A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Hard Decision

--AN) 36+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne--

“Tomo?” Tio noticed Tomoya was spaced out. 

“Huh? Ah! Sorry. I was just looking at my stats, and well…. I think I might have just become the most powerful person on this planet.” Tomoya replied. Even she was shocked at her stats. She did not even want to know what they would be like if she used limit break. 

“Tomo, you were the strongest from the start.” In Tio’s mind, Tomoya was always the strongest. 

“Well, at least now I know it will be much easier to deal with the unknown threat. Once Shea is back, we  can….” The sky suddenly brightened over the horizon as a massive shock wave swept by. Tomoya stared in the direction the shock wave came from and sighed. “It seems Shea is really going all out. I wonder if the empire will still be standing after those rabbits are done.”

“Well, you did just unleash a powerful blood-crazed race on the empire. I do not think there will be much left.” Tio knew the Haulia tribe was no longer the weak rabbits but a murderous bunch who were brainwashed by Tomoya. Whether it was on purpose or not, it seemed forcing them to fight to the bottom of the abyss was enough to break them completely.

“Hehe.” Tomoya giggled. She could see the rabbits going crazy, slaughtering everyone in their path. “They will be useful later on. I do wonder which world I should go to next, though.” 

 “Oh? What do you mean?” Tio was curious when she heard the word world.

“Well, since Noint is pregnant, I have reached my quota. But I do not have to leave the world I am on right away. I will keep my promise to Kaori and Shizuku and smack the shit out of that dumb ass, but once we are done, I will be leaving. But I am stuck between a world that is kind of like this world and a world that would be more relaxing. But I feel I could get stronger on the world that is like this one. I do not know what worlds await me. While I wouldn’t mind a small vacation, chasing cute girls doesn’t sound so bad, either, even if they can’t do much. But then again, there are plenty of cute girls in the other world, too, and plenty of different races!” Tomoya really was drawn on what to do. She could only sigh and decide to wait for now. She would decide later after she took care of what needed to be taken care of.

“Forget it. Let’s deal with the situation at hand. First, let’s get the soul magic, and then I will speak with Liliana again to see what she wants to do.” Tomoya patted Tio on the head and gave her a kiss before switching to Noint, whose eyes showed brightly when Tomoya gave her attention. 

“So Noint ended up pregnant. I am quite surprised. But congratulations.” Tio was indeed shocked that an apostle was able to get pregnant. But she was also happy that Noint was on their side and was now officially her sister.

“Pregnant?” Noint looked confused. She did not understand this concept.

“It means you will give birth to Tomo’s baby. You will become a mother.” Tio explained softly.

Noint’s eyes widened in shock before turning to look at Tomoya, who nodded, confirming that what Tio said was true. Noint looked down at her stomach and gently touched it. A soft smile formed on her lips. “A mother…. I will be a mother….” For the first time in Noint’s life, tears began to roll down her cheeks. Not sad tears but tears of happiness. She, who once had no thoughts of her own, was now going to be a mother to a child she would birth. Her teary-eyed gaze lifted as she looked at Tomoya. “Master…. You have given me so much. I do not know how to repay you.”

“Just raise our child well, is all. You do not need to repay me as you are now my wife.” Tomoya gently stroked the top of Noint’s head. A girl who was locked in darkness was now experiencing so many things. Tomoya was glad she was able to bring Noint to her side. 

“Tomo, look.” Tio pointed at the old man standing within the rubble of the church.

Tomoya grinned and took both girls’ hands. “Let’s go get some free magic, shall we?”

A little while later, inside Eden, Noint was surrounded by all the girls. “ No fair! Noint and went and one-upped me!” Suzu was shocked. She wondered if her womb was not working!

“Calm down, Suzu. Not everyone gets pregnant on their first time having sex. Look how many times it took for me to get pregnant.” Yue couldn’t even remember how many loads of yuri milk Tomoya shot into her womb. Her stomach would always protrude out when she was done.

Tomoya scratched her chin, feeling slightly bad. Three of his girls were still waiting to become pregnant. And two…. Tomoya’s gaze swept past Remia and Shizuku, who seemed to have melded into her wife's collection without becoming official. Remia saw Tomoya looking at her and gave her a teasing smile while Shizuku blushed from ear to ear. Seeing her blush like that made Tomoya decide it was time to give a small push.

“So wait, does that mean we left the other world?” Kaori asked. She thought they would end up world-jumping if someone else became pregnant.

“No… It seems I can decide when we leave, so we will not be leaving anyone behind. Shea and the others are still in the empire, and I will keep my promise about shit-Kouki.” Tomoya caught herself from calling the dumbass a shithead.

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