A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 69: Nice, as promised. (Blade)

Nice, as promised. (Blade)

Content Warnings:



Days pass without major incidents. I've done my best to give myself time and space to rest and work through my feelings while making time for everyone as well. The Dolls are all working on some sort of secret project involving reams of paper, quill-pens and ink, which causes me to believe that Adaline has decided to branch out more in her story of The Seraph. Rufus and Calix officially started dating and while I haven't transferred ownership, I'm prepared to do so if and when Calix wishes. One of the more quiet Dolls asked for resheathing and a new name, causing me to... reevaluate the process somewhat when the basin broke as Hackt is quite large, but thankfully it came out quite happy with the new Frame, and might be suitable as a Packmate in the future with the way they hear the Vigsang a sort of rising urge to do harm in combat. Mélusine, on Augusta's recommendation, carved a few little reptilian figures for Lynette's Doll and was invited for the first time last night to watch the sky together. With Lynette's permission, I let Petrichor start a small flower garden as a way of helping her calm a bit more and it seems quite happy with the small sprouts that have begun to grow. 


The Pack is doing especially well, with Krahe's excitement being quite contagious and all of them successfully learning how to manage their Wisps and create domains which, after some discussion, they decided to add to my own Driftdream town, making it feel much livelier than before. Adaline's additions in particular are strange, non-magical contraptions that function similarly using Amberin instead of Physis.


Elevar and Lynette are quietly suffering, and while I'm not sure exactly why, I noticed that Calix's emotions seemed to soothe and become much more regulated shortly before they started having issues. They also haven't shared more, but I'm hoping that changes after we remove Lynette's Garrote, and try to do the same for mine.


I make my way to Elevar's Spire after a difficult conversation with one of the Dolls who decided to change their name to  Gebetshure and wanted permission to set up a system of worship and appeasement for the Divines. Knowing their... proclivities, I had begged off making a decision until after the meeting with the Sun-blessed and the priest in Lyesgarthe.


I thrum a quick song of focus and concentration to clear my head before I reach out to Elevar, [My Witchling, I'm here.]


{Upper Study, as always.} She replies quickly and evenly.


We still haven't talked about it. But... Things will likely change once this is done. And... I hope it's for the better.


I walk up the stairs slowly, pondering the possible outcomes, both for Lynette, and myself. In the study, Adaline stands near an ephemeral map of Elevar's body, bending it in ways that defy conventional logic as she traces the path of the Garrote through bones, up through the spine and into the cortex before sliding dreamways. There's a part of me that snarls with sheer loathing that something of me, offered to grant freedom, was turned into a canvas to dominate another. I isolate that part for later examination as I continue looking about the room. Elevar is wearing a sleeveless top, woven to properly keep the Garrote visible and has mirrors set to reflect it and allow her to look carefully over it. My... Other Mistress perhaps? stands beside her as they discuss the working with Adaline.


"I still think the hooks woven into the Ousia have to be mapped out better." Elevar is murmuring as I arrive.


I don't quite understand the need, as the collaring method would render any hooks in the Ousia futile during the process, but stay silent and wait for the explanation.


"They're mapped out to less than a hair's width. I'm not certain how much more precise you expect Xafra to be than that?" Adaline counters.


"From how easily she mimicked and altered my Blasenplage? As precise as needed. This isn't some rope to be tugged free, it's... like a weed. Or a swarm of insects. If even one survives it could be set to nesting and regrowing. Slowly, for certain, but mangled and..." She sighs to Adaline. "We've seen first-hand what leftover hooks like that can do to a person over time. The corrosive Weave you've been developing should clear out the fragments, much like the Old Cunt did to unwanted hair, but... there could be overgrown bits nestled beneath deeper parts. Could grow backways even."


"Backways?" Lynette snorts, eyeing Adaline with an exasperated and knowing look. "Dear, if you managed to make something that evasive and persistent then we might as well have the entire mess of Flesh and Ousia replaced. And NO, before you consider that, just... no. For so many reasons. Ones I will not spend time nurturing your endless anxieties over.”


"Are these final worries, or do we need to delay things?" I ask, uncertain how significant the issue is.


Elevar glances at me through the mirror, smiles a little through pursed lips. My question seems to wash something away before she nods and sighs. "Final worries, of course. Even if something is missed we can find and remove it later. Just... an old Witch babbling her desires for a perfect world without deadlines and ever approaching obligations. Adaline's already turned what should have been years of work into barely a week with her alterations and improvements of the Physis mapping you used during my surgery.”


"Good. I think when you do eventually get old, you'll age gracefully dear. You're in the prime of your life. Now, I'm assuming someone wants to walk me through the process?" I respond with a hint of mirth.


Elevar snorts, but lets me feel the joy my words spark as she nods to Lynette.


"This weaving Adaline wove through the bond maps out the Garrote as it is. Down to the fraction of a heartbeat. You, Adaline, and myself will use this in addition to any senses you wish to unravel your designated sections." Lynette smirks and motions while a packet of information is shared down the bond to me. "The tricky part, is that you need to treat this like a delicate ball of tangled yarn. Only to be snipped at the precise moment we're all prepared. Then... Adaline burns the spots about the Ousia Hooks, and we jerk the mess free and tend to any bodily harm doing so inflicts. Messy, but... straightforward."


"Okay, most of that makes sense, but... why are we worried about the Ousia being used to feed the Garrote?" I ask with genuine confusion.


"Obviously because SHE'LL DIE if it eats it all and it's not like we can just..." Adaline starts on a tear then realizes the source of my confusion. "Why is the least educated individual in the room the one with the best solution for the problem?”


"Because those with raw unbridled talent rarely need to be taught how to solve their problems, and this old blade didn't receive the wonderful teachings we did, dear one." Lynette cackles, bubbling sarcastic mirth down the bond. "Elevar wove efficient, cascading costs into this Garrote. Worried I'd use the Estate's reserves to do just that. And... we'd really rather not have Xafra expend her Wellspring when being careful costs us nothing but time and annoyance. She'll be here to offer her's in the event of surprises or mistakes.”


