A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Leaving It To Her

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“Eri, as I said, the only one who can save you is Liliana, and right now, you are about to lose your head. All Liliana needs to do is give me the word, and I will cut your head off. She is the only reason you are still alive.” Tomoya said as she stopped at a door and opened it. It was nothing more than an empty maintenance closet. She tossed Eri inside and cast a barrier around it. “Stay here and think about what you have done.”

“You! Sakagami! I will remember this, you bitch!” Eri’s scream fell on deaf ears as Tomoya closed the door to the room. With the barrier in place, no one could enter it, and Eri could not escape. Only Ehit himself might be able to break the barrier. But he could not descend on his own.

Tomoya then brought Liliana to another room that looked like a sitting room. It had a soft couch and a table in the front next to a large window. Tomoya helped Liliana take a seat before sealing the room off. “No one can come into this place. You can let out all your anger and sadness here. Liliana, it’s not good to hold it in.”

Tomoya had no idea if what she was saying was helpful or not. But she still took a seat next to the crestfallen girl and began stroking the top of her head in hopes of allowing her to relax. Thanks to her head patting skill being SS+, Liliana did end up melting under the head pats. Her eyes began to water up, and she clung on to the closest thing to her, bursting into tears.

Tomoya sat there and continued to pat the girl’s head. She did not mind waiting for Liliana. She was still young and stuck in a position that would make her the leader of this kingdom. As such, her days were just beginning, but Tomoya hoped to change her struggle from becoming the proxy queen to leaving this world with her. Liliana was such a good girl. She deserved a life without pain and suffering.

“Liliana. You may feel lost. You may think the world is over, but it is not. You can push forward and grab onto the only thing you have left, or you can live a new life. One that I can give you. You will no longer be Princess Liliana but just plain old Liliana. The choice is yours. This kingdom. This world is going to hell. The demons will soon attack this city. At that time, I can drive them away, but what about the future? I will not be staying on this world much longer, and I can not see fit to watch a young girl who is doing her best for everyone to lose her life early.” Tomoya spoke softly as she continued to pat Liliana’s head. She had not realized her words sounded like a proposal. Liliana, whose face was buried into Tomoya’s shoulder, was bright red.

Tomoya had not expected to have to deal with Eri. It seemed things were still trying to keep on track with the story. Luckily, she still had plenty of time. She only needed to kill Kouki and then impregnate her silly rabbit. Tomoya also did not realize her train of thought was very skewed. She was supposed to be trying to bring Kouki back for the sake of her wives, but now it turned into just killing the idiot.

“I…. I need to think about it….” Liliana finally replied through words laced with sobs. “It’s not that I hate you, but this is a big step.”

“Okay. Take your time. I will ask again at a later date. For now, I need to go destroy the church. It’s in my way.” Tomoya gave Liliana another head pat before standing up. But before she left the room, she decided to say a few words. “Liliana, life is hard. It will always be hard. But life is not something that needs to be lonely. Follow your heart. Do what you think is right. As long as you are satisfied, that is all that matters. I need to go check on Suzu. I am sure she is waiting for me. I will put a barrier up so no one can harm you, so just stay here and rest.”

Tomoya smiled at Liliana, opened the portal to Eden, and entered it, leaving Liliana in the room by herself. As soon as Tomoya was gone, Liliana fell onto the couch face-first. She seemed to have forgotten all about her father’s death as she kicked her feet up and down and squealed. “She asked me to marry her!”

It seemed that head pats from Tomoya could cause memory loss. Or maybe it was just her charm kicking into overdrive. Whatever it was, Liliana had the look of a love-struck maiden.

In side Eden, Tomoya quickly arrived at her house to find the girls all surrounding Suzu. Suzu eyes were slightly swollen and red from crying. “Suzu, come here.”

Tomoya’s voice fell upon Suzu’s ears. She looked up and charged at her lover, hugging her tightly. “Tomo!” Her tears once more began to fall.

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