A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

On Ward To Dwargon

43+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne


“Ah~!” Remmi slowly regained consciousness, and the first thing she heard was a very familiar sound. She looked around to see a green beauty bouncing up and down on top of Tomoya…. “Umm…. What… What is going on?”

“Oh, Remmi! Hehe, one sec, let me give Haruna her yuri milk.” Tomoya replied with a smile before releasing inside Haruna. Haruna’s body shuddered as she went limp. Tomoya then slipped out of her and cast cleanse on the both of them before turning to Remmi, who was staring at her in confusion.

“Are you not a girl!?” Remmi asked, unsure of what to make of this whole situation.

“One hundred percent! I just have a clit that grows bigger than any man’s dick.” Tomoya replied with a smile. “If you need me to prove it, I can show you, but only if you are a girl.”

“I’m a girl, but you do not need to show me.” Remmi had to admit she was very curious, but she was still unable to come out and say such a thing at this time.

“You will see it sooner or later anyway, so no rush.” Tomoya grinned as she lifted Haruna up and placed her on the bed. “By the way, do not give Haruna any heavy work. She is pregnant.”

“What!? You can impregnate girls!?” Remmi was shocked. She did not understand.

Tomoya nodded and answered: “Mmm… it’s kind of like a skill. It’s hard to explain, but it’s something a stupid goddess gave me.”

- - -

“Ahhh! Chooo!” A certain stupid goddess let out a loud sneeze, almost dumping her beer.

“Aqua, you okay?” A girl in a pointed hat asked as she looked at the drunk girl next to her.

“Yeah… Probably, someone is saying good things about me…. Hehe…. I feel sick….”

- - -

“I see. That is quite amazing. So I guess this means you like other girls?” Remmi asked out of curiosity.

“Yep! Well, I guess that is a given since I have been banging Haruna for a few days now.” Tomoya stretched her arms, walked over to Remmi, and rubbed the top of the slime's head, causing Remmi to suddenly feel relaxed. “So what are we doing from here on out?”

“I was thinking… While I do not mind helping, could you ummm…. Take over leadership? I really am not cut out for this.” Remmi’s voice sank. She had been thinking about it since before the naming.

“Rejected! I do not want to rule anything. I will be here to help, so do not worry so much. You will make a fine ruler and will grow very powerful this I promise.” Tomoya picked Remmi up and held her in her arms. “Trust me. As people from different worlds, we need to stick together. I will be the shadow behind the head. You just do what you think is right, and if anyone wishes to harm you, I will step in and destroy them.”

“Then…. I will be counting on you.” Remmi let out a sigh. She had failed to pass the buck.

“You can.” Tomoya grinned, but in her mind, she thought: ‘I have to take care of my slime waifu after all. I will have to work hard to make sure you are one hundred percent girl in the future.’ This was why Tomoya was fine with Remmi seeing her naked. Because she was sure she could brainwas….steer Remmi into fully believing she is a girl.

A little while later….

“So we need some craftsmen…..” Remmi was at a loss as to what to do.

Seeing Remmi not thinking outside the box again made Tomoya wonder if Remmi was different from the slime she knew from the start or due to her changing things up a bit. “Do you trade with anyone?”

“Trade? Yes. We sometimes go to the Armed Nation of Dwargon. They allow trade between all races, even monsters.” Rigurd replied.

“Alright, then, we will head there. Remmi, that is okay, right?” Tomoya turned the attention back to Remmi.

“Ye-Yes. We will do as Tomoya has said and head to Dwargon.” Remmi felt a little bad it was something she should have handled, but in the end, it was Tomoya who stepped up to help her out. Lately, she had been really kind of out of it. She had begun losing some of her past life’s memories. Like she felt like she was not a girl in her past life, but now…. She was having a hard time remembering correctly. “Let’s get a team ready to head out.”

After everyone left the room, only Tomoya and Remmi were left. Remmi bounced over to Tomoya and looked up at her. “Tomo, do you remember your past life?”

“Me? Yeah. Why are you having issues?” Tomoya raised an eyebrow at Remmi’s questions. She wondered if this was the reason for Remmi’s change. She wondered if she had somehow caused the story to make Remmi forget her past life so she would think she was truly a girl.

“Yeah, I can’t remember what I looked like or what my name was. It’s hazy and kind of scares me….” Remmi replied.

“I don’t think past lives even matter anymore now that you are in a new world and new body. You are already a slime, right? You say you are a girl, so just go with that. Try to remember what you can that will help you in the future and nothing else. After all, you are you, are you not?”

“I guess so…. Thanks.” Remmi felt slightly better. She was glad to have Tomoya at her side.

[Remmi’s Affection: +5 ]
[Current: 15]
[Affection Status Changed: Friends]

Seeing the Notification made Tomoya raise an eyebrow. She was not sure what exactly was going on but she was not complaining since this was very helpful!

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