A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse


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Sitting on top of Ranga, Tomoya held Remmi in her lap as they made their way towards their destination. “This is quite fast. Not bad Ranga.”
“Tomoya-sama praises me too much. I am only doing what I should do for my Master.” It seemed everyone called Tomoya, Tomoya-sama except Remmi and Haruna.
“Ranga, it’s true your speed is very fast. If we had to walk, this would take more than a week. But Tomo, are you sure it was okay to only bring Gobta?” Remmi was worried that if anything happened, they would not have enough people to deal with it.
“Don’t worry. We have plenty of people. If anyone dares to make a scene, I will hit them.” Tomoya really couldn’t wait to hit those idiots who tried to rob Gobta the first time they arrived.
“Why do I feel like you hitting anyone is bad news?” Remmi did not know how strong Tomoya truly was just yet. But her casual attitude and confidence about things made Tomoya seem very strong.
“It’s fine…. Maybe….” Tomoya was actually not too sure about this. She had yet to fight anyone, so she did not know if her skills being halved was to put her on par with the strongest beings in this world or not.
“It’s the maybe I am worried about!” Remmi sighed. But she was also glad to have someone like Tomoya with her in this new world. It made her feel safe and secure. 
“Ahahaha…” Tomoya let out a laugh as she urged Ranga to move faster. 
The trip was much faster than had been expected since Tomoya was egging Ranga on to move past his limits and move faster. When their Destination came into view, they stopped on top of a hill where Gobta tumbled off the wolf he had been riding. “Why did you have to move so fast!? This is why your breasts are so smal…. Oofff!”
A green figure was seen flying through the air, crashing into a tree head-first. “There! Tomoya dusted her hands off as she smiled. “Ah right… we need the twerp. Remmi, can you toss a healing potion on him? He needs to act as bait.”
 “Bait…” Remmi had no idea what was going to happen, but she had a bad feeling. 
Ranga had to stay outside the city, but Tomoya and the rest did not. Tomoya held Remmi while Gobta stood behind them with a large sack. The line was quite long but moving at an okay pace, only stopping when the guards had to search a wagon. “Oi! Oi! Who allowed monsters to line up here!?”
“Hmm?” Tomoya turned to see a group of thugs looking at Gobta. “Do you have a problem with my companion?”
“Huh? Stay out of this before you get hurt!” Thug A took out his sword and pointed it at Tomoya.
“Remmi, that can be considered a threat, right?” Tomoya asked.
“Mmm… Definitely a threat. Gobta, I want you to close your eyes and cover your ears.” Remmi did not like it when people threatened her friends.
“Huh? Okay….” Gobta did not understand but did as he was told. He crouched down and covered his ears while closing his eyes tightly. 
“Oh? You going to start something?” Thug B asked with a sneer.
“Start? No, I will finish it.” Tomoya held Remmi in one hand before bringing her fist back and smashing it forward.
“Hey! Tomo, that will kill….” Remmi cried out, but it was already too late. Thug B looked at the dainty white fist that was growing bigger and bigger until it covered his entire face.
A strong wind blew past Thug B’s face. Remmi had used her webbing to change Tomoya’s fist’s direction. She knew if she had not done that, the man would have lost half his body.  “Tch…. Remmi, why did you get in the way?” 
“Look!” Remmi motioned for Tomoya to look in the direction her fist had gone. It looked as if someone had come by and dug up a long stretch of earth in a coned area. 
“Ah!” Tomoya frowned. She did not use her full force just now, so just how powerful was she? 
“Mo-Monster!” The thugs all turned and ran away, not daring to stick around any longer.
“What is going on here!?” A bunch of dwarven guards ran up. They looked at the thugs running away and then at the 
“Ah… ummm…. Someone tried to rob us, and I umm….” Tomoya pretended not to be able to answer while Remmi stared at her in confusion. 
A little while later….
“Not bad we got in.” Tomoya leaned back against the jail bed.
“I don’t think this is the time to be relaxing!” Remmi, who was stuck in a barrel, felt like Tomoya had planned this all out!
“It’s fine, it’s fine. By the way, fill that barrel up with healing potions. We will be needing it soon.” Tomoya whispered softly. Remmi did not know how Tomoya knew they would be needing it but she did not question it and did as she was told.
A little while later, a guard stood in front of the jail cell. “So we caught the thugs and talked to eyewitnesses. It seemed they, indeed, did start things first. So you guys are….”
Before the guard could finish what he was going to say, another guard came rushing into the room. “We got trouble!” 

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