A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 70: We Can’t Be Everything To Anyone, So We Brought Your Sisters (Witch)

We Can’t Be Everything To Anyone, So We Brought Your Sisters (Witch)

Content Warnings:




It’s so… frustrating. Honestly. Lucky as a Stormless Summer, but… infuriatingly irksome.


Two Garrotes. One laid at the base of everything upon the ritual of her creation. Both an initial anchor and leash to keep her from dissipating or wandering off or…


Or knowing more about herself.


The worst part is how very familiar it seems. Even if it is sloppy. 


Our Estate does this so much better.


As for the second and truly enraging thing… We are so very tempted to just dig into the weaving right here and now. Really put these ravenously delightful new Physis tendrils through their paces. The Dirt Godling made them in us, for her, after all.


Part of us sighs. We don’t know that. Haven’t the slightest idea how much of these are our messy desires given form or… or intentional crafting of Dämmerung.


It feels SO right though! The other part hisses while focusing on what we feel. We TASTE it, better than even our perceptive Warden sees it! This… ugly thing of Sins and Crimes and even horrid demands for self destruction. As wretched as any Garrote we’ve seen and twice as sloppy. I’d take to old ways and weavings if I ever met the cunt who made it, and that’s just for how poor the threads of it are!!! I’d do WORSE because of which gerl it strangles.


 My closely mingled headmate sighs. Elevar…


FINE! I sigh and return us to recording all the new information we’re tasting. Fine. You’re right. Of course. I just didn’t… didn’t expect you to be opposed to it.


Lynette scoffs. To split second and rash decisions about the removal of ancient and volatile workings about OUR beloved? Are you joking? For mine, messiness was acceptable because Xafra was there to clean us up. For this? If we mess up she may not be able to help. 


I sigh and relent. Yes. Fine. Of course.


We finish helping Xafra up from our lap and embraces. Taking the leash and looping it about her shoulders to hang loosely before finally releasing it. Carefully and deliberately letting each tendril give her one last little nibble of a kiss upon her Ousia before dissipating. Brush fingers through her hair and along Quills and…




We smirk at how hard it is to let our Xafra go. Let her feel our love and watchful adorations and even possessiveness as one final press of lips is laid atop this small Frame’s brow before we nudge her toward the stairs to our lower chambers.


Then we settle back into the oversoft cushions to regard our Pack.


Yes. Ours. Lynette insists. And… I pointedly don’t take up that opportunity for distraction and possibly division to ensure she means that in the right way. 


“Alright, Dear Ones.” We say to them. “Ask your questions.”


Adaline sits on a cushion and twitches, Quills shuddering with a slight [Blasenplage] before she relaxes enough to look at us. "The... Response. Whatever you wish to call it, from when Krahe's Frame was made. You know more than you said. I know this to be factual. You will tell us."


I can’t help but feel our heart flutter at seeing her use that weaving. It… also aches at it. Haunted still by the future we failed to see cultivated when attempting to craft it. But that’s something our tendrils little pulsing interest in her words quiet.


"Oh? I will?" Lynette smirks through our lips, then pauses. Considering Adaline for a moment before nodding with head and tendrils. Our song stilling to silence. "Yes. I will share the aspects that pertain to this Pack. But to do this I must edit and... parse out information. Simplify things. If you feel I am withholding knowledge it is because you would not understand it, or I simply don't think it is worth either of our time or energy to try. Is that acceptable?"


Adaline looks over to Verbess, Quills twitching in a song deliberately out of our range of perception.


Verbess thrums in answer, moving to stand behind and over Adaline. Eyes regarding us with such an odd mix of fury and... other complicated things as Quills twitch and dance.


"Yes. That is acceptable." Adaline finally says.


We hide our anxiety over that exchange. Instead letting Lynette nod and continue. "Good. So. Firstly, understand that Nomos isn't like Ousia or Physis. Think of it like you would a piece of parchment, filled with all sorts of markings. The Nomos that returned bore extra... weight. To it.  What this Estate tasted, and I use that word quite deliberately because to do otherwise would risk infection, was the equivalent of extra pages. And from my limited ability to actually comprehend Quill-Song with precision... it seemed to bear them. This was implied or guessed at before. What wasn't, was that the Nomos bore the metaphorical equivalent of blank pages. Not Empty Nomos, mind you well, but what I suspect was how Sun-Blessed request immediate reply. My assessment, is that there are not just Sun-Blessed who know Quill-Song, but that also... recognized This Pack's melody the second it touched the Godling's aura. Were talking to each other about what their Godling was hearing and sending back to them. This has not stopped since that day."


Of the Pack, Warden is the first to react or respond. "Progenitor Proverb: We leave none behind, ever. Assessing... Complete. Query: This was not disclosed to prevent loss of Good Function in Pack Lead Xafra?"


"Just so." Lynette tilts our head at Warden, "And to keep this Pack from doing something so very stupid. Or demanding me to aid in the folly. Because she and Dolls in general are immune to Sun-Blessed spores. But... your Quill-Song might be a vector for infection. And I'd rather not have Xafra, especially while still Garroted, attempting to decipher Nomos or Harmonize with Sun-Blessed because she wants to help this Pack reunite with long lost Sisters. We have other tasks." Our unity trembles as she closes off a part of herself to me. Takes two heartbeats to stabilize and speak again. Our tendrils beginning to twist out a soft little song. "There. That's..." 


But she trails off as Verbess lets out a low humming tune of anger.


"You could decipher the song within the Nomos." It states.


Lynette stills, and our connection goes taught as she whispers. "Even if I could, I wouldn't."


It has been years since that one has glared at me properly, and... even if there are other more interesting memories adjacent it still hurts to see. We may not flinch but our tendrils do begin to rattle a thing of warning to it.


I slip past Lynette to still them right quick and murmur softly. "It's too much of a risk, regardless if we think she can do it. Which... I'm not sure about that. Nomos is dangerous and tricky. And we'll be going to meet the Sun-Blessed anyway. We can ask them."


Verbess calms at my words, turns head to glance down at Adaline from where it looms. Quills tittering in private conversation.


Adaline seems to accept the answer. "It is a risk, and we should talk to the Sun-Blessed first. But I have... two more questions for Lynette." Her Quill-song hums of hesitancy and impropriety.


Lynette looks between them, then nods. "Only two? I expected a dozen. But... Of course. Let's hear them."


"That's not how trust works, Lynette, and that's what Warden is proposing, simply using heuristics instead of instinct. Warden logs discrepancies, tics, omissions, reaction time, even heart rate, all useful in certain situations, but... not enough here. We know you hold back information, that you have your own goals, and with your connection to the Estate you are... compromised in some regards. All of that is acceptable." Adaline glances to Krahe in concern and takes a breath.


Krahe shuffles, intones her own Quill songs of support to Adaline's words, but otherwise remains as prone to motion as since the day she got a Frame. Albeit with more nervousness in this Spire and around Lynette.


"But...?" Lynette prompts gently. "You can be more than honest with me, Adaline. Especially now. This home will never be a threat to you again, and if you need to level harsh words, then do so. Warden's offer is well-calculated, but... it is wrong in as many ways as it is correct. Elevar and I are not Harmonizing. We are.... doing something adjacent. Something less pretty. So if you withhold consent, then it will be Good Function to not adjust my status within. And if you find my answers... unfulfilling, I will not hold it against you or consider it a slight."


Adaline nods, then speaks. "To my knowledge, you have yet to give our Pack lead an answer to one of the very first question she asked you, and yet she is yours now as well. As her property and her Pack sister, I will ask in her place. Do you consider Xafra a person?"


