stop a bit of my own Witch’s Tone from grinding through the word. Not aimed at Xafra, thank the old Dead Hag, despite how infuriatingly wonderful it feels to have her shake with mirth while inside me.

I… I can GET pregnant‽ That wasn’t part of the things she told me were possible! But I could ALL THIS TIME‽ And she just had this little horrid thing placed to stop it from happening?

“Why‽” I ask no one and everyone. But… but the answer is just SO obvious!

Like everything my teacher ever did, it would be another leash to keep me close for when I started wandering too far from her.

First it was the Witch’s Arts. 

Then my Re-Knitting. 

Much later my Doll, and soon after that she… she finally just stitched the Garrote about me. 

And all throughout it these little safeguards and traps laid inside the body she wove just in case I stopped being the stupid Half-Knit she wanted and… and By the Cracked and RIVEN SALT GUZZLING MOON SHE WAS NOT ABOVE EVEN THIS‽

I have to pause and catch myself before I fall deeper into a panicked pain-drunk mess while straddling Xafra’s gerlcock.

No, no she wasn’t. Of course not. I should have known that.

Stupid stupid Half-Knit.

"Doesn't matter, the hag is dead, and enjoying life is the best revenge after you've already murdered your enemies." Xafra growls softly.

She’s right.

Then she raises a hand up to gently brush the forming tears. "Eyes on me, Mistress, not the past."

By all the Moonshite dumped into the too sweet oceans… she’s right.

“Of course.” I whisper with such an ugly rasp, digging nails deeper still into Xafra's flesh. “Thank you. I… Yes.”

Deep breath, and I let my gaze lock on hers. Get lost in those gorgeous red stone eyes that gleam with inner light. “So…” I force my voice into the most sultry purr possible, loosening my grip and moving bloody fingers around to gently cup her jaw. “Show me how you enjoy your dessert.”

Xafra snarls playfully at that. All too happy to help me toss my nonsense aside to indulge the hungers she can feel bubbling up inside us both. Head strains up towards my face, jaws gnashing against collarbone and neck, all while bucking hips and pumping her length into me again and again.

It hurts

Oh Cracked and Riven Moon it tears and teases at more parts of me than I’d ever admit aloud. But, after all I’ve let this gerl do to me… that’s to be expected. And there’s wonderful pleasure to be had here if only… 

Winding the tether as tight as possible around my trembling Physis, I twist its length to curl so that the end reaching down into Xafra’s core is as taut as possible.

Not the Witch’s Tone.

Then I jerk it, letting what must be a strange mix of messy pain and fear and hatred and stupid hornii brain rot turn from a tide into a flood. One that I know all too well what it's like to be on the opposite end of when it twists at the tug of one’s Mistress.

Not a command. 

With the full Makellose Garrote she would be as some poor fool lost at sea. Mind and will and Ousia given but one choice. Follow the winds and ways and demands of your Mistress… or drown. 

Not breaking my promises. 

But a single strand? Even as perfect as I could make it? It’ll be like feeling the early tides sweep in. Just as worrisome if given enough time but… still easy to simply walk from the rising waters.

Not Like Her.

Lips just a whisper from Xafra’s, I huff out. “Is this alright? I… If it’s not… If you don’t… I can–”

"Drown me in you, I can take it.” She growls, cutting off my words and spiking worry. “Let me be the Pharos that your waves crash against."

Can’t stop my own answering snarl as old strangling roots and twisting vines I’ve slowly let weave to retrain that part of me rot a bit.

Won’t stop as hands move to jerk this gerlthing’s lips to mine. Let the blood her teeth draw from the flesh she bites distract as I tilt our everything off balance. Shove Xafra back bodily and ride her into the bloody sheets.

Now atop and astride, I curl Physis and pull the tether closer still. Pressing myself down and forcing Xafra deeper into me but… slowing her. Delaying the end we would rush toward while basking in the control she’s gifted me.

Dragging nails up those perfect hips and across her chest while purring. “I’m going to take you up on that. I… We need to know how far this can go. The limits of what you can take. Is ‘Stop’ good, or would you prefer another word?”

"Stop. Good. Yes." Her eyes blaze with delight as she stretches her arms up behind herself on the bed to grasp the Roots of the wall at its head. ''Bind me, Use me, Own me." Words coming out in panting gasps, sending such a rolling heat down my spine. How… how quickly she offers herself to me. 

“Perfect.” I smirk. And then, while rising myself slowly up her, I jerk the tether harder. Not nearly as much as I could but… Slow. Need to take this slow.

This spell broke many good Dolls with so much less force.

Maintaining that, I hold steady at the top of Xafra’s erection, just shy of pulling free, and flick a wrist to weave a simple spell about her wrists and the wood she grips. Creating a bond between flesh and solid surface. Only once I see recognition flicker in those gorgeous eyes do I move again.