"No no, the obvious solution is to just..." with a rapid motion she crosses the room to brush a fingertip against Elevar and whisper "Gnadenhalsband" causing Lynette's projection to vanish as a collar forms around Elevar's neck. "There. Twice as fast, no Quill cost, and named. Someone needs to share that memory with Lynette because she's gonna be so mad at me.”


Elevar twitches, stumbling forward and needing to catch herself on the wall. Gasping for breath as the tether goes slack.


"Adaline, while that was what I was considering, you need to ask first." I grip the weaving and simply melt it away, undoing the process as it was designed to be released.


I look around in confusion as I realize that I cannot feel any of the Dolls except for the Pack.


Adaline apologizes, "I'm so sorry, I didn't think"—




Elevar is a mess, on her knees, forehead to the mirror, gasping for air as her Stitching steams, glows like a fire, and bubbles angrily.


I reach out to her as footsteps approach from the hall and—




Augusta is kneeling in front of Elevar, her form dissipating like smoke in the wind.


Adaline is sobbing as she pulls at my hands, Quill-song screaming <Negat—




Lynette is looking at me with pity as she walks to the door, Elevar breathing heavily and crawling towards me as I drop to my knees. Adaline jumps out the window covered in—




Adaline stumbles in from the window, looking behind me with fear. My bonds are filled with desperation and anxiety from all of my Dolls. Elevar is right in front of me with a hand on my face and quietly weeping. 


"Sweethearts, are you okay?" I ask softly.


Elevar simply shakes her head, unable to form words.


Lynette cackles, and her form shifts. Shows a haggardness shared with her headmate as the thorn tattoos still. Expression settling to the exhausted mirth. "Cracked and Riven Moon, Adaline. Next time warn a gerl before trying to collar her! That was two heartbeats from becoming a problem.”


Adaline nods and responds fearfully, "Yes Miss Lynette, Sorry Miss Lynette.”


"Impressive, of course." Lynette smirks, seeming... completely oblivious to Elevar's distress as she walks past to lean against the desk. "And the name is perfect, the casting deft, I have no corrections other than... well of course be careful who you attempt to bind. Out on the Root Ways we'd be in a spot of trouble but here, on the grounds, it's just a hiccup until this place reacts. And does it bind Nomos as well? I couldn't tell but that could be useful..."


Elevar tries to gulp in air, to twist words from her lips. Shakes her head and refocuses on me while struggling with the bond. Other hand moving to dig nails into her thigh flesh in a tittering attempt gather focus from the Pain. Every emotion seems to hitch and sputter about the tether woven to block... something from reaching all others.


Then the Pack is at the Balcony. Verbess and Krahe cracked fully into their combat forms to bracket Adaline as eyes and Quills thrum in high-pitched warning. My Mistress' Doll moving to loom over us protectively as Quills scream warnings of violence unending while it stares at the door. Krahe slinking between Adaline and Lynette, Quills echoing her Pack Sister's song.


"Don't bother, Verbess." Lynette sighs. "Its muppet is wandering back below.”


"Okay. I don't know what just occurred, not really, but... suffice it to say I would rather not have it happened again." Even as I speak, Warden backfills my memories with things I can understand. The Estate reacted, sealed us in. Augusta somehow arrived to calm Elevar. Lynette stopped the Estate from attacking. Simple concepts that feel... insufficient for the horror I felt in those brief flashes. "Nevermind, Warden filled me in. Okay. We should proceed if everyone is still willing. There's... I feel an odd strain. Best not wait.”


"I'm still woven iron, and once this Pack stops panicking like a flock of frightened children we should be free to begin." Lynette shrugs. 


I address the casual cruelty first, "Lynette, I would remind you simply that being polite is free, whereas curtness and dismissive attitudes can cost one much. I know you think the rest of us are too... Soft, quick to trust, pathetically vulnerable perhaps, but it has taken the realizations born from oceans of blood spilt to be willing to try. Elevar considers herself a monster when even Schatzi has slain or ruined a magnitude more than her. Just.... keep that in mind going forward, please.”


Lynette tilts her head, regarding me with an almost... victorious smirk while seeming to absorb my anger that reaches her through the bond. "Well... if only because you asked so kindly.”


Elevar nods, but not to any of us, seeming to struggle to speak again before–


{Blasenplage} And the room is bathed in her spell. Drowned in tittering deadly bubbles in the shape of a thought plague. But... none of it so much as nibbles at even a mote of dust, much less my Pack. Whatever target she wove into the working is absent from the room. And then the spell dissipates as she uses one of Verbess' limbs to help her rise.


Then she leans down to grip my wrist, pulling me to stand. Tugs us past Verbess and Krahe to stand before Adaline. Whispers softly to us both as my Pack hovers protectively. "I'm s– so sorry.”


"No, Elevar, Xafra was right, I should have asked first. Didn't even consider that there would be a response, let alone one of that severity." Adaline responds quietly to my Mistress.


Elevar shakes her head at Adaline and steps back. Moves toward an odd chair kept in the corner. One with the back reversed so she can lean forward comfortably while we work. "Should have warned you the day we saw that spell." She continues to murmur as she drags it out and moves it in front of the mirrors. "Was a brilliant idea. Impressive weaving. Good to know you have it ready in case... in case." She shakes her head, then sits. "I'm sorry, it sounds like Lynette's being insufferable about this. I can feel her manifesting but... hard to think past the... the things. Already needed to be separated for this. Just trusting her. Letting her make her own mistakes while I gather up the mess and keep it from muddling this.”


Oh Lynette, if you push me, I will make you suffer by taking the only thing that's truly yours. 


My rage peaks for a moment and I try to push it away, distract myself with what Adaline saying to my Witch—




"Alright, let's... lets. heh." I chuckle, ready to get this over with.