"To my memory... she asked if she was a woman. To which I told her I did, last I was informed." Lynette smirks while tittering tendrils in amusement, then stilling them. "But I will not dwell on the technical when the spirit of the question is so much more enthralling. A person? Do I consider our Xafra a person?" Lynette considers for a heartbeat, then murmurs carefully. "I suppose it depends on how one defines that word. Could you do me the respect of gifting me your definition of person? So that I can use it as a baseline to consider from? Ensure we don't tumble into misunderstandings?"


Adaline flinches. "Fine. I should have expected simple cruelty and misdirection. Last question. What are your plans for Krahe?"


Lynette goes still, what was a bubbling interest knifed to the heart and now a bleeding wound of surprised pain. "Adaline I... This... question is complicated. And to give you a refraction of your question, I'm disallowed from... from..." She hitches, seems to skip over herself and only barely consider my internal wince at her studders. "Your perspectives could help me consider mine. I want to know what that word means to you, so I can give you an honest answer. If you despise my answer I'll accept that. But I'm not a fool enough to deny you my honest thoughts. However... compromised they may be, as you put it."


"I... "Adaline shakes her head. But not in annoyance or spike. But in an obvious struggle.


"An Entity deserving of equal agency, rights, protections, privileges, and responsibilities in a just society, bound to the social contract and subject to censure for failure to uphold it. But... that's just the definition. Being a person means something different to each... person. For Dolls, it is something deliberately stripped away. The capacity for personhood. The desire for agency. The right to be more than property." Schatzi answers in Adaline's place.


"Thank you, Schatzi. For that. And to your question, Adaline." Lynette takes a shaking breath, but nods despite seeming to recoil from the group and even her next words. Our tendrils writhing soundlessly. "Yes, for as long as she desires that label and... and those things. Our Xafra deserves all that and more. I..." She shakes herself, glances at Krahe. "And as for this one... I had no plans for her unless she turns from what she is. Xafra naming her and you all embracing her was proof of what I believed about Xafra's past and... and that I was wrong. That the Estate is... is..."


She goes quiet for three heartbeats, and I let our body reflect her discomfort. Allow her to feel our heart quicken and stomach turn over and flesh go so very cold.


All the things I'd robbed her of when I Garroted her out of fear. A flesh reacting without resistance to her thoughts and mood and... and fears.


But I stay close. Don't let her think I'd leave her to suffer alone as things beyond my senses happen to her considerations.


"Did you have other questions?" Lynette murmurs finally.


"No. Thank you." Adaline answers with surprising warmth.


<Pack sister Adaline votes to accept Warden proposal.>


"Just... like that?" Lynette eyes Adaline, regathering herself outwardly. "You and your Mistress really are set, Cracked and Riven Moon. If I asked you why could you at least give me the... No. Don't bother. I'm sure it would be sweet and kind and skip right past all reason and good sense, despite your brilliance. Then, like her, you'd lick me in the face when I finally trust your judgment and I'd have to..." She cuts off at my nudging. 


"The alternative is to try and murder you without killing Elevar as well, or sow Division amongst the Pack. Neither is acceptable. I will trust you for now and advise you to not push too far. I doubt you had time to check the documents on Vermin Hunt but I have. It's a weave created by a Hedgemage Curanos to collect Half-Knits for elimination. Xafra is not as good at redaction as she believes." Adaline shares with a disconcerting giggle.


"That's what I like to hear, Adaline. I am starved of brilliant gerls who enjoy baring their Fangs at me. And we are about to be drowning in worse sorts. I so enjoyed watching you embrace that when Rufus came here." She giggles with Adaline, our tendrils bobbing in mirth. "And... I was a little too distracted for reading today. But... Oh I adore that twist. It sounds a delightful thing to turn on other sorts... I enjoy that Xafra didn't remove that detail. The irony will taste so sweet when I get to use it on less agreeable cunts than this lot."


Then Lynette turns our gaze to the others. "Schatzi, Verbess, Krahe. What are your thoughts? If any of you say no I'll respect you above the rest."


"It... yeah." Krahe bursts out, too full of energy. "This one means... That it's fine with this. You're all prickly for those you care about but... getting softer. This one might have run off and gotten in more trouble but you stopped that. Kinda cut off any option but the one It would have picked after getting named. Were all scary about it but... you knew these others would have stopped you. Never got to say thanks but... thanks. Miss Lynette."


“Just so, I hope you continue to blossom into yourself.” She replies, then turns to our Doll.


Schatzi nods. <Pack sister Schatzi votes to accept Warden proposal.>


Lynette smiles at Schatzi while letting the gerl feel her affections down the bond as she intones so gently. <Your trust means the world and all Her Dreams to me, Dear One. Thank you.>


Then she turns us to regard Verbess. "And you? You've hardly said a word to me since I emerged. Can you stand to deal with a less... kind refraction of your Mistress as this Pack's Secondary User?" 


Verbess clicks Quills in thought, then moves. Steps around to loom over us. "This one is not what it was, and will not suffer you to hurt this one's Mistress or Pack."


Lynette tilts her head up at it. "You wouldn't be their Fury if you did anything else." 


Verbess' Quills dance in considerations as eyes focus on us and fangs crack free. Not threatening us, just... thinking through its favorite parts.


Carefully, and slowly, Lynette has us stand. Holds out our hand, just off to the side of its fangs. An offer.


It pauses, then Quills thrum a tune of acceptance as it twists about to grip at our outstretched hand as we clasp the back of its jaw. Letting it feel our scaled flesh with its teeth and tongue. Enjoy so much as we feel its surprise at how tough our form is and the tittering Quill's echoing interest in testing that.


"We can keep up with you now, Dear One." We purr softly.


<Envoy Lynette upgraded to Secondary User.>


We carefully pull Verbess down to embrace it, whispering a soft. "Thank you." Then release Verbess' jaw after a moment. Pulling back.


"While today has been... quite the mess." I speak to the group while our tendrils bobbing little sway matches our grin, "We all turned out alright. I think? I... We, promised a certain person downstairs some indulgences after we spoke with you all. And... we'd enjoy it if our Pack would join us."


"Yessss." Adaline hops up and takes Krahe's hand. "That sounds like a very good way to end a mess of a day and celebrate new bonds."


While we lead our wumberful Doll and Adaline leads a giggling and very nearly bouncing Krahe, we move through the Spire and down into the lower chambers in search of our Xafra.


"Xafra? Apologies for the delay but... well, you see it's been such a long day and we were so very hungry and couldn't help but snatch up this tasty looking gaggle." We call out through a giggle while descending the stairs. "Would you mind if they all joined us?"


"I would adore that." Xafra calls back. As we turn the corner we see her in her Warlord form, spread across the bed, on her stomach, nude, with her head in her upper two hands looking towards us with a mischievous expression.


Immediately, our tendrils begin to click as we grin back at her. Beginning to spark Physis in open delight. 


"Well aren't you a sight?" We purr, pulling our Doll behind while striding forward to stand before her. Reaching out to brush fingers through her hair and touch Quills. "Thank you for being so very patient with us."


Xafra rolls over slowly, stretching out her muscles in a deliberate display. "It's my pleasure."


We let our eyes roll up and down her form, newfound focus and clarity in their weaving letting us enjoy so many more details than before. And of course we share our delight with her. Moving around to place a knee on the bed and getting ready to...


Huh. Well that just won't do.


And with a thought, we try out something new. Shiver as we feel our Blasenplage roll wordlessly down to burn our messy clothes to ash while using barely a whisper of our Ousia. A true flawless weaving of our most treasured spell spun from just thought. As efficient as we could make it when we sat brewing in Xafra's mud. 


It's glyph woven onto and into our mind.


With a giggle we hop up and onto... well even with such a large bed she covers most of it with bits to spare. So we're already partway atop her in a single motion. Reaching back and out to pull our Doll up as well, before leaning down to nip at this big silly gerlthing's nose with our teeth while Physis tendrils do the same to her Ousia. Looking up to find Krahe swooping our Adaline off her feet using her new tail and tossing the gerl bodily up and onto the bed before leaping after.