Dropping to grind Xafra back into my cunt as deep as my body can allow. All the while suppressing my own shudder of delight at how I feel her twitch in such barely repressed hungers. Only showing my own resonant growling need through a little squeeze of thigh and tighter pull of the Garrote. 

With the binds in place, Xafra relaxes utterly. Hunger instead surges forth as tendrils of Physis start to caress me and drink the blood from the surface of my skin like butterflies.

I can’t stop something from escaping my lips, so I twist what would have been a moan into a giggle. Beginning to slowly move myself up and down her length smoothly and rhythmically as I purr. “So ravenous but… Such a good gerl to clean up your mess.” 

Pulling the thread ever tighter as I inflict such horridly slow and tantalizing movements on her. Digging nails into flesh and even leaning down to let this gerl taste my blood on her lips as I savor the flavor of hers on mine. Increasing the pressure while moving faster and harder and… trying to get her to howl for me to stop as I jerk the tether harder than I expect she can take.

I need to really try and break free. Show us both that none of this is real. Horrid little thoughts bubble up amidst all this. That… that Xafra’s just using me to get what she wants.

Teasing and nibbling and… and slowing just before I think she’ll erupt with the release she yearns for, I wind all my will into the Physis about the spell. Entwining it as tight as possible, taking one last long kiss from the wonderful gerl I expect to hate me after this, I pull the thing as hard as I can.

Two heartbeats of immense strain pass, and within it I can literally feel her tipping over as the tether whines under the pressure while the warmth between my legs boils up and–

A snap strikes through our souls, and the backlash of it ruins my balance. Sends me flailing back and to tumble bodily off the bed. But... Just before I would slam into the damp bloody floor, arms of Xafra's Physis break my fall and tug me back on the bed. Gently depositing me onto her soft chest with nary a sound.

I close my eyes and brace for whatever she means to take from me for this but… I’m only met with warm silence as I lay across her form. Twisting, I open my eyes to find Xafra unmoving. Eyes shut and form laden with the stillness of the sleeping…

Or the dead.

A twist of Physis and I crack the bonds at her hands, begin to move to straddle her but... the flesh twists and weaves back into the impressive form of that iron weapon! 

“No. No no no. Xafra I…” Reaching out with fingers and Physis through the fraying pieces of the bond I snapped, I find she… she’s…

Lost to the Driftdream. Probably since the tether snapped but… but then how did she catch me‽

Carefully, oh so carefully, and with tears falling to dribble and slide off her pitched form, I begin to reweave the bond. Hissing and cursing and weeping and pleading that… that she’s okay. That I didn’t break something that can’t be fixed. 

Stupid gerl. Stupid stupid STUPID STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID!!! You Half-Knit Cunt of a Witch!!! No better than the other Dolls she broke, just… more free and able to hurt those who would try to… to…

Then I’m doing something incredibly stupid. 

{Garrote} I snarl.

Wrapping some of my dwindling store of Ousia into and around her, I reknit the bond and tether to pass between the wards that would otherwise protect me from all but her most furious workings. Things I fueled with half a decade of my already shortening life to make sure someone like my old mentor could never wrap something like this about me again.

{Please. Please be okay.} I can’t help but howl through the new working just before those critical final steps.. {PleasepleasepleaseImsosorryImSOsorryPleasebeokaypleaseplease…}

My everything is screaming as I plunge the tether and bond deep into my core, well... all but my lips. So with them I whisper softly. “Xafra?”

A groggy response comes through the bond, sore, tired, but full of mirth. [Was that as good for you as it was for me?]

I can only growl and weep senseless things in reply, leaning down to curl myself about Xafra’s cold iron form. Offering as much slack to the tether as I can while still clutching it close. Only managing to rasp out after a moment and three deep breaths, “I… Y– yes. But… but not after I broke the tether and… and you lost consciousness. Thank you for catching me, by the way.”

[It was certainly jarring. I think next time we should probably have more bindings? Both tether and bond are better formed this time though. Proud of you.]

“Y– yes. That…” Such heat rolls through my cheeks at her proposition and praise. “If you’ll want to still, that is. I… this one would probably um…”

Focus. You know she’s probably already been reading you like a book since we first bonded. I chide myself. Just… try. It’ll be odd anyway if you speak to her aloud in the Paths regardless…

{I’m NOt suRe what woUld HapPen to mE if this one WEre to snap.} I intone through the bond. Messy and fuzzy, needing to practice, else I'll always sound like the Half-Knit I am.


[Oh oh wow, oh gosh. You did it! The real thing. We're going to make sure it doesn't break. Don't think this one could snap unless you really want it to.]