Elevar weaves what I know to be that working of paralysis, the spell to keep her from 'thrashing about' under pain, while Verbess and Krahe pull back to hover close. Quills quieting to soft songs of watchful support tinted with anxious worry.


“Alright, bring up that wonderful mapping, everyone attend to your sections, and let's begin untangling this…” Lynette dictates.


I scan over the diagrams and instructions once more, the anger cooling into a dispassionate apathy as I recall Geist 51's Curanos training, her precision, and her exacting standards before shifting into my arms into the form she had me take to assist her in work. The strain stops and yet it feels like I'm not quite 100% present anymore.


We begin the untangling process, gripping the weave of iron within her body and carefully twisting and pulling it to loosen the razor thin lines of metal that defile such a lovely specimen. Yet the subject keeps triggering the paralysis weave, which frankly just feels insulting to the point that I pause, holding everything in place to consult.


“This method is highly inefficient, if you cannot handle the pain, it would make more sense for me to simply block it. As a Curanos, I find the idea of simply using paralysis instead of analgesic to be the recourse of back-alley butchers and not any sort of professional worth mentioning.”


Her expression is odd as she gazes at me through the mirror. Confusion sparking through pain-drunk features. "Wh- what? X- Xafra? I... What?"


Lynette chuckles softly, whispering. "Oh isn't that a neat trick..."


Elevar doesn't move from her frozen position, worried about disrupting our work no doubt, and instead blinks a few times. "I'm not... It's... It's fine. Apologies. Should be able to handle this better. Will throttle this. Is... your voice seems different. Are you alright? Or am I just mishearing?”


"I am to be referred to as Curanos, as I did not go through a decade long apprenticeship to be treated as anything less, especially during a delicate surgery. There's nothing wrong with my voice and that is far from relevant to the current issue. If you insist on maintaining the current process, fine.” Without waiting for a reply I turn to regard my assistant. “Now, Adaline, pet, if you're going to assist you need to focus, none of that slack jawed nonsense, if you lose grip on a single one of the hooks, we will have words after, and they will not be pleasant.”


Adaline straightens immediately and turns back to Elevar, concentrating on her task as she should.


I return to the work with a withering look to Lynette as she smirks and does the same. She should know better than to speak up when she's not needed. Disgusting thing. 


That's not right...


I push away the thought and continue the work, completing the initial stage quickly without problems despite the substandard assistants. The weaving wriggles and flexes, trying to burrow back into my property like an infestation. Repugnant.


"I will handle this next part. Any errors are unacceptable.”


Lynette and Adaline both pull back as I sheath the weaving in my Ousia. Before I can continue, the patient interrupts with a nearly incoherent request to know what the change is.


"Tearing a length of iron this size out of your body will do significant harm, much more than necessary. I am simply going to tidy up and remove the mess without any need for an evasive process. Do I have your consent?”


Her gaze finds mine in the mirror, a searching mess of fear and pain and something else. "W- we can... But... Why would you... I don't..." She closes her eyes and seems to grip the chair tighter, babbling quietly. "I... I don't know. I worry you're missing something... and we need to seal it in a Cradle straight after. You can't eat it. Not like the others. It... it's... it could... It's a vile thing and I'm sorry I wove it but I... I don't want you to suffer for it but you already are and... and I... I can't think well." Elevar pauses, takes a deep and painful breath, then whispers, almost like she's talking past me. "Does my Xafra think this will work?”


I look at her in confusion, reality pulling back into focus as my emotions return and I feel distinctly uncomfortable with the thoughts I was having.


"Yes, Mistress." I respond with confidence. "I am certain it will.”


Elevar relaxes greatly at my words, settling head to rest against her arms. Focusing on steadying the words spoken. "Then yes, always, my Xafra. Just... make sure I or Adaline or Lynette can replicate it. Half the reason I promised this was to test and record for yours. If not... It's just wretched flesh, if it needs to tear then let it.”


I nod and spin out three copies of a detailed analysis and rationale behind the spellweave I'm about to use, sending one towards each of them. Then with undivided attention, I concentrate on the held Weave and Iron. "Vermin Hunt" between one moment and the next it is transposed from inside Elevar's body to being held in my clenched fist.


Lynette's Physis manifestation dissolves instantly, then Elevar flinches, hard, and…


Then such a giggling bubbles out from her lips.


Then Lynette jerks them about and cackles {Eindämmung}. And like with the bones infected with Moonwaste a twisting mess of Ousia and Physis and Spire woven wood up towards the squirming Garrote. Wrapping it in a cradle like done with Elevar's bones. But... smaller, also heavier and thicker.


After a heartbeat, Lynette slumps back with a mess of confusion and glee and exhaustion on her face, still chortling.


"That was... disconcerting, but I'm glad it's done." I say honestly as my arms shift back to their Doll form. "Good work everyone.”


"Wonderful. Deftly exacted and woven and with a touch of... of..." Lynette trails off, grin turning confused. "I... I'm... oh... oh that's... I didn't realize how numb everything was before. Didn't brace for the... And it's..." She looks down at herself, expression twisted in pain and revulsion. "Oh... oh that's... what she was talking about... Never made sense before. Thought it was just... just the miscast. But it wasn't. The roots did twist backways. Cracked and Riven Moon. That's going to be a mess to fix.”


"Miscast?" Adaline asks quietly.


"Of our Fleischbrecher." Lynette murmurs absently, looking down at herself. "The Old Cunt left some hooks in the poor boy. And it's all simple useless butchery if you can't twist things back. So we did, repaired the spiteful things, but it miscast and rolled backways. As Elevar knew it would. Thought the mess would fade since we weren't the target. It didn't. She just... told me to push through the echoes until we could..." She pauses, shakes her head. "But the stupid Half-Knit knows that won't work either. Just... just... This is wretched! Literally worse than when we first came here!”


"How can we help?" I ask.