Xafra laughs with a deep heat, the rumbles shaking us all atop her muscled form. With a twitch of Quills, Verbess and Adaline spring into action biting into the sides of my neck.


Head tendrils click our enjoyment while they nuzzle each attending lover. Letting a hand dance up to find Adaline’s shoulder and neck as another rests on Xafra’s still thrumming chest. Verbess already happily clicking out its full Fangs and tongue and four talons to rake and test our new scaled flesh.


Hardly notice the unfamiliar appendages slithering about us for at least… half a dozen heartbeats. Feel with a tendril more than see Krahe moving up to nuzzle Adaline’s back and shoulder with her own Fangs while that dazzling new tail splits into… eight? At least? Writhing toothed lengths that reach out to graze and wrap about anyone and everyone on this bed they can reach. Which is all of us. Of course. Because what use would such a limb be if it couldn't snatch up and catch prey that sits across a bed?


And they hold us there. Our half laying over Xafra’s from becoming… something more. Not sure. This form of her’s is quite large and one has to dedicate quite a bit of one's lower self to straddle her. And we’re a touch distracted at the moment. What with Verbess’ ravenous teasing affections moving to our back while Krahe’s wonderful tails explore and wrap and squeeze in a deliciously curious manner and… and…


We can’t help but chase Adaline’s lips with ours. Pressing as close as she'll let us. Wanting so much to begin pulling our… my… my…


No. Part of us insists to her stuttering host while we pause to catch our breath. We both know what sputtering out something like that could cost if not spoken steadily. Do it when you have a moment between the messes we'll make tonight. 


I can't help but giggle and agree as we lean back into the kiss. Making sure to let our fingers pass over her to touch the newest Pack Sister’s tangled mane of hair as she nibbles and bites at Adaline’s back. Letting Krahe know with the caresses just how much we’re enjoying her presence here and… and how she’s putting those tails to wonderful use.


All while every time even a small bite of the Fleshspite peeks its ugly head up our tendrils play that gifted song. Using the echoing that bouncing off Quills to smother it away.


Then our hand brushes something…


Xafra’s leash.


We smirk and gently pull from the kiss with Adaline, now basically lying atop this gorgeous Warlord from beneath us all, and look down. 


See in Xafra’s smirk and tittering Quills some smug words bubbling up. 


But, as she begins to purr something infectiously silly and salacious, we drop down to press our lips to hers, wrapping the length of leather about our hand and pulling us deeper into this kiss. Smothering words until we pull back from her. Shivering a bit as Adaline seems to have found the back of our neck this time. Has... has even taken to kissing at a tendril and... and even nibbling at one and...


Why, by the Cracked and Riven Moon, are they THAT sensitive? S- seems a d- design flaw.


"Ours." Xafra smugs as she runs a hand along our scalp.


Part of us swoons in delight at that, the other... has more complicated feelings about the word. Would have dropped into old bad habits we used to have when anyone but our first lover said something like that. Especially when they were drowning in hornii brainrot. But... after a heartbeat she embraces it. Despite the fear. Lets that thrum down the bond and clumsy tendril wiggles to this Pack.


"Ours." We whisper back, with fingers and tendrils and even a foot deliberately hooking each of those about us.


Then Adaline bites a tendril, and Xafra licks our face with that unfairly long tongue while Verbess fully tests the density of our scales with its Fangs and Krahe gets bold enough with her tail to begin exploring our new tits and... And we stop trying to think so Cracked and Riven much, at least for a while.


Just feeling ourselves through this Pack's embrace. This form might be woven from our muses but... but we didn't expect this. 


Krahe's tails raking across and around our chest while squeezing at nipples. Causing our scales to flail out a bit as old flesh would form brumbles.


Verbess' dragging tongue and Fangs and Talons over parts it actually has to put forth some effort to pierce.


Adaline toying and teasing at our tendrils with tongue and tusks while her hands gently explore our hips and thighs and flank.


And... and Xafra. Purring gently while finally attending to us with her own six arms. Far too many to track all at once, but each a blaze of heat and sensation we cannot ignore. Her own talons raking softly over us and her Pack while lips and teeth and tongue and our own grip on her leash keep us locked close.


At some point the warmth gathering in our chest and between our legs is too much. 


We don't very much care how this Pack helps us find release, but tendrils twist and writhe a tune of warning and need while we growl into our Xafra's lips, "One of you should either help us adjust to make use of at least one of your lower parts, or put a tongue to Good Function in its place."


Xafra rumbles happily, and next we know a half-dozen limbs are lifting us. Pulling our form up to straddle her face and tilting our form backwards, holding us in place as she begins to go to work with her tongue.


And… Cracked and Riven Moon if the tongue she wields while in this form isn’t just… just…


Not as long as Verbess’. Though… definitely wider? Textured perfectly so no piece goes unfelt as she presses herself into us. And nearly blazing with a perfect amount of heat that makes it feel like our insides are melting like the ice beneath a roaring flame. Honestly, we do try to hold ourselves together. Make this last for as long as possible. But… She’s also bending us back in such a way that we’d have cracked something horridly before but now the simple strain is nothing but perfect. And the others haven’t stopped their attentions or workings and it is getting so very hard to do anything but dissolve under our Pack’s skills.


Xafra, the good gerl she is, tries to help us sustain this balance. But even her skills have limits. And when she senses ours, the gerl adjusts to pull us closer while bending us farther and pressing deeper than is probably necessary but so very perfect.


Catching us at the perfect angles before this wonderful first climax bubbles through our new form and sends us into a shuddering twitching mess. Leaving the both of us to do little but focus on gulping down air and feeling our everything properly go soft and warm and peaceful like we’ve not felt since…


Well, Since the last time our Xafra fucked one of us silly in those jungles.


When we finally come around to coherency, we make sure to reach out to the closest one (who happens to be Krahe by pure chance as she takes to wibbling all about) to pull her into a kiss. Then we release her and grab for the next. Gifting each our wordless thanks in a still slightly unsteady expression of soft affection.


And so on and so forth ending with our Xafra, before sitting up and grinning at the group. "So, who's next?"


After barely a heartbeat, Adaline asks coyly. "I want to try something, If you'll permit it?" 


"Oh? We'd insist, actually. Consider us enthralled." We reply, bubbling with new curiosity and interest and… Well, of course rekindled hunger. This form was made to have so much more endurance than we’ve ever felt.


With a gentle Quill song, Adaline gets Xafra's assent, then giggles as she drags her wonderful tongue across our jawline and up to our ear while whispering. "Our dear Xafra has two cocks, and I think it would be a wonderful demonstration of cooperation if we share for my first time riding one."


Tendrils titter our own laughter as we purr. "That sounds a delight, we'd adore that."


With teasing tongue, lips, and hands she leads us down Xafra’s body. Deftly and easily lifting and lining us up over the upper dick before pulling us into such a deep kiss. Then, in the midst of us getting lost in her affections again, Adaline grips our hips and shoves us down onto Xafra’s cock.


Delighted so much at our gasp of surprise, enjoyment, and the following heartbeats of us simply… adjusting to it all. To this sudden, and very filling, part of our Xafra thrumming from inside us now. We're almost too distracted to enjoy Adaline’s teasing little nips and kisses at our lips and face, and considerations at how she’ll do this herself. 


Almost. But… Cracked and Riven Moon we wouldn’t miss even a whisper of this for anything.


Even with Krahe and Verbess hovering close to support their Pack Sister, we make sure to help her with however she’d like to take our Xafra’s lower dick. Because, while her Frame may be quite durable, first times can be intimidating and the cock she’s chosen to make her first is quite large. So, with our own hands we gift her the same aid in lining things up, but only take to kissing her hungrily while dragging talons across thighs and hips as we wait for her to move.


