A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse


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Tomoya, like Hajime, made a small little hideout next to the stairs leading down to the fifty-first floor. Sparks flew as the smell of cooked meat floated through the air. On one of the floors, Tomoya had found herself in a forest, so she made sure to grab a good amount of wood.

Yue sat at the side while Tomoya roasted meat and was making some kind of contraption she had never seen before. “What is this?”

“These are grenades. This one is a flash grenade. This one is a normal explosive grenade, and this one here is a shrapnel grenade.” Tomoya explained.

“What’s a gre-na-de?” Yue had never heard of such a thing before.

“It’s an explosive or, to better explain, a kind of magic that doesn’t require magic. The containers are made of a kind of rock that, when smashed, will produce a fire. The insides are filled with different ores that do different things under high heat. One is a flash-bang that will make a bright light when it hits the ground. This one will just explode, doing a lot of damage to an area. And this one…. Well, when we use this one, we will need to be far away, or else we will be caught up in it.” Tomoya elaborated. She hoped her explanation was easy to understand. She did not know the science behind it all herself, but it seemed that Hajime had the protagonist’s halo for sure with how he was able to make things without much knowledge.

“Oh. Tomoya….” Yue crawled over to Tomoya, her red eyes glowing slightly. “I’m hungry.”

Tomoya swept her hair to the side so the blood-sucking vamp could get a meal. Yue did not waste a single second as she licked her lips and dived right in. Tomoya could feel her small chest pressed against her and the warm feeling on her neck as the vamp sucked and licked away. She did not even need to lick, but she still did! Tomoya could feel her lower half warming up as well. How could he not be turned on by this damn sexy vampire?

“Pah!” Yue made a sound as she released Tomoya. “Thank you for the food.”

“Do you need to make sound effects when sucking blood?” Tomoya asked teasingly.

Yue blushed slightly before biting into Tomoya’s neck again to hide her embarrassment. She did not suck her blood. She only sat there hugging Tomoya while her fangs pierced her neck, and her tongue danced across her skin.

After about half a minute, Yue let go and smiled mischievously at Tomoya. Tomoya smiled back. She so wanted to strip the girl naked and have her way with her. However, she was new to all of this and did not know how to approach the situation. She felt that the current state of her affection meter was high enough, but she was still unsure since the stupid goddess did not say anything! Sadly, she died a virgin who had shut herself in at the prime of her life.

After eating, Tomoya laid down and closed her eyes. She had not slept for a few days and had to fight that stupid monster, which died much easier than she had originally thought, took a lot out of her. She also spent time making more grenades for later use. Yue curled up next to Tomoya and closed her eyes as well. She did not need to sleep, but she also did not wish to disturb Tomoya.

A few hours later, Tomoya woke up to Yue half lying on top of her. She smiled and rubbed the top of the Loli Vamp’s head. Yue lifted her head, looked at Tomoya, and smiled: “Awake now?”

“Mmm…. I needed a small rest.” Tomoya replied. “We should get moving. We need to find the exit.”

“How do you know?” Yue asked curiously.

“What was this place called again… The Great Orcus Labyrinth? It’s said to have a hundred floors, but it seems to have more than that since I ended up passing the first hundred. There is no way up from the hundredth and first floor, so the only way is down. If my thinking is correct, the bottom floor should lead to an exit. Yue, do you know how to get out of this place?” While knowing the entire story, Tomoya decided it would be best to stick a bit to the normal storyline.

“No. I only know that the Mavericks built this place and were messengers of the gods who rebelled against their masters during the Age of Gods.” Yue replied.

“They fought against their gods?” Tomoya asked, sticking as close to the script as possible.

Yue gave a small nod as she answered: “It’s said that the Mavericks tried to destroy the world, but they ultimately failed and fled into their labyrinths.”

“So that means the Great Orcus Labyrinth….” Tomoya let out a sigh.

“Yes, and it is believed that each Maverick resides at the bottom of their labyrinth. If we go there, we might be able to find an exit….. But my guess is that you already knew this, or else you would not have said the exit might be at the bottom….” Yue squinted her eyes, showing a doubtful gaze.

Tomoya scratched her head and looked away. “I will admit I know quite a bit, but it’s just that I was wondering more about the Mavericks themselves.”

“Sure~!” Yue grinned as she hopped onto Tomoya and bit into her neck, drinking a few swigs of blood before letting her go. She stared deeply into Tomoya’s eyes and licked her lips seductively. “Taste’s sweet.”

Tomoya took a deep breath and tried to bear with it. Her night would soon come once they reached the bottom floor! She just had to wait! Then she could ravage this stupid Loli Vamp all she wanted!

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