"Help? I... I'm not sure where to even..." She glances up, and seems to consider the question. But soon her expression turns confused with every passing heartbeat until she looks back down at herself. "I didn't realize how numb everything was before. Didn't brace for the Fleshspite I'd feel after the Garrote wasn't blocking..." A heartbeat, then she spits and growls. "Cracked and Riven Moon. I'm spinning backways. Moonshite. What was the question? Help? How can you help? I have no idea because I'm not even allowed to know what Yselda did! Moonshite. Schatzi, dear one. How long did it take Elevar to recover after her last miscast of our Fleischbrecher? She said she was trying to find and untangle people we inflicted with it this past decade? There was plenty for her to fix and chart the... to... oh."


Her face goes pale, and she swallows in realization of something.


"Lynette, unless you give me a good reason why not, I'm going to throw you both in the mud for the ritual because I don't like seeing you two suffering.” I threaten her in concern.


She pauses, then giggles painfully. "You did tell her that she'd appreciate your Mud by the end of things. Let's just hope it can accommodate for two.”


"Will take a bit more effort on my part but considering you already have the Breath, I'm prepared." Without pausing, I pick Lynette up in my arms and send word ahead once more for Primrose and Nettle to get things ready at the workshop Spire I converted over the last few days to be a resheathing Spire.


Lynette goes stiff in my arms, then relaxes a touch. "Cracked and Riven desires, aren't you accommodating and bold tonight?”


"Accommodating and bold is a good look for me I think." I murmur with a grin.


When we arrive, Primrose, Nettle, and a few of the other dolls have already started filling the new basin with the alchemical fluids and the clean dirt to make what many of them have taken to playfully, and somewhat accurately, call miracle mud.


"Oh that doesn't look so terrible, it's heated. Right?" Lynette murmurs as she eyes the room and basin. "And no pain from the endeavor? I don't recall Dolls wailing in agony. And... that's both a relief and a disappointment. Carving flesh into better shapes was the best part of the process, but the Fleshspite ruins it a touch.”


"Yes, it's heated and Dear, I'll carve all those pretty vines and leaves into your form by hand afterwards." I laugh


"Oh? Wouldn't that be nice." She cackles as I carry her over. "You'll have to explain the why behind them, perhaps even work over whatever odd shapes this mud decides best suits us…”


"Of course. Now, being a proper and respectful weapon, I will ask, would you like company during the process or to be left alone after I begin the ritual?” While talking with her I notice that Augusta isn't present which… is rather unusual, as she's been at nearly all of these but put it out of my mind.


"Hm? Oh. Here. Of course. I'll not rob you of the chance to see me all a mess and..." She pauses, her delight fading a touch as her voice drops. "Elevar will need you. She's... I can't... It's like when she was looking for Yselda's needle and wandered back up into her study and bedchambers. I think I can push her to the front but when she's like this I can barely even talk to her. When memories forbidden to me are the topic of her thoughts, and with no hooked curtain between now... It's almost like she's gone. But mostly to me because I know exactly where she is but I can't look too hard in that place without the Estate backwashing it all.”


"I think I can relate. It felt like something similar happened to me earlier, truthfully." Once the Dolls have left, I wrap this cutie in Ousia and Vermin Hunt her clothes into my hand so I can drop her directly into the basin. 


She sputters and flails at the sudden change of it. But settles quickly.


"Do your best to relax and focus on your ideal self, I'll be here the whole time." I promise.


"Is that how this works?" Lynette chuckles, adjusting to get comfortable while wiping away some splattered mud off her face. "No... no weaving it or charting it or... or planning? Just... think think think really softly about the form? Hope it comes out right?”


"There's a... Prayer and Offering component. It's a sympathetic ritual that harkens back to the creation of humans by Dämmerung. I've never seen it come out wrong, except the one time recently with myself as my... ideal self is a composite, which is what allows me to use the ritual multiple times to make more forms." I explain, prepared for the rejection.


She pauses, then glances over, eyes glimmering. "Allagaí... Meaning trade. Makes sense. Everything comes at a cost. And honestly... we're no stranger to paying for our form. Be it with pain or pleasure, and your godling seems to barter fairly. What will we need to do or give?”


"A small amount of Physis. It starts the process and consumes a bit steadily as the ritual runs its course.”


She raises her hand up from beneath the mud, begins to focus Physis before...


"I..." Lynette pauses, a look of worry crosses her face. "I don't want to start this without her. Could... I want to... I'm sure she's a mess and I don't know what she's thinking but... This is her body. Doing this without her present and communicating feels... incorrect. Don't want this Godling to shift us from one wretched form into another that half of us hates. Can you help Elevar if I can shove her back up? I... I sort of pushed her down when the Garrote was out, needing to seal the thing and having no interest in her falling to pieces but... We've not spoken since before Adaline used her Einwandfrei on us.”


"Of course. You give her a boost and I'll catch her. Thank you." I feel a strong sense of relief that she suggests what I was going to insist on, and ready myself to help my mess of a Witchling.


Lynette nods, takes a breath. Seeming to consider inwardly for at least a dozen heartbeats. Then she shifts. Moves with a blank expression to lean against the side of the tub closest to me, almost like... a puppet on strings following another's considerations. Resting chin and head over arm before...


She blinks, then goes from looking a bit tired to... exhausted. Despite any lack of moisture like she's been weeping but is now simply... too spent to do even that. Eyes falling to stare at the Root floor. Another heartbeat passes, then with a few trembling fingers she hooks the end of the lead attached to my collar and pulls it up to grip close. 


"Hi love." Elevar whispers so softly, it can barely even be considered spoken words.


"Heya. You've been carrying a heavier burden then you deserve darling, for much longer than anyone would expect. It's time to set it down, my Mate." I whisper back, respecting the quiet.


She smiles sadly, shakes head weakly. "I always lied to myself before she... she betrayed me. Really was such a hypocrite. Said no one deserves anything while trying to burn the world down out of petty spite for what it refused to give me. Spent years doing it, too. Not just to people I knew made it like this for sorts like me. No. I'd cast that wretched spell on random people who annoyed me, even a few Half-Knits. Let them boil under the Fleshspite and leave them to never understand that pain. Tried to find them all later and... and remove it. Paid the cost happily each time. I deserve every backways root that's grown from this." She takes a deep breath, lets it out. "But... she doesn't. Not really. Hoped the Estate's bond would protect Lynette if I pulled back. Made sure to muffle the echoes. But... of course not.”