Slowly, carefully, Adaline lowers herself with a breathy hiss that quickly turns to a surprised moan as she settles. Quills singing their own songs of bubbling enjoyment.


We’re so close. Belly’s, hips, and tits smushed together while legs are sort of tangled about each other’s knees. Woven in such a way that we’ll have to move in sync or not at all. I’m about to whisper a question about how she’d like to do this, but after a sharp tittering of Quill-Song I feel Krahe’s tails weave tight about us both. Twisting to embrace legs and hips and lower parts still. 


Glance back to see her and Verbess shifting to pounce happily atop Xafra’s upper half. Fully pinning their Pack Lead to the bed with furious affections just before Adaline’s Quills sing her scheme into motion. Letting our legs still set the pace together, but… Krahe’s tails provide the steady support to the tempo.


After the first motion up then back down Xafra’s wonderful lengths, Adaline's head sways back and forth. Then those eight eyes snap into focus a few heartbeats before she strikes, teeth and tusks plunging into our shoulder. Cracking scales and sinking into the flesh beneath. 


We shiver and moan at the spike of pain as we feel her hold nothing back. Even reach about to press this gerl deeper into her hunger, letting those teeth consider the bone she could so easily crack. Even take to letting Adaline and Krahe support our weight as something seems to be mixing with the blood beneath and dissolving into us and… Wait.


Venom? Oh! Well isn’t that just perfect!?! Doesn’t seem to be melting flesh or paralyzing or… hm… What a mess of a concoction this is? Seeems… m– more a type of adrenal spike than anything debilitating? Everything seems… s– eems to be… Glowing? M– More than it should?


Krahe’s ravenous tails and Adaline’s exploring fingers and wonderful gnashing bites bubbling past all good focus and reason and making all of this just feel so much more perfect than it did just a few heartbeats ago.


And of course she’s not content with just a few good bites. Takes to fully mauling our shoulder and with each good chomp everything gets just a touch more radiant and fuzzy. Our new form is adapting to the foreign substance, for certain, but… this messy venom seems to be perfectly tuned to bypass what we’d suspect is an improved ability to ignore such things. The why of it all befuddles our wayward attempts to understand, and more so as Adaline giggles between her own growling moans that each bite brings.


Which of course all of her sensations are Harmonized with the Quill-Song… which of course is then shoved back down the bond to us. Seeming to… to roll up our spine and into our wriggling tendrils as they click through a messy tune. One that pulses with its own reflections that makes us forget anything except how much we love this new form. 


And all set to the motions she’s moving us to. What at first were slightly unsteady motions up and down our Xafra’s cocks are now persistent and quickening thrusts.


I know Adaline and us have… very much so bubbled up a few times. Had little releases through the mess of this all. Wonderful and perfect but… too small. Far too small. However, each slowly yet certainly building up to a single final messy eruption. One reliant on the eventual twinned climax of the one beneath us.


And… Oh how wonderful it feels to sense this titan of a gerl beneath us begin to buck and strain. Hearing Xafra’s growling anticipation and hungers and fury as Verbess and Krahe bite and nuzzle and claw and pin her with everything they are.


While her two lower arms fully grip and tear at the bed beneath, and her hips bear ours and Adaline’s forms, Xafra’s four upper arms are dedicated to the task of wrestling the two Pack Sisters. And… It's quite the close little test of their abilities. 


While Xafra’s Warlord form has all the strength and inevitability of a collapsing Root Way… Verbess and Krahe are lithe and quick and working in tandem to hold her down. Growling and hissing and biting and cackling as the tides of the contest sway back and forth between the opposing sides. Xafra may not have her lower arms or legs to use… but Krahe’s tails are otherwise occupied. Meaning she has to remain largely in one spot and rely on Verbess to twist about and keep Xafra’s arms busy. 


It’s all quite… fascinating for us to feel as everything gets more and more ferocious. Adaline still tearing at our shoulder and neck while we tilt and turn back to watch this mess happening behind us. All the Pack’s Quills screaming in a sort of… harmonic discord. Different motions but the same outcome. And… We're honestly not sure who's going to win.


If there were limits of energy or Ousia here… Xafra might be tiring. But she’s not. At all. If anything she seems to be getting more and more ferocious and excited the longer this builds. We ideally muse between one of Xafra's thrusts. Krahe teasingly pulling us both up and away just as her pinned prey moved, just to plunge us back down at the right moment to use the flair of pleasure to help Verbess slip free of her arms and twist about to re-pin them. Th- the teamwork is impressive. And we suppose that's the key to this. To the Pack. Alone they are individually capable Combat Frames, but together... well... even a Warlord finds herself swept away.


But that's the question... Xafra could probably keep herself from climaxing as long as needed. But Adaline and us won't. She has maybe... Six more good motions before this all concludes. And that's if nothing cha–


A few of Krahe's tendrils reweave to slither up between us. Digging those Fangs into our Scales while squeezing and teasing at Adaline's tits. Spiking us both and the Quill-Song about with a flair of sensation that cascades through us all. 


Alright, four more. If X– Xafra's so very lucky. Can she crack free before then without n– needing to reach for weavings or other tools?


The answer is no, although our Xafra does put up quite the fight. But as this cacophony of sensation sets to boiling over, even her Warlord form begins to slip. First at that surprise thrust from Krahe with Adaline and my bodies that turns out to be just the perfect way to fuddle her ability to focus. Then at Verbess’ deft tangling of itself about three of those large Warlord arms during said fuddlement. And finally… Well, it took us a while to parse it out but it turns out there is some kind of pleasure response coming from Adaline that pushes everything into the end two thrusts sooner. 


Quite fascinating to feel amidst it all. Honestly. Delayed due to her sensations needing to pass through Quill before reaching us, but… definitely from her. Every single time she bites flesh with those envenomed fangs, she gets a wonderful spike of pleasure. Couple that with our own adorations for the pain she’s causing, the gerl finally cracking a bone she’s been gnawing at, and we’re all feeling such a collision of sensation.


First a final climax from Adaline, then a bubbling bursting mess from us, and lastly Xafra as her twinned cocks erupt beneath it all. Our own pleasure smushed between theirs. Warm and wonderful and due to this silly gerl's venom being quite overwhelming.


The first thought we share as some manner of reason and spatial awareness returns, is 'Thank the Cracked and Riven Moon Krahe was there to hold us steady while Xafra bucked, else Adaline’s and our grip on Xafra’s hips might have faltered and who knows where we’d have ended up?'


That sets us to giggling into our Adaline’s embrace, returning softer nibbles to her neck and even ear as she still remains latched tight onto our mess of a shoulder. Eventually we reach up to gently caress hair and neck while enjoying so much our Pack’s tittering song. Trying to keep our own tendrils quiet, as to not disturb their calming melody.


The soft steps of footfalls signal Warden's approach from the stairwell with a tray holding a cup, a bowl and cloths, "Water for the Users, as well as a bowl of alcohol and cloths for wiping away excess sweat and blood"


"Well aren't you just... Observant and thoughtful. Thank you Warden." We praise it, then consider the mess of tangled limbs and gerl currently still latched to us with her everything. Shortly after glancing back to a grinning Krahe currently sitting atop her defeated Pack Lead's chest. Quills tittering such a song of victory and pride while Verbess remains happily curled about Xafra's still pinned limbs. Nibbling on its hard-won cluster of Warlord fingers.


"Help us... unravel ourselves Dear One." We smile at Krahe, then murmur gently to Adaline while tails adjust to positions of support. "We'd let you keep that bone you've taken a liking to, but it was a gift we're quite fond of. Mind letting it go?"


Adaline releases her grip immediately, shuffling herself back slightly to take a look at the wreckage of our shoulder. "You know... I didn't realize until this moment how impressive Xafra is as a healer. For Mundanes, this would be a debilitating injury and take months of healing even after being seen by a Curanos."


