A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Preparing For The Battle…

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Remmi looked up at Tomoya to see what she thought about this, only for Tomoya to smile and shrug. “I am following you. You can do as you want.”

Tomoya had no plans to interfere any more than making Remmi her waifu. She wanted the story to flow as it should and would only step in if there were some kind of changes to the world, like what had happened in the last world with the strange aliens.

“Then…. Let’s help them.” Remmi did not know much about this world as it was, and it seemed Tomoya was also new to this world. But she did find it strange that Tomoya, who was definitely stronger than her, was willing to follow her lead.

The goblin camp was just as Tomoya expected, but it was much different seeing it in real life. But surprisingly the smell was not all that bad. Golbins in this world had both males and females, so there was no kidnapping of females.

An old goblin stood before them, holding a staff shaking like a leaf. “We are grateful that you are willing to help us. The dire wolves have been attacking since the loss of our god. We hope that you can help us in some way with how strong you are.”

“Strong?” Remmi tilted her head to the side in confusion. Remmi had her great sage skill change her view perception and was surprised to see that magic seemed to pour out of her body. “Oh!”

“Hehe.” Tomoya giggled as she patted Remmi’s head.

“You knew already, didn’t you!?” Remmi turned away from Tomoya. If she had arms and a head, she would cross them in front of her chest and pout. It was only when this thought came to mind that Remmi realized she was really starting to take herself as a girl, but she had to admit she was really not against the idea. If she ever got a chance to get a human form, she would not mind being a girl at all, especially when she had fluff to snuggle into.

Remmi sucked in her aura, making it disappear before turning her perception back to normal. “We will be glad to help.”

“Oh! Thank you!” The elderly goblin replied while bowing his head.

“Remmi will come up with the plan. I will sit back and watch. If anyone looks like they are going to die, I will save them, don’t worry. I am only here to help Remmi.” Tomoya wanted to make it clear that she had no plans to intervene unless needed.

“We should prepare!” Remmi began going about her business while Tomoya watched from behind, just like in the works. Remmi had the goblins build a kind of fortress outside their shoddy fencing.

Tomoya could help and build a much better defense but she was worried that too much interference would cause Remmi to become weaker. She wanted the same powerful Remmi as in the novel and anime.

“I wonder how many years I will be in this world,” Tomoya mumbled. She hoped that once she impregnated enough girls, she could bring her other wives here and bolster the strength of the kingdom that Remmi would create. She hoped breaking the storyline would allow them to tour this new world. She hated how they were stuck in Eden without much to do.

“Tomo, did you say something?” Remmi asked. She could have sworn she heard something.

“Nothing important. I was just thinking. By the way, Remmi, what are your plans if the dire wolves break through the first line of defense? These goblins will not survive for long? You healed them all with your potions earlier, but if they get a fatal strike, that is it. I think we should come up with a few secondary plans.” Because of some uncertainties, Tomoya wanted Remmi to be ready for anything. She would not physically help during combat, but that did not mean she would not throw out ideas that would help Remmi grow.

“Hmmm… What about a few pitfalls? Maybe some trip lines?” Tomoya was trying to come up with some crude traps that the goblins could make.

“I don’t think we could make pitfalls that quickly,” Remmi replied. “The goblins do not have any proper tools for digging.”

“True….” Tomoya pursed her lips for a second before saying: “I guess I could help if it is just to create the pitfalls. You guys will need to add the extras to it and cover them.”

“Really?” Remmi asked in surprise. She did not think Tomoya was willing to help with anything and would leave it to her and the goblins.

“Yes, it’s not like I am doing much else but making some holes in the ground. But we will need our own people to make sure they do not walk over them.” Tomoya was worried that the goblins would be too frantic in running away and that they would end up falling in them themselves.

“That’s true. We have a little time, so let me look around. Maybe trip lines would be best…. But then they might trip on them. I think anything that has to be created behind the first defensive line would be bad, actually.” The more Remmi thought about it, the more she realized just how bad it might turn out.

“Don’t worry. If they do break the defensive line, I will be here. So just go with what you have. I was only making suggestions so that you always think of the what-if situations.” Tomoya patted the slime on the head before looking around.

“I understand.” Remmi was glad to have Tomoya at her side, or she might not have thought that far. This was a life-or-death battle. Even she could lose her life again, and that was the last thing she wanted.

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