I shake my head and fight the still flooding wash of nonsense that rolls over me. {No. It… tHE real One was… IT’s… it’s neARly endless and PERfeCt and wRETCHed and feels like NEEdleS in your thoughts and sKin and Ousia. This… this is juSt using some of our rEsearch on it to reverberate the woRKing both ways and staBilize the spell with Ousia and the little bond you wove. Simple and stupid, made while I was panicking, honestly.}

Blathering on helps me get used to it, thank the Infested Reefs, and… and calms the storm of worry that still roils up when I sense the way this curls beneath my wards and tugs on my own Ousia. How… how at any moment she could just reach out and–

[A real Bondsmith tether, not the mockery that Witches make. This is like the one before but more. You made yourself vulnerable to me. I would like to return the favor, if you'd like.]

{I… How much more vulnerable can you BE, Xafra?} I sigh and curl tighter around bond and blade. {This… you should be so furious with me.}

[Why? You did nothing I didn't agree to, aside from ruining my orgasm.]

I can’t help but snort at that, even let myself chuckle. {Well… If it’s any consolation, mine fell apart with the old tether. But… I’m sorry. And if you can still trust me… then yes. Share whatever parts of yourself you seem to think me worthy of.}

[I would like to introduce you to myself properly.] Then, slowly and carefully, she extends something strange along the bond towards me. [Would that be okay with you?]

A deep breath, then in answer I thrum. {Yes.}

A wash of Xafra’s will slips forward and beneath and around and all about me. I can just barely feel my body slump down onto the bed atop her as I fall past. Down deeper, slowly, Weightlessly. Like the normal force that would crush a gerl against the dirt has decided to instead gently lower me.

Then there are… trees? Blue and vibrant all around and growing out of the walls of this gigantic shaft I fall through. If I wasn’t stiff with vertigo and such odd wonder I might have thought to try and reach out and touch them. Yet before I consider such things I can see the ground below.

Landing as softly as if stepping from one’s bed in the morning, I look about to find that I’ve been deposited into the mouth of some small valley. And ahead of me is a quaint little village with… with…

Wait. Why do I know this woman?

Carrying a crossbow but… wearing an expression of shyness just at the entrance. 

"Hey. How are you feeling?" She asks.

“Out of sorts.” I reply honestly, looking her up and down. “I’m sorry but have we met? I’ve long since grown bored of keeping track of names and the faces they go to.”

The gerl giggles, "I'm Xafra. Pardon my appearance, I don't know how I'm supposed to look so I took 58's. Let's head down so you can meet the rest of me."

“Wait wait wait. Xafra? I…” Taking a deep breath I reorient myself. Letting out what feels like cool evening air but… devoid of the sweet stench that the tides bring. Is more… I don’t know. This isn’t a familiar scent to me. I consider more questions or arguing or demanding she free me from whatever mess this is or… but why?

Do I trust her or not? Am I really not stupidly enthralled with anything and everything she might want to show me at this point?

I... have to push aside the worrying echoes that thought brings as I step up to offer Xafra my hand. “Alright, lead the way.”

She takes it and the bond between us pulses. "We're in my Driftdream. The Village and its residents are made from the soul remains of my component people. It's mostly fixed up now, thankfully, but it certainly was a mess."

“Pardon? A mess? Was… What caused your Dream weavings to become a mess?”

But... I mean of course it was my snapping of the te-

"The Witch Tone. When users don't know the extent of me, it only targets some of us, and causes my soul to fight against itself. Quite frustrating, honestly."

“Oh. You didn’t ever…” I take a deep breath and stop blathering. Decide to try for an honest apology. “No. No excuses. I was being a horrid and possessive cunt when I tested it on you without permission, then later when I did so again in anger. I’m sorry.”

Xafra leads us down the main street of the village, and all about us are women acting out mundane roles throughout. "You're forgiven of course. You couldn't have known, I don't go around telling people that while I'm effectively immune to it compared to others, it rends my mind apart."

“My… Schatzi and her sister suffered similarly sometimes. Back before. We actually found a few tricks to help mitigate it. Keep their mind safe when someone with a better tuned Tone might try to command them. I can share them if you're open to my advice.” I offer, gazing out in wonder at all this.  

As we walk, small things that resemble little blue wisps start forming around us. Whispering and cooing a cacophony of nonsense. At first I think of them as nothing but oddities or passing flickers specific to this land she’s constructed. Expect Xafra to comment on them but she... ignores them. Pointedly. 

And when one shouts something along the lines of “I don't obey Witches. I obey my bonded partner.” I can’t help but guess at what they are. Suppressing a smirk and giggle at the cuteness of it all.

Passing thoughts and memories of Xafra bubbling up as she considers her Driftdream.

With a bitter smile, Xafra replies, "That isn’t necessary. I've had a lot of time and was thrown in the deep end, trying to make one person out of 48 terrified fragments."