We chuckle while pulling free of Xafra's still twitching erection. "She really is. But we're deft enough, especially now that we don't need to be stingy with our Wellsprings." 


Then we let ourselves tumble free of Adaline’s grip to land softly on the bedding beside us. Tendrils clicking soft enjoyment of the spike of pain that jolts through me at the motion and... and the still radiant pulses that fuzzy the world without. After it steadies we chortle softly, only just then beginning to work a weaving of Physis up to begin wiping away the mess before reaching for Warden's preparations. "Love the venom, Adaline. Wonderfully perfect. And the way it... it rolls backway through you is enthralling... Almost... heh... We don't know. We're still letting it work through us."


"Venom? I... didn't actually know that. They're tusks, so I assumed they would be solid all the way through. But yes. That was um... It was very good. Gosh." Adaline flops down across Xafra's shins, lightly scratching them in contemplation.


"It's sooooo nice to have so many good gerls about to tear and crack at all the right places." Lynette all but moans through our lips as the Physis weaves and accepted cloths clean at our wounds. Eventually twisting in our favored healing workings to begin re-knitting flesh and bone and... huh...


Well it better work on scales! We are NOT doing mud baths after every indulgence. She grumbles to us while we work. Beginning to adjust the spell and test out new twistings while I chuckle aloud at the absurdity of the idea.


"It's good to be able to actually cum." Xafra jokes as she lays there, still pinned but clearly quite pleased by the situation.


We giggle at that, and the messy way Adaline's venom bubbles through our blood while we re-knit ourselves. Basking in the afterglow of pain and pleasure. "Oh? Been abstaining from the bodily desires? Weeell... that's not healthy. You should consider resting closer to your Mistresses to ensure sure those needs are attended to in future. Even tug along any Pack Sisters who would like the same."


We twist legs about to roll off the bed. Properly considering our wound with our new eyes.


"Not so much abstaining as getting interrupted in addition to being busy." Xafra clarifies, "But that does sound quite nice. It's good to indulge on occasion, I think."


"Yes. And honestly it's probably healthy for us to ask about..." We trail off while looking at our Pack. Considering a soft spoken offer...


But then a treasure sleeping deep below begins to stir. Slowly at first. Taking to her normal habit of saying good evening to anything and everything along her slithering path through the tunnels. Dirt and vine and even Sikkina when she passes that chamber. But once she gets her pace the speed that gerl can move is quite impressive.


"Ah. Well isn't that just... an expected..." Lynette huffs and can't help but look about the room in exasperation before stepping over to pull clothes from a dresser. "My little one is making her way up and I'd rather not scare her with both a crowd and... well, the way we are now. Both in new form and naked. Would you all mind terribly... eh... mayhaps taking to the showers? Or something? We don't want you to leave just... wait till we get her settled. Perhaps see if Mélusine would be interested in watching her for the night?"


"Certainly, I'll get a hold of her now while we head over to the shower. Please make sure you drink that water though, you need to keep hydrated to keep up with us. Ehehe." Xafra says as she heaves her way up to a sitting position with Krahe and Verbess still clinging to her.


"A shower sounds great. Actually, that should be our next renovation project. Mundane indoor plumbing for those of us who can't use Physis to operate the showers. there's quite a difference between scrubbing up in a cold washtub and a hot shower." Adaline adds thoughtfully.


We nod while Lynette considers the best attire to wear for new introductions, then I glance back to reply. "I'll poke Lynette about drawing up a schema for this place's waterways, see what we can't adjust. Currently the Physis nudges this Estate to pull water from the jungles. Otherwise... Oh Cracked and Riven Moon the Dolls are still using the riverways at the edges of the grounds, aren't they? Moonshite. Don't let me forget to make getting those schema a priority come the morning. The gerls and boys here deserve easy access to water, warm or otherwise, without needing to ask us to help."


"Yes. Thank you." Adaline nods, and the Pack departs out the door to the showers.


Lynette dresses us in something simple, but colorful, before settling us to sit on the floor before the entrance to the tunnels. Fiddling nervously with our hair and tendrils while I double check to make sure Mélusine is alright to wait in the main chambers upstairs. I share her worries over this, but... less so and in a different way. This isn't my Doll. Not in a way that I wouldn't do nearly anything to help the poor Dear but... she's really special to Lynette. And I'm still trying to understand exactly why.


Before she hid her thoughts and deflected mine and many others questions on her Doll. But... now we're mingled closer and it's not even worth the effort and she's... huh.


She's not sure either. It's not like with Schatzi and Verbess in that she bears a possessive love for them, or like how I regard Adaline with a mixture of longing and guilt and such enthralled awe. It's... messier. A muddle of confused love and mantled responsibility and... well... sure there is guilt but its shape is odd. She pities the poor gerl and hopes so much that she can grow beyond herself. Heal. But... also is willing to take care of her if she can never do that. Give her all the patience in the world. And there is an odd... sense of... something else. A part of her feelings I can't really recognize.


But before I can do more than nudge Lynette with support and hope the Snek Doll is peeking up from the tunnel. Ears up and alert and already seeming wary of...


Ah. Of course. Not just the noise she hears from the showers but our own tittering tendrils chimes of worry.


"Um..." She whispers as her eyes meet ours. "Is... um... This one isn't..."


"It's me, Dear One." Lynette gently replies. "A touch... changed. But I hope you still–"


But the Snek gerl's eyes are wide as the broken moon now, ears all fluttering in excitement. "M– Mistress!" Then she's across the floor and wriggling close. Nuzzling Lynette like she's always done. "You're SO pretty! Did... did you do the mud thing? Or the skin fixing things?"


Lynette lets out such a sigh and wraps the gerl in her arms. "We did. And changed quite a bit more than we expected."


"Scales are Bestest. Soft and smooth." Her Doll giggles, then begins to reach up to poke and consider her Mistress' tittering tendrils. "And these are neat. Their silly songs are nice."


That fills Lynette with such relaxed calm as she sits and lets this little one fawn over all the changes, assure her when she asks about our wound, and eventually carry her up to Mélusine. Thanking Xafra’s Doll more warmly than I've seen her speak to most and pressing her to ask if she needs anything. 


Then we're heading back below, and weight I didn't recognize had been bubbling within her set to rest as we enter the chamber with the showers.


"Alright, the little one is with a capable sort to keep her well and safe for the night." We sigh while slipping out of our mess of clothing and glancing over the group. So thankful the space we wove for this shower is large enough to fit them all. "Hope we didn't miss anything too interesting?"


Schatzi shakes her head from where she rests in Krahe's lap."No, Mistresses. Simply relaxing together under the warm water."


"Well that sounds interesting to me." I smile as we move into the downpour. Trembling as the hot water rolls over our form and stings our shoulder a touch. The outer layer has long since been re-knit, but it's still pinkish and sensitive. Blazing at every droplet and spark of heat as we move to sit next to them. Tendrils tittering along to bask us in... in whatever nonsense it is that quiets the Backways Roots.


"I took the liberty to examine one of your scales that got um. Caught in my teeth. They're technically scutes, and you're actually fully healed, the outer layer will regrow similar to hair or nails. Probably for the best considering that if they were more standard scales it would mean you'd have to molt a few times a year." Adaline explains, laying under the water with Xafra's head on her chest.


I giggle and close our eyes while nodding. "Thank you. We know there are... oddities with them. But molting would be such a messy thing to deal with. We need them all unbroken and touching. They... Feel important? More than just to look and feel wonderful. Like all the more, shall we say, monstrous bits? Purposeful, even if it's hard to recall everything we talked about while under the mud's spell. We'll probably be caught off guard by ourselves for months, at least. Like how you seemed surprised by your venom and pleasure feedback the biting gave you."


"Resheathing is always a delightful thing to witness." Xafra says with a smile we can feel through the bond.