"We are partners, yes?”


She goes still, lets her gaze dance up towards mine. "Yes. For as long as you'll have me, and longer still if you need me.”


"Then we will be treated equally, fairly. No form but those that feels comfortable, No harming oneself, certainly no binding oneself to a lifetime of pain out of a need for penance. You would not accept any of those from me, and I won't accept them from you, okay?”


She considers that for a few heartbeats before speaking.


"It was more that I didn't really... know how to fix it. Before I came back here with you. The... what word? Penance? The cost? It seemed... correct. Weighted. Then I wove that binding about Lynette and..." She winces at something, then nods. "But... No excuses. Okay. Yes. I... I should have told you about this before helping Calix. It was stupid. Just... Rufus told me what Yselda did to him and about the leftover hooks and I acted on impulse. My discomfort just... didn't seem important. I'm sorry. Because you're right, of course. We're partners. Our pain is shared, no matter how well we try to hide it.”


"Thank you. Will you allow me to help you both in this? Please." I ask gently. I know how hard it is to accept help when you've carried a burden for so long.


"Okay." Elevar nods, voice dropping back to a whisper as her posture seems to shift. Adopting more of the steady nature from before. "I... We'd like that. Yes.”


"Alright, from my experience resheathing polysouled individuals, the more time you spend during the ritual with both of you present, the faster it will go, and you will both have your own separate form, accessible without issue because of the Breath, the Allagaí. " I inform my beloved.


She listens carefully, considering my words before taking a deep breath and murmuring, "Eyes forward. C'mon, focus on... on what comes next." Then a pause, and they shiver despite the warmth as I feel Lynette bubble up to murmur. "It's... not perfect. Feels like an infected wound. Need to clean the mess of it all but..."


"Fleshspite muddles this..." Elevar seems to whisper through.


"Snatches her away from me...." Lynette muses.


"Brings up all the..." Elevar continues.


"Memories I'm not allowed to see..." Lynette huffs.


Then they slump back in the tub, but keep eyes locked on me. "We thought the Garrote was just locking away certain things but it... it separated us. Made it harder to mingle. Like a hooked net between this pairing. Have to both reach through to touch and pull away with the hooks tearing either way. Now that's gone. We're... it's better. Or should be? When we're thinking along the same pathways? Which isn't always but can be when we need it to be?”


"That makes sense I think. My mind works... strangely, of course, so I can't relate exactly. Shall we begin?”


They nod, lifting both hands from the mud. Each bubbling with Physis linked to a separate woman in offering. Then they cup hands together, and let the two entwine and mix. "Is this alright?”


"Certainly." With a smile, I begin the ritual, intoning the prayer in Terék as usual and using my own Physis to direct theirs into the alchemical fluid that gives off a subtle brief glow as it absorbs the Physis and creates tiny siphons to continue the process, easily severed if needed.


They watch me with rapt attention, mostly in curiosity to the process and words, but... also with a focus on me and my emotions during the start. 


When it comes time to "Hurry up and wait." As Elevar chuckles, they take to silence, but for only a few dozen heartbeats before musing aloud.


"Don't tell anyone this, especially Adaline, but we really are like sisters." They sigh as a smirk touches their lips. Then decide to fully lean back and relax while half-glaring up at the ceiling. "Cracked and Riven Moon, we can focus on that annoyance instead as the Fleshspite bites. Why we hate that term for us. Our sisters were... were horrid. Only liked one and... and he got himself Dollified to become himself. Thank the Hag and her rotting tits we found him and got that one a new home our third time out from this place. Told his new keepers that if we ever came back and found him hurt or falling into disfunction we'd ensure they suffered everything a wrothful Witch can bubble forth. Never told Yselda about that. She would have been so... herself. About it. About him. Us caring about a kind sibling, much less a Doll."


“We’ll get him, and his keepers if they're worthy.” I respond with concern.


My Witchlings' eyes seem to glaze over, and they keep babbling. "Roots growing backways... Such a confusing way to phrase it until we showed ourselves the idea." Fingers rise up, covered in muck that refuses to fall away, while Physis sparks and entwines about sculpting their words into a visual depiction. "Like if you uprooted a tree and the dirt started sprouting up in some kind of... grim mockery of the old plant. Stupid dirt doesn't even remember what the tree looked like. Because how could it? It just held the tree's roots until someone tore it away. But the fool gerls don't know how to want anything but the old tree. Can't even consider settling flat and growing something better. The only thing to do is wait... and hope the dirt stops being stupid...."


They crush the ugly mud to dribbling mulch and lower their hands back beneath the surface. "What to do? What to do? Till the meat? Drown the backway growth? Otherwise break the mess apart and let Xafra's ritual sort out the mess? No. We should ask her. She'd be SO upset if we did something stupid again, and she's smarter than she realizes. In all the right ways too. Is only stupid when it comes to... to herself. And that's not even her doing. Wretched sorts never let her bloom fully into the absolute treasure she is. She, like most Half-Knits, had to do that on her own. But... We need to make sure she's okay. She's... taken on a lot of burdens for us. And... oh. Well isn't that an idea....?"


They giggle. Eyes begin to moisten as they start speaking in a language I don't understand. Still babbling. Unable to hear me, or even really notice my gentle nudges through the bond but... Everything seems to be fine. Just... them talking aloud. And they seem so much more relaxed with every passing word.