“So… You’re a complex weaving wrought from a non-organic base, given viscerally separate thought-paths through the natural uniqueness of each individual's Ousia that you’ve absorbed?” I blabber, trying to help us both ignore this little dumping of private thought by the wisps. “All while them still being linked to your mind and considerations? Or… No, this can’t be a true Fold between the Roots. Not unless you’ve managed to crack the efficiency laws of Ousia to Physicality metrics. These are… Would calling them echoes given vibrancy by you be an insult?”

"I'll be honest, I only caught about half that. I don't really know how Witch Arts work, aside from how they've been wielded against me. I can say that my sapience wasn't intended, and that the Geists…" Xafra points at one of the women, "Are only the original set of us and the ten I've chosen to preserve. This place started out as just the room we died in but it was unacceptable for us to keep it that way. The wisps are my thoughts. Hard to keep track of them at times. Some get pruned, others get encouragement. The Geists aren't real, not in a meaningful way, but also are me, at my core, just all of them simultaneously."

I nod along, grip her hand tighter. “I wonder if you’re being unkind to yourself with that explanation.”

Xafra looks over to quirk her head in confusion. "I don't understand." 

I shrug and glance about. “Sorry, I just… Hm… Maybe I’m simply comparing you to other riven souls who had difficulties recognizing their other halves' validity by mistake. They seem very meaningful to you. And you’ve forged so much of yourself both from and for them.” I take a deep breath as I realize I’m blabbering again. “Or maybe I’m reading too much into your words and am just stumbling over myself to say… Thank you. This is nothing but real and wonderful and enthralling and… and a really important part of you, and I’d like to… I don’t know. Convey that.”

"Oh! yeah, I mean that you can't really have a conversation with any of the Geists, it's me in each of them.” She replies easily. “And… You are so very welcome." 

A rustling of sound catches my attention, and I glance over to see two of the gerls here are… Oh. Well I guess that makes sense. Self-love is a skill one must train but… huh. Their positions seem… oddly familiar…

Xafra very deliberately makes a point of not pausing as she leads me past two Geists that are vigorously reenacting the sex we just had, and I can’t help but enjoy the little blush that rises on her face as she keeps us moving, "I should show you the library. It contains all of the knowledge I know. I'm not quite up to sharing everything in there yet, but there may be some useful information that would help."

“That sounds wonderful.” I agree quickly. “And… If I can access my Physis I could try and share some of those books I have. Add them to your collection if you’d like.” 

Xafra pauses, motionless. "I don't ever want you to add things here. It would be too hard, especially now." Her tone is bleak and rife with implied pain.

“Alright.” I move a single step but stop with her. “Is… May I ask why?”

"The only times my partners have been able to add things directly here was... Was the few I was able to incorporate into myself after they died."

“Oh. I… wouldn’t want that either. I think. My… Yes. No. Don’t ever do that to yourself, please.” I huff and turn a bit to look ahead. “Bearing not just the… the pain of the loss but also pieces of them forevermore inside here sounds…”


The idea hurts. It burns such a sour pit into the bottom of my stomach. Wishing… wishing SO much that I’d have better things to give her if such a fate befell me. But… no. 

Only pain would come from her adding anything of me to this wonderful place.

“But!” I interject, cutting the bitter thoughts and turning back to give Xafra what I hope to be a calming smile. “You’ve happened upon such an opportunity by seducing me! Even if it has to be done in a more… mundane fashion once I entice you into grasping it.”

Xafra returns to pulling me along while quipping back, "Me seducing you? Such a fascinating concept, I should endeavor to work on that then."

I can’t help but feel my own blush rise a bit as she leads us past a small inn and a blacksmith shop with four Geists working at the forge and anvil. Beyond it I see a narrow bridge leading to a small gatehouse opening onto an immense pillar that descends at least a Witch's dozen stories into a seemingly endless pit.

"I'm not sure what's down there, it formed alongside the library when I impressed my will into making one."

“That’s fascinating. It’s like the Wisps, but… on a larger scale mayhaps?” I muse while rolling my eyes over the construction and abyss. “This place is yours… but there are parts beyond your direct control. Or… at least not in ways that are immediately apparent?”

"Mmhm, I can influence it, but it changes on its own over time as well."

I nod, “So… what in this library did you want to show me?”

"Well, I have a bit of inherited knowledge about Bondsmith Arts. Never could get them working myself but you might be able to do something with them."

Ancient magics? Real spells from a source that can verify first hand that they work‽ My mentor would have sold half her fortune for this chance... more, honestly if they were being gifted from a gerl like this...

“Xafra…" I can't help but stammer as I feel my eyes go wide. "It is quite impossible for me to impart how valuable of a gift this is.”



Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 




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