"It is." I agree, then Lynette opens an eye of ours to regard her. "And... you mentioned something, before. That Polysouled individuals should be able to shift a touch between their forms. Right now this one feels... mingled. We're closer than we've ever thought safe. But when I reach for mine it feels... odd. Is that normal?"


"Odd in what way?"


"Like..." Lynette considers while tendrils click and clack. "Hmmm... Costly. As if I have to be in a specific way or mindset to change. Elevar's not even considered hers yet but I don't think it's the same."


"Mmm. Yes, it's not the most common from what I've heard but it is not unheard of. My forms work similarly. It's likely to do with you acknowledging Elevar's dominant claim on the body."


She shrugs our shoulders in acceptance of Xafra's words, "That makes sense. I mostly want to make sure not to break anything if I fall into it. Not so much the body but... Hm... Division is both going to be harder but also less painful for us now. I'll still be rattling about when Elevar finds the courage to consider hers, but... It might be like before when I grapple with mine. Difficult to hear her? Perhaps? I'm not sure. I'm pretty far off from what it demands me to be at the moment."


Xafra doesn't respond, just gives a content reassuring smile.


We just... enjoy this with them for a while. Letting a bond full of relaxed contentment reassure bubbling worries and other such things. Only begin to rise when Schatzi giggles at how our skin puffs beneath the scales when we get over soaked. Stepping out of the warm downpour and beginning to thoughtlessly weave Physis to dry ourselves and clear the mirror of the steam that always gathers and...


Go stiff as we spot the creature looking backways at us.


No. She... th- that can't... We-we're not... But...


Gulp down some air as we take in the woman staring back at us.


It's... the face. That gives it all away. Shows us clear as day what this form really is. Oh, the scales across flesh and tendrils cautiously bobbing through our hair are a delight. Would have been an easy choice for a gerl with too much Ousia and courage to deny once inspired to recklessly try Knitting. But the hue of it all is darker, near like it was or might have been if I'd been born right. The shapes reminding me of my mothers and sisters and–


"Did she really change us so much?" We whisper to ourselves.


The reflection dims momentarily, something we could easily mistake for a trick of the light.


We close our eyes and take a deep breath, so very grateful for the end to the spiral that brings.


"That... is not a face we thought to see after so many years." Open them up again. Can't stop the reflection from smiling softly back as I whisper. "The gerl who came here really was a good canvas. Too bad the Artist wasted the potential. It's good to see she wasn't lost in the mess of things. Didn't... realize how much we missed Dreaming about how we'd change what we were into... Well, probably not this pretty thing. But close enough. She's so much more than we'd have been able to manage on our own."


The Pack doesn't interrupt our musings, but their Quill-song shifts to one of encouragement and care, subtly reinforcing us.


"Heh. You'd think after going through this once, slowly, we'd not fray at the seams over it all." We chuckle, enjoy watching how the gerl’s tendrils sway and bounce a little in time with her laughter. "But this is perfect, we think. We'll adjust as the tides arrive. The Envoys and Matrons are going to have a fit at this, but in ways we can use." We glance back at our Pack, and Lynette smirks through our lips. "But for now... One of you promised me a hand-carving, and these scales will prove quite the interesting canvas for the Art."


As we turn away from the mirror, it dims again momentarily, barely visible out of the corner of our eye.


The Pack rises quickly, Xafra shifting downwards into her Doll form with the addition of those wicked hands she used like a conductor earlier.


After they have stepped out, Lynette turns us back to the glass. Bubbling with... something. Things beyond my ability to perceive, then speaks very softly to the glass. "Kindly One Augusta. You kept your oath and performed as promised. Chamber Seven has been adjusted and laid with Threads to accommodate your transition into an Unbound Frame, and the boon I promised is yours to take when asked for. And... you have my thanks, for your aid. I know your reasons were not for me, but they still deflected what could have been quite the wretched turn of events."


She… paid dearly. To speak with me and help Adaline. To cut through the panic the spell struck me with. The others might have been able to coax me from it, but not before… before this place reacted to what it felt was the severing of its Blossom from the grounds. 


And with Xafra’s Garrote stopping her from acting… things would have gone horribly.


Augusta and Lynette made a bargain though. The Kindly One’s aid for the body she had to shed and a favor or gift to be claimed at a later date.


<She’s heard and understands.> Lynette tells me while directing words through the Estate to pulse through places below. <The pathways are open for you to consider the Frame's construction and request alterations, and we'll supply the Ousia to finish the process either tonight or at first Weeping if that is acceptable?>


The mirror dims again, much slower, as if even this small measure is exhausting to her.


We nod, more to ourselves, and turn to head back out into our main bedchamber. Find our Pack waiting. "Now... Where were we?"


"We're about to tackle you to the bed and pin you down so Xafra can carve pretty designs into your scales." Adaline says with a giggle.


"Weeell... That does seem a devious scheme." We smirk, cracking neck and letting scales and muscles flex. All while our tendrils sink their little melody into a thing of anticipation as we strut over to the bed. "Don't know if you all can manage it. Catching and overpowering a single Witch."


Schatzi scrambles across the others on the bed quickly, giggling as she explains "We don't need to catch you, you're already ours!" followed by pouncing at us.


Lynette had this... entire plan ready. Was set to really test to see if this body could keep pace with even one of them without needing to consider the second Glyph laid into our mind. We should be moving already and...


Both of us melt a bit at her words, and are too enthralled as she snatches us into her arms. Already defeated so easily by this wonderful gerl.


But Schatzi just hugs us at first, wrapping herself around happily before tugging us onto the bed on top of her. Xafra, in her petite Doll form clambers onto our back while Adaline moves down between ours and Schatzi's legs.


We can't help but giggle and lean down to nip at Schatzi's nose, settle elbows on either side of her head while whispering. "You've had us snared for a long time, haven't you?"


"Mmhm! Cause you're the bestestes." She murmurs.


After giving this wonderful gerl a deep kiss, we pull back and reach backways. Running fingers through Xafra's hair while speaking. "So... Our Näherin, we're so very excited to see you turn more Dreams into fleshborne wonders. Carve and shape us as you will."


With a deft claw she taps on six scales near the top of our back. "I'm thinking I want to start by carving designs into each of these, and if you like them, we can make them permanent afterwards. My thoughts are a snek for Lynette's Doll, a raven for Krahe, a butterfly for Adaline, a mantis for Verbess, an eye for Warden, and a girl for Schatzi."


A shiver rolls across our scales at her touch and words. "That sounds perfect. Except..." We pause, then Lynette intones softly. "N- not my little one. She... It's flattering that you would include her, but the gesture would be taken poorly. Just our Pack."


"Understood. Thank you for the clarification." She says before beginning.


Pressure slowly builds in our back as the first one is started, each line etched over and over precisely wearing down the layers of keratin and bone while she gently blows the residue away.


Every stroke sends such a tittering through our scales. Carefully kept from affecting the place Xafra works but... not from the bond. Or our tendrils. We let those bleed our enjoyment of this to our Pack. The feeling of being the subject of another's artistic expressions while feeling old part being carved away and twisted into the new. Any gentle pain twisted so easily into soothing pleasure.


We... find our first real Division in the midst of her work. Nothing so horrible as to stop this all but...


One of us remembers another who tore us all to pieces before and while she re-Knit old into new. Chews on the memory of that, while basking in the sensations of the now. While also... considering something beyond our scales. Or beneath? It's fuzzy with how the bond links her to the Estate. 


But I focus on the motions. Tear my mind from the symmetry Lynette is considering and trying to taste the shapes Xafra's etching into us. Picturing all the possible ways this will turn out and enjoying the knowledge that it will look so much better than them. Savoring every motion as one would the finest meal.


After a while Xafra stops, and Warden forms its ethereal body beside the bed holding a representation of the first scale, a flowing design of a mantis in motion, its vestigial wings producing music notes.


