A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Liliana And Suzu

33+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne


“Are you calm now?” Tomoya asked as she stroked the top of Suzu’s head.
“Mmm… Sorry.” Suzu blushed and lowered her head. She did not wish for Eri to die since they were friends. But she also knew that it would not be possible. Eri had killed too many people. The king of all people. Liliana’s father. There was no way she would escape the death penalty. It just took some time to let go.
“No need to be sorry. Everyone has a time when they will be sad. Eri was your friend, so I can understand your sadness. That is why we are all here, not telling you that you are wrong but here to support you.” Tomoya spoke softly as she hugged Suzu close. “You will never have to go through pain and suffering alone. Me and your sisters will all be there for you.”
“Thanks.” Suzu looked up at Tomoya and then at Yue and the others, who nodded their heads and smiled. She felt blessed. She was glad she made the decision to become one of Tomoya’s wives.
A few hours later…
Tomoya and Suzu were now sitting in the room with Liliana. The Princess was red from ear to ear and kept sneaking glances at Tomoya the entire time Suzu was speaking. “So, Princess, I will not go against whatever you decide.”
“Huh?” Liliana had not been paying attention at all to what Suzu was saying.  Her attention was solely focused on Tomoya.
Suzu looked at Liliana and then at Tomoya and held her head. “Tomo…. I think you need to leave the room.”
“Hmmm? Uh? Okay?” Tomoya was oblivious to the fact that her presence was taking up all of Liliana’s attention. She got up and gave Suzu a kiss on the lips before leaving the room.
“Now then…. Princess. It seems you have taken a liking to Tomoya?” Suzu already knew the answer but still had to ask this question. 
“I…. I…. She asked me to marry her…. And I….. What should I do!?” Liliana’s pupils had turned to hearts. She was now a young maiden in love.
Suzu looked at the young girl, who seemed to have forgotten her father was dead. She wondered just what kind of mind control Tomoya used on the girl. “Well, we can discuss that at a later time. Princess Liliana, I need to know what you want to do with Eri. She…. She Killed your father….” Suzu hated snapping Liliana out of her fantasies, but she had no choice. This was important, after all.
“I know….” Liliana took a deep breath and switched gears. “While I do mourn my father’s death, one can not dwell on what has already been done. The murderer has already been captured and will be put to death according to the laws of this world. Miss Suzu, I do hope you understand. While I do know she is your friend, as a victim, I have a right to decide on what happens next.”
“No, I understand. I came here to apologize on Eri’s behalf. While I know it is pretty much meaningless. I should have seen the signs much earlier, but I did not. I am sorry. If I was more attentive, then maybe your father…” Suzu was starting to blame herself, but before she could continue, Liliana stopped her.
“You are not the one in the wrong. You have done nothing to harm me or my family. It is your friend who has done wrong and must answer for her crimes. A life for a life as our laws deem it. If you wish to say goodbye, I can arrange it.” Liliana did not want to keep Suzu from saying her last goodbyes to her friend. She did not have the heart to allow Eri to live, but she could at least allow the last goodbye.
“No. I already said my goodbyes. I only came here because I wanted to apologize. Eri killed your father and more. Her crimes are too grave. I only hope after she dies, you will be okay. And from the looks of it. With Tomo around, you will be just fine. If you wish to come with us and be by Tomo’s side, I suggest you make up your mind soon. Once we take care of a few things, we will be leaving this world.” Suzu stood and bowed her head. “Thank you for meeting with me.”
“I will give Miss Tomoya my answer soon. And thank you as well. If my decision does make us sisters, I would be very happy.” Liliana put on a bright smile, which made Suzu wonder if such an innocent girl would survive even five seconds with Tomoya. But she had to admit, it would probably be a better life than the ever-looming death that seems to hover over everyone in this world. 
“I hope so, too,” Suzu said her goodbyes and left the room. 
Only when Suzu left did Lilana’s body tremble ever so slightly. “I need to settle things first. I will deal with Father and the kingdom before making my final decision. Although I do believe the church will begone before I do.”
Liliana tapped her finger off the table for a moment before standing up. “I guess I can just give that man all the power. While I do love my kingdom, I will only be working myself to my death. I would pass the throne to my brother but how many years will that take? Tomoya will not be here for long. She said to follow my heart, and my heart is telling me to follow her…..”
Liliana sat back down and leaned against the couch. “My mind is a mess…. I should slowly think about things today…”

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