As time passes, their flesh grows pale, then begins to peel away. Revealing soft small scaled skin beneath, darker than before. Their eyes shift between two sets. One, a solid midnight crimson without an iris, and the other a bright hypnotic cerulean pattern with an unsettling cluster of triple irides within. But even despite the above, the most notable change is in those six tendrils Elevar made from Ousia that stretch out from her core. Each seems to wither as if being drained of life, before being torn and tugged up to weave about a cluster of small growths mingled through their hair. Each a dark scaled length about... a hand's length long. Twisted and scaled to match what is now a head of deep dark hair that seems to shift between midnight hues. Like vipers hiding among grass.


After a few hours, longer and with more changes than I initially expected, the process finishes and the siphons dissolve. While they continue babbling to themselves, I shift to my Warlord form to lift them up, having felt the strain earlier in my much more fragile Doll form, and carry them to the next room to rinse them clean of shed skin, hair, and the alchemical fluids. Warm water courses over us as I cradle my loves in my arms and scrub them clean with tendrils of Physis.


"We... wait..." The head tendrils twist and writhe as I feel them becoming more aware just as the last bits of old flesh and mud are washed away. Eyes blinking while they cast about. As if blind. Panic starting to bubble up. Hands find my face as tendrils still. Then, after only a heartbeat they lean everything into me bodily. Still pulsing with Dysphoric titters but soothed at pressing close. "Xafra. Where are... Oh. It's done, isn't it?”


"Yes. You're both beautiful, you should know, and that's a fact backed by Dämmerung themself so I know I'm correct." I tease them as I move us towards towels to dry off. I was hoping that the dysphoria would leave with the ritual but it seems only the body dysphoria did, not the mental dysphoria from the backlash…


They giggle at my words. "Thank you. That... we're still trying to adjust to the physical of the mess. Will take a few heartbeats to..." They go still. Odd triple iris gaze locking on one of my arms. The dark orbs surrounded by cerulean within seeming to twist and roll a bit. "Oh. Xafra you... the weaving of your flesh is marvelous. Each piece entwined perfectly to twist and move together like water but strong as... as something. Not quite iron but... close. Near enough. But still soft as silks."


I laugh in sudden realization. “Your eyes are like that of a hunting avian. You need to relax them to focus on a wider area, my loves.”


"Oh. Well that makes some manner of sense." They murmur, then take a few deep breaths as they calm. Then turn up to regard me. Going still in my arms as through expression and bond and even a little dance of head tendrils, they smile with such bubbling twinned affections. Seeming lost for a second as eyes widen and seem to explore my face. Whispering gently after another few heartbeats. "You really are an Artist beyond compare... in all things.”


"Thank you... I noticed that while your forms are significantly nicer and better suited for you, the dysphoria from the weaves isn't gone?" I phase my question as a statement, an invitation to explain without pressure.


They nod. "Right. Backways Roots. Nasty and messy and... difficult to quiet. So. Let's... take stock. See what we got before the tides rolled in." 


Then they look down at themselves, go still.


"It... We got the scales!?! And... and the beneath? We knew that should be an ask but... but after today we..." Giggling, their words cut off as all of them seems to almost tremble with delight. Fingers carefully reaching down to touch their glimmering new flesh. "And the eyes... did they..." A subtle sound and their eyes cloud over. Turn that dark midnight crimson hue as their laughter grows. "Oh they work! Cracked and Riven Moon, they work well. Both sets. And easy to switch!?!"


They gently pull free of my arms to stand on their own, only needing my help to stay balanced for a single heartbeat. Flexing hands to reveal talons that easily slip in and out as they murmur. "We went through dozens of possible solutions for the Fleshspite. Tossed twice as many aside while we pulled back and just... let the mud work. Feeding Physis and hoping we would be understood. Which we were. But... Then which was it? Was this beyond the mud and Breath's abilities? None of these new organs are for that. And our mind and Ousia seem the same..."


Their head tendrils bob and weave about as they think. Most seem to nod along to their words as a couple lean toward me. Like... how flowers tilt toward the light. Even... huh. They have some bigger scales on their tips that seem to almost... click and rattle along with my loves' thoughts.


"Mmm. The ritual brings the body in line with the soul and mind. It doesn't affect either. I had hoped what you were suffering from was just an amplification of your existing distress, but it seems these... backways roots are more of a mental trauma than a misalignment. I would suggest perhaps talking with Augusta for advice, as I am no Curanos of the mind.”


"She... Well, even if we thought this was something she could help with she's currently–" As they wince and turn to look up at me, they move too fast, tendrils previously leaning toward me take too long to adjust and end up bumping each other and their face and almost an eye. 


"Wh- what?" They sputter after flinching bodily. Reaching out to touch the tips of the offending limbs. Then they freeze. "Oh. It... are... are these...?" In a wave, the tendrils' scales seem to rattle and click. Emitting a wave of Physis laced with little titters of Ousia to pulse around them.


Music? Similar to Quills but an entirely different instrument. They’re reactive, responding to my Quills…


They shiver bodily and... the Dysphoria seems to lessen. Causing them to huff out another giggle, the scales across their body rippling and glimmering. "Cracked and Riven Moon, that... that's not... supposed to work like th– that.”


"Hmmmm. A serpent's rattles, that's both unexpected and delightful. You silly silly girls.”


"It was stupid, and messy, and..." They murmur and try to turn and adjust to see them, only able to catch the tips of some in their gaze. "And a concept we discarded! This... I mean we can't help but adore them b– but..." A pause, and they look down at themselves again. Filling to bursting with joy at what they see as such a smirk touches their lips. "No one will recognize us like this, will they? We..."


Again, those tendrils click and titter such odd sounds, seeming to weave a thing that when bounced back off my Quills... quiets the Dysphoria biting at the edges of their rising joy. Slowly yet very clearly smothering the pain.


I hand over their clothing and smile at them. "Those here will, as the bond will tell them who you are, except for Rufus. For others, no, you can consider this a fresh start at last, truly. If anything it will make the coming meetings with the Groves easier as a few slight manipulations of the truth will distance you even further from the woman you were and towards the women you are striving to become.”