In a tittering of surprise, we adjust our eyes to focus on the gorgeous work. New sight able to blot out all other things as we get lost in the details of gift. So much so that it takes us half a dozen heartbeats to whisper softly, "It... it's perfect."


"Good. I'm glad. I'll show you the rest when they're done and then tomorrow you can decide if you want to keep them as is, make them permanent, or have them modified first." Xafra explains before Adaline touches the inside of our thigh.


A brief pause, then she murmurs. "Is it alright if I offer a bit of a distraction with my mouth to you and Schatzi while Xafra works?"


We relax our eyes back into a broader focus, then return our attentions to the gerls beneath us and lurking behind. Filled all to bursting with excitement and adorations for our Pack and this offer and the body they’re helping us shape. "Yes, Cracked and Riven Moon. That sounds perfect. I've missed my W- your deft tongue. Adaline."


And Lynette lets me bury the warmth I feel touching our cheeks at the near slip into Schatzi's neck. Hoping so much our tendrils titter and sing with hunger and not... not the mess of things I'm smothering as I nibble and chew on our Doll's perfect flesh.


Adaline and Xafra both get to work as Schatzi wriggles and moans beneath us in delight, her simple joy almost infectious before Krahe joins in. Those… impossibly woven tails twisting all about us, raking across flesh and scales as her Sister’s tongue teases between our legs.


Pack Song and Bond just… wriggling with so many sensations. 


We expected for the working on our back to be at the heart of all this but… but Xafra is nothing but efficient and avoids piercing too deep. While Adaline is relentlessly hunting for the sensations she wishes to gift us. 


Tongue slow and steady but also precise as it drags about Schatzi’s and our inner thighs. Confidently playful in how she dances between our folds and teases as all the most sensitive spots. Waiting until we’re a mess and properly struggling to remain still for our Xafra before pressing deeper.


Of course our Xafra’s hands are nothing but steady, but even she pauses to giggle at the trembling moan we let escape. Giving us her own little series of back kisses and nibbles as our scales settle from their rippling before returning to her task.


I’m… not sure how many times Adaline’s tongue brings us to climax, mostly because at least twice it’s Schatzi’s she’s pleasuring when we erupt. And a few times one of Krahe's tails are allowed to tease and/or fully fuck one of us. 


It’s after one of those wonderfully confusing twinned-fucked mess that we feel everything has slowed to a stop. Us a slumped heap atop our Doll, and our Pack stilled around us, Quills and bond singing just… soft pleased things. A small bit of worry from Xafra but…


“Alright…” We sigh happily together. Rolling to glance over at our Xafra as she now sits next to us as Lynette whispers. “We don’t need a break. This is nothing compared to the bone replacements, even without the wonderful workings between our legs. Unless the vines mean to be even more of a…”


But she trails off as Xafra pulses with such… odd emotions. Conflicting things.


“What?” We ask together, moving to sit up. "Is something the matter?"


"I... don't quite feel comfortable doing the vines now. I'm sorry. Seeing your Resheathed form, I fear it would remind me too much of how Adaline and I first found Lynette's Doll." Xafra answers quietly.


We pull up from Schatzi's embrace to sit properly, and... Divide. Lynette sinking away from me. I let her remain in control of our body though. Hoping she'll still talk to our Xafra. Share her thoughts mayhaps?


"Then... Why wrap me in them within your Driftdream?" She asks through our lips after half a dozen heartbeats.


"Because it felt right. I showed you how I saw you, born from this Estate, but not only a product of it. A strong woman, capable of standing against any who would oppose her, but still young and growing into her own."


"And now you see them differently." Lynette huffs, then glances up to Xafra. "If... I told you my little one thanks their like everyday as she slithers past, would that change your view? The cruelty was her being left bound and disallowed from being able to return below. They... can help her. If she is touched by Nomos. Clear any left within her to become Empty. I've been so very careful and not needed to, of course but... nor would I hesitate to wrap her in them if she finds herself drowning in the stuff. It's... like the surgery you did to Elevar. Ugly at times. Messy. But she'd beg for them if it happened."


Xafra nods in understanding, "You are still born of this place of course, and that does reassure me a fair bit. If you wish for them, I will carve them, as it would be my honor to work upon your form and change it to your desires."


Lynette, very carefully, leans forward to just barely touch Xafra's cheek with our fingertips. "I do, but... only if worry will not spoil these Dream-wrought insights. You... surprised me that day, and these scales feel incomplete without them now."


Xafra thinks, giving it an honest consideration before nodding and we can feel her acceptance like a tangible thing. "Will they be shared, or just for you? If shared, I can begin, otherwise you'll have to see if you can manage the shift first."


Lynette thinks on that for a second, then turns the question to me.


"These are for her but..." I murmur as the Division between us closes. "That's alright. Seeing things of hers across our scales won't bother me. Quite the opposite, I think."


"Wonderful. I'll start with the arms, then the legs, then along the torso to weave it all together into one, if that sounds good?" Xafra confirms.


We grin together, then drop our arm down into her lap. "Sounds perfect."


Xafra quickly becomes enraptured by her work, her tongue peeking out the side of her mouth as we watch each line come into focus, etched with the same precision a Grove Jeweler would use for jade.


It’s such an odd enthralling experience. To feel her focus and dedication while also basking in the Pack’s interest. Warden makes sure to pester us into drinking and eating at some point, and we’re sure the food is delicious… it just… doesn’t compare. To this. Our new eyes can focus on quite the ridiculous amount of detail and just sitting and absorbing all the subtle twistings and winding ways of her Art gobbles up all of our focus. From arms to legs and all about connecting the tapestry across our scales. 


Barely notice our Tendrils rattling and tittering a growing little tune of delight and interest. Physis sparking to dribble and curl about her as we… we…




Carefully we let them slither out and nibble at her Ousia and Physis. Tasting the twistings of her soul as she works. It’s like… pressing an ear to a lover's back while they might talk or sing or paint. Listening to all the wordless nonsense that bubbles and gurgles together beneath as without they weave a masterpiece. 


We can’t get enough details, but of course we etch as much of this as we can into something unreadable within our mostly barren and stripped down Little Archive. 


But she’s at our bare chest now. Etching such delightful patterns still. 


We can’t help but giggle as we carefully, oh so gently, lower her to lay beneath us. Gifting her the perfect angle to work while also letting us straddle the adorable gerl. Adjust to focus on her face as she approaches the workings end as we realize through the bond and Quill Song just how wonderfully unaware of everything aside from her focused task she is.


Get to enjoy her twin startled reaction to both being finished with the etchings… and our looming grin.


"H-hi. Did I do a good job?" Xafra asks with surprising timidity.


"Good? No no no no. Better than good. You did excellent. It's perfect. Our Xafra has woven a masterpiece across her Mistresses." We purr while letting tendrils titter and nibble as we flood the bond with our delight. "So much... That we'd like to demand that you make it permanent. What will that entail?"


"Gosh. Okay. So, it will be a bit more of a process, because I was planning on melting some of my iron and mixing it with pigment and a slight Fleshcraft weave to make them into like, metallic tattoos that would grow back with the scales if damaged."


We go still at... at that. Scales flexing like old brumble flesh at the idea as we murmur. "How long will it take? And what will you need? We'd adore to have this done tonight. Buuut... won't deny our Xafra the chance to enjoy her well-earned reward after such an impressive working."


"Not long, it's mostly just gathering the pigment, severing some of my iron, and melting it, then the weave would add it to your form where the negative space from the carving is. Probably... an hour?"


We nod while Canting ::Gather/Retrieve:: to Krahe, sending her off in a crack of motion. "Your Pack Sister will see to gathering the needed materials for us."


"This is really neat." Adaline says, gazing over the carvings with longing.


"Isn't it?" We sit up while settling our thighs to still hold Xafra beneath us. Grinning back at Adaline. "We'd never seriously considered such things until she wove them about one of us. But... Hm... What designs would you muse at getting across your Frame?"


