A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Tomo And The Slime

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“So, do you think you can do it?” Tomoya asked the slime, who was currently being carried by her tails. 
“It’s possible, but I will need to eat Victoria,” Remmi answered. It seemed Rimuru was a very open-minded person and took to her new name quickly.
“Oh right, did you give Victoria a family name? You two will be sisters now, right?” Tomoya wanted to keep things on track since she did interrupt it a bit. Tomoya planned to make Remmi one of her wives, which meant that she would need to stick out the entire story even after she finished things up here.
“Ah! I forgot. Sorry, Tomoya’s Fluffy Tails got me hooked and made me lose myself.” Remmi hopped down from the fluff cradle and hopped over to Victoria. “How does Victoria Tempest sound?”
“Tempest…… Hahahaha! I love it! Good! From this moment on, I will be named Victoria Tempest! And you will be my sister, Remmi Tempest!” Victoria was very happy about this.
Remmi felt good. She had just reincarnated into this world. While she was no longer human and was now a slime, she really did not mind at all, even if she was somehow forced to become a girl. To her, this was not such a bad idea since it meant she could see all the boobies she wanted if she became a girl. However, she did wonder if slimes had a gender at all.
[Slimes are genderless]
Remmi sighed. She already understood this. But she had to keep up the idea of being a girl since it would mean being able to rest in Tomoya’s fluff.
“Ah, right, Remmi, you can just call me Tomo. No need to call me Tomoya. We are friends now, after all.” Tomoya was not used to people calling her anything but Tomo.
“Then Tomo it is.” Remmi hopped up and down to express her joy.
“Then I guess we should get things done and over with then? Victoria, will you be okay alone until we can break the seal?” Tomoya asked. She knew the original story but still felt bad for Victoria.
“I will be fine. I spent three hundred years alone in this place. What are a few more? Remmi, my good sister, please go ahead.” Victoria was ready to break free from this seal since there was a chance to do so she did not mind waiting in the darkness.
“Then here I go….” Remmi's body expanded into a massive tsunami and engulfed the entire barrier that trapped Victoria and, within just a few seconds, was sucked into her body.
“How does that feel?” Tomoya asked curiously.
“I don’t really feel much of anything, actually. So what now?” Remmi asked. She was looking around the cave.
“Let’s head out. You need to work on your skills anyway. I will walk behind you and keep an eye on you. This world is not easy, so gain what strength you need. From now on, I will be the one who stands at your side; you just do what you need to do.” Tomoya leaned down and patted the Remmi on her head.
“It sounds as if you are proposing to me,” Remmi said jokingly.
“Who knows.” Tomoya placed her hands behind her head and smiled slyly before walking forward. “Let’s go!”
“Oh!” Remmi gave a happy cheer and hopped forward.
The two walked through the cave while Remmi ate things and killed things. Remmi gained many skills along the way after eating the bodies of the dead monsters. After what seemed like a day, they finally arrived at a massive closed door. “This is the exit?”
“Looks like it, but how will we open it? There are no handles…” Remmi asked in confusion.
“We should first hide. I sense something coming.” Tomoya quickly scooped Remmi up and hid in the dark. The two stared at the door for a few minutes. It did not seem as if anyone was going to come, but just as Remmi was about to get impatient, the door shook and slowly began to open.
“Humans….” Remmi whispered softly.
“Just let them pass. We will leave once they are gone.” Tomoya whispered back. 
It only took a few minutes for the humans to disappear. Tomoya and Remmi quickly left the cave and found themselves in a large forest. Of course, Tomoya was already aware of this. “Nothing like taking a walk in the forest.”
“Mmm…. Hey Tomo, are you one of those summoned beings?” Remmi had been meaning to ask this for a while but had been busy working on learning how to fight.
“Hmmm… More like I dropped in.” Tomoya replied mysteriously. “I will tell you more in the future.” Tomoya did not plan to get too personal just yet. She had to slowly enter Remmi’s heart until she was one hundred percent hers. However, Tomoya did wonder if she could even impregnate a slime. But she had plenty of time to wait until then since Remmi had to meet Shizu first before she could become a human. Tomoya also had plans to bring back Shizu later on as well.
“Okay!” Remmi jumped up towards Tomoya, who caught the slime ball in her arms and the two continued walking through the forest. 
But they only got a little way when a group of goblins appeared in front of them. “Oh, great one, please help us!”

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