"Easier in some ways..." They sigh with a smirk, taking the clothes back and beginning to dress. "Messier in others. We'll want to have you teach us how to feast when we're out recovering those letters, but... even that is a risk. We'll seem the newest Matron of Fleshcraft with how we look, and... that by itself will mark us a Half-Knit to them. Which will make them ask how we have such wonderfully full reserves of Ousia if so very changed. And they'll ask about Yselda and us. Want to know what happened. And we'll come up with a devious lie for them while placating their fears. Test who is open to allying with us in the short and long term."


As the shirt falls down to settle, they can't help but pause and look down at themselves. Elevar murmuring through their lips. Separated for the first time since I carried them from the basin. "Oh... I hope the others aren't too... something. About this. Us. We came into this expecting some extra alterations. But not this. We adore this form but... that's not a good indicator of things. And the changing process was a blur and... and what we just... just turned ourselves into the... the monster we wanted to be?"


Dysphoria spikes, but quickly those tendrils are writhing. Clicking and rattling out that odd melody again. Causing them to shiver and reach out to me for support as the dysphoria is smothered.


"Of course. Let's take it from the top. Lynette is, in effect, the newest Matron of Fleshcraft, with all of the prior one’s knowledge. How you did it? You found the source of an old ritual in an Archive. Yselda? Her bones have been burned after you murdered her. Her Floret? Her bones were turned into a simulacrum. You have a Thresher here in good standing who has undergone the ritual himself and can attest to its efficacy. None of those are untrue, simply... creatively leaving out details. As for the others, they're going to be... upset, especially your Doll, because it will be obvious to them what the extreme amount of changes means. That Yselda made you look how she wanted, not how you needed to be. They will feel some guilt, but you will reassure them of course, and try to make it about how terrible you are, then one of us is going to kiss you to knock those silly thoughts out of your head." My heart, artificial as it is, warms when I recognize the melody she is rattling out softly. It is an interpretation of the Quill-Song I wove for her when I claimed her.


"We... The main thrust of that sounds delightful. As we've come to expect from a gerl with your talents." They giggle, reaching down to take up my hand. "There are parts of that we'll need to adjust, but... you're probably right. Or half right. Which is more right than most everyone outside these grounds. Now... let's go let the others absorb this mess so we can... consider the rest of our day?”


"Not... Quite yet, if that's alright. I wanted a moment to discuss something with you both in private now that Lynette's Garrote is removed." I request hesitantly.


"Of course." They speak together.


"I... I... Called you both my Mistresses, and..." I trail off, unable to find the words.


"Yes, but only one of us is that to you." They reach up to lay a hand on my chest as Lynette murmurs. "I... confused things. Before. When we spoke together as one in a moment of fearful anger. I will not apologize, or pretend things won't be confusing at times, but... slips happen when one shares a form with a thing such as me. Don't overmuch worry about them. I will not attempt to claim you due to a sputtered word.”


"I'm sorry. It was deliberate but I understand. My apologies for bringing it up again." I respond woodenly, turning away from them. "I'll gather the Pack now.”


"What?" She hisses and then sputters. "Wh- wait you... But..." 


Something catches, and I look down to see... the lead held taut. By Lynette, with three taloned fingers. And she's openly glaring with clouded over midnight crimson eyes while tendrils writhe and seem to rattle a warning sound. Even scaled skin seems to be bristling. "If it was deliberate. If you meant it and still mean it... Why?"


But through the bond I feel such fear from her, no anger. Along with other strange emotions that are cut off and smothered quickly, albeit messily, as she tries to hide everything deeper than words from me.


"Because you're mine. Because you're nothing like the kind of monster you think you are. Because when you're not trying to save face, you show real compassion and care. Because, you stupid half-knit, if I didn't think you were worth the effort, I wouldn't have accepted your bargain. I Like You, Lynette. I just... hope you can eventually like yourself too.”


Tendrils twitch through my words. Seeming to grow more and more upset, then... go still as I call her a 'stupid half-knit', ending with the limbs seeming to flinch as if slapped at my last words. 


Two heartbeats, then she eyes me up and down, slowly begins to wind the length loosely about her hand and step close. "Those... are all reasons to want to work with me. To build trust and mutual agreements so our child doesn't have warring parents. Mitigate the damage I can do to others while keeping your Mistress safe. Or even to try and help me like some broken Doll or helpless sort. Or just to fuck me or otherwise be fucked by me. All are understandable and acceptable and so very flattering." Her voice drops low, "But none explain why you'd want me as a Mistress. Why, that? We both know that you've a... stupidly unfair history in being claimed by wretched sorts. And now you have Elevar, who is tripping over herself to be their opposite. I not only will never take her from you, but cannot. I've many vicious tendencies, Xafra, but am not a thing that can work without her." She holds the lead up to me with an open hand, an offering. "I... despite my riven nature, do trust you, Dear One. Not with everything. Not all the time. But... enough to embrace the mistakes when that trust produces them. So... Cracked and Riven Moon, think very carefully before you either take this from my grip, or close my fingers about the leash. Because I will twist and break anything and everything, save our daughter, to keep you as mine.”


"Do you think I'm better? Lynette, you haven't seen my cruelty yet. My... Inhumanity. Not everyone I've added to my gestalt was a good person. Not by far. All their sins, their predilections, their urges are mine, carefully maintained and managed. But this misses the point. Claim me, or do not. I've made the offer, I will not make the decision for you." I stop motionlessly, and quiet the bond of my emotions, simply waiting.


"Oh... I so very much want to see your cruelty." She purrs, curling the lead another loop, tendrils beginning to quietly dance and sway to a different tune. "The more I discover the hidden mysteries about you, consider your words and ways, and taste all the futures you mean to inflict on us all? The harder it is to deny my hunger for you. But..." She pauses, looks away in thought while they murmur. "No. No hesitations. Not here. Eyes Forward." 


Then she loops the slack of the leash up and about my neck and shoulders before pulling my head down to hers, gripping the lead tightly now. Whispering softly in aimless twinned Witch Tone that seems to echo and rumble from even the Spire about us. "Yes. By all the infested Threads below that inscribed me, YES! You are MY XAFRA too now. Collared and Claimed. Know our voice, and lay all your needs and burdens and Dreams and desires and regrets upon our shoulders.