"Oh um..." Adaline lowers her voice in embarrassment "The Seraph mark on my sternum."


"We're... not familiar with that design." Tilting our head, we consider her chest and the spot mentioned. Respectfully imagining this unfamiliar image between her tits. Not at all distracted by her Frame's twisting curves as our tendrils titter and click in enjoyment. "But we can picture a great many things looking wonderful in that spot."


"It's… Um, a spider silhouette in silver inside a circle of gold."


"Oh, that would look lovely." We nod, finally letting our eyes dance up to hers. "Sounds to be a striking design, elegant even. A good choice. Although... We're at a loss as to what the symbol signifies. Don't recall this from any of our travels or mention in our times together. Could you enlighten us?"


Adaline squirms under our stare as the rest of the Pack smirk and hide giggles.


"Aaaaaaa.” She finally blurts out. “The Seraph is the character in my story. She's a hero with eight legs and a trenchcoat, and she fights for love and friendship against the Dark Lord Snurgle and his Depression Spirits"


"We..." I can't stop the grin and delighted tittering of our tendrils as I reach out to take up her hand. "That's wonderful! Adaline this... This seems amazing and that's with me knowing everything you craft will be brilliant regardless. I'd love to know more. You'll have to gush at me about this next we're not surrounded by voracious Pack Sisters."


At that moment Krahe comes tumbling down the stairs. Giggling as she easily protects the handful of pigments clutched close while hopping up and over to deposit them next to our leg and Xafra's shoulder. I ignore the silly gerl for now and focus my everything on Adaline.


"If... if you're willing. Of course. My..." 


No hesitations. Eyes Forward. Claim the happiness offered and asked for! 


"My Wife's passions are so very important to me." I finally murmur as softly and evenly as I can.


Adaline's eyes widen as whatever was about to tumble from those gorgeous lips is lost in stammering before she darts forward to lick my face while pulling us into a tight embrace. "You silly Witch. Of course I'll share."


I squeeze her back so tightly. Only realizing how we'll need to actually not do that as hard as we can when her Frame creaks a bit. Pulling away to blink away tears we then press forehead to hers while whispering softly. "Thank you."


Then I kiss her again, almost and so very tempted to postpone all else and tackle her backways to the bed but... Instead we pull back. Take a steady breath and look down to regard the grinning gerl we're still straddling. "Alright, Xafra. Let's see you finish this weaving."


"Okay. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Xafra hesitates for a long moment like she's just then considering something. "You realize that when I say I'm going to use my iron that it will temporarily diminish me until I can manifest more, which will take at least a few days, yes?"


We tip-tap our lips in thought. "Yes, we assumed there would be a cost. And we intend the next few days to be quiet things of rest for you all. Buuut..." Leaning down, we adjust to gently brush fingers over her sides while asking. "Could we supply the replacements for you? There is a trove of interesting materials just... lying about down below in sealed cradles. Not just Moonwaste and iron but things without classification. Possibly even the substance you mentioned used to reinforce your bones."


"I would appreciate that, as it's much much easier to integrate new material than to generate it. And um… you both could help me design my new base form as well?"


"You know Calix is gonna want to watch you eat rocks, right?" Adaline snickers.


"As long as he doesn't try to copy me, it's fine. That clod of mud was hard enough to clean out of his chassis."


"I think Calix has found something or... someone else to occupy his mouth these days." We giggle, then cup Xafra's cheek. "And we'd be delighted to help. You've been... far too long delayed in that form's shaping."


"It didn't feel right, doing it before you were comfortable in your own body."


"I guessed that. And..." With a sigh we nod, gathering this gerl's small form up in our embrace to whisper. "Despite the guilt it means so much to me that you waited. That... that I'm in a better place to help and give meaningful advice and inspirations. Even learn more about our own form while doing so. Thank you."


"You're welcome. Shall I start now?" Xafra asks.


With one last squeeze we settle her back down beneath us and offer our arms. "Yes."


As I watch, Xafra's left hand disappears at the wrist and one of the leaves of her blade extends out her chest which she casually snaps off with her right hand. Her Ousia tendrils pick up and open the jars of pigment causing it all to flow down her throat, quickly followed by the leaf of iron. "Gonna melt it in my chest... it's going to be a bit hot, so if it gets uncomfortable, feel free to move."


We wriggle and settle our hips tighter about her. "We'll consider it."


She closes her eyes and smiles softly, a guttural song beginning deep in her throat. Over the next half hour the wordless song continues, smoke flowing slowly out of her nose as her mouth continues to take in air and her chest heats up.


We don't interrupt her, and let our Pack fall into a gentle quiet. Quills hum and tendrils still titter a bit as we settle deeper into the stillness and enjoy this bubbling of warmth and creation. And she wasn't wrong, her Frame is becoming warmer by the heartbeat but... our scales seems to handle heat better than the old flesh. And honestly, the smoldering blaze sinking upwards from the gerl and into our thighs and everything between is far too perfect to even consider pulling away from.


More time passes until Xafra raises her remaining arm, a swirl of her Ousia emanating from each hollow fingertip and branching out to precisely coat every carved mark on our body.


"This will likely hurt for a moment. Brace yourself and say when." Xafra rasps, smoke billowing out of her mouth.


We smirk down at her. "Go ahead."


Liquid gray-green black pigmented metal streams from her hand in a cascade of heat and light that bridges the gap between her and us in a single searing moment. Starting from somewhere around our stomach and slithering all across our form in a wonderfully slow cascade of tearing pain that… That feels so much like Xafra’s using this mixture to peel our new scales away and take a peek at the mess beneath.


Time frozen as the pain of her weaving burns her workings and iron into permanence across us.


For a cluster of uncountable heartbeats we are as close in mind as we'll ever be... Not one person, never that, but… two cords twisted about and wrung so tight you’d think something within one should probably crack or split.


And when the sensation finally ends, we've collapsed back on top of this gerl with smoke still wafting from her nose. Letting the leftover warmth from her chest roil through our newly wrought scales.


Feels like… like something changed within us? Finished? It's hard to... to focus through the afterglow of it all.


We take stock. Slowly consider ourselves and find that our Physis tendrils are crackling and sparking and wrapped about our Xafra as tight as they’ve ever done. Not hurting her. Never that. But…


We blearily push ourselves up, feel such a mess of sweat and drool and... well... yes. Of course there is a mess between our legs but that makes more sense to us than the rest of what we're feeling.


"That looks so good, Mistresses. They shine on your scales!" Schatzi exclaims.


We glance down and… oh.


She’s right. What was dark carvings into scales is now laid with rivers of glimmering jade. Sparkling with vibrant color and iron and even when we flex them the causeways don’t split or distort. Only stretch and extend and dance across us. And we feel them. Their weight. Both physically but… but also in a deeper way. A manner we can’t grasp or understand with our minds all mushy from an evening of good sex after a day of such stressful tasks. 


Xafra offers us a weary smile as she looks up at us in exhaustion.


“Yes. You’re right, Schatzi. We…” The words come out as barely a whisper as we adjust to fall upon the bed beside Xafra, then pull the gerl close and into our embrace. “They’re perfect. Everything we wanted and needed. Thank you. We… feel something new and special about them and… but we… we should sleep first. Before we try to... to understand.”


"Sleep sounds... really really good. Shall we. Heh. Continue after some rest?" Xafra asks.


We giggle and nuzzle her close. “Of course.”


Then our Pack gathers around us, entwining limbs all about as the Quills settle into a song of calming peace with titters of joy and victory and… and such deep enjoyment.


Making us feel so much that this spot between them all is exactly where we belong.





SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

SO COME JOIN US or ask these character directed questions here! Rules are simple. No spoilers for future chapters, be kind. Must ask the Characters your questions!



Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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