My Quills surge into action as I inform the Pack of both the resheathing and my updated relationship with Lynette. Then I lick this disasterpiece of a Witch right across the face.


She sputters in surprise, then shifts to a giggling cackle as they proceed to tug me closer. Pressing lips to mine and fully nibbling at my tongue while tendrils rattle in playful hunger. Growling softly into me. "Empty Skies are we going to enjoy indulging ourselves on you.”


[Goooood, but not here. Take us where you'd like to Indulge?] I recommend, shifting into my Doll form.


As they consider that, weavings of Physis begin to sprout from their new tendrils. Twisting sparking things that titter and claw at the very air around as they spin about my Frame. "Probably our bedroom Chambers. Put that tongue you are so eager to use to Good Function. And..." Free hand's fingers reach up to brush through hair and caress Quills, Elevar murmuring. "I should probably speak to your Pack first. Settle any worries they have and... let them make their own judgments as to this mess.”


"Yes, my Mistresses. Meet you there? I assume at least part is something I'm not able to remember." I mumble, my thoughts failing to manifest through my sheer pleasure at being touched.


"No." They purr, wrapping me tight in arms and tendrils. The tittering clawing nibbling at my Ousia in... such an odd way. Not taking any. Just... tasting as they whisper gently. "Unless you have pressing business to attend to, we're keeping you close. When the conversations gets to those parts we will send you below to wait in our chambers. Let you rest or shower. And... to distract yourself, you can consider how you're going to offload your burdens in the coming days. This weaving you're carrying to keep us all connected and your Pack separate from it is... brilliant. But it needs a new way of being sustained that lets you rest assured that we won't terrify or endanger all our Dear Ones every time we have a scare like today. And when we leave to retrieve those letters the Thorn Wall will block it all besides. New foundations will be built that do not cost our Xafra her focus.”


"Oh." I feel suprise at first that they noticed but swiftly understand that something must have happened to the connection earlier, "Okay, that makes sense I'll... think about that. Thank you.”


"Xafra..." They sigh, but happily, then lean about to gather my small Frame up in their arms with deft ease. Holding me close to their chest while tendrils wrap about me like a blanket. Their rebuilt body so much stronger than before, and able to walk us from this Spire with no more trouble than they might a bundle of cloth. "You will do more than think about it, you will do this. That will be your task. But... one you will share with your wonderful Shelf. There really are a gaggle of little treasures here, with you being the Matron's Gem at their center.”


"I'm just worried that the only real way to do it would be to make a tower on top of one of the Spires capable of—"




"Stop." They command, but softly. "You will remove our Estate from your considerations until we remove your Garrote. Treat it as any still and quiet home along the roots. Is that understood?”


"Yes, my Mistresses." I wribble closer in their arms happily, feeling comfortable and confident in their command.


They take us to their Spire, settling comfortably in a ground floor area with enough seating for the Pack we've yet to call for with me in their lap. Held close and still wrapped in arms and this blanket of lightly nibbling Physis tendrils. Only adjusting so their hand can move to my head and begin gently caressing and playing with hair and Quill.


Both their minds and those new eyes so focused on me. Rolling over my Frame while they seem to chew on and consider the emotions passing down the bond to them. The physical parts of the head tendrils beginning to gently click and rattle our song all around us.


Only after an uncountable amount of time whispering gently. "Thank you, Dear one. For trusting us. For Dreaming us up a better future beyond what we'd considered.”


"You're welcome. Thank you for letting me be a part of this." I respond softly.


With a quiet thrum of my Quills I request that the Pack come join us.


Adaline enters first cautiously looking for something, Quills humming <Seek>, before she shakes her head with a light chuckle and turns to us as the others arrive behind her. "Scales. Real good look on you. You look... much more alive now.”


They both grin, but I feel Elevar's quiet worry melt away to tittering adorations at Adaline's words. "Thank you. We feel... new. In many ways." She stops, takes a heartbeat to steady before nodding toward the chairs while tendrils quiet their little melody. "Will you all be comfortable here? We... if you'd prefer we can move to a different Spire or... or even the broken one? Xafra will be away for part of these talks, of course, but..." She trails off, looking between them.


"Mmhm. This is good. I... Mistress, you... were suffering for a long time, weren't you?" Schatzi asks with concern.


My Mistress' go still for a heartbeat, roiling with a mess of... oddly, fear as they absorb Schatzi's words. An anxious mess that seems to risk Division and separation of their unity but... Then their caresses of my hair, Quills, Ousia, and even outer thighs resume as tendrils begin to sway in thoughtful motions. Still nervous as they begin to chime a soft melody though.


"We've not looked at our reflection yet, but... can assume that even without the scales and eyes and more monstrous adjustments that our form is quite different." Elevar murmurs. "Face and frame twisted like you'd not expect. Suffering seems too kind a word for one who willingly gifted her reknitting to another, especially after I risked so much just to find the Matron of Fleshcrafting. Was disgusted at the idea of Dollification, at least in part, because the Witch weaving me would get a say in my shape. But... I'll adopt a touch of kindness for myself and say… Yes, Dear one. Less so before she betrayed us, but still yes. I compromised my Dreams for the affections of another, and it hurt me. More than I realized it would.”


Warden manifests beside its sisters, tilting its head in a visual display of contemplation. "Observation: Primary User Elevar and Envoy Lynette are Harmonizing. Analyzing... Polysoul resonance detected. Proposal: Upgrade Envoy Lynette status to Secondary User.


Adaline shakes her head slightly. "Not yet... Not until after we talk, we still need answers from Lynette before I'll agree.”


"Clever gerl." Lynette smirks at Adaline. Then they turn to look at me, leaning down to place a soft kiss on the forehead while loosening their grip. "And this, love, is where you shall depart. We think.”







SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

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Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